Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

If Greenland, Panama and Canada are Fair Game, How about...?

The illiterate imbecile Donald Trump is living in the 19th century, though he doesn't understand that he is. But his outlook on sovereignty, borders and statehood has no connection to history or reality. He just doesn't know. He just looks at things and reacts with the basic animalistic fight-or-flight reflex of organisms devoid of a developed cerberal cortex. Like chickens, for example. No nuances. 


France could demand the return of the Suez Canal from Egypt. The French engineer De Lesseps built it.

France could claim back the English channel islands that were stolen by the English: The Bailiwick of Jersey and the Bailiwick of Guernsey, consisting of Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herm and some smaller islands. What's the point of their "English" existence: they are stuck up the French coastline and their people speak French.

Argentina should try again and retake the Malvinas (English Falklands) from the bastard colonial English. The islands are right up along the Argentinian coastline. What makes them English is a fallacy born out of antiquated colonialism.

I suggest Greece, backed by the European Union, offer to buy up Turkey, the Muslim odd man in Europe which was created by a horde of barbarian central Asia Turkmen who invaded the then-Greco Roman eastern empire. For those who don't know, "Istanbul" is a distortion of "Constantinople". If Canada is fair game for Trump after 250 years, why couldn't Turkey be fair game for Greece after 400 years?

Perhaps the Arab countries could en masse demand the eradication of the artifical Jewish colony of Israel. The Zionists reclaimed - falsely I might add, based on the garbage Torah written in the Arabian desert by stinking charlatan medicine men - Palestine after 3,000 years. Now that is real progress for humanity.

In his stupid thinking, and istead of pressuring his Chinese buddy dictator the Communist Xi JinPing to finally give up Tibet (Buddhist) and Xinjiang (Muslim), Trump should tell the Chinese dictator to go ahead and take Taiwan and every other island in the China sea, as well as Korea: Look athe map, the border between Korea and China is very arbitrary. Although China is thousands of miles away, the numskull JinPing has laid claims to the Arctic because he has "interests" there. 

I wish the Lebanese were bullies: They could lay claims to the entire American continent because their ancestors, the Phoenicians, voyaged there (circa 1000 BC) long before the Vikings (1000 AD) or the Spanish (1500 AD). But in their own cultural decadence, the Lebanese can't even bully each other, let alone other people. Like in LaFontaine's fable, Le coche et la mouche, the Lebanese claim to be of greater importance than they are in reality.

It's the era of the courtyard bullies who beat up every one else for no other reason than the faxt that their brutality enables them to do so.

Trump might as well encourage Putin to take Georgia, Kazakhstan, and all these other territories and nations that were "artificially" separated form the very "natural", but now defunct, entity once called Soviet Union. Trump-Hitler might in fact be advised by his racist Jewish advisor Stephen Miller to strike a deal with Putin-Stalin and divvy up Europe: To the east, Poland, the Baltic states, Moldovia, Romania, Finland, Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria (most of whom have been electing Putin-clone criminals to power anyway), and to the west, a western Europe weakened by Trump's antics would fall at his feet for artificially-manufactured protection.

All US states, except Hawai, have at least one artificial straight line border. Just look at the map. If Canada's borders are artificial, then the entire US - as a federation of states - is an artificial country.


The Egyptian borders to the west and south are artificial lines drawn in the sand. Why doesn't Egypt's dictator Sissi annex Libya and Sudan?

Perhaps Germany could, again, reclaim the Alsace-Lorraine from France and start another war.

Finally, some action. Peace and tranquility are boring, especially for the imbecile gun-toting violent psychopath MAGA types for whom the relative peace and prosperity since 1945 are dull. How many fake bloody killings must they watch on Netflix? They want the real thing. Trump seems bent on delivering to them all their fantasies of mayhem, pillage and plunder. 

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