Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Palestinians Would be Fools to Accept the Ceasefire Trap in Gaza

After 42 days and the release of the Israeli prisoners, what guarantees do the Palestinians have that Israel would not resume its ethnic cleansing of Gaza? Qatari, Egyptian and other Arab forces, we hear, will be in Gaza on the ground to "ensure" the implementation of the ceasefire. 

Really? A couple hundred Qatari and Egyptian soldiers are sitting ducks that will very quickly withdraw at the first fireworks. Lebanon has had experience with "Arab peacekeeping forces" (very "respectable" token troops from Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Libya and the Emirates along with the existing invading Syrian forces) that came in in 1976 to guarantee that Syria's Assad will not continue its rape of the country. A few months after their arrival, they all withdrew, leaving only the Syrian barbarians to take over and continue their US-sponsored rape of the country for the next 30 years.

While Israel has upheld its agreements with Egypt and Jordan, its history with Palestine, Lebanon and Syria shows continuous violations and non-implementation of UN resolutions and agreements. Why? it has territorial expansionist ambitions there.

In Palestine, the crime is nearly complete. Gaza is already finished, and given a few more months of strarvation and killings, the Palestinians would be evicted from their ancestral lands into Egypt whose dictator Al-Sissi has prepared a concentration camp for them in the Sinaiin exchange for billions of dollars from the United States. The West Bank is subjected to a robust ethnic cleansing at the hands of terrorist settler organizations funded by American Zionists. Entire villages are encircled by illegal settlements. Olive orchards are uprooted. Palestinian villagers are killed and terrorized out of their homes. Israeli ministers have repeatedly declared their intention of annexing what remains of Palestine.

In Lebanon, no matter how many times Israel has withdrawn from an earlier invasion and occupation, it has a tendency to stick like glue in southern Lebanon. Since 1969, the problem, also US-sponsored, has not ended. In 2000, after their umpteenth invasion, Israeli forces literally handed over control of the south to their enemy Hezbollah under a secret agreement with Iran. Israel could have turned south Lebanon back to the legitimate armed forces of Lebanon and to the United Nations force (UNIFIL) posted there. But Israel preferred to maintain instability there in order to intervene at will. Pretexts of "terrorism" are their favorite excuses to steal land and expand. Right now, there is a ceasefire agreement of 60 days signed in November and which is coming to an end very soon. Yet, Israeli forces are still demolishing entire villages in the south and bombing everywhere else in the country. It looks like they want to stay there for a long haul. Again.

In Syria, as soon as their friend Bashar Assad was out of power - Israel and Syria have not waged wars on each other since 1973 per an agreement brokered by war criminal Henry Kissinger in which Assad gives up the occupied (and now annexed) Syrian Golan Heights in exchange for grabbing Lebanon, which he immediately did in 1975. But now that Assad is gone, the agreement fell through, and the Israelis seized vast expanses of territory well into the Syrian interior.

Palestinians would be utter fools for agreeing to a ceasefire agreement. Israel wants to take over all of Palestine. It does not want a Palestinian state. Not because of the excuses of terrorism and security. Netanyahu said it himself, Israel's US-furnished weapons of mass destruction can reach anywhere in the Middle East. So why would it be afraid of a tiny independent and sovereign Palestinian state? Israel wants to erase Palestine from the map. We saw the map that war criminal Netanyahu showed at the US last September: There were no West Bank and no Gaza in it. From its inception ISrael was designed as a Western colonial foothold in the Near East. The West and the Zionist movement clearly aimed from the start at eradicating Palestine and replacing it with the Jewish colony known as Israel. The Zionists have taken the long but gradual approach at achieving this objective so as to sedate the world: A slow simmering and gradual ethnic cleansing may go unnoticed, while a brutal frontal mass killing of millions of people would not be sustainable. That is one of the reasons Israel is making life unlivable for the Palestinians in the hope of pushing millions of people into a so-called "voluntary" ethnic cleansing. That is exactly what they did in 1948: They terrified the indigenous Palestinian villagers into leaving their lands and homes, then propagated the fake news that the Palestinians "left on their own" and that no one evicted them.

Mark my words: After 42 days of the presumptive ceasefire, and assuming the Israeli prisoners are released by the Palestinians, Israel will resume its bombings, killing, starvation and complete the voiding of Gaza of its Palestinian peopulation. History is full of besieged cities that decided to commit mass suicide rather than surrender: Phoenician Sidon and Tyre facing Assyrian and Persian invasions. It would be more honorable for the Palestinians to die at the hands of the Zionists than surrender. History will judge them as an honorable, not a cowardly, people.

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