Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Netanyahu and Trump's Post-Ceasefire Agreement Plans

Netanyahu killed tens of thousands of innocent indigenous Palestinians.

He also, directly or indirectly, killed at least half the Israeli prisoners in Palestinian hands. Hence, his objective to liberate these prisoners was NOT met.

He did NOT eliminate the terrorist Hamas with whom he has negotiated and now reached an agreement with.

He is going to release hundreds of Palestinian captives and resistance fighters from Israel's dungeons.

His legal tribulations for corruption are now to hound him again.

His Jewish settler terrorist ministers - Ben-Gvir and Smotrich - are resigning from his government which might fall imminently.

Netanyahu, and Israel with him, have been defeated. But this is only a temporary tactic because Netanyahu, Likud and all the Jewish religious terrorist organizations are determined to complete the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

There are suspicions that Trump's Senior Middle East Adviser, the Lebanese billionnaire Massad Boulos, has exerted unprecedented pressure on the Israeli government - from a distance, because as a Lebanese he is forbidden from talking to Israelis - to reach ANY agreement as a gift to Trump before his swearing-in ceremony. Hence, the charlatan terrorist extremist Jews, Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, said they will resign because they don't like the ceasefire agreement, but remain supportive of Netanyahu so as not to derail the agreement. Is there anything more stupid than this unconvincing acrobatic political choreography that stinks of Trump's delusional deals that go nowhere? Hence, one may safely conclude that trump begged the Jewish terrorists to let the deal go through, in exchange for later favors including enabling and backing the Israeli "Final Solution" to the Palestine question.

The hypocrisy of the US-Israeli tandem is such that by agreeing to a first phase of a ceasefire consisting of three long and arduous phases, Netanyahu is admitting his failure at reaching his war objectives just to please Donald Trump. But this is temporary because Trump has promised Netanyahu and the colonial terrorists in the Israeli government the following: 

Once the Israeli prisoners are released and accounted for, dead or alive, Trump will give Netanyahu the green light to attack Gaza again - under some other made-up pretext - and at that point completely devastate Gaza and the West Bank, annex those two remaining Palestinian territories, erase Palestine from the map, establish the Greater Israel fantasy from the river to the sea, expel as many Palestinians from their lands as possible, and keep the rest as indentured cheap-labor slaves to work in the menial jobs (construction, toilet cleaners, garbage collectors, etc.) that the snotty colonial European Jews refuse to do.

Trump already "gave" Jerusalem and the Golan to Netanyahu, as if Palestine and Syrian are his to give away. But so did the British crooks who were given a mandate by the pre-WWII UN equivalent (league of nations) to assist the Palestinians in building their institutions after the collapse of the Ottoman occupiers. Instead, the British crooks "gave" Palestine to European Zionist colonial Jews, as if Palestine was theirs to give away. Just north of Palestine, Lebanon was in a similar position as Palestine: Between 1920 and 1943, the French mandate gave Lebanon its institutions and independence. Thank God the Zionists did not include Lebanon in the imagined garbage of their "promised land" written on goatskin in the Arabian desert by stinking nomads some 3,000 years ago.

Trump says he wants peace in the Middle East. But his version of peace is the elimination of Palestine. He has made promises to the radical fanatic Christian Evangelicals who make up the majority of his voters and who are expecting the Messiah to return once the Jews complete their takeover of Palestine. The unknown remains whether other Arab rulers, particularly the Saudis, will subscribe to the death of Palestine and the destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Will they have the testicular fortitude to stand up to Trump? Or will they submit like the cowards of Bahrain, the Emirates and other decadent rulers in their artificially shiny deserts and under their faux-Western veneer?

Such are the times we live in, my friends where, reason and science notwithstanding, billions of people around the globe still hate, kill and devastate other peoples because of that biblical garbage fiction written down on said goatskins by said primitive nomads some 3,000 years ago.

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