Boycott the dumb imbecile who is moving into the White House. "God and His Savior Son Jesus-Christ" are sending an extremely cold weather pattern to Washington DC on Monday January 20 because they do not approve of the bigoted adulterer and criminal felon.
I, for one, will not watch the event of TV. I don't want any of the pukogenic scenes stored in my long-term memory. I suggest that millions of Americans tune out and ignore the event, and let the orangutan indulge himself in claiming the largest crowd of freezing people ever to attend a presidential inauguration in the history of the country. The man-child is so adept at superlativizing the superlatives that he should consider a career with the Guiness Book of Records after he manages to set the country back a couple of centuries. By law, he can't be running again, but with dictators and other mad idiots you never know: He might amend the constitution to go for third and fourth terms, and maybe even for a presidency for life, like his buddies did in Moscow, Beijing, Caracas and elsewhere.
When I watched him deliver his rambling incoherent speech on his first inauguration in January 2017, I could not bear to watch the poor imbecile. I felt so sorry for him and for America because the enthronement of an incompetent jackass to the top office, while not the first in the country's history, signaled an era of backwardness and decadence.
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