The built-in contradiction between, on one hand, the vanishing Christian white-only America that MAGA barbarians believe the US is and should be, and on the other hand, the deep-rooted history of a country of bastards born out of the rapes and fornications by one dominant racist immigrant group with the next immigrant group (that eventually joins the racist dominant group once it is tamed, integrated, and finished memorizing the totalitarian pledge of allegiance). Americans have long put lipstick on the pig by describing it as a melting pot of races, ethnic groups and such. If you don't know any of this, read Herbert Asbury's 1927 book, "The Gangs of New York", and for the phonics-challenged illiterate MAGA imbeciles, watch the Scorcese movie by the same title.
But now that the "white" genetic pool is shrinking by way of inbreeding and lazy drunken moon-shining stupidity on top of the massive waves of 20th century immigration that, truth be told, alone made America great, the whites are facing the contradiction. They are told by one immigrant - Elon Musk - and a dark-skinned immigrant's son - Vivek Ramaswamy - that their genetic whiteness is deteriorating and is unable to shoulder the burden of rescuing white America from its own demons. Musk and Ramaswamy essentially told the white MAGA racists that their culture is mediocre, adulates brawn over brain, wastes itself on stupid Hollywood movies and the more and more "abrutissant" (mind-numbing, or dumbing) social media, and shuns the real hard work of engineering, biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics.
Indeed, all the conspiracy imbeciles that Trump looks to hire reject science. They want to prosecute the real scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci who helped the country and the world by leading two fights against AIDS and Covid, while elevating quacks and TV sitcom fake doctors like Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil to run the country's healthcare system. Ramaswamy is right: In America, illusion has replaced reality and most Americans confuse one for the other. Young Americans think that they can gain more from playing doctor on television and in the media than being real scientists and doctors. Why? It is easier to gain vain fame with the former, while it is more difficult to spend hours in labs doing real research, comprehend complex theories and analyze massive amounts of data.
So now MAGA cheerleader Steve Bannon and MAGA cheerleader Laura Loomer want to rid the country of the H-1B visa that brings smart people into the desolate intellectual and scientific wasteland that white America has become. They also want to "protect" Donald Dumb from the immigrant Musk whose bad influence is apparently de-moronizing Donald Dumb by making him violate their racist creed of hating any and all immigrants. But these immigrants are the ones who create new companies with state-of-the-art technology and ideas couched in advanced science and engineering. Donald Dumb needs protection from himself and from the nitwitted Loomer, Bannon and their likes.
After earning my own degree and obtaining my own H-1B visa I worked in labs across the country. Nice and friendly though they may been, my US-born colleagues were hard-working but had limited breadth of knowledge and depth of understanding. The vast majority of my fellow scientists were from Russia, China, Italy, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Sri Lanka, India, and other much smaller countries. I then taught many years on US campuses and I was always stunned by how unprepared incoming freshmen were. They didn't know basic concepts in science, language and other essential subjects. I had to teach them, for example, what a sentence is, what a verb is, what a cell is, what an atom is.... What the hell were they taught in these insipid schools for the first 12 years of their lives?
The answer? In America, schools care more for the students' mental wellbeing - because they otherwise might grab a NRA-authorized machine gun and go around exercizing their second amendment rights on their teachers and fellow students - than for teaching them some real useful stuff. American male students are more interested in being on the rugby team (erroneously called "football" by Americans) so they can get a sports scholarship with which they pretend to earn a useless degree while focusing on becoming professional athletes. The female students meanwhile are brainwashed into thinking that jumping on the court in mini-skirts is a goal well worth pursuing for a woman in this 21st century. Academic scholarships, on the other hand, are not as coveted, and science and engineering jobs do not fetch the million-dollar salaries of athletes. Worse, you are a nerd if you excel in academics.
I spend hours around school committee meetings to deal with one student placed on an IEP for one pathetic reason or another. Attending would be the principal, class teachers, special ed teacher, school pyschologist, parents (with an interpreter if English is not the family's mother language), English teacher, ESL teacher, etc. and I used to think to myself 'what the hell is going on here'? A massive input of effort, money, bureaucracy and resources to deal with something that had nothing to do with actual learning! It was all about covering the school's ass and protecting otherwise useless jobs. How do I know? Nothing ever came out of these meetings and IEPs that went on for years, stalking the poor student throughout his school years with the idea that he/she is worthless and needs help.
Steve Bannon, the unshaven, cool-looking, long-haired, racist warrior said that the H-1B visa is a “scam” and refuted the idea that Americans can’t fill top tech roles because they are not “well-educated.” He praised Musk for writing checks and dispending money to get Donald Dumb elected, but disagreed with him on the H-1B visa issue, declaring on his disgusting podcast, “Let me just restate something, as a fact. The H1B visa program is a total and complete scam from its top to the bottom.”
Countering the MAGA racists, the immigrant Musk himself said, “The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H-1B.” No one complains that check-writer Musk himself cheated and lied in his immigration application by pretending to want to go to university, only to fail to report to the school and start working illegally. But we forgive him because he is wealthy man. Money in America trumps (oops! no pun itended) decency and lawfulness. Trump himself is the best proof of that fact.
For her part, the MAGA bimbo Laura Loomer criticized the growing influence of “tech bros” and “oligarchs” and joined the Bannon hurling fiesta by urging the MAGA herd to “protect” Trump from Musk and Ramswamy. The man who "alone can fix it" needs protection? Is he so sensitive or so stupid as to be influenced in the wrong anti-racist direction?
All of this infighting among the Donald Dumb cheerleaders is causing some of them to drop their pom-poms and disgruntle that smarter people are taking over the imbecility bedrock of MAGA.
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