Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

"Final Solution" Underway in Palestine: Gaza Checked. West Bank and Jerusalem Next

1917 - Britain promised Palestine to the fundamentalist Jewish Zionists

1947 - Britain hands over half of Palestine to the fundamentalist Zionists who ethnically cleanse half the indigenous Palestinian population. 500 Palestinian villages and towns are either erased from the map or are re-named with new Hebrew names for new foreign settlers.

1967 - Zionists take Jerusalem, Gaza and West Bank. More indigenous Palestinians are expelled to Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. More foreign migrants and settlers continue arriving to dislodge Palestinians from their ancestral homes and lands to build new settlements. Secular Palestinians begin organizing their resistance. They are branded communists, anarchists and terrorists.

~1990s - 2000s: The promises made by Israel to the secular Palestinian resistance in the Oslo Accords are not kept by the fundamentalist Zionists who keep stealing land, expelling indigenous people from their homes and making life very miserable for them in the hope that they will "voluntarily transfer" out of Palestine. Secular Palestinian resistance against ultra-religious Jewish Zionists having failed, Palestinians turn to fundamentalist Islam as way to rally the Muslim world to their cause. Again, they are branded fanatics, radicals and terrorists.

2017 - Jerusalem is made capital of the ever-expanding Jewish colony in Palestine. The US colluder in the rape of Palestine moves its embassy to Jerusalem.

2024 - The Islamic fundamentalist resistance to Jewish fundamentalist Israel culminates in the Hamas attack of October 2023 and the ensuing Gaza genocide war. Having nearly completely destroyed Gaza and vainly trying to demoralize the indigenous Palestinians of Gaza to make them "voluntarily transfer" (i.e. self-ethnic cleansing), the Jewish fundamentalist Zionists have now turned to the West Bank.

The opportunity to claim self-defense does not often present itself. The Hamas attack of October 7 was a golden opportunity for the Jewish fundamentalist terrorists to complete their ethnic cleansing of historic Palestine and establish their pure Jewish supremacist state free of any other subhuman species.

The West Bank as we speak is being turned into another Gaza: indiscriminate destruction of infrastructure and killing of hundreds of indigenous people, demolition of homes, rampages through indigenous villages, burning of olive groves.... Again, in the hope that the West Bank Palestinians will "voluntarily transfer" to Jordan. 

The fundamentalist Jewish Zionists know there is a line they cannot cross: A sudden massive forced eviction of the entire indigenous population (~6 millions) is likely to cause international condemnation and intervention. But a slow-simmering, beneath the radar, step-by-step approach will, they hope, not attract much attention.

Just as they did in 1947 when the Jewish terrorist forces - having been trained in Nazi Europe during WWII - raped, pillaged, plundered, killed, and rampaged their way through Palestine, they claimed that the indigenous Palestinians "left of their own will" to live in tents and refugee camps. The same United Nations resolution that "created" out of absolute artifice a Jewish state where none existed in Palestine for 3 millennia, also demanded the return of the refugees back to their homes and villages. But "Israel" wouldn't let them. It stole the land and intends on keeping it.

That is exactly what it is doing today to complete Herzl's business plan. But now is not 1947 where even televisions didn't exist. Now there are cell phones and cameras and Internet everywhere and it is very difficult for the fundamentalist European Jews to lie as they did during most of the 20th century. That is why they are using the "self-defense" pretext. But how can an invading colonial foreign criminal claim self-defense against the indigenous owner of the land whom it is killing and whose land it is stealing?

If allowed to proceed, Israel would have erased Palestine from the map. The Al-Aqsa Mosque will be demolished to be replaced by a new Jewish Temple to replace the one from the Bronze Age. Anyone shocked by the barbarity and primitiveness of such an idea?. Zion will then be ready to receive the fucking Messiah: a brand new one for the Jewish fundamentalists, or the return of the old Bronze Age one for the Christian fundamentalists.

How can any reasonable 21st century person, with a dubious attitude toward religious backwardness, accept this history of forcibly replacing one cohesive homogeous indigenous Palestinian people by another heterogenous assortment of a foreign colonial pseudo-people, solely on the basis of a manuscript written by ignorant Arab nomads in the desert thousands of years ago? 

This moment in history must be remembered well, especially by those who are patting the criminals and ethnic cleansers on the back, and who applaud the extermination of a native indigenous population.


As the world focuses on Gaza, the West Bank has reached boiling point. Here’s what to know
Kara Fox, CNN
Fri, August 30, 2024

Israel’s assault on Gaza since the Hamas-led October 7 attack has killed more than 40,000 people, according to Palestinian authorities, drawing international condemnation. But just 60 miles away, another major escalation of violence has also been playing out in the West Bank, where more than 600 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli troops since the war began.

On Wednesday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it began an expansive offensive in the occupied West Bank, launching raids and airstrikes in densely populated civilian areas in Jenin and Tulkarem that have killed at least 15 people so far.

The attacks are occurring amid a surge in Israeli settler violence across the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem, where some settlers continue a campaign targeting Palestinian civilians and infrastructure.

Israel says its military operation in the West Bank is necessary to stem further terror attacks on its territory. Palestinian leaders say the violence will only lead to “dire and dangerous results.” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on Israel to immediately cease its operation, saying it was a “deeply concerning” development.

As Israel signals its operation is only just getting started, here’s what you need to know about the occupied territory and why bloodshed is escalating there.
What is the West Bank and who controls it?

The West Bank, a territory that lies between Israel and Jordan, is home to 3.3 million Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation as well as hundreds of thousands of Jewish Israelis who began settling there some 57 years ago.

Israel began its occupation after the 1967 Six-Day War, where it captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, and the Golan Heights from Syria. Israel argues that Jews have a biblical and ancestral right to the land.

Soon after, it began establishing Israeli communities in those territories. The West Bank remains where the bulk of those settlements, illegal under international law, are.

In the 1990s, Israel and Palestinian factions began a peace process with the aim of establishing a Palestinian state. That process, known as the Oslo Accords, led to the creation of an interim Palestinian government known as the Palestinian Authority (PA), based in the West Bank city of Ramallah, with nominal control over the West Bank and Gaza. Peace talks have been frozen for years and the current Israeli government has ruled out granting independence to the Palestinians.

Today, the PA has administrative and security control of 18% of the West Bank, while 22% is under joint Israeli and PA control. Israel has sole control over the remaining 60%, where most of Jewish settlements are.

Israel withdrew its troops and settlers from Gaza in 2005. In 2007, Hamas seized control of that territory after winning elections.

In July, the International Court of Justice, the United Nations’ top court, issued an unprecedented advisory opinion that found Israel’s presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to be illegal, and called on Israel to end its decades-long occupation.
Who are the settlers in the West Bank?

There are more than 700,000 settlers living in the West Bank, the presence of every one of them considered illegal under international law.

They are spread across 146 settlements throughout the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem. The vast majority of settlements are built by government order, but some unauthorized settlements, known as settlement outposts, have been established by ideologically driven Israeli civilians with the hope that they will one day be authorized by the government.

Many of the settlements encroach on Palestinian villages and, in some cases, privately owned Palestinian land. Some are built in close proximity to Palestinian population centers and one, in Hebron, sits in the heart of a Palestinian town. In East Jerusalem, there are 14 Israeli neighborhoods, which the international community considers illegal.

The expansion of settlements has been a top priority for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government, which has supercharged the approval of land seizures in the West Bank during its tenure, despite human rights groups calling it a war crime.

In July, Israel approved the largest seizure of land in the West Bank since the Oslo peace process, according to the Israeli anti-settlement watchdog PeaceNow.

The settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are seen as a major obstacle to peace as they sit on land that Palestinians, along with the international community, view as territory for a future Palestinian state.

What has been happening in the West Bank since the war began?

Tensions have been rising in the West Bank for many years, but October 7 has ushered in a volatile new chapter in the occupied territory.

On that day, Hamas-led militants killed 1,200 people in Israel and took more than 250 hostages, according to the Israeli authorities. Israel subsequently launched a war in Gaza that has killed 40,476 people, according to Palestinian authorities.

Since the start of the war, 652 Palestinians have also been killed in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including 150 children, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Over 5,400 people have been injured.

The violence has been especially stark for children, according to the American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA), who said in an August report that the number of Palestinian children in the West Bank who have been killed by Israeli forces’ bullets nearly tripled in a year.

Meanwhile, settler attacks have been unfolding for months without significant consequence or accountability.

In February, hundreds of settlers carried out one of the largest attacks on Palestinians in years in the town of Huwara and surrounding areas after a Palestinian gunman killed two Israeli settlers who lived nearby. In the aftermath of the violence, Israel’s finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, himself a settler who opposes Palestinian sovereignty, said that “Huwara needs to be erased.”

Earlier this month, more than 70 armed settlers invaded the town of Jit, firing bullets and tear gas at Palestinian residents and setting several homes, cars and other property on fire. One person was killed. The attacks drew condemnation from top Israeli officials, but far-right members of Netanyahu’s government and settlement leaders deflected blame away from the settlers.

A girl comforts the mother of a 23-year-old Palestinian man who was killed during an attack by settlers on the residents of Jit, a town in the occupied West Bank, earlier in August. - Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP/Getty Images

In total, at least 1,270 settler attacks against Palestinians have been recorded since October 7, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Of those, over 120 attacks “led to Palestinian fatalities and injuries,” OCHA reported.

Meanwhile, the United States, Israel’s strongest military and diplomatic backer, imposed a series of sanctions this year on Israeli settlers accused of violence in the West Bank, blocking their financial assets and barring them from entering the US.

“The United States remains deeply concerned about extremist violence and instability in the West Bank, which undermines Israel’s own security,” the US State Department said in a statement last month.

Who is the current Israeli military campaign targeting in the West Bank?

Israel launched a large counter-terror operation in the areas of Jenin and Tulkarem on Wednesday, where authorities said that over “150 shooting and explosive attacks” have originated in the last year.

Israel claims that the northern West Bank, including Jenin and Tulkarem, has seen a rise in Palestinian militant groups, bolstered by what it says is an Iranian campaign to distribute weapons there.

Local militias are also gaining traction in the northern West Bank, groups largely comprised of disillusioned young men that have grown up under the Israeli occupation and who deeply resent the unpopular PA, which is seen as aiding the Israeli occupation and unable to protect them from it.

The PA condemned “violation and crimes” by Israel on Wednesday, “especially the ongoing war of genocide in the Gaza Strip and the targeting of the northern West Bank.”

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) militant group condemned the Israeli military’s “comprehensive aggression,” referring to it as an “open and undeclared war.”

On Thursday, the IDF said that it killed five militants, including Muhhamad Jabber, a commander affiliated with the PIJ’s military wing, the Al-Quds brigade.

CNN’s Abbas Al Lawati and Abeer Salman contributed reporting.

The Trump School of Cheaters, Felons and Charlatan Christians

A pro-Trump "Christian" state representative in Florida has a history of forging signatures and cheating on legal documents. This is typical of the Trump school where, if you're white and christian you can get away with murder because this is your country and you can do what you want. Anyone else who is dark-skinned, not a Christian, or from somewhere else is a criminal worthy to be denied entry and deported.


Florida state lawmaker indicted on felony charges related to private school
Fri, August 30, 2024

Rep. Carolina Amesty, center, looks on as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis holds up House bill 621 that protects homeowners and their property against squatting —the illegal possession of vacant homes— during a signing ceremony at the Ninth Judicial Circuit state attorney's office in Orlando, Wednesday, March 27, 2024. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel via AP, File) (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A Republican state representative in central Florida has been indicted on felony forgery charges related to her administration of a private Christian school that she helped run with her family.

Carolina Amesty, 29, turned herself in to authorities at the Orange County Jail on Thursday and was booked on four felony counts. That is after a grand jury found that Amesty forged a man’s signature on a document that she notarized in 2021 while working as an administrator at her family's Central Christian Academy, according to State Attorney Andrew Bain. The alleged forgery happened before Amesty was elected to the Florida House of Representatives.

Each of the charges are third-degree felonies, punishable by up to five years in prison and $5,000 in fines.

The indictment of Amesty — who is currently running for reelection in her district west of Orlando — follows investigations by the Orlando Sentinel into Amesty's background, financial practices and role in the family-run school.

Reached by phone, Amesty declined to answer questions from The Associated Press but pointed to a statement posted to the social media platform X.

“This prosecution, initiated just a few weeks prior to absentee ballots being dropped, is based on misleading reports from a partisan newspaper about a notarization of an employee verification background report," reads the statement from Amesty’s campaign. “Rep. Amesty calls for a speedy trial, looks forward to her day in court, and is confident of her public vindication.”

First elected to the Florida House in 2022, Amesty touted herself as a successful businesswoman and staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, winning a competitive district that represents parts of Orange and Osceola counties, including Walt Disney World.

Following the indictment, the Florida Democratic Party called on Amesty to resign.

“Carolina Amesty can’t effectively represent the people of House District 45 while defending herself from felony charges,” party Chair Nikki Fried said. “She should resign from office immediately, and if she refuses to take responsibility for her actions, we demand that the Florida House of Representatives expel her from membership.”

A spokesperson for the Florida Speaker of the House did not respond to a request for comment by deadline.

___ Kate Payne is a corps member for The Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Civil War if Trump Loses...And He Will

Kamala Harris is certain to win this upcoming election. Besides her positive and optimistic composure, her experience, the upside down turnaround from a boring depressing re-match between two aging and frankly senile (Biden) and demented (Trump) candidates have catapulted her high enough that Trump doesn't even know where to hit her. He's shooting in the dark like a loser without a target. She even has garnered support from many Republicans, not to mention the generally reasonable Independents.

If Trump loses and it looks like he will, will he try a repeat of the "steal" uprising and insurrection of 2020? Given his history and the backing of the largely white disgruntled followers of the midwest and the south, who see America's demographic color turning ever so slowly darker, the country is facing a wall: Will White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) accept a second "colored" American, and a woman to boot, at the helm? 

I remember when Obama was elected, all the white republican politicians swore in public that they will do everything they possibly can to make him fail. They fought tooth and nail to deny him a victory on a major overhaul of the healthcare system, but he managed to squeeze a small victory. But nothing else. With Donald Trump having exploited - and deepened - this hatred of an African-American president, it does look like the WASPs will again challenge a victory by Kamala Harris.

I think this time it will go beyond challenging election results in courts based on fake arguments like faulty machines that were tampered with, dead people voting, illegal migrants voting, mail-in ballots etc. Just as is happening in Britain, where Rishi Sunak, an Indian stock Englishman who failed in managing the many crises of the country, will be replaced by another Indian-stock leader of the Conservative Party, one Priti Patel, angry white mobs descended on the streets of many cities of Great Britain less than a month ago, attacking dark skinned people perceived as illegals and as Muslims because a Catholic young man, Axel Rudakubana, a 17-year-old British citizen born in Cardiff to parents from Rwanda  and who killed three people, was thought to be a Muslim and an asylum seeker.

Just like the UK's white English radical right-wing base of the Conservative party, the American base of the Republicans and Evangelicals is all radical right-wing. All it would take for these losers to descend into mobs on the streets is for Kamala Harris to win the election and for Donald Trump to call it a "Steal" again. Some traditional un-Trump neanderthal Republicans might try to oppose Trump, but it is too late. They have enabled him for far too long, enthroning him as the sole leader of the GOP. He controls the White street. He poses a threat to the country as much as to the GOP itself.

Since the GOP has become a one-man party with only fearful opposing shadows far behind him, the conservative establishment will be unable to hold back the White Christian street from the violence for which it has been preparing for decades, you know, with the NRA type of cover and other militias of White Christian America.

Brace yourselves. Not only is Trump detached from reality because of his gigantic narcissistic ego, but he is now senile and demented. It is unlikely he will vanish silently into Mar-a-Lago to grow old and die in peace. When he loses, he's taking the country down with him.


How Reasonable People Discover the Fallacy of Religion

Religion plays a significant, though deleterious, role in many people's lives. Organized religion brings a sense of peace and purpose for people who are otherwise feeble, insecure, and in need of help. But for all the others who reason and try to make sense of it all, they inevitably reach the conclusion that religion is a man-made fictional arrangement to make people feel superior to their mortality. Every single religion claims to give its followers eternal life, life after death, resurrection from the dead, meeting thier ancestors and deceased loved ones, etc. when in fact none of this is true or factual. It's just one big illusion to help people avoid facing the reality of life on earth: It has no purpose, it is not guided by anything or anyone, and just as we are conceived and born by pure biological serendipity - like ALL other living beings on earth - we will die and that will be the end of it. There is no afterlife. 

Regardless of when and how people discover the truth, the hard fact is that IT IS THE TRUTH.

Here are some of their insightful stories:

--------------"My youth pastor was actively advocating for the teens in his sermon to engage in actual violence against non-believers. He was talking about how TV and other distractions were taking people away from God, and he wheeled in a tub TV and bashed it to bits, shattering glass everywhere. He then instructed his believers to pick up their bats to destroy things that oppose God. He tried to make it sort of seem 'metaphorical,' but he was absolutely trying to spur a violent mob mentality. It was horrifying. Everyone around me was screaming violent threats against Muslims and other groups. I silently left. And that led me on my path to question my faith and eventually become an atheist."

--------------"My mom’s family is very religious, like the kind where you can’t sing religious songs or pray with family who aren’t the same religion as you. We grew up very poor. I started working at age 12 to help pay for my school clothes and supplies." At age 16, I got a fast-food job and was promoted to supervisor a year or so later, which came with a raise. The pastor of the church told my mom that I was sinning because the Bible says that women are subservient to men, so I shouldn’t be telling men what to do at work. I asked him to show me where it says that in the Bible, and instead, he brought me before the church and tried to shame me publicly. That was the beginning of the end of my relationship with organized religion."

--------------"I’m a bisexual man married to a woman. We were both raised very devoutly Christian — my family was at the church every Sunday morning, night, and Wednesday, or else people would say we were backslidden." I was in my 20s when I realized I was bi, but since I married a woman, I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. Still, I know that I can never tell my family I’m a member of the LGBTQ+ community because of their harsh views on the subject. My wife loves and accepts me as I am, but it hurts deeply to know that I can never share my true self with them because I know for a fact that they would choose their religious beliefs over a relationship with me, even though I 'fit' into their 'normal' view of marriage. Their bigotry in the name of religion has made me turn from religion as a whole. If a belief promotes families to turn on their children because of an identity they can’t control, then I want no part in it."


---------- "I was raised a very devout Catholic in a Middle Eastern country, went to a Jesuit school where we were inducted into a "Crusader" cult-like program for children, and lived in a very religious, though very bigoted, environment. Religion was more of a political identity than actual faith. It was all a reaction to the Muslim environment. It was not grounded in faith or in conviction. What saved me from this barbarity is my scientific education, in which I learned facts, not fictional magic from the Bronze Age. I slowly shifted from accepting the biblical garbage in which we were indoctrinated to trying to understand the world from proven facts based on serious science. Today I have no faith - faith implies the suspension of reason - and I refuse to believe anything that was not established by force of reason and experimentation. Just as children one day discover that there is no Santa Claus, adults should also drop their "adult version" of Santa Claus, the Big Zombie in the Sky. I did and I feel liberated. When asked about which "faith" I have, I say "none". "How come?" they say, "You've got to be something", to which I reply, "I am just human, and that is all the idendity I need."

--------------"I don’t know if you could call me 'devoted.' My parents are atheists, but my grandparents are Anglican, and I used to go to church with them every single Sunday. I loved it, the singing, Sunday school, helping out at church events, and even Christmas recitals. But when I was 9 or 10, I wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to stay with my grandparents for the service instead of going to Sunday school - the Rev started talking about sin and 'bad' people, which turned into how this specific group of people were savages and how it’s in their blood to steal, take drugs and 'drink their life away', and how it can be traced back to their ancestors. I was young, but figuring out he was talking about my people wasn't hard. I grew up in a very, very rich white community. 

I’m Polynesian (Māori and Tahitian). I remember looking up at my grandma, and she just squeezed my hand and told me how I knew it was not true. I couldn’t believe no one said anything. I thought church was all about love and acceptance until that day. I have never felt so alone and isolated. From then on, I listened to everything he said and how everything had disgusting undertones of pure anger and hate. I’ve never been to a church since."

--------------"We were Southern Baptist. Our marriage was stressed due to careers and deployments. I called our pastor to request counseling, and he said, 'You can’t do that. Only your husband can request that'. When my husband got home from work, he was furious with me for embarrassing him by telling the pastor our problems AND that I even called the pastor at all without his permission. Never mind the fact we were both officers in the military. We were divorced within a year, and I never set foot in a church again, nor will I join any religion. We spent every spare day and night volunteering with that church. It was refreshing to live in the real world again."

--------------"It was the summer between my 7th and 8th grade year, and I was in a vacation bible study at a pretty traditional Baptist church, the first year with the older teen kids. I made friends with a lovely Muslim girl at my school during the school year. She was the oldest of three or four siblings, the only girl. She loved soccer and music and making jokes. During VBS, I remember sitting on the stairs during an outside time, speaking to the teen's teacher, and asking him about a sermon from earlier in the week. I asked him, 'What about my Muslim friend? She's a sweet girl who takes care of her family. Does that mean she would go to hell because she doesn't believe in Jesus?' Even at 13, I could tell this man did not want to tell me the answer that, technically, the hardcore Baptist Church we were a part of would require. Once I realized that Christianity was meant to be taken to heart as a black-and-white situation, I knew I couldn't continue trusting that institution with my heart."

--------------"I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school for 13 years. It was very important to me when I was younger — there were several years where I wanted to become a nun — but I started to grow disillusioned as I got older. There was one final nail in the coffin for me, though. I had gotten married when I was very young, and the relationship was not particularly healthy. After he cheated on me for the third time, we decided to separate. Quickly after that, I met someone else that I fell deeply in love with. After struggling with this for a few weeks, I sought counseling from my parish priest, who I had known since I was a child. Two sentences in, he stopped and told me I was 'disgusting' and 'an affront to God for having an affair' and in 'a permanent state of mortal sin for a temporary feeling. I burst into tears and left the rectory. 

Two weeks later, one of this guy's other local priest friends was arrested for molesting children, and the priest that had made me feel so shitty made a huge deal during his homily the following week about how we need to forgive these priests for their mistakes in the same way Jesus would forgive. The hypocrisy was astonishing — I was an affront to God for meeting a man without getting my previous marriage annulled, but the priest who molested a dozen children over 30 years was deserving of forgiveness. I haven't been back to any church since, eschewing a second church wedding to elope with the man I had 'temporary feelings' for in a barn, witnessed by cows."

--------------"I left my former faith when I was 21-22. I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and we had an issue of one of the church's magazines that proudly showed little pictures of all the kids who were martyred. They all died because their parents withheld blood donations. I knew about the church's anti-blood stance, but I didn't realize how many people lost their lives because of it (the church always said that with blood substitutes and talented medical treatment, people usually didn't need actual blood transfusions.) That was the last straw. I had theological concerns that I'd been struggling with for some time but had just chalked it up to a lack of faith, but I finally realized that even if the JWs were right, I couldn't live the rest of eternity with people who thought this was okay, so I left."

--------------"I was raised in a Presbyterian home. At a young age, I was molested, and when my parents found out, we moved to a new neighborhood, and they took me to counseling. The counselor read me a book that talked about how God was angry with me for letting someone touch me in 'my special places' that wasn't my husband. I got victim-shamed at seven years old. After that, I attended church out of obligation to my family. As soon as I moved out at 18, I didn't set foot in a church again unless it was for a wedding or funeral."

----------------"As a teen in a Bible study class at our family’s new church, the youth group leader was talking about how anyone who had not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior would go to hell upon their death. Another student asked for clarification on babies (like those stillborn or in other countries who had never even heard of Jesus), and the youth leader ranted for a while and was adamant that they would go straight to hell, too. I decided right then that I couldn’t support such a cruel god, and even though it was a few years before I quit going to church entirely, that was the moment that ruined religion for me. Unborn babies going straight to hell for the 'crime' of not living long enough to be able to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior."

--------------""I spent my childhood with (evangelical) church being a huge part of my life because my mom had spent her entire life as extremely devout. I started emotionally separating a bit in high school before coming back to it in college and early adulthood. I even explored the idea of becoming a missionary and dedicating my life to it. However, I always believed in a firm separation of church and state and the right for anyone to choose if and how they worship, and I've always been pro-LGBTQ. In 2008, there was a ballot measure to outlaw same-sex marriage in California. One Sunday, I attended the church where I had spent most of my life and saw piles of hundreds of signs supporting the ballot measure in their lobby. I noped right out of there and didn't set foot in that church again until my parents' deaths in 2020 and 2021 because they wanted their funeral services there.

After their deaths, I was able to do a deep dive into my own mental health and start to fully explore and repair the damage the evangelical church had caused, including heavy reliance on keeping secrets because you would be judged and ostracized, which left a lot of room for all kinds of abuse to occur. I don't believe in dwelling on regrets, but if there was one thing in my life I could change, it would be the influence the evangelical church had on so much of my life. Looking back, nothing good came from it, just a lot of destruction."

--------------"My husband and I had tried for years to have a baby. A famous religious family with too many children had a TV show at the time in which they proclaimed they would take as many children as God would give them. Why give that family so many children but yet not give any to others? It made me walk away from religion completely. We eventually had two children, but I cringe every time I hear someone say children are a gift from God. It is so insulting for people struggling with infertility that do not receive the gift."

--------------"My roommate and I grew up in the same church, so I assumed we had the same experience. While we were in college, she told me that her dad was abusive, cheated on and left her mom, and gave her an STI as a result of the cheating. When her mom reached out to the church for help as she was struggling to raise three young children on her own, the church leaders blamed her and said the only way forward was to forgive him and plead to take him back. I had NO idea this type of abuse was going on behind the scenes. She told me that's why she and her entire family left the church. It opened my eyes to the disgusting hypocrisy and misogyny of the faith, and I could never go back. "

--------------"I grew up in a very religious family. I didn’t know till my 30s that it was considered evangelical, but that would explain some of the teachings when it came to women. I remember the exact moment I was done with the church. We were standing in line to speak with the pastor on Easter. We were all wearing fancy Easter clothes, and I asked the Pastor why I had to wear a hat, and my brother did not. He informed me that, as a woman, I wasn’t worthy of receiving God's blessing directly. It would have to go through the head man in the family. I then asked what would happen if my father wasn’t there to give me God's blessings. He said it would then be my brother's responsibility. I looked over at my little brother, who stuck his tongue out at me and said, 'Yeah, I’m the man.' I realized that there was no way in hell I was ever going to receive God's blessing, and this was a giant crock of shit for women. I'm out!"

---------------"I was a devout Christian until I saw evangelicals and other conservative Christians start talking about Donald Trump like he is a 'savior.' Trump is one of the most unethical, ungodly, and narcissistic politicians who have ever lived. He is a felon who was found liable for sexual abuse and is on trial for other serious crimes, but many Christians still support him, and some almost worship him. Trump has stated that he does not ask God for forgiveness because he doesn’t make many mistakes (LOL). The Trump phenomenon led me to question whether Christianity is what I always thought. It turns out that my questioning resulted in a falling away from the Christian faith."

White Rapist Killer Did not Cross the Rio Grande as a Migrant - US-Bred, Born and Raised

Florida executes man convicted of killing college student, raping victim's sister in national forest
Updated Fri, August 30, 2024

FILE - This inmate photo provided by the Florida Department of Corrections shows Loran K. Cole, convicted of kidnapping adult siblings camping in a national forest in 1994 before raping the sister and murdering the brother. (Florida Department of Corrections via AP, File) (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

STARKE, Fla. (AP) — A Florida man convicted of killing a college freshman and raping the murder victim's older sister while the siblings camped in a national forest 30 years ago was executed Thursday.

Loran Cole, 57, received a lethal injection and was pronounced dead at 6:15 p.m. at Florida State Prison for the 1994 killing of the 18-year-old student. Cole also was serving two life sentences for rape.

Cole did not have a last statement. “No sir,” he said when asked if he had some final words.

After the procedure began about 6 p.m. Cole briefly looked up at a witness in the front row. After three minutes, he began taking deep breaths, his cheeks puffing out. For a brief moment, his entire body trembled. Five minutes into the procedure, the warden shook him and shouted his name. Cole then appeared to stop breathing and then was declared dead.

Cole and a friend, William Paul, befriended the two college students in the Ocala National Forest, court records showed. After talking around a fire, the men offered to take the siblings to see a pond. While away from the campsite, Cole and Paul jumped the victims and robbed them, according to the records.

The brother, 18, who was a student at Florida State University, was beaten and had his throat slit and left in the forest. His sister, then a 21-year-old senior at Eckerd College, was taken back to the campsite, where Cole tied her up and raped her, according to the record.

The woman was left tied to a tree overnight and raped again the next day. She eventually managed to free herself and flagged down a driver for help. Police found her brother’s body lying face down on the ground, according to court records.

Paul and Cole were both convicted of first-degree murder. Paul was sentenced to life in prison.

Although they did not attend the execution, the parents of the victims had a statement read afterward by corrections officials. They wrote about how the murder of their son and the attack on their daughter had shattered their lives. But they said their daughter had gone on to become a wife, teacher and professor.

“Though invisible to others, our daughter bears internal scars that will never go away. She battled years of fear, pain and sorrow,” the statement said. “She is our hero.”

“We are void of feelings and empathy for Mr. Cole. He placed himself into this arena,” it added. “He does not deserve mercy.”

The Associated Press does not generally identify victims of sexual assault unless they come forward publicly.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the death warrant for Cole last month.

The execution was the first in Florida since Michael Zack was put to death last October for the 1996 killing of Ravonne Smith.

Department of Corrections officials described Cole as “compliant” in the hours before his execution and said he had two visitors, including his son.

The U.S. Supreme Court denied Cole’s final appeal earlier Thursday.

His lawyers had raised several points in seeking a stay of execution, including the fact that Cole was an inmate at a state-run reform school where he and other boys were beaten and raped. The state has since apologized for the abuse and this year passed a law authorizing reparations for inmates at the now-shuttered reform school. The lawyers also argued Cole shouldn't be executed because he was mentally ill and had brain damage and Parkinson’s disease.

Stupid US Government Keeps Asking Americans what "Race" They are.

There are no "white"-skinned people, just as there are no "black"-skinned people. People with bleached white skin are people who are stricken with the genetic disease of albinism where their body cannot make melanin. Virtually all humans have some level of melanin, and therefore a hue of skin color that ranges from very light beige to very dark brown. And we are all somewhere in between. 

Race is not part of the scientific classification of humans and all living beings on earth. Race is a false social notion created by beige-colored racist Europeans who used the superficial color of skin (among millions of other features of the human being) to distinguish themselves as better than people with darker complexion. Racists are stupid ignorant people. The historically racist and ignorant US government continues to classify Americans by "race". On questionnaires, Americans are always asked which "race" they belong to, and most Americans find it annoying and insulting that they have to make themselves "fit" into one of several categories of "races", when every American is a genetically mixed bastard. 

Please note that the US government never offers the "Jewish" category to choose from, just as it never offers the category of "Christian" or "Muslim". After all, we are bombarded day and night by the US media and government about the so-called "Jewish people" and its right to rape other people and steal their land, then pretend to defend itself from its own victims. The fact the category of "Jewish" is not proposed to the American people is because the government and the media know there is no such category and because Judaism is a just a religion and not a "race" or "ethnicity". There are Black African Jews, Hindi Jews, Arab Jews, Chinese Jews, Iranian Persian Jews, East European Jews, West European Jews, Mediterranean Jews, North African Jews, Yemeni Jews from the Arabian Gulf...] How can all these people who share one religion become an ethnic group or a "race"? 

Muslims do the same inane thing and propagate the same fake notion that there is something called the "Muslim people" when Muslims are of all colors and ethnic backgrounds. Only Christians - except Trump's MAGA morons who want a purely "Christian America" - have abandoned the stupid idea of a "Christian people".

Here is an example of a US government form asking Americans about their "race" or "ethnicity" [In italics are my own comments]: 


Specific Instructions: The two questions below are designed to identify your ethnicity and race.

Question 1. Are You Hispanic or Latino? - i.e. A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. [What the fuck is "Regardless of race"? Can you imagine the breadth of people these categories comprise? People who hail from these countries or cultures are themselves mixed. In most people of "Spanish culture or origin" there is African, European, and Arab at the very least. People who migrated to Latin America took this genetic baggage with them and bred with  Africans slaves and colonized indigenous Amerindians. How on earth can an American know which of these he or she belongs to?]
---Yes             --- No

Question 2. Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify by placing an “X” in the appropriate box. Check as many as apply. [Note the use of "closely identify with". It implies that even though you may look African and come from a Latin American country, you "feel" like a Spanish person, and therefore you "identify" yourself and check the "Hispanic or Latino" box above. Also note the "Check as many as apply" option, which means that you could be a bastard of all these presumed "races" and feel like you belong to all of them. Perhaps, the idiotic US government should start subjecting people to a DNA test upon whose results it will determine what fucking "race" or "ethnicity" or culture or other bullshit way of classifying people

(Check as many as apply) DEFINITION OF CATEGORY

----- American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. [So if you are a native Amerindian but live in a city and not on a reservation, you should not check this box because you do not maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment. In other words, the moment you walk out of the reservation, you are no longer a native Amerindian. Which box should you then check? That's another way for the US government to make you disappear from existence, a policy it has been pursuing since the birth of the republic including massacres and expulsions. Israel is doing the same thing with the Palestinians.]

-----Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. [How lovely! Lump all these very different peoples and cultures into one convenient box: Imagine how close is a Sri Lankan to a Japanese person and how, for a white asshole behind a desk in the US government, they're the same. 

You know the West does the same convenient colonial-vintage thing with the so-called "Arab race" (under the sublime "White" box below) and the other so-called "Middle Eastern race": Lumping together hundreds of different cultures, religions, geographies and background because most of them, but not all of them, speak a form of Arabic and most of them, but not all of them, are Muslims of various denominations. The US govermment might as well create a new category for the sublime "English" race which would include the English, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Canadians, Australians, Jamaicans, Nigerians, Americans....etc. because most of them speak a form of English and most of them are Christians of various denominations. Wouldn't that be convenient? 

Let us, since we're deep to our eyeballs in this abject stupidity, create new terms from the perspective of Near Easterners, Middle Easterners and Far Easterners: I propose that all Americas (South, Central and North), Greeland, Island, and the UK be lumped together as the "Far West", continental western Europe as the "Middle West", and then Eastern Europe and Russia as the "Near West".]

-----Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. [Would a mixed White and Black mixed "race" person from a Carribean island fit here? How about a half-African American, half-Japanese? US invading fornicating soldiers, themsleves bastards, always leave behind them thousands of bastards. So let's say, you're a US soldier whose mother was an Italian prostitute in New York and whose father was a Batista Black African Cuban exile. In Vietnam, you fathered a child with a Vietnamese prostitute. That child gets the American citizenship. Which box should this super-bastard American check?  And if that person does check all the boxes, how does that help the government? How useful is this information? The government knows that most Americans are bastards with untracable pedigrees, so what gives?]

-----Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. [No specific reason for creating a special category for these people who, again, might be mixed because of how the white criminal settlers raped these peoples, enslaved them, converted them to fanatic protestantism, destroyed their native cultures, forbade them from speaking their own language, and used their land to conduct nuclear tests whose consequences on their health continue to haunt them]

-----White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. [Really? Again, these categories of "Caucasian" and "white" are very arbitrary, unscientific, and fallacious. How does a person from Finland in Northern Europe fit into the same box as a Mauritanian from northwestern Africa? How does a Yemeni from the so-called "Middle East" fit into the same box as a Scotsman from Northern Britain? Can someone explain the validity of these categories, and therefore their utility to the idiotic US government?]



Thursday, August 29, 2024

Exodus of Evangelicals after Sex Abuse Scandal in Texas

For more on this scandal, check:


Texas megachurch faces exodus of worshippers after a sex abuse scandal set off a summer of turmoil

Summer was off to a tumultuous start when allegations of child sexual abuse surfaced on a blog dedicated to Christian survivor stories. This time, the man involved had gone on to lead one of America’s largest megachurches.

Robert Morris, who founded and led Gateway Church for nearly 25 years in the affluent Dallas-Fort Worth suburb of Southlake, Texas, resigned after the scandal came to light in June. His exit sent thousands of evangelicals into a season of struggle that has lasted months.

Last week, a pastor who oversaw all of Gateway’s campuses departed amid an undisclosed “moral issue,” becoming the latest in a series of changes for the church: The cancellation of its annual conference. The departure of Morris’ successor. The renaming of its Houston campus and an exodus of worshippers.

At each weekend service, worshippers continue to face reminders of the scandal, with interim or guest pastors kicking off their sermons saying “I’m sorry,” talking about grief or finding hope in difficult times. They’ve noticed people who have sat and prayed around them for years are once again not showing up for service.

The church has seen a decrease of 17% to 19% in weekend services attendance, a church spokesperson told CNN.

The turnover at the church could have far-reaching effects. Gateway Church draws an estimated 100,000 people to its weekend services and has more than 560 employees at nine locations in Texas, and two others in Missouri and Wyoming, according to the church.

It is considered one of America’s largest megachurches, which are congregations with an average weekly worship attendance of 2,000 people or more. There are nearly 1,800 megachurches in the United States, according to the Hartford Institute for Religion Research.

Morris’ standing as a public figure goes beyond the size of his former congregation. In 2016, he was part of former President Donald Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, the campaign announced in a news release at the time. Trump also held a roundtable at Gateway’s Dallas campus in 2020 and Morris led a prayer before the event.

‘I did not know the truth,’ elder says of Morris’ abuse

The congregation’s “difficult” and “uphill” season – as interim teaching pastor Max Lucado called it in a sermon last weekend – began in June, when Cindy Clemishire’s account of abuse was published in The Wartburg Watch, a church watchdog blog.

Clemishire, 54, told CNN affiliate WFAA Morris molested her in 1982 when she was 12 years old. It started on Christmas Day and it continued until she told her parents in 1987, she said.

Shortly after the allegations surfaced, Morris admitted to having “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” in the 1980s. In its initial response, Gateway Church said the pastor had been “open and forthright about a moral failure” that took place when he was in his 20s and working at another church, and had a two-year “restoration process,” according to statements obtained by WFAA.

It wasn’t until days later that Morris resigned from his role. In a statement announcing the resignation, the Board of Elders of Gateway Church said the group did not have all the facts about Morris’ extramarital relationship, the victim’s age and length of the abuse.

The board said Morris discussed it many times as something that happened before founding the congregation, but he did not mention that it was with a child.

“As an elder, I did not know the truth. And frankly, like so many of you, my wife and I are shocked, devastated and grieving,” Tra Willbanks, one of the megachurch’s elders, told the congregation in a June service.

For about 10 minutes, he was tearful as he spoke about Morris’ resignation from behind a lectern at the center of the stage. “I can’t imagine carrying a burden like that for so many years and I want to say to you, Cindy. I’m so sorry,” he added.

Since then, the church said it hired a law firm to “review the report of past abuse” so it can understand “the facts.” Clemishire alleges at least one church leader knew about the abuse in 2005, she said in a statement to CNN.

If there are other victims, Clemishire said she encourages them to speak up.

“I wholeheartedly and sadly believe I am not the only victim. I encourage anyone who has been sexually victimized by a leader at Gateway Church to take the bold step forward and say something. Now is the time. Please know that you will be supported and will not walk this journey alone,” Clemishire said in her statement.

Morris’ successor steps down

At least three other pastors have left Gateway Church since Morris’ resignation, unleashing more uncertainty about the future.

Morris’ son James Morris, who was slated to become lead pastor next year, and his wife Bridgette resigned a month after the scandal. They agreed to leave their current roles and step down “from leading Gateway in the future,” the church said in a July 27 statement. He had been asked to take a leave of absence while the law firm conducted its review.

When the couple addressed the congregation one last time during service, they held hands after taking the stage to a standing ovation from worshippers. The young Morris chose to focus his message on the joy and love he felt at the church, while his wife choked up before talking about grief.

“The Lord is giving us vision for the future, but we do grieve, grieve (by) not being here with you,” Bridgette Morris said.

With their departure, the couple chose to allow Gateway “to have a fresh start,” said Willbanks, who introduced them at the service.

Three current elders who served on the board from 2005 to 2007 were placed on leave while the law firm’s review is conducted, the church said. The men are following a recommendation made by the law firm and have said “they had no knowledge of the true facts of this situation,” according to a June 28 statement by the church.

Congregants at Southlake, Texas, megachurch Gateway sing during worship at Sunday service on July 28. - James Hartley/Fort Worth-Star-Telegram/TNS/Getty Images

Another pastor leaves, Houston church cuts ties

Another pastor, Kemtal Glasgow, was dismissed over an unspecified “moral issue,” the church announced last week. Glasgow’s role was overseeing all of Gateway’s campuses.

“We were informed last week of a moral issue, which we believe, as elders, disqualifies him from serving in the role that he had at Gateway,” Willbanks said in a video statement. “We love his family, we love his wife and his kids, and we want to come alongside them during this difficult time and help them find restoration and healing that they need as a family.”

Gateway Church spokesperson Lawrence Swicegood acknowledged the church asked Glasgow to step down because of his “moral failure,” he told CNN Wednesday. “To be clear, this decision regarding Kemtal had nothing to with the departure of Robert Morris nor related to those circumstances.”

Morris’ son-in-law said his church cut ties with Morris earlier this summer, and he recently announced the rebranding of his congregation from Gateway Church Houston to Newlands Church.

Senior Pastor Ethan Fisher, who is married to Morris’ daughter Elaine, has said his church was supported by Gateway since it launched in 2020, but operates as an “autonomous church, both financially and legally.”

“I believe that during this season, as a church, that God is once again calling us into something new, and I simply want to follow,” Fisher told the congregation.

What’s next?

Church members have been torn over whether to continue attending. Lou Comunale, a longtime church member, told CNN affiliate KTVT he attended a June service and has seen that leaders are not “hiding behind the shame.”

“I think it was on target. I think he did not hide behind the shame … that it brought to the church but we went beyond that and we’re not just looking to one man, we’re looking to Jesus Christ and this church is going to thrive because they fessed up,” Comunale said about Willbanks addressing the congregation.

The week the allegations surfaced, several people held a protest outside the church while Sunday service was underway. They held signs in support of Clemishire, carrying messages that read “Justice 4 Cindy,” “She was 12” and “They Knew.”

For Emily High, the 17 years she spent as a church member came to a halt because she felt betrayed, she said.

“It’s anger, it’s all the range of emotions,” High told WFAA. “Being a pedophile, a molester, that’s not OK.”

As the search for a new pastor is underway, the two interim pastors have been splitting weekend duties. Pastor Joakim Lundqvist, a leader of a megachurch in Sweden, has shared how his own congregation faced and overcame several crises. Lucado, an author and church leader in San Antonio, Texas, encouraged the Gateway community to think about what’s next.

“I am confident that this season, which is a difficult uphill into the wind season, will result in a second wind, a new season, a time in which the church will be better because of it, and stronger on the other side of it,” Lucado said last weekend.

They hope to help worshippers heal and stay united.


God Talks to "Son of God" Philipino Religious Cult Sex-maniac in a Bunker

Update, September 9, 2024:

Apollo Quiboloy, the Philipino "Son of God" televangelist and former advisor to Duterte the former dictator of the Philippines, has been arrested. This “owner of the universe” and “appointed son of god” is accused of sex trafficking inside his "Kingdom of Jesus Christ", whereby he apparently forced his divine sexual charms on women and underage girls by threatening them with “eternal damnation” if they refused.

To embellish his credentials as a messenger and Son of God, Mr Quiboloy claims to have set up the Kingdom of Jesus Christ after hearing God whisper to him “I will use you” while attending an event led by Billy Graham, the American pastor, in 1973.


Original post August 29, 2024:

For background info, see:

I don't know what or which "God" is speaking to this idiot. But we tend to believe that God is a White Christian of European Stock. It would be unbecoming if he were Black or Chinese. Of course, he fornicated with a Jewish virgin in Bronze Age Palestine and knocked her up, but his son Jesus is considered a white Jewish Palestinian through and through. So what mad notion did Apollo Quiboloy, the Philipino sex olympian and record-breaker, have to think he is Jesus's half-brother? It's not enough that we had to put up with Jesus being half-Jewish, half-Divine, and no drop of white semen in him unless we accept that God is a white bearded wizard - like Gandalf - sitting up in the clouds playing dirty games with us? Because of globalization, supply-chain rationalization and Internet and Artifical Intelligence leveraging, we now have to deal with a surge of new religions daring to produce inferior "Sons of God" like this one of barbarian Asian stock.

It is interesting that Apollo Quiboloy got his inspiration to claim divine genetic heritage from none other than the American barbarian Evangelical hoodlum, the late Billy Graham who now serves as national security advisor to none other than Jesus G. Christ overhead above the clouds. Billy's earthly son Franklin, who took over the religious business from his father, recently declared that Donald Trump is the new Messiah and that his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital means that the Jewish Temple will soon be rebuilt atop the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which would have to be demolished. 

In his Christian humility and modesty, Franklin and his other Evangelical peabrain capitalists will of course issue an apology to the billion and a half Muslims around the world, explaining the necessity of demolishing Al-Aqsa Mosque and hoping that they would understand. There is an imperative, all written in holy texts written by smelly old Arabian nomads thousands of years ago: Jesus will not return to earth of his own volition; he's having a good time up in the Heavens sorting good from bad dead Christians, Jews and Muslims. He has to be nudged by white protestant ultra-capitalist radicals to come back, and the only way to make him get off his lazy bum and return to earth is to exterminate the Palestinians, demolish Al-Aqsa, build a new temple and wage the Final Battle of all times, Armageddon, so he can accomplish his second return. 

Religion is becoming boring: There hasn't been a new revelation since the mid-600s, and this fantastic plan by the Evangelicals is raising the religious stocks in the market and recruiting new herds of idiots believers. Sounds like a huge undertaking, but "blind faith" is behind the business plan and drives the devout numskulls. It seems that the Evangelical bug is spreading like Covid-19 among vulnerable, ignorant, albeit criminal-minded people who were not immunized by reason, education and scientific literacy.

I think the UN and all white European parliaments should pass laws criminalizing any pretense to having contact with the divine, including divine conception inside virgins and virgin births. Several centuries ago, we reluctantly put up with a Saudi Arabian Arab, Mohammad, saying he's God's last prophet (by which he pre-emptively castrated and denied any future would-be prophets, sons of God, and other religious charlatans). But more keep propping up, though most of them fail. But, like terrorists, all it takes is one victory and its mayhem and plunder. 

Remember Reverend Moon? He was a Korean religious leader, a business entrepreneur (you need money to fool so many people) and supporter of conservative political ideologies. He claimed to be "a", not "the", Messiah, so as not to displease the Jews who have registered "The Messiah" as intellectual property. Moon founded the Unification Church, whose members consider him and his wife to be their "True Parents", just like Christians consider God as their father and Mary as their mother. Moon's venture succeeded and "Moonism" is now a new well-established religion.

But enough is enough. On the positive side of things, we've had a pretty good run since Mohammad. It's been 1,400 years that no "prophet" or "son of God" or "Messiah" or some other charlatan has come forward, which has left us with only three barbaric montheistic cults and their endless wars to deal with. We do not need another.

Preacher accused of sex crimes ‘hiding in underground bunker’
Nicola Smith
Tue, August 27, 2024

Police were unable to find "Son of God" Apollo Quiboloy when 2,000 officers stormed the religious sect's headquarters in Davao City

A preacher accused of sexual abuse and human trafficking is believed to be hiding from police in a secret underground bunker. Drilling equipment has been brought in by police in the southern Philippines trying to arrest Apollo Quiboloy, the leader of a religious sect called Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC). Around 2,000 officers stormed the KOJC headquarters in Davao City on Saturday but were unable to find Mr Quiboloy, 74.

The preacher, who is on the FBI’s most-wanted list, is still believed to be at the 75-acre complex, hiding with a gang of supporters in a subterranean chamber, 30 metres down. The raid also sparked days-long clashes between Mr Quiboloy’s supporters and police in riot gear outside the compound.

The authorities have so far been unable to locate the entrance to the bunker so they have turned to digging equipment in a bid to unearth it. Radar equipment used to detect heartbeats behind walls appears to show the presence of 20 to 30 people around 30 metres below the ground.

Police Brig Gen Nicolas Torre III, who led the raid, said: “We won’t leave here until we get him.” The sprawling compound was reported to house a labyrinthine network of underground tunnels and passages.

It also has a hangar with a taxiway leading to the neighbouring Davao international airport.

Towering over the compound is the 75,000-capacity KJC King Dome. Built as a cathedral for the sect, it also hosts sports events and concerts.

Police Colonel Jean Fajardo, a spokesman for the Philippine national police, said: “The search is still ongoing. We are having a few difficulties because the signal we are monitoring using the ground-penetrating radar is moving. “We are following the signal and we’re still confident that we will find the source.

“There are many secret passages and routes that lead to hallways. These are the challenges we are facing, and one or two days are not enough to complete the search.”

During the search, two people, who police believe to be human-trafficking victims, were rescued.

Pastor Apollo Quiboloy outside the 75,000-capacity KJC King Dome in Davao City - Facebook

Mr Quiboloy, who calls himself the “appointed son of God”, is subject to arrest warrants from courts in both the Philippines and the US. Law enforcement agencies have been hunting for him for months.

In 2021, the US department of justice charged him with sexual trafficking of children and other serious crimes including fraud and coercion, money laundering and bulk cash smuggling. Prosecutors alleged he had sex with women and underage girls who faced threats of abuse and “eternal damnation” if they refused.

Mr Quiboloy and his lawyer have denied the criminal allegations against him and his religious group, saying they were fabricated by critics and disaffected former members. He has accused the US authorities of prejudging his case.

Anti-riot police rest outside the Kingdom of Jesus Christ compound in Davao city - Shutterstock

His supporters have been involved in violent confrontations with the police since the weekend and have blocked major roads to the compound with cranes and a fire truck. Some have been filming police actions on their phones and yelling at officers. Others were reported to have flung chairs and bottles at police.

Authorities said 18 people were arrested for obstruction of justice, while one person died of a heart attack. Six police officers were injured in the clashes. The KOJC purports to have seven million followers.

Hearing God whisper to him

Mr Quiboloy claims to have set up the group in Davao after hearing God whisper to him “I will use you” while attending an event by Billy Graham, the American pastor, in South Korea in 1973.

He grew his following through radio, televangelism and social media. When he is not in Davao, he has been seen travelling on his private jet.

He was reportedly a spiritual adviser to Rodrigo Duterte, [just like Billy Graham was a spiritual advisor to every Republican president since Nixon] the former president of the Philippines, who has criticised previous arrest attempts [against Quiboloy] by large numbers of officers as overkill.

Ferdinand Marcos Jr, the current president, has urged Mr Quiboloy to surrender and assured him of fair treatment by authorities.

US-born White Police Officer Rapes and Murders US-born White Underage Girl

It never ends. Here's a US-born white man - a police officer to boot who is supposedly providing "service" for his country - who decided to "volunteer" to work with young people, found a 12-year old girl as a good candidate for abuse and sexual exploitation, began abusing and raping her, had his brother and buddies join in the repeated rapes, got her pregnant, then decided to kill her and her fetus to wipe out his crimes.

White people don't commit this kind of atrocities. So how can this be? This guy is not a migrant or an immigrant. He's a US-born, a through and through white American, and a police officer to boot. Strange! Maybe he'a black African or some other inferior "darkie" migrant or immigrant disguised as white Police Officer. Alas, this was not the case.

MAGA morons: We know that Donald Dumb will pardon this criminal because he's white. But I think he should be deported back to England where he came from. Deporting 10 million "dark-skinned" immigrants will only raise the percentage of vile crimes relative to the population, because US-born white Americans will continue to commit far more crimes than immigrants. 


Her Death Was Ruled A Suicide. Now A Former Officer Is Charged With Killing Her To Hide His Abuse.
Pocharapon Neammanee
Thu, August 29, 2024

A former Stoughton, Massachusetts, police detective this week was charged with killing a pregnant woman whom he had allegedly sexually exploited since she was 15 and part of a youth vocational program.

The death of 23-year-old Sandra Birchmore in 2021 was initially ruled a suicide, but her family and supporters spoke out about her death for years, claiming to local media, in posts online and in a lawsuit that Matthew Farwell — allegedly the father of her unborn child — was responsible.

The US-born white rapist, Police Officer Matthew Farwell, pretending to "serve" his community by posing next to his underage rape victim then killing her.


Then on Wednesday, federal authorities dropped the bombshell that Farwell had been indicted on a count of killing a witness or victim and alleged that he had staged Birchmore’s death as a suicide to keep her from speaking up about his potential commission of crimes.

Farwell was taken into custody; his attorneys did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s requests for comment.

“Matthew Farwell’s gun and badge did not grant him authority to violate the Constitution, and it certainly didn’t entitle him to sexually exploit, abuse and rape a child before killing her and her unborn baby in an attempt to cover up his alleged crimes,” Stephen Kelleher, an FBI assistant special agent in charge, told reporters.

Sandra Birchmore is shown in a photo, via a "Justice For Sandra Birchmore" website. Justice For Sandra Birchmore

According to a bail motion obtained by HuffPost, Birchmore first applied for a local “Police Explorers” program in March 2010 when she was 12. Farwell was a volunteer for the vocational program before joining the Stoughton Police Department in 2012, and then became a Police Explorers instructor.

Prosecutors said that Farwell began communicating with Birchmore online by 2012, when he was 26 and she was 15, and would meet her at the Stoughton Public Library “where he would sexually groom her under the guise of providing academic tutoring.” His sexual abuse began in 2013, prosecutors said, but a text message cited in the bail motion appeared to show Farwell telling Birchmore that he would have liked to have sex with her when she was even younger.

And when Birchmore became a legal adult, Farwell allegedly cultivated a “controlling and sometimes abusive relationship.”

Some sexual encounters happened while he was on duty, according to prosecutors, who said that Farwell’s acts could be violations of federal laws including coercion and enticement, deprivation of rights under color of law and wire fraud.

In October 2020, Birchmore told Farwell that she wanted to have a child. The two came to an agreement for Farwell to impregnate Birchmore in exchange for her silence about the criminal sexual encounters, prosecutors said. But when Birchmore told him that she was pregnant that December, the bail motion said that he “responded poorly.”

“He became physically violent with Birchmore,” prosecutors wrote. “She told multiple friends that Farwell had pushed and shoved her, grabbed objects from her hands, and put her in a chokehold.”

One of Birchmore’s friends called the Stoughton Police Department in January 2021 and allegedly spoke up about the sexual abuse. An employee with the department later informed Farwell of the call, with prosecutors saying that he then “angrily demanded that the employee never tell anyone about the information.”

Farwell allegedly confronted Birchmore, texting her: “what else do I have to worry about now? Which other friend will do something tomorrow.” It was at this point that prosecutors said he began plotting to kill her.

On Feb. 1, 2021, Farwell told Birchmore that he was going to her apartment and he then entered wearing a face mask, prosecutors said. He allegedly strangled Birchmore before repositioning her body. First responders later “found Birchmore in a seated position with a strap around her neck and door knob,” the bail motion said. The state medical examiner’s office ruled her death a suicide months later.

But her family members believed Farwell was responsible, and thousands of people joined a Facebook page about Birchmore’s death. Her family filed a wrongful death lawsuit in December 2022, accusing Farwell and two other Stoughton officers — Robert Devine and Farwell’s brother William Farwell — of pushing the 23-year-old to suicide. The family alleged in the suit that the men engaged in sex acts with Birchmore while she was a minor and part of the Police Explorers program.

In response, all three either denied or claimed to not have enough knowledge to confirm or deny their responsibility in the death. Litigation remains ongoing. The three men voluntarily left their jobs with Stoughton police in 2022, The Boston Globe reported.

Earlier this year, a forensic pathologist hired by Birchmore’s family said that her death was a homicide, according to the Globe.

A message on a “Justice for Sandra Birchmore” website described this week’s indictment of Matthew Farwell as an important move.

“This is not the end. It is just the beginning to getting Sandra and her unborn child the justice they deserve. It is also important to note that this indictment could save countless other women from the evil of Matthew Farwell,” the site said. “And what about the others? Only time will tell if William Farwell and Robert Devine will be charged, as well.”

Donna McNamara, the chief of Stoughton police, praised the federal indictment of Matthew Farwell, calling Birchmore’s death “a horrific injustice.”

“The allegations against the suspect, a former Stoughton Police Officer, represent the single worst act of not just professional misconduct but indeed human indecency that I have observed in a nearly three-decade career in law enforcement,” McNamara said.