Those same indecent and coward US Republican congressmen and senators who refused to impeach Trump and who carried his water for him for ten years now pretend to be stunned at the convicted felon's outright alliance with the Russian criminal dictator Vladimir Putin. Even those who voted to impeach Trump for his collusion with Russia against his rival Joe Biden are also to blame for their fence-sitting. Instead of breaking out of the GOP-now-MAGA cult, they continued to play it safe by catering to Trump's disastrous antics.
Anyone who doubted that Trump is tipping the US from NATO and the Western alliance over into the Russian-Iranian-Chinese anti-Western alliance can now clearly see where Trump is taking the US.
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is one of those who should declare herself an independent and no longer vote like a submissive vassal to everything Trump wants. The Alaskan said yesterday that she was "sick to her stomach" at the spectacle that unfolded in the oval office. Why didn't she get sick to her stomach several years ago? Couldn't she have seen where Trump is heading? In politics, there are always those who follow and follow, and waver and hesitate but never have the courage to stand up early and firmly against what they see coming. Then, when the shit hits the fan, they claim to have just discovered how bad their choices have been.

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 11: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Sen. Lisa Murkowski was one of a few Republican dissenters to Trump's violent and combative posture on Ukraine and to his submission to Putin's talking points. It seemed yesterday that Trump and Vance were Putin's attorneys in a court of law.
“I am sick to my stomach as the administration appears to be walking away from our allies and embracing Putin, a threat to democracy and U.S. values around the world,” Murkowski said in a post on X.
WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 11: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Sen. Lisa Murkowski was one of a few Republican dissenters to Trump's violent and combative posture on Ukraine and to his submission to Putin's talking points. It seemed yesterday that Trump and Vance were Putin's attorneys in a court of law.
“I am sick to my stomach as the administration appears to be walking away from our allies and embracing Putin, a threat to democracy and U.S. values around the world,” Murkowski said in a post on X.
Yet many Republican assholes continued to support Trump’s realignment of the US away from the Western Alliance and into the Russian sphere of influence around the world. If this was Trump's way of underscoring his asinine America First policy, it certainly appears to be more like America Second to Russia policy.
With JD Vance declaring a verbal war against Europe last week and Trump's increasingly seeking to normalize relations with the Kremlin, the question is to what end?
With JD Vance declaring a verbal war against Europe last week and Trump's increasingly seeking to normalize relations with the Kremlin, the question is to what end?
Is it idelogical? Some say that the ultimate goal of the white supremacist racists Trump and Vance is to secure a "northern white global alliance" stretching from Alaska and the Bering Sea across the north American continent through the Atlantic and into Europe and extending all the way to the far Russian East. This "northern white alliance" would establish white supremacy over China and the other "colored" nations of the global south.
Is it economic? The "northern white global alliance" is also consistent with the US having recently discovered a new economic enemy in China. After the scarecrow of Communism of the post WWII Cold War era, then the Islamic terrorism of recent decades, now is the turn to create a new enemy to be exploited for various criminal corporate capitalistic enterprises around the world. As the false champion of democracy, free markets, and free ideas, the US is actually afraid of waging an honest and fair competition with rising giants like China. After berating China for decades for its closed markets and demanding it to join in the competition of free markets, here is the US now turning yellow at the sight of China elbowing it in the space of the superpowers' club.
Is it as stupid as Trump's brain wanting to emulate other autocrats? In the US, Trump's madness remains hemmed in by the rule of law and institutions. His moronic horizons could extend no farther than to be a me-too dictator with a coterie of billionaire oligarchs (as is the case in Russia), which is why he is assaulting all the institutions of the US republic that could stand up to him, and trying to fill them with submissive servants to his own personal will and whims.
In their confrontation in the ovsal office, Zelenskyy came out a winner, a sort of David slinging stones at the dumb Goliath facing him. His position was simple on the "deal" the idiot grocery store owner Trump wanted: Yes, the U.S. can benefit from the rare earth mineral deposits in Ukraine, but Ukraine wants security guarantees that would defend Ukraine against an eventual second aggression by Russia in the coming years. But the moron and his vice-moron chose to respond with Putin's talking points: Ukraine is not really a country and if Zelenskyy doesn't bend down and kiss the ring then "the US is out" and Russia can take all of it "back".
Throughout history, many peoples and nations have fought and won their wars of liberation against mightier enemies, occupiers and invaders - Vietnam, Algeria, and others - with minimal help from outsiders. Ukraine can fight Russia without the assistance of the US. Russia is not that powerful after all: Look at its debacle when it invaded Afghanistan. The question however is: Will the Europeans risk their faltering alliance with the US for the sake of Ukraine? Yes, the US has already initiated a breakup with Europe on many other matters by trying to weaken the European Union by supporting extreme wight-wing NAzi parties in germany and Hungary and elsewhere. The Europeans are already reacting and their posture on Ukraine has all the hallmarks of a breakup with the US.
Meanwhile, the inbred morons of the MAGA-GOP party like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina are all expressing their support for Trump's increasing association with Russia.” The imbecile moron from Alabama, Senator Tuberville, called Zelenskyy “that Ukrainian weasel.”
But the cracks appearing in the MAGA-GOP wall are creeping up faster then expected as reasonbale republicans take stock of their disastrous support for Trump: Senator John Curtis of Utah and Representative Don Bacon of Nebraska expressed their disapproval of Trump's behavior. “Diplomacy and statesmanship seem to have been checked at the door of the Oval Office today,” Curtis said on X on Friday. Both he and Bacon expressed their shock at the treatment reserved for Zelenskyy at the white house: "Ukraine wants to be part of the West", while Russia “hates us and our Western values.” said Rep. Bacon, and yesterday was “a bad day for America’s foreign policy”.
But the cracks appearing in the MAGA-GOP wall are creeping up faster then expected as reasonbale republicans take stock of their disastrous support for Trump: Senator John Curtis of Utah and Representative Don Bacon of Nebraska expressed their disapproval of Trump's behavior. “Diplomacy and statesmanship seem to have been checked at the door of the Oval Office today,” Curtis said on X on Friday. Both he and Bacon expressed their shock at the treatment reserved for Zelenskyy at the white house: "Ukraine wants to be part of the West", while Russia “hates us and our Western values.” said Rep. Bacon, and yesterday was “a bad day for America’s foreign policy”.
Americans in general are ignorant of the world and pay less attention to their government's foreign policy. The coup de grace that is more likely to come from the domestic disaster that trump is inflicting on the country. As their standard of living begins to crumble as as result of Trump's dismantling of the federal government and his tariffs, the American swamp of 77 million protoplasmic idiots who voted for him will slowly but inexorably dry up and cause a shockwave come the elections of November 2026. As James Carville said, until then, let us "play possum" and watch the implosion from within of the worst US administration in history.
Another GOP outlier, Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday that Trump must now recognize how
his stance on Russia and Vladimir Putin, is perceived here at home in the US and around the world. Christie said: “What we need to understand is, and what I
think the president should try to do now, is to understand that part of
the problem here is that he looks and sounds like an ally of Putin.”
During the clash between Trump and Zelenskyy in the oval office, Trump parroted Russian talking points, such as falsely blaming Ukraine for starting the conflict and called Zelenskyy a “dictator.” as he also commented on Marco Rubio's avid licking the boots of both dictators - Trump and Putin- Christie said, “Rubio was saying, ‘We’ve got to get Putin to the table.’ Well, you can get someone to the table in a number of different ways, and it’s not just through honey.... Sometimes it’s also through letting them know, ‘We’re going to continue to stand with our friends, and you’re not going to have any alternative but to continue to have this war as well.’”
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