When Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact with Hitler on September 30, 1938, he was trying to avoid World War II by making a deal with Hitler over German-speaking territories in Czechoslovakia. He returned to England claiming he had secured "peace for our time". Less than a year later, Hitler invaded Poland and triggered WWII in which he invaded much of Europe. To this day, Chamberlain's reputation remains one of a naive foolish appeaser for believing Hitler's word.
What the criminal autocrat moron Donald Dumb and his sidekick J D Vance were trying to do yesterday by ambushing Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the Oval Office was to make a similar deal with the Russian criminal autocrat Putin over Russian-speaking territories in Ukraine. The two assholes were pressuring Zelenskyy to sign a deal that they claimed would avoid World War III and usher peace in the world.
There is one difference though between Neville Chamberlain and the two morons in the White House: From Chamberlain's perspective, he was trying to avoid war because the British army was not ready for war with the growing German war machine. But the two White House morons couldn't care less about military readiness or any geopolitical considerations: They had a gun pointing at the back of Zelenskyy's neck so he signs some fucking rare earth deal with them, without giving him anything in return. No security guarantees. No military aid. For the master of the "art of the deal" that Trump claims to be, this is one stupid con job that only a fool would accept to sign.
Kudos to war weary Zelenskyy for standing up to the convicted felon Trump who is a draft dodger and who knows nothing of war. The coward criminal evaded the Vietnam war by claiming he had bone spurs in his feet as his father pulled somne strings, and goes on repeating that soldiers, veterans, prisoners of war are all suckers and losers for risking their lives for their country. How else could we not see the chasm separating a hero and resistance fighter Zelenskyy (in his military fatigues, which Trump mocked as "dressed up") and the two barking business con hounds Trump and Vance?
It was clear that Trump and Vance ambushed Zelenskyy. They planned the whole confrontation to produce a "great television" moment. All their arguments were about:
- Defeatism - Oh you can't win that war, they kept telling Zelenskyy - as if wars are fought only if you can win them. How many wars that the dumb US fought and lost since 1945? ALL, except the walk in the park in Kuwait in 1991. All the others the US lost despite spending trillions of dollars, losing hundreds of thousands of its finest, and causing the deaths of millions of innocent civilians. Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, Afghanistan...
- Grocery store grinches - Oh we gave you billions and you haven't won, they told Zelenskyy. When former republican administrations funded terrorist organizations like the Contras in Nicaragua or other right-wing killing squads across Latin America, Africa and elsewhere to fight Communism... did they expect them to win? By insisting on Ukraine's defeat before the war is even over, the two assholes were surrendering to Putin. They, in fact, are in cahoots with Putin who is a co-conspirator in the White House ambush of Zelenskyy.
- The only thing that the two assholes wanted was for Zelenskyy to give up his territories in Eastern Ukraine so they make a deal with Putin over extracting rare earth minerals. Money is behind the whole thing. Not one word on the values of freedom, self-determination, fighting totalitarian criminal regimes like Putin's, democracy, etc.. It was all about making money out of exploiting Ukraine's resources in a for-profit partnership with Russia's ruling gang of oligarchs. Trump and Vance (and Musk and other billionaires) want to turn the US into a similar regime than the one now in power in Russia: A few billionaires owning all the country's resources, and fuck the rest of the American people.
- Old stale campaign lies - It's the fault of Obama, it's the fault of Joe Biden, it's the fault of Hunter Biden, its's the fault of Hilary Clinton.... When will the supreme moron in the White House stop blaming his predecessors for his own failures? When will he take responsibility?
Zelenskyy told the two assholes in their face that they are naive and credulous for believing Putin. He was being nice. Their "naivete" is not like Chamberlain's. It is more a criminal enterprise hiding beneath their genetic imbecility. Zelenskyy knows that Trump has already made a deal with Putin behind his back. He couldn't tell them they're criminals on television; he used the stupid, naive, moron card to argue his point, which is part of, but not the whole, truth.
Trump kept shouting that Zelensky doesn't have the "cards" for making a deal, that he lacks any leverage to negotiate a "ceasefire" with the dictator Putin. Zelenskyy replied that he is not interested in a ceasefire that Putin who, just like Hitler in 1938, would not respect anyway. Zelensky replied: “I’m not playing cards”, I want a peace treaty that safeguards my country.
Just like Hitler did in 1938, Putin will sign but then will renege and re-invade and take all of Ukraine.
Just like Chamberlain talked about Hitler, Trump claimed he was working closely with Putin, a man he can trust, to get to a deal. Trump avoided saying one negative thing against Putin (arguing that if he did, Putin would not come to the negotiatiosn table), yet he hurled one insult after another at Zelenskyy - ungrateful, misguided... after he called him a dictator earlier this month. Why the double standard? Because Trump idolizes Putin and identifies with criminal strongmen like him, while decent and brave Zelenskyy is an easy target. Cowards is what Trump and Vance are.
Trump also accused Zelensky of risking a broader global conflict if the war
were to continue, the implication being that if Zelenskyy did not surrender to Putin at this stage of the conflict (and sacrifice his country's eastern territories to make the deal), Putin will invade all of Ukraine, perhaps Poland and the Baltic States... and thus take the world into World War III. In their deranged minds, Trump and Vance are blaming victim Zelenskyy for irritating dictator Putin who could react by causing World War III. Textbook example of caving in to a brutal bully.
Bottom line: The assholes Trump and Vance's co-called "deal" consists in Zelenskyy's selling his country twice: Once to the "businessmen" Trump and Vance who would profit with their billionaire corporate friends from extracting Ukraine's rare earth minerals, and a second time to Putin who would annex parts of Ukraine, and use it later as a springboard to "take back" former territories that the defunct failed Soviet dictatorship once occupied by force like Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania... That is "peace for our time" that the two idiots wanted for the rest of us.
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