Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Surge in Anti-Palestinianism in the US

The racist terrorist attack against Palestinian students in Vermont late last week is but the tip of the iceberg of an overwhelming surge of anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian attacks. The pervasive ignorance of a poorly informed American public, largely due to the long-standing Zionist media monopoly that keeps feeding infantilized Americans pro-Zionist propaganda that demonizes Arabs, Palestinians in particular, is causing a surge in racist pro-Zionist attacks against Arab and Muslim Americans.

One female student at Colorado State University (CSU) reported that another student called her a ‘towel head' and told her that her religion (Islam) is a violent religion and that she is technically a terrorist and is responsible for all the problems in the world. If one is to accept Islam's inherent violence, then Judaism wins first place in the "most-violent" contest. Don't listen to what you're told, just read the biblical trash.

The advocacy manager for Palestine Legal, Lina Assi, said her group sent a letter to the Education Department about the more than 600 requests for legal support it has received following experiences of discrimination and harassment.

Last weekend, three students were shot in Burlington, Vermont, as they walked near the town's university, two of them wearing the traditional Palestinian scarves known as keffiyehs. One of them, Hisham Awartanimay, was so severly wounded that he may never be able to walk again. The white caucasian man - typical ignorant white idiot from the sticks of America - who shot the three students has been arrested, and advocacy groups are pushing for a hate crime investigation. It is not known if the suspect is Jewish or Israeli. But the Zionist propaganda that dominates the American media has created an atmosphere of such incitement against anyone who is not pro-Zionist or pro-Israel: The Zionist lobby is pushing Americans into the "either with us or against us" equation, leaving no room for a nuanced and balanced assessment. 

In their ruffian witless manner, American media have always infantilized their ignorant public by telling it that there are only two sides to each debate or argument. You're either a democrat or a republican, you're either white or black, you're either pro-abortion or anti-abortion, etc, never imagining other possibilities or sides. Americans have been brainwashed to think in a binary way. But somehow, the rape of Palestine by European Zionists is an exception: there is only one side and it's the Zionist side. Everything else is silenced, muted, repressed, untold, hidden. There's absolutely no room for the Palestinian side to express itself. It's become a built-in mechanism in the brains of Americans: They have stopped questioning it or thinking about it. Easy to remember: Zionism is good. Palestine is bad. Judaism is good, Islam is bad. Protestantism is good. Catholicism is bad. For the 250 years of its existence, this republic under God has had only two Catholic presidents, one of whom was quickly assassinated after taking office (1963), and the other one is none other than senile smarmy Joe Biden who does his best to hide his catholicism and tow the line of the ruling Protestant-Zionist elite.

According to this one-sided Zionist-imposed narrative, the Zionist-Jewish-Israeli side is the only one, and everyone who even tries to depart from that "Big Brother" ideology is immediately ostracized and bannished. Backwoods rural peasant states (stupid Trump voters) have enacted laws prohibiting the use of certain words or phrases and are persecuting businesses and professionals who choose to use their constitutional right to boycott made-in-Israel products. Forget the free market of ideas long heralded as the foundation of America which has become another North Korea or Russia or China: The Zionist ideology is the official ideology of the US government. Joe Biden has himself declared that he is a Zionist, sort of a Catholic Uncle Tom to his Protestant-Zionist handlers. Dissent is not tolerated; history is re-written to match the official narrative. 

There are no words to describe what is happening to America other than the qualifiers of totalitarian, Gulag, authoritarian, unique ruling ideology that denies any fact not in line with its fallacious re-writing of history. The country is itself founded on a Big Lie: Rarely do Americans mention the native original owners of the land which they massacred, ethnically cleansed, internally displaced and conveniently herded into reservations (like Israel did with the Palestinian original owners of the land). The only difference is that while in these other totalitarian systems dissenters are imprisoned or killed, in the American Gulag dissenters and those whose identity is undesirable (e.g Black, African, non-European, Palestinian, Asian, Arab, Muslim... those they call the "Black and Brown") see their lives destroyed, their jobs lost, their reputations scarred, and are often physically attacked (like the Vermont Palestinian students) and even killed in broad daylight (like George Floyd). In that sense, America is a white caucasian Gulag democracy, just like Israel declares itself to be the oxymoronic "Jewish democracy", by cloning the Iranian "Islamic democracy" model. In both Iran and Israel, radical primitive holy-book-literalists run the show, claiming a mandate from a Bronze Age Zombie-in-the-Sky god. Like Israel with its African Ethiopian Jews, America's import of millions of African slaves is generally kept under lid, and racism has always been, and continues to be, a hallmark of the white American colonial psyche. To all its immigrants on board the galley, except the Jewish-Zionist floggers, America has become an open-air concentration camp. Americans are free to move about the camp, but will be severely punished if they express dissent on substantive issues.

One of the three Vermont victims said in an interview, “In the West Bank, we’re not safe because of the occupation, and as a Palestinian American, I’m not safe in America because of people like this that might come out.” The attack followed the shooting death of a 6-year-old Palestinian boy in Illinois last month, in what police say was a hate crime.

“As parents of Palestinian children, we fear for the safety of our families as U.S. media and even elected officials from the highest levels of the government have repeated racist and dehumanizing language in recent weeks, contributing to an environment of heightened racism and violence towards Palestinians and Arabs,” the families of the three Vermont victims said in a statement. “This hateful rhetoric emboldens people to act with violence.”

A student from CSU said,“I think [it] is just horrifying to think of .... We would hope it would never happen here at CSU and here in Fort Collins, but with the increase in violence rising, it’s just saddening to think that that could happen here as well.” The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Coalition Against Apartheid put out a statement saying its school “ignores” harassment against Muslim and pro-Palestine students. “Rather, MIT has deprioritized the fight against islamophobia on campus — leaving Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian students subject to continued public harassment, doxxing, and even physical assault,” the group wrote.

Calls are being issued to students to avoid rallies and protests where they may be associated with one group or another. Unfortunately, that infringes on people's right to free speech, right to freedom of movement and right to freedom of association. Students are advised to stay at home and adopt an apolitical stance: Do not say what you think. Do not voice your opinion. Do not use certain words or phrases. Do not participate in the public debate. Stay at home.....That is exactly what the Zionist mouthpieces want: Silence over the crimes of colonial Zionism. A tamed domesticated American people that keep paying taxes so the Israeli butcher's shop keeps on ethnically cleasning historic Palestine and butchering its children who had nothing whatsoever to do with the now-friendly Nazi Germany that victimized its own Jews and dumped them on the Palestinians. 

Welcome to the new America, "Land of the Serfs, Home of the Slaves".


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