Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Do You Really Want Nimarata Randhawa (a.k.a. Nikki Haley) as US President?

 Ashamed of her Sikh background and fearing rejection by an overwhelmingly xenophobic American electorate - especially among the backwoods primitives of the American south - the woman who calls herself "Nikki Haley" - a perfectly acceptable Americanized Anglo-Saxon name - hides her third world origins behind all the accoutrements of a fully assimilated immigrant.

Her real name is Nimarata Randhawa, an unfamiliar string of sounds to the monolingual monosyllabic American public. Her parents first immigrated from India to Canada where her father earned a PhD. America was not their first choice. It was second to Canada. 

Then, during the 1960s at the height of the civil rights revolution, her father was turned down for teaching jobs by all white and admittedly racist universities in both Canada and the US. He finally landed a job as a professor of biology at Voorhees College (now University), a historically all-African American university in South Carolina. Just like an America under Donald Trump, no white university would hire Mr. Randhawa; only an African-American college was generous and inclusive enough to accept her Sikh father. It is thanks to the African American community that Nimarata-Nikki became an American citizen; she would otherwise be a Canadian citizen today. 

Yet Nimarata-Nikki is a follower of Donald Trump, the most racist, xenophobic and disgusting politician America has ever produced, and still yet, she is afraid of publicly condemning his racism toward immigrants. She is a female Uncle Tom: to pretend to assimilate into a white supremacist society, immigrants often become more racist towards their own people than the dominant culture, only to prove their loyalty to the latter. If Trump had been president when her father reluctantly left Canada to move to America to work in an African American college in the segragationist southern US, the Randhawas would have been denied entry to the US. Moreover, Trump wants to abrogate birthright citizenship, which means that if the Randhawa couple got pregnant with Nimarata-Nikki specifically to earn the US citizenship, a US-born Nimarata-Nikki of immigrant parents would not be eligible for the US citizenship and she would still be living in Canada or back in Punjab. Her "American patriotism" is nothing short of political opportunism.

Worse yet, Voorhees College is affiliated with the Episcopal Church.

Nimrata-Nikki's religious identity smacks of a continued pursuit of a hypocritical fine line between pretending to adhere to the religion of her heritage (so as not to appear as a traitor to her background) and converting to her husband's Methodist religion to please the white radical Christian electorate in the American south. Quoting from a fine article appearing in []:

"Religion, and her conversion to Christianity, has made Haley suspect in the eyes of both Christians and non-Christians. The first time she ran for the South Carolina Legislature, she identified both with her parents’ Sikh religion and with the Methodist faith of her husband. As she grew in political stature, however, her campaign faced more and more questions that sounded something like this: “OK, she’s talking about God, but which God?” The language on her campaign website was revised, with a reference to “almighty God” changed to make specific reference to Jesus Christ. At one point, she added a section to her website titled “Is Nikki a Christian?” The answer, of course, was yes. For many South Carolina voters who needed reassurance that their candidate would represent them, that meant praying to and believing in a Christian God."

This is exactly what establishment politicians do and Nimarata "Nikki" is no exception. She lies from both sides of her mouth, throwing morsels of bullshit all around in an attempt to please everyone who is of voting age. First it was the Christian God whom she reluctantly accepted. Then her marketing team started mentioning Jesus Christ. Then she converted to Methodism just before running for office. Can anyone trust a chameleon like her?

Does that look like Christian worship?

Notice that for a woman of her stature, she has not hyphenated her last name. She is not just ashamed of her last name "Randhawa", but she has dropped it altogether because it doesn't sell well down in the boonies of one of the most racist and segregationist US state, South Carolina.

It is interesting that "Nikki" rarely shows her parents in public because her father's strict Sikh tradition imposes on him to never cut his hair and continuously fold it and hem it under a turban. Can you imagine Mr. Randhawa, "Nikki"'s turbaned father, sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom?  Just the image of her turbaned father might send shivers down the spine of her voters whose ignorance makes them confuse all cultures where people do not wear jeans and T-shirts. Remember how Sikh Indians like Nimarata-Mikki were attacked by nativist Trumpian Anglo republicans across the US after September 11, 2001 because these ignorant inbred Americans thought these Sikhs were Arabs on account of their turbans. Now mind you, Arabs do not wear turbans, but ignorant Hollywood- and Disney-made movies dressed Arab characters with turbans, and now every numskull American thinks of Sikhs as Arabs).  And this is the electorate that Nimarata is after: Inbred ignorant Appalachian-stock nativist racist southern republicans who will vote for Trump anyway. They aren't going to drop the blond near-Nazi German-stock alpha-male Donald Trump for a puny dark-skinned woman who might one day turn the White House into a Sikh temple, or who might, if elected, make her oath over the Adi Granth, the sacred book of the Sikh religion.

The electorate whose butt Nimrata is kissing hated Barack Hussein Obama because of his half-Kenyan and half White American heritage, and though he was raised a Christian they never stopped attacking him as a Muslim. Can you imagine what they think of a full-blown Indian Sikh with no Caucasian genes in her and a weird religion to boot? Nimarata does not rise up to what Obama stood for. She is not as smart, and like traditional women of immigrant background she tries to please everyone instead for standing for principle and for who she really is.

At least with Trump, you know who you're voting for: A total nasty moron. But with sneaky establishment hypocrites like Nimarata "Nikki" Randhawa-Haley, I urge voters to be really careful.

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