Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Does Anyone Still Wonder Why there is Anti-semitism

Europeans, not Palestinians, perpetrated the Holocaust. 

Europeans, not Palestinians, chased their own fellow European Jews out of Europe.

Europeans, not Palestinians, funded and aided their Jews to perpetrate the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the Nakba.

Europeans, not Palestinians, are antisemites.

Europeans, not Palestinians, support the ongoing genocide in Palestine.

Europeans, not Palestinians, were the colonial powers that decimated entire nations, including Palestine.

Europeans, not Palestinians, are committing the antisemitic attacks in Europe.

Israel was, and remains, a product of colonial European imperialism.

Long before the Holocaust, Israel was conceived by Theodore Herzl as a colonial enterprise, just like other Europeans were doing all over the globe: France, Britain, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain.... European Jews of Germany and Central Europe wanted their own Socialist utopian exotic colony where they could live and practice communism and exploit and persecute the "native savages". What Israelis are doing today to the Palestinians is a modern version of what King Leopold II of Belgium did to the Congolese, or what the French did to the Algerians, or what the English did to the Indians... Too long to list all of them.

The origins of antisemitism are squarely and exclusively in Christian Europe, not in the Arab world and nowhere else around the world. Under the Moslem Arab empire in Spain (600s-1400s) and elsewhere in every Arab capital, the Jews thrived and prospered. Both Arabs and Jews were persecuted and evicted together by the Spaniards in 1492. 

Arabs and Jews are both Semites. They are genetically and culturally related, and were once one people. According to religious text garbage, which is a fiction trying to explain reality with abject Bronze Age ignorance, Abraham was an Arab bedouin who walked out of Ur, a suburb of Baghdad, into the desert and claimed that his tribe wins the contest of "God's Most Valuable Tribe" and is better than the other Arab desert tribes. In their megalomaniacal self-aggrandizement, and to promote their own self-serving supremacy, the garbage bible stories of the Jewish Arab nomads tell us that Abraham fathered bastard Ismael with his "concubine" maid Hagar and Isaac with his "real" wife Sarah. Understand: Arabs are a bastard half-Jewish lower-class tribe, while Jews are God's preferred upper-class snots. Hence, idiots who believe this trash are led to accept Yahweh-God-Allah's discrimination against Ismael (the rejected Arab) in favor of Isaac (i.e. the chosen Jew). Does anyone still wonder why there is anti-semitism? In at least this one of its aspects, anti-semitism is a rejection of the irrational and racist notion of Jewish supremacy that is ingrained in the psyche of westerners as a result of centuries of religious bullshit being fed into their brains.

European anti-semitism is not exclusively against Jews. It encompasses hatred of all Europe's neighboring Levantine and Near Eastern peoples (and of course, by extension all the indigenous and native peoples that European colonialism conquered, persecuted, and decimated). In its "scientific racism" version (craniometry, eugenics, etc.), it claimed the supremacy of white people over all other non-white peoples. Wikipedia tells us that craniometry played a role in the European foundation of the United States and the ideologies or racism that would become ingrained in the American psyche. In its near eastern aspect, European anti-semitism continues to reject the fact of the near eastern origins of European civilization (Phoenicia, Israel, Egypt) in what is known as hellenocentrism, the absurd and unscientific notion that European civilization erupted de novo, in some sort of spontaneous generation, out of nothing, on a Greek island somewhere near the Levantine coast, and more importantly, without any input from its neighboring Levantine civilizations that preceded it by centuries and millennia. In its modern-day manifestations, anti-semitism includes Islamophobia, Arabophobia, Anti-Palestinianism, etc...

This archaic religious legacy keeps fueling racism, exclusivity, supremacy...It all started with the biblical bullshit of God choosing one Arabian tribe (Jews) over other nomadic tribes. Then Christianity came out of a domestic dispute between different Jewish groups as regards the persona of the Messiah: A savior knight in shining armor for the "ancient" Jews, or a raggedy man in a loin cloth on a cross to the "modern" Jews known as Christians. Then, unsatisfied with all this "modern" decadent Roman-pantheon-inspired Christian nonsense of the unique God now having a wife, a son, and a bunch of semi-deities known as saints represented by statues and icons, Islam proposed a Salafist sequel to the dispute: A return to the old strict Jewish traditions of the Arabian peninsula tribes in reaction to the Roman-driven polytheistic tendencies of those modern Christian Jews. In essence, Islam is copy-paste of Judaism, a return to the source, a reform movement rejecting the heresy of the "modern" Jews (i.e. Christians) and their western Roman allies and the distortion they inflicted on the ancient Judaic traditions of the Arabian peninsula. For more, see []

Given that the three contemporary monotheistic cults are inbred derivatives of a biblical bullshit fiction, does anyone still wonder why there is anti-semitism?

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