Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Hamas: Terrorist or Liberation Movement or Both?

The insistence by world Jewry on having a supremacist exclusive “Jewish” state of their own is a justification for the Islamic states, also supremacist and exclusive, to exist around it. No state that claims to be founded on justice, equality and democracy can attach a religion to its statehood. Religion and inclusivity are antithetical concepts.

Otherwise, why not then help create Buddhist states, Hindu States, Shinto States, Christian States, Catholic States, Orthodox States, etc.?

Did you take note of the fact that Israel is bombing refugee camps? The residents of these refugee camps were already made refugees by Israel itself when it was created by ethnically cleansing Palestine in 1948 and 1967!

Hamas is a “terrorist” organization, just like the French resistance against German occupation, or the Algerian resistance against French occupation, or the Vietnamese resistance against French and American occupations, or the South African ANC resistance against the Apartheid white Afrikaner colonial occupation, or any of the multitudes of native indigenous resistance movement against colonial invaders that were labeled “terrorist” by the foreign invaders.

Regardless of its barbaric Islamist ideology – a clone of the barbaric Jewish and Zionist ideologies – Hamas is first and foremost a legitimate resistance against an illegal occupation. 

Did anyone question the French resistance against the Germans because it was Communist? Or Catholic? Or Protestant? The Americans and the British funded and aided  the Communist French resistance.

Did anyone accuse the Vietnamese resistance against the French of being terrorists because the Vietnamese were Buddhists or Atheists? 

Did anyone accuse the Algerian resistance against the French occupation of being terrorists because the Algerians were Muslims? 

So how can anyone buy into the propaganda of the criminal Zionist child-killers who question Hamas’s resistance to occupation on the ground that it is Islamic?

The Palestinian problem has always been that of a foreign occupation and brutalization of a native indigenous population. If the Palestinian resistance was secular and not Islamic, would you then support it? In fact, prior to the rise of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the 1980s, all Palestinian resistance was secular – the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) etc. Yet the Israelis and their leashed American canines labeled them "terrorists" as a way to deny them the right to defend themselves against Zionist Jewish barbarity. It didn’t work. They ultimately made peace with them.

Every resistance movement takes the persona of the time in which it emerges. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, everyone around the world was in a “revolutionary” mode. Communism, Maoism, Peaceniks, Trotskyism, Anarchists, Hippies, Sex Liberation movements,… were very fashionable. So, any legitimate resistance movement reflected the surrounding cultural and political ambience. From Latin and South America to Europe and Asia, all these rebellious movements were Communists, Maoists, etc. when they were fundamentally fighting against imperial colonialism. Today's protest movements in much of Latin America are uprisings by the native indigenous majority populations against their rulers who are the remnants of European colonizers and conquerors.

Then the fashion faded. With the rise of Islamist ideologies throughout the Arab-Muslim world beginning in the early 1980s, those same legitimate resistance movements turned to Islam as an ideological platform. Of course, a resistance movement in a non-Muslim country could not become Islamist. But those resistance and revolutionary movements in non-Muslim Europe and Asia turned to their own religious roots to find an ideological incubator: The dumb asshole Evangelists of the Southern US states are one example. The “Liberation Theology” of the South and Central American Catholics is another. The anti-EU Catholics of Hungary and Poland are another. How about the Irish liberation movement? Was it its Catholic nature that made it a "terrorist" in the eyes of the pompous colonialist asshole Protestants of the English crown, or its desire to rid itself of a brutal centuries-old occupation?

I judge the Palestinian liberation and resistance movements not by who they say they are, but by their stated objective, and if this stated objective is legitimate under the law, then they deserve to be recognized as such. The Palestinian resistance movements, whether Arab nationalists, Islamic crazies of God, or secular, atheist, Christian-born Communists like George Habash, are legitimate because they are resisting a foreign invading colonial project against their country. No one can question this fact. In fact, had the British-Zionist duo not lied to the Palestinians in the 1920s, or had the American-Zionist criminal colonialist duo later dealt honorably with the secular Palestinians of the 1960s and 1970s, the Palestinians would not have turned to Islam, i.e., Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as a rallying cry for their legitimate resistance.

Indeed, many scholars have argued that it was the Americans and the Zionists who promoted Hamas, in a divide and conquer strategy, to undermine the PLO and Arafat at exactly the same time that the Americans and Zionists were signing peace with Arafat. Which goes to show that they never really wanted peace with Arafat to work so that they can later ( as we see today) nibble more land and expand their purely Jewish supremacist state. As soon as they created the Palestinian Authority the Israelis began undermining it.

Just as the Americans promoted and armed the Islamic fundamentalists and the Taliban to fight the Russians, only to find themselves later fighting against those same now-terrorist Taliban. Just as Americans fell in love with the Damascus butcher Assad and gave him Lebanon to occupy and torment for 30 years, only to find out he was channeling hundreds of thousands of missiles to Hezbollah along the Lebanese-Israeli border. Typical short-term idiotic US foreign policies. Those State Department idiots must be intellectually inbred in their academic incubators and think-tanks. They keep repeating the same failed policy everywhere they go.

For the same reason that I do not judge the Palestinian resistance to foreign occupation by the cloak it wears, I do not distinguish between secular Israelis and Orthodox Jewish settlers: They are all illegal settlers, foreign invading rapists and thieves of Palestine, whether in the 1930s, or in 1948, or today. I do not judge them because they are Jewish barbarians who believe in the fictional garbage of the bible (Ocean-splitting, frog-raining, old women-impregnating, spring-gushing fallacies, etc.). They have every right to believe any bullshit they wish, just like their Muslim or Christian brethren who believe their own religious trash. I do not even judge them on the methods they use, because they ALL, without exception, are violent criminal murderers.

I judge the Zionist movement by its stated objective – a Jewish colonialist movement bent on ethnically cleansing Palestine, evicting its native indigenous Palestinian population, taking its place and stealing its land and country. That is simply not a legitimate objective, even if the English imperial crooks said otherwise back in 1917.

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