Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Who Were the "Human Animals" of Europe?

Zionists always claim that Palestinians are "Arabs" and therefore other Arab countries should take them. It's their way of asking Arab countries to partake in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Zionists refer to Palestinians as animals, savage Muslims, backward, prone to terror and violence, inferior, etc.

Now, has anyone wondered why the Jews of Europe and the West HAD TO FLEE EUROPE in the first place and build themselves an artificial country somewhere?

It was because the Zionists' best friends of today, namely the Europeans and the Americans, either massacred them and hunted them down (Europeans) or refused to take them as refugees (America). 

"Christian" westerners used to refer to Jews as inferior, vermin, animals, savages who turned down Jesus, backward people moved by greed and nothing else.

The Palestinians have become today's "Jews", and today's Israelis have become the Nazis who apply to the Palestinians the same labels that Hitler applied to the Jews. Today's Zionism is a reincarnation of Nazi ideology, except that it targets the Palestinian people. How come?  Zionism was born out of a racist colonial antisemitic European womb. The Jews of 18th-19th century Europe were absorbing and partaking in an environment of racism, colonialism, racial supremacism. As white Europeans, many Jewish individuals and businesses were participating in the slave trade and looting African, Asian and American colonies of their natural wealth and resources. As they began conquering Palestine in the late 19th century, what methods did you expect them to use in their conquest? Peaceful, non-violent, befriending, honest approach with the native Palestinians, lacking any threatening, blackmailing, violent, corrupt methods to swindle the naive indigenous Palestinians out of their lands, like all European colonialists had been doing around the globe? Has anyone ever wondered why it was those European Jews imbibed with colonialist ideologies, and not the Jews of Iran, Yemen and North Africa, who came up with the Zionist idea?

One HUGE difference though: The Jews of Europe are native to Europe; they did not arrive to Europe on migrant boats. They had been in Europe for millennia, the majority of them Christians newly converted to Judaism by fanatic proselytizing Jews in Eastern Europe and Russia. European antisemitism was against its own native Jewish community.

In contrast, today's Jewish Zionist Nazis are foreign invaders, conquerors, occupiers who arrived from overseas on migrant boats to Palestine, and began treating the native indigenous Palestinians as they themselves were treated by the Europeans and also as Europeans had been treating all their colonized peoples: Like subhuman vermin worthy only of being killed or deported to concentration camps known as refugee camps or put to work as slaves.

To the Zionists: You still can go back home to Europe (two-thirds of the Israeli population carry dual citizenships), leave the Palestinians alone, and live in a de-Nazified tolerant democratic no-longer-colonial Europe and West with loads of human values and very friendly to both Jews and Muslims. There is so much more to accomplish and live for in the West, rather toil constantly on the edge of moral and economic abyss. Europeans and Americans love you: See how they overlook and trespass their own laws for your sake? Your decision to move to Palestine was irrational, impulsive and reeking of colonialist biblical bullshit. On the other hand, Arabs who used to love you and live with you can no longer bear to hear your falsehoods and fabricated stories. They will never love you, nor will they ever forgive you for what you have done to Palestine. So why condemn yourselves to a life on a permanent war footing and hatred? Build yourselves other Jewish resorts or Disneylands right in the heart of Europe, instead of the dangerous shores of the Eastern Mediterranean.

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