Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Deepening Chasm Between Barbarian Israel and Submissive US? Or Theater?


Take your pick. 

Is the US lying when it says it wants a Palestinian state and is playing the good guy (versus bad guy Netanyhau) just to prevent Biden from crashing in November's elections? 

Is Biden's National Security Memorandum-20 (NSM-20; a new policy directive calling for U.S.-funded arms not to be used in violation of international humanitarian and human rights law) genuine or a decoy to calm rising public opinion's rage at the carnage committed by Jews in Palestine?

Is there any credibility to Anthony Blinken's running around calling for the urgent establishment of a Palestinian State, after seven decades of colluding with the barbarian Israelis to negate the existence of such a state, while his own State Department and boss are saying the US will block any UN ceasefire resolution?

How can anyone believe in the United States's confused, haphazard, and contradictory positions that allow demented war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to still receive military and financial aid AND oppose the stated policies of his breastfeeding mother, the United States?

How long will this charade of international politics continue? Most likely for as long as Netanyahu needs to complete the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, finish off the carnage in Gaza, and - surprise - maintain the same apparent opposition to Biden until Trump moves back into the White House next November.

The Democracts in the US are caught in a major dilemma: If they oppose Israel, the Zionist lobby will crush their balls financially and mediatically and will ensure Trump's victory in November. If they side with Israel, the whole world and their progressive base will blame them for the genocide in Palestine. But they hate Netanyahu and his right-wing Jewish terrorism. So what gives? 

Netanyahu has clearly stated his opposition to what he calls the "unilateral recognition" of Palestinian statehood that most countries, including America's European allies (even the hypocrite English), are calling for, arguing that any such agreement must be reached through direct negotiations. The submissive US hasn't gone so far and is only calling for a "pathway" to statehood. How can Netanyahu genuinely want to negotiate when he says he does not want a Palestinian state? Same thing with Hamas: How can it genuinely want to negotiate when it says it wants to eliminate the admittedly colonial state of Israel? Is this the theater of the absurd?

For 75 years, the Zionist rapists of Palestine have scuttled every move to establish the Palestinian State. They have even stolen much of the Palestinian land slated for such a state. In the 1990s, they were coerced into signing a peace treaty with their formerly tagged "terrorist" Yasser Arafat and his PLO, only to undermine Arafat's Palestinian Authority in the West Bank by encouraging and funding Hamas in Gaza to divide the Palestinian camp and weaken its position.

The apparent contrition by the US in its call for Palestinian statehood is dishonest and indecent. It had all the time to rein in the expansionist pathology of the Zionists in Palestine. Instead, it funded them, armed them, defended them.... And now, when it is too late, the US wants a Palestinian State? If the Palestinian state the US says it wants is anything like the Bantustans created by the Oslo Accords, then the US is doubling down on its backstabbing of the Palestinian people. As long as violence and might are the sole basis for negotiations, these will lead nowhere but to another October 7 in the future. 

Justice, my friends, real justice, should be the objective. If Israel does not want the world to "impose" a Palestinian state on it, then it too should forgo the illusion of a supremacist purely Jewish Israel on Palestinian land.

The senile U.S. President Joe Biden has been trying to bait the Zionist Yawheh-crazies with normalization with Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, but the Palestinian state idea is not what the Zionists want. They want all of Palestine, from the river to the sea. Why? Because after decades of backing Israel's violence no matter what, with arms shipment and financial rewards, the US has become unable to tame the monster it and the English have created in Palestine. The Israelis know they have the US and the UK in their pockets and will do whatever they want, even to the point of dragging them into a wider war in the region.

After creating the Dr. Moreau monster Israel in the most barbaric way possible with the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the American-English Dr. Moreau can no longer tame the monster. They say that artists fall blindly in love with their creation, though Israel is no piece of art.

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