Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Beware a Christian Daesh-ISIS

We already have a Muslim Daesh - also known as ISIS or ISIL. They kill and maim in the name of archaic religious beliefs that apparently were revealed by God. They bomb and murder innocent people, they have invaded entire countries. But the world has, as we speak, created an organization of 86 countries for the specific objective of standing up to barbaric Islamist primitives. [ ]

We already have a Jewish Daesh - also known as Zionism. It has been on a century-long murderous rampage in Palestine, killing, dispossessing, ethnically cleansing and dehumanizing an entire native indigenous Palestinian population. It doesn't matter to these criminal Zionist Nazis that a people has the right to self-defense against the Goebbels-inspired Jewish Ministry of Propaganda and the lies it keeps injecting into the mainstream: There never was a Palestinian people; A land without people for a people without land; Israel was created as a refuge for the Jewish victims of the German Holocaust; etc. etc. etc. We all have heard and seen these lies in the media and in Hollywood movies. Will the international community create an organization to stand up to the Zionist fundamentalist barbarian primitives? 

And as I have repeatedly warned, there is a danger that the "Christian" world, as a reaction to the barbarian Jews and Muslims whose religious and fallacious hallucinations have pretty much plundered the earth in our time, might succumb and promote a Christian Daesh. It already has in the form of the dumb American southern evangelicals whose mission is to convert the world to its brand of religious fundamentalism, to domesticate world politics in favor of American unilateralism and backwardness, and engage in a form of modern-day crusade against all native cultures, against individual freedoms, against science and against all the gains made by humanity since the Age of Reason and the Englightenment over the past two centuries. The "Christian" world has abandoned the Crusades, the  Inquisition, the absolute infallibility of the Christian Roman Emperor in the Vatican (a.k.a. the Pope) , its colonial enterprises in the name of religion, it has abandoned its attempts to convert by force and brutality entire generations of native people in all the continents.... But the danger of a regression is still there.

As examples of this imminent return to barbaric Christianity: 

On the small scale of a country like Lebanon, the reaction to fundamentalist Sunni Islam (Daesh, the Muslim brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas etc.) has been to revive Christian fundamentalism. The number of statues erected over the mountaintops has mushroomed in recent decades; the Vatican has tired of the supposed miracles and the cohorts of saints the Maronite Church keeps sending for beatification; that same Maronite Church has expanded its reach through its schools into the minds of the young generation: reject science and the protection of the environment, reject the advent of individual freedoms, reject vaccinations against diseases, promote itself as the solution to the country's feudal and barabric sectarian system of governance, and propagate anti-science rumors. The latest of these rumors is that all deaths occurring in the past two years are due to the Covid vaccines and not to diseases caused by extreme pollution and chaotic unregulated industries (cars, construction, destruction of entire mountainside to exploit quarries, garbage, destruction of wildlife and biodiversity, no public transportation means, etc.). Christian Lebanese, who for decades were vanguards of change in the Arab world, have become one of the most religious (bigoted, no less) and regressive people in the region. 

Yesterday in France, a Syrian refugee by the last name of Abdel-Massih (literally "Slave of the Messiah") claiming to be a Christian and clutching a cross hanging from his neck went on a rampage killing babies and toddlers in a park while chanting "in the name of Christ". A Christian "me-too" of Daesh Muslim barbarity. While only a single event perhaps in a sea of Islamist crimes, it is the tip of an iceberg that has been floating around for a couple of decades. I fear copycats. I fear further regression of otherwise civil "Christian" societies into barbaric religiosity as a response to Muslim and Jewish radicalism.

While such a reaction is expected in the face of rising extremist Islamism and Zionism, it behooves enlightened decision-makers to remain steadfast in their defense of acquired gains in democracy, rule of law, separation of religion from state, individual freedoms, recognition of climate change, science-based public policy, and so on. No, the response to ultra-religious fundamentalism is not more ultra-religious fiundamentalism of another brand. Religion is all the same: It requires people to suspend their reason and believe fictional trash from the Stone Age of humanity. Religion is not the answer. It is the problem. Reason remains the only answer.

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