Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Netanyahu's Real Objective in Lebanon

Forget Hezbollah and Nasrallah. 

Forget the foreign settlers of northern Israel and their returning to their colonies in Palestine.

Forget the self-defense argument.

Ignore all the lies and pretexts that fanatic Zionists have peddled for years.

The objective of Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben-Gvir and the other skull-capped barbarians with biblical trash Bronze Age ideas is:

Expel all 2.5 million Palestinians from Gaza. Filthy Egypt has already planned a settlement for them in the Sinai. Annex Gaza.

Expel the 3 million Palestinians from the West Bank into Jordan and Syria. Annex the West Bank and create the From-the-River-to-the-Sea Greater Israel colonial monstrosity. Like Eugene Terre-Blanche of the Fascists of South Africa, they want a land void of any subhuman goyims.

The Golan Heights have already been annexed with the blessing of the Syrian Asssad regime that has never dared mount a "resistance" to retrieve the territory.

The only biblical territory not yet seized by the Zionist fanatics is South Lebanon which they consider part of Upper Galilee.

Just like they promoted Hamas to first divide and weaken the Palestinians, then use Hamas as a pretext to gobble up Gaza, they have long indirectly promoted Hezbollah in Lebanon to use it as a pretext to one day annex the Lebanese south. And that day has now come. 

Israel has had several opportunities to pacify the south of Lebanon by handing it to the Lebanese state and the UN after it ended its occupation of that territory in 2000. Instead, it denied the recovery of that territory by the Lebanese state and its armed forces, backed by the UN force, and instead made a secret deal with Iran, to hand it over to Hezbollah, Iran's client. For Israel, this maintained the pretext for a future war and annexation of the south, and it granted Hezbollah a longer shelf life.

But now the deal is bearing fruit: Hezbollah is the pretext for an Israeli invasion of the Lebanese south which this time will include, unlike in past invasions, the permanent annexation of the south with its two major cities of Tyre and Sidon, the pride of deeply-rooted Lebanese Phoenician identity. 

It was those Phoenicians of King Hiram of Tyre who used their own magnificient Melkart Temple as a blueprint to build the first Jersualem temple for David and Solomon's nomadic goat-stinking Hebrews who had heretofore kept their filthy Ark of the Covenant in a tent because they did not know how to use wood and stone to construct anything. Stones from the quarries of Lebanon and cedar woods from the forests of Lebanon were ferried to the land of Canaan that had just been butchered and ethnically cleansed (yes, today's rape of Palestine is not the Zionists' first time) by the war criminal Joshua, supposedly under orders from Yahweh, to kill every Canaanite man, woman, child and animal, in his conquest of the promised land.

How can people in the 21st century continue to believe this crap from 3,000 years ago? and worse, to use it to carry out barbaric wars against innocent indigenous populations?

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