Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Is Hassan Nasrallah Dead? (Update: Yes)

No official confirmation yet by Hezbollah of the wherabouts of its silverback, Hassan Nasrallah, but the longer it takes the Iranian militia in Lebanon to issue a statement on whether he survived yesterday's attack or has been killed, the more the likelihood that he was indeed killed. 

If true, sweet revenge for the American Marines whom dumb idiot Ronald Reagan sent to Beirut in 1983 to be blown up by Hezbollah, after which he fled like the coward that he is before Syria and Iran. If Reagan had stayed the course and supported Lebanon's Christians when Hezbollah was only one-year old, we'd have none of the savagery we are witnessing today. But so are the republican imbecile presidents: They start wars and have no idea how to end them other than losing them.

Either Hezbollah is terrified at announcing the news to its black-clad Shiite herd or it is still looking under the rubble to find him or what's left of him.

Not that I like to feel gleeful at a crime committed by the barbarian Zionists (fanatic Jews) against another barbarian (fanatic Muslim), but whether he survives or not is no longer a factor. With his metaphorical testicles now truncated, his people fleeing on the roads to be sheltered and fed by their domestic enemies, the Christians of Lebanon, and his Iranian breastfeeding mother all dried up, we will savor the blessings of no longer listening to his usual screaches on television with his index finger pointing up and hurling threats and insults at anyone who doesn't agree with him.

This marks yet another milestone in the 50-year long torment of Lebanon. When Arafat was evacuated form Beirut in 1982, we felt that a new dawn of peace and stability will rise on Lebanon. But the country's supposed western friends found it more convenient to kiss Arab behinds for oil than to help the country stand back on its feet. 

Then there were the milestones of 1983 when the May 1983 Accord was negotiated between Lebanon and Israel only to be scuttled by the Americans themselves who instructed President Amin Gemayel not to sign it because the Syrians will kill him like they killed his brother Bashir a year earlier.

Then the milestone of 1989, when the infamous Taef Agreement was shoved down the throat of the Lebanese parliament in which the domestic proxies of Saudi Arabia, backed by Syria, Israel and the US, were given the reins of power and the Syrian army took control of the entire country. Since then, the Christians who had lifted Lebanon to its zenith have been sidelined, and the Sunnis ravaged the country with their corruption and political filth by running the country down into a third-world misery, all the while promoting Hezbollah as a "resistance" movement and using its weapons to pummel the Christians into submission.

And now all the people who promoted this state of affairs - from the US to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Gulf Emirates and Israel - are applauding behind closed doors the possible decapitation of Hezbollah. But did the anomaly of Hezbollah have to wait 30 years, after the 20-year long anomaly of the PLO? Other than occasional complaints, no one took any serious step to implement all the pending UNSC resolutions on the Lebanese south that has been abandoned to the Palestinians, Israelis, Syrians and Iranians.

Hezbollah is probably finished. The determination of Israel seems beyond any reason, and the slaughter will continue for some time as it has in Gaza. Some elements of Hezbollah will regroup, perhaps even in Syria next door, but the carnage will follow them. The question is what next?

In Lebanon, everyone is exhausted from 50 years of mayhem and destruction and shattered lives. The danger in moments like this, however, is that despair makes people make reckless decisions. This the Lebanese did several times after each eruption of violence: Cairo Accord 1969, Melkart Accord 1973, UNSC 425 1978, May 1983 Accord, Taef Agreement 1989, UNSC 1701 in 2006, Doha Accord 2008...None has achieved peace for small vulnerable Lebanon.

But this time, when the dust settles, Lebanon should not fall for any US-borkered backstabbing "compromise", with which the powerful but dumb Americans are particularly enamored. Look at the Dayton Accords: They stopped the fighting in the Balkans but have not established a foundation for a permanent solution.

Anything short of reaffirming the constitutional powers of a free and independent Lebanese state is another recipe for disaster a decade down the line. No regional or international "cause" should take precedence over the interests of the state. The Lebanese president should reassume his/her full authority to appoint prime ministers and dissolve parliaments. The Lebanese army should redeploy along ALL of Lebanon's borders, those with Israel as well as those with Syria. Syria remains, alongside Israel, Lebanon's enemy number one, and its fake 2.5 million "refugees" now running amok inside Lebanon should be immediately returned back to Syria. Hezbollah's remnants should be integrated into the army and police forces, which should be given full authority to search, detain and punish any recalcitrance to the laws. A Truth and Reconciliation commission should be established. The list is too long to include here for all the things that are needed to start rebuilding from scratch.

Otherwise, if no such path - based on the rule of law and free from shady bazaar deals with Arabs and Zionists - is built into the reconstruction of Lebanon, then the country must be dissolved, partitioned and sold to Arabs and Zionists.

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