Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Trump vs. Nimarata-Nikki: Another of his Disgusting "Birther" Scandals

Trump did it with Obama (born in Hawaii). He did it with Ted Cruz (born in Canada). He did it with Kamala Harris (born in California). Now he is trying to do it with Nimarata Randhawa, a.k.a. Nikki Haley (born in South Carolina, of non-US citizen parents).

The "birther" mode of operation is one of Trump's filthy methods to discredit opponents and present them to his dumb American peasant followers as unfit for office.

Lebanon Iznogood wrote a couple of pieces on Nimarata, but they were focused on her bigotry trying to present herself as a Christian (She's a Sikh) with an anglo-saxon name (Nikki Haley) to please the same abjectly ignorant and racist republican followers.


Donald Trump said that Nikki Haley, whom he himself appointed as US ambassador to the UN and his surging rival for the Republican presidential nomination, is not qualified because her parents were not US citizens when she was born.

“I can’t imagine what Trump hopes to gain by those claims unless it’s to play the race card against the former governor and UN ambassador as a woman of colour – and to draw on the wellsprings of anti-immigrant prejudice by reminding everyone that Haley’s parents weren’t citizens when she was born in the USA,” said a constitutional expert.

The term “birther” was coined to describe racist conspiracy theories about Barack Obama, the first Black US president, which Trump seized on as he established a presence on the political far right. In 2016, as he ran for president himself, Trump also raised doubts about Ted Cruz, the Texas senator who was then his chief rival.

Obama’s father was Kenyan and his mother American. He was born in Hawaii. Cruz’s father was Cuban and his mother American. He was born in Canada and moved to Texas when young. Being born in Canada should legally prohibit Cruz from running for US president. The constitution requires that a presidential candidate must be a resident for 14 years, at least 35 years old, and a “natural-born citizen”.

In her own autobiography, Nimarata-Nikki says her parents “were born in the Punjab region of India”while she was born in Bamberg, South Carolina, in 1972, a US citizen at birth. Her father became a US citizen in 1978, her mother in 2003. Haley was governor of her home state from 2011 to 2017, then ambassador to the United Nations when Trump was president.

Experts agree Haley is qualified to be president, simply because she was born on US soil. Campaigning on a virulently anti-immigrant platform, Trump has promised to end birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented migrants. His post about Haley was condemned across the US media – and the political spectrum. Charles Gasparino, a Fox Business correspondent, said: “The problem with Donald is that he goes disgustingly low and not just against real enemies.”

John Avlon, a CNN political analyst, said: “Trump’s lies are cut and paste: now he’s going birther on Nikki Haley – after trying the same attack on Obama, Harris and Cruz.”

Kamala Harris, the first woman and woman of colour to be vice-president, was born in Oakland, California, in 1964, to parents from India and Jamaica. Trump sought to cast doubt on her eligibility for office during the 2020 election.

When will this filthy ignorant racist dumb asshole of a Donald Trump disappear and leave us alone? Why doesn't God sequester him in some limbo where he can no longer bother humans, angels and demons?


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