Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Netanyahu's Long War in Gaza: Waiting for Trump's Return to WH

Pressured by the entire world to end the Gaza carnage and agree to a Palestinian state, hounded at home for corruption and for trying to undermine the independence of the judiciary, and despised by most Israelis - except the terrorist settler movement - Netanyahu's fate now rests in the hands of the supreme American moron Donald Trump.

The EU's Josep Borrell only yesterday declared publicly what everyone knew: Netanyahu has been aiding and abetting the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza for the sole purpose of undermining the Palestinian Authority and sowing division between the Palestinians. Divide and conquer. 

If the US has been reduced to a poodle of the terrorist Jewish fundamentalist Israeli government under a left-wing democratic Biden administration, can you imagine what Israel will be capable of doing under a righ-wing autocratic Trump administration?

With Biden finally showing signs of dignity for his own country and standing up to the unfolding genocide perpetrated by the Israelis against the Palestinian people, Netanyahu is rebuffing the US demands that a Palestinian state be finally established as it should have been decades ago. Netanyahu's strategy in saying no to his American protectors and weapons providers can only be understood as a way to bide his time and wait for his savior, the moronic and senile Donald Trump, to come back to the White House.

It was during his term between 2016 and 2020 that Trump essentially gave Netanyahu everything: Move the embassy to Jerusalem and recognize the latter as Israel's capital, kill the idea of a Palestinian state, encourage more terrorist Jewish settlers to steal more Palestinian land, all in violation of all UN resolutions and agreements signed between Palestine and Israel, and force or buy up the cowards among the Arab states to normalize relations with Israel and forget Palestine.

Netanyahu has been saying that the war in Gaza will last several months, perhaps through the end of 2024. This is interesting timing because Netayahu is betting on Trump's return to the White House by the end of 2024 to be free to unleash all the barbarity that a Trumpian US and a Netanyahuan Jewish terrorist Israel can jointly muster: Declare Palestine dead; complete the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and expel the Palestinians into Egypt and Jordan; and establish the biblical-trash-inspired supremacist Jewish state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. That is what both the fundamentalist Zionist Jews of Netanyahu and the fundamentalist Evangelical Christians of Trump want, in order to fulfill garbage prophecies and have their fucking Messiah come (Jews) or return (Christians). How sad that humans in this 21st centruy continue to believe such primitive myths from the Bronze Age.

The fate of the Middle East now rests in the hands of the American electorate: Either elect Joe Biden, the lesser of two senile evils, or elect Donald Trump, the worst possible evil. Unfortunately, the American voter is facing a choice between two evils: A senile, old, but moderate Biden, or a senile, old, but moronic extremist Trump. Last time I voted for Biden for two reasons: he carried the mantle of Obama's achievements, and to keep Trump out of the White House. This time I will vote for Biden for only one reason: Keep Trump out of the White House and prevent endless disatrous wars in the Middle East and beyond. The risk with Biden is that he is 81 years old right now. If he is re-elected he'll be 82 in 2025 and 86 by the end of his mandate in 2029. If he dies while in office between 2025 and 2029, VP Kamala Harris will become the president and no one knows what kind of president she'll be and whether she can stand up to the neanderthal republicans.

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