Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The World Cannot Afford to Forget Israel’s Horrific Crimes








On an unusually cold afternoon, a bunch of friends and I got together and set off towards an art show seeking to shed light on the 100-year old plight of the Palestinian people.

An unaffiliated grassroots movement, consiting of young people who want to preserve the memory of their history, attempts to bring to life the horrors inflicted on the entire nation of Palestine for the past 100 years when a European colonial project decided to uproot the Palestinian people from their land and replace them with European settlers. The British government was the prime operator in this criminal enterprise as it was still basking in its glorious Empire and its atrocities of theft, killings, massacres, enslavement, occupation and resource-pilfering of hundreds of native nations. It was obligated under the League of Nations mandate of 1920 to assist the indigenous Palestinians, finally free from 400 years of Turkish occupation, in building their state and its institutions.

Just like France was granted a similar mandate over Syria and Lebanon leading to the independence of these two nations, Britain was supposed to lead Palestine, Jordan and Iraq to statehood. The League of Nations at the time deemed the native peoples of these nations to be sufficiently sophisticated that they only needed assistance, whereas other nations were deemed insufficiently prepared for independence and were left as colonies of the French and the British to later gain their independences in the 1960s and 1970s.

But the British crooks, bribed by a powerful European Jewish club with me-too colonial ambitions, issued the Balfour Declaration promising European Jews a “Jewish homeland” in the heart of Palestine, the nation the perfidious English were supposed to lead to independence, on condition that “it be clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

Upon assuming their mandatory powers over Palestine, the English crooks opened the floodgates of illegal immigration into Palestine, all the while pretending to prevent such illegal migration as a way to curry favor with rising Arab nationalism across the region. The creation of a Jewish homeland was code for establishing a European colony in the Near East from which the English crooks could control the Suez Canal, their maritime routes to India, and the nascent oil fields in nearby Arabia.

As we entered an abandoned building by the docks where the exhibit was, we were reminded that the Gaza population is itself mostly composed of refugees who were chased from their ancestral villages by Jewish terrorism beginning in the 1920s and 1930s and continuing into the 1960s and 1970s. Some of these families had been uprooted more than once, from their villages to a first refugee camp, then again from their refugee camp to to another refugee camp. An abandoned building highlighted the dispossession suffered by the Palestinians at the hands of criminal European settlers intent on chasing them out of their lands. In the ethnic cleansing campaign of the 1940s, 500 Palestinian villages were erased from the map. Villagers who refused to leave were killed and their women raped. The village of Tantura is one example [See:], another is Deir Yassin [], two such atrocities committed by European Jewish terrorism in Palestine. Many more similar atrocities remained undocumented; there were no cell phones back then, only a couple of often biased journalists and reporters on the pay of the Zionists to write an unblemished history for the killers and a distorted history for the victims.

Inside the building, tents were arranged on the main floor of the building, just as the Palestinian refugees would be living in them in Gaza today. Every tent had its own unique, depraved tale to tell. One contained an uncovered mattress with several mannequins representing little children drenched in cold winter rain. Another corner contained a representation of a cooking area with one large pot sitting on cinder blocks where some firewood appeared to be burning. On the wall of one tent hung a title deed with a large key, representing the homes that the Palestinians owned and whose keys they still carry to this day. By another corner there is an older woman lying ill on a thin mattress on the cold ground. She remembers her village, the one from which she was expelled when she was 8 years old, and the horror of that day when the European Jews broke down the door and killed her father and brother, then dragged her and her mother out of the house and forced them to leave without any of their possessions. Along the walls inside the building, scores of fleeing Palestinians carrying their bales on their backs, their children in the arms or walking behind a donkey cart... Just as the Gaza people are doing today. 

Take a good look at Gaza and what is happening to it today, and understand that this is excatly how Israel was created in 1948: bombings, invasions, displacement and dispossession of the natives, assassinations and killings with the specific objective of terrorizing and DRIVING PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR LANDS. The purpose was for the profoundly antisemitic Europeans to get rid of their own Jews, and create for them an Anglo-Saxon colony, a brand new artificial, albeit useful, state to use as a staging ground for controlling the Middle East and its oil. It is because they created the monster Israel that Westerners are so eager to defend it at all costs: They don't want the Jews back!

The biggest fear that the Palestinian refugees have is that their history will one day be forgotten; that their ties to their native land be forever denied; that a Jewish state was built over the ashes of their own nation, for no fault of their own, but for the fault of the Christian Europeans who persecuted the Jews for so long that they finally decided to kick them out of Europe and give them someone else’s land. Palestine has never been good at explaining itself or its history. It assumed that there is justice and goodness in this world, and that somehow the world will heal its injuries and repair the injustices inflicted on its people. The refugees waited and waited for the Arabs and the West to come to terms with the horror of the creation of Israel and the destruction of Palestine. But it is only now that the Palestinians are recognizing that only they will have to fight for their land and their identity. Their enemies disparage them, dehumanize them, deny them their existence as a nation and as a people. And the world believed the lies for so long.

Palestine's enemies criticize UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees) as an agency for the exclusive benefit of the Palestinian people. Why, they say, doesn't the UNHCR (UNited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), which handles all other refugees, doesn't include care for the Palestinians? Why are the Palestinians spoiled with their own agency? The answer is that the 1948 creation of Israel was seen by the international community as a most egregious crime of such magnitude that the Palestinian refugees' tragedy, this monumental exercise in ethnic cleansing deserved its own agency.

But finally, the Gaza episode has revealed the true nature of Israel as a brutal supremacist racist, some would say Nazi-like, colonial enterprise that serves as an outpost for imperial Britain and the US. As it proceeds with its carnage of Palestinians in Gaza, the latter cannot afford to allow the world to forget who the real criminal is and who the real victim is.

Around the world, there is growing fear that many autocrats, dictators and theocratic governments could cite the Israeli example of flouting rules, international laws and UN resolutions and carrying out massacres, ethnic cleansing and genocide, in total impugnity, against minorities or other abused communities and ethnic groups. So far, the world has adhered to the principle that no one, except Israel, is above the law. Will the Israeli exception now spread like a cancer across the world?


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