Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, September 27, 2024

White Racists of America are Terrified: They are Losing the Demographics War

They came from crooked England. They killed the native Indians. They neded free labor so they brought slaves from Africa to work on the cotton plantations. When slavery was abolished, they brought Irishmen whose land they had raped. Then they brought Italians, Germans, East Europeans and Chinese to build up the industrial base and work on the railroad. When the railroad was done, they banned Chinese immigration (The Chinese Exclusion Act). Then they needed scientists (because they themselves are largley dumb and stupid), so they started bringing in Indians and Pakistanis....

All of this racist construction of the country was portrayed with orgasmic self-delusion of liberty, democracy, manifest destiny.... all bullshit slogans they used to sell their garbage to the rest of the world. America was so hallowed, they said, that only those born on its soil, could claim to be proper American citizens.wt

But now that they are an endangered species that is overrun by all the people they brought in to work and build the country while they themselves sat on their lazy white bums, America is no longer hallowed. They now say, like this dumb imbecile below from South Carolina, that even if you're born in America you cannot be an American citizen. They behave as if this country of immigrants is no longer a country of immigrants, but a country of entitled white racist idiots. They know they are losing the demographic battle and in their despair they are taking the country down a path of civil war, a second civil war after the one they fought and lost in 1860.


Graham's press conference on ending birthright citizenship
The Hill Staff
Wed, September 25, 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is slated to give remarks on what could be a major change to longstanding American immigration policy.

Graham has for years advocated ending the principle of birthright citizenship, the standard that any person born on U.S. soil is considered an American citizen.

Former President Trump strongly supported such a change while in office — and has vowed the take the step if reelected in November. Opponents at the time considered their position to be an unconstitutional ploy based on anti-immigrant populism.

The issue was also popular on the campaign trail, with former GOP candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis both pledging to end the policy.

Graham is slated to speak at 1:30 p.m. EDT.

Congratulations to Bisan Owda. F - - - You Zionist Terrorists

The US and its poodles one day decide that the PFLP is a terrorist organization. That by itself does not make it an absolute fact. It is a relative fact because:

- the US and its poodles are biased for Israel and against Palestine. 

- The actions of the PFLP that are used to list it as a terrorist organization have also been perpetrated by foreign invading Zionists against the native indigenous Palestinian population since the 1920s and 1940s, climaxing into the largest ethnic cleansing of an indigenous population by a foreign colonial invader of the 20th century in 1948. Those acts are still being perpetrated at this very moment.

- Objectively, therefore, the US and its poodles should list the Zionist movement as a terrorist organization. Ever since the foreign invasion of Palestine began, European Zionist settlers have been terrorizing the indigenous Palestinians, killing, raping, erasing entire villages, deporting, displacing millions of people, stealing land... All of these are acts of terrorism.

The Creative Community for Peace organization is a fake seeker of peace. Its members know that they are playing the hypocritical role of the "good Zionist cop" to cover up the crimes of the "bad Zionist cops". All Israeli organizations claiming to work for peace play this insidious role of covering up for the genocidal colonial state they represent. It is not surprising that they'd be offended that a Palestinian like Owda is nominated for the Emmy, pretexting that she is a member of the PFLP.  So what if she is a memmber of the PFLP? They used to label Arafat and the PLO as "terrorists", then they signed a peace treaty with them. Zionist duplicity and lies no longer work as they used to. The world is watching as we write these lines and finally realizing who the real terrorist is.

Is it really a crime to honor Palestinians who were injured or killed in violent confrontations with Israeli settlers? Who is the victim here? Who is the criminal?

And despite their pathetic protests at anything that promotes a Palestinian idendity, Television Academy told the Creative Community for Peace organization to go fuck themselves. Slandering Palestinians who fight for their identity and their land against a savage occupier does not work anymore. None of the Israelis alive today suffered during the Holocaust and they should no longer exploit this sad episode of European brutality against Jews as a pretext to brutalize another people who have nothing to do with the Holocaust. 

People should read in detail ....

[] or


... the crimes committed by the French colonials against the Algerian "terrorists" of the Front de Libération Nationale: Brutal shelling by fighter jets and tanks, destruction of entire villages, rapes, raids and summary mass killings of people fighting back with rocks, hunting rifles, and yes later on, with explosive devices against both French settler civilian and military targets. Sounds like Israel is doing the same thing in Palestine.

The Palestinian liberation movement looks like an exact identical clone of the whole episode of the Algerian liberation movement. The invading foreign barbarian settlers claim to be defending themselves against their own brutalized indigenous victims. 

Genocide Joe Biden said yesterday (Sept. 26) that he's a Zionist and that Zionism means "there has to be an Israel". Fine, but why does Israel have to be created out of nothing at the expense of an innocent land and people like Palestine? Why not create an Israel in Europe where all the Zionists come from?

Bravo for Bisan for her bravery and her competence at reporting on the Zionist savagery in her homeland of Gaza.

Palestinian Journalist Bisan Owda Wins News Emmy After [Failed Zionist] Campaign to Get Nomination Rescinded
Ross A. Lincoln
Thu, September 26, 2024

"It’s Bisan from Gaza and I’m Still Alive," via Peabody Awards

Palestinian journalist Bisan Atef Owda has won the Emmy for Outstanding Hard News Feature: Short Form for her ongoing project “It’s Bisan From Gaza and I’m Still Alive.” The win comes 5 days after a campaign to get her nomination at the 2024 News and Documentary Emmy Awards rescinded was rejected by the Television Academy.

The project documents Owda’s daily life in Gaza amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war that has devastated the region since the Hamas attack on Oct. 7 of last year. She previously won a Peabody Award for “It’s Bisan From Gaza and I’m Still Alive” earlier this year.

At the News & Documentary Emmys, Owda was nominated alongside media outlet AJ+. But soon after it was announced, her nomination drew outrage from Jewish nonprofit Creative Community for Peace, which accused her of being a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a United States-designated terrorist organization.

As evidence, CCFP cited speeches she purportedly gave at PFLP rallies, and events she hosted to honor Palestinians injured or killed in violent confrontations with Israeli soldiers. The PFLP also referred to her as a member of the Progressive Youth Union of the organization in 2018.

5 days ago, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences said it wouldn’t rescind her nomination, noting that all documented ties between her and PFLP occurred “between six and nine years ago,” when Owda was still a teenager. NATAS added that it “unable to corroborate” reports of other ties, and that it wasn’t able “to date, to surface any evidence of more contemporary or active involvement by Owda with the PFLP organization.”

“The content submitted for award consideration was consistent with competition rules and NATAS policies. Accordingly, NATAS has found no grounds, to date, upon which to overturn the editorial judgment of the independent journalists who reviewed the material,” the group also said.

Owda is an activist and filmmaker best known through Instagram (4.7 million followers) and TikTok (191,500 followers), where she documents her experience during the ongoing Israel-Hamas War in Gaza.

Other winners from the News category ceremony included ABC and CNN, both with multiple wins, among others. You can read the complete list of winners here.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Why Doesn't this Idiot Just Shut Up?

The only Christians still alive and free in the entire East are Lebanon's Christians. For fifty years they have been annihilated by wave after wave of all kinds of Muslim threats: Egyptians in the 1950s, Palestinians in the 1960s-1970s, Saudis, Kuwaitis, Libyans and Syrians in the 1970s-1980s, Iranians in the 1980s to date.

Yet, the bulbous - not even Jesus's cross could hold his pudgy chassis - head of the wealthy and highly corrupt Vatican has done nothing to help Lebanon's Catholic Christians. Sure, it keeps taking in their busloads of candidates for sainthood (Lebanon's Christians are stupidly ultra-religious), which helps keep said Christians chained by barbaric and archaic beliefs, but the Vatican has done literally nothing politically to protect them and save them from the fanatic Jewish-Muslim orgy around them. For the past 50 years, millions  of Lebanese Christians have emigrated, and the remaining ones are on their way to extinction, after those of Syria, Israel and Iraq have long vanished form existence. Though numerous, Egypt's Christians live miserable lives of a tolerated "dhimmi" community under constant threat from both the fanatics of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Fascists of the Sissi dictatorship.

The Vatican keeps holding inter-religious ecumenical conclaves in which it claims to be making a rapprochement between the various churches and religions. It raised hell to grant the 200,000 Catholics of tiny East Timor their independence from 240-million Muslim-strong Indonesia (where the Pope visited a week ago), yet it can't help already independent Lebanon from staying out of the religious barbarity between Jews and Muslims next door?

He now says that the Jewish barbarity in Lebanon is "unacceptable". Yup, thanks Popey, that helps a lot. Popes have on occasion visited Lebanon to rally the ignorant crowd of the faithful, and also raise some money out of an economically devastated Lebanon. If Francis doesn't "accept" it, what is he going to do about it? Another sermon and a blessing on Sunday mass? Ad majorem dei ignominiam!

He's been, of course, busy focusing on sex: Hiding pedophile priests all over the world; denouncing the use of condoms; banning women from the priesthood; denying marriage to his army of priests; abortion,... Why is it that the CHURCH feels compelled to regulate every aspect of people's sex lives? There is not an issue "below the belt", i.e. pertaining to sex and reproduction, over which the Church does not have an opinion and an encyclopedic amount of rules and regulations dictated by men who supposedly never had sex, never gave birth, never had families, and never had children (except in secret, of course). 

What is this obession with gentials and sex?


Pope Francis, back from flu, calls airstrikes on Lebanon 'unacceptable'
Joshua McElwee
Updated Wed, September 25, 2024

Squinty and largely useless Pope Francis holding weekly audience

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis called Israeli strikes on Lebanon a "terrible escalation" of the Middle East conflict on Wednesday at the end of his weekly general audience at the Vatican, which went ahead two days after he cancelled meetings over mild flu.

The pope said the attacks, in which Israel says it has been striking targets affiliated with the Iran-backed Hezbollah movement, were "unacceptable" and urged the international community to do everything possible to halt the fighting.

Francis did not specifically identify Israel, but said he was "saddened by news from Lebanon in recent days that bombardments have caused much destruction and many victims".

The 87-year-old pontiff, who has suffered bouts of ill health in recent years, appeared in good form through his audience although he coughed lightly a few times while speaking.

The Vatican has not provided details about the pope's health since announcing on Monday he had cancelled his meetings for that day. It said at the time the pontiff had made the decision as a precautionary measure in view of a trip to Luxembourg and Belgium, which starts on Thursday.

At the audience, the pope confirmed his plans to continue with the visit, and asked for prayers for its success.

The tour, his 46th foreign visit as pope, comes less than two weeks after he returned from a demanding 12-day, four-country excursion around Southeast Asia and Oceania.

The pope referred to the strikes in Lebanon in off-the-cuff remarks at the end of his hour-long audience.

Francis, pope since March 2013, now regularly uses a wheelchair due to knee and back pain. Earlier this year, he cancelled several appoHe's been busy intments over what the Vatican variously described as a cold, bronchitis and influenza.

On the Sept. 2-13 trip to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore, Francis maintained a packed schedule, headlining more than 40 events, and travelling some 33,000 km (20,500 miles).

Francis started the general audience on Wednesday by taking a tour around the crowd in an open-air popemobile, waving to people as a band played orchestral versions of pop songs.

In his main messages to pilgrims, the pope focused on the dangers of temptation, including online pornography, which Catholic teaching forbids.

(Reporting by Joshua McElwee, Editing by Timothy Heritage)

It's Official: Israel is Now a Terrorist State According to Former CIA Chief

How dare he? Leon Panetta, former CIA Chief, "must" be an antisemite for accusing Israel of being a terrorist state



Former CIA chief Leon Panetta accuses Israel of terrorism over Hezbollah pager attack
Nicholas Liu
Mon, September 23, 2024


Former CIA director and U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has accused Israel of engaging in terrorism, leveling a charge against the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that's typically reserved for enemies of the Israeli state.

The Obama administration fixture, not exactly a favorite among antiwar activists, used the "terrorism" label to describe a suspected Israeli operation to rig pagers and walkie-talkies used by the militant group Hezbollah with explosives. The act of sabotage killed at least 37 people and injured thousands more across Lebanon, including operatives and civilians alike. The coordinated attacks, which preceded a wave of devastating Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon, have been widely attributed to Israel.

Speaking with CBS News on Sunday, Panetta said Israel's tactics risk engulfing the region in a full-scale war and expanding the scope of warfare into dangerous territory.

"The ability to be able to place an explosive in technology that is very prevalent these days and turn it into a war of terror, really, a war of terror — this is something new," Panetta said on CBS News Sunday Morning. "I don’t think there’s any question that it’s a form of terrorism. This is going right into the supply chain, right into the supply chain. And when you have terror going into the supply chain, it makes people ask the question, what the hell is next?"

Current and former intelligence officials have described the operation as part of Israel's efforts to gain "red-button" capability, or the penetration of an enemy that can be held in reserve long before activation, sowing chaos and paving the way for a broader offensive. The recent attacks on Lebanon threaten to further escalate an already dangerous situation into a regional war, and the U.S. is preparing for the worst by sending an unspecified number of reinforcements to support the 40,000 troops already stationed in the Middle East, the Pentagon announced Monday.

Israel and Hezbollah continue to trade blows by conventional means as well. Israeli missiles slammed into southern Lebanon on Monday morning, killing 356 people and injuring 1,200 others, according to Lebanon's Ministry of Health, in what Israel said was an effort to take out weapons hidden in residential buildings. Hezbollah fired its own rockets and drones into Israel, with most of them falling into open areas or getting intercepted by Israeli defenses. At least one Israeli person was reported injured. Previous attacks attributed to Hezbollah, including a July strike that left a dozen children dead, have led to the displacement of tens of thousands of people in northern Israel.

Israel did not tell the U.S. about its pager operation in advance of the attacks that began last week, perhaps fearing a "freak-out" by Pentagon officials who would "pull every lever they think they had to get them to not do it,” Ralph Goff, a former CIA official, told The Washington Post. Only after the first wave of attacks last Tuesday did Israel notify Washington that it was behind it all, according to U.S. officials.

In carrying out the operation, experts say that Israel, already under heavy criticism for its war in Gaza and deadly incursions in the West Bank, may have violated international treaties and protocols to which it is a signatory. Article 7(2) of the Amended Protocol II of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons prohibits the use of booby traps, which Lama Fakih, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch, defines as "objects that civilians are likely to be attracted to or are associated with normal civilian daily use."

"The use of an explosive device whose exact location could not be reliably known would be unlawfully indiscriminate, using a means of attack that could not be directed at a specific military target and as a result would strike military targets and civilians without distinction," Fakih said in a statement.

Panetta, speaking Sunday, stressed the importance of stopping such forms of warfare from spiraling out of control.

"I think it’s going to be very important for the nations of the world to have a serious discussion about whether or not this is an area that everybody has to focus on," Panetta said. "Because if they don’t try to deal with it now, mark my word: It is the battlefield of the future."

CNN's Jewish Anchors Promote False Accusations of Antisemitism Against Rep. Tlaib

Virulent anti-Palestinianism has infected CNN. Haphazard, but very dangerous, accusations of antisemtisim were leveled against Rachida Tlaib (D-MI).

Just like that idiot Senator from backward swampy Louisiana with the unfortunate name of John Kennedy who assumed during a hearing that the testifying witness before him "must" love Hamas and Hezbollah simply because she is Muslim, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both Jewish anchors at CNN, assumed that Rachida Tlaib "must" automatically be an anti-semite because she is Palestinian-American.

This is the same ignorant automaticity that drives dumb racist assholes like Donald Trump and J D Vance to "assume" that subhuman Black African Haitians "must" eat pets. 

In my early days in the US, graduate (hence, supposedly informed) students assumed that I "must" be Muslim because I was from Lebanon in the Middle East, just as they assumed that being from Lebanon, I "must" live in a desert and ride camels. A Full Professor specializing in the Middle East at another university once apologized to me as I was leaving her Christmas party because I might have felt uncomfortable since "Christmas was not part of my traditions". No wonder Americans are known worldwide as both "dumb and ugly".

Extrapolate these incidents and anecdotes - one in the legislative branch of government, one in the Jewish-dominated fourth estate, another in prestigious academia - to everything else in America and you'll see how inborn American ignorance and recalcitrant bias, compounded by the Zionist stanglehold on US culture, constitute a very toxic mix that explains why the US is still backing an unbridled savage Israel.



CNN Anchors Have Pathetic Defense for Lying on Air About Rashida Tlaib
Edith Olmsted
Tue, September 24, 2024

CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have both had to answer for spreading misinformation about Representative Rashida Tlaib.

During an interview with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Sunday, Tapper asked if she had any response to Tlaib’s “suggestion” that state Attorney General Dana Nessel was seeking strong charges against pro-Palestinian student protesters “because she’s Jewish.”

The only problem is, Tlaib never said anything of the sort.

Steve Neavling of the Detroit Metro Times, who wrote the article that Tapper was citing, published a fact-check on Monday. “Tlaib never once mentioned Nessel’s religion or Judaism. But Metro Times pointed out in the story that Nessel is Jewish, and that appears to be the spark that led to the false claims,” Neavling wrote.

In an interview with the Detroit Metro Times, Tlaib did not mention or even refer to Nessel’s Jewishness. Instead, she spoke about systemic anti-Palestinian bigotry. Some, like Nessel, have interpreted Tlaib’s words about widespread discrimination against her own community as coded antisemitic language.

Despite Neavling’s clarification, the false claim continued to spread. Jewish Insider picked up the story Sunday and wrote, “Tlaib has also claimed that Nessel is only charging the protesters because she’s Jewish,” without including any actual quote. The language in the article has since been changed from “claimed” to “suggested,” but its divorce from reality remains the same.

CNN’s Bash used footage of Tapper speaking to Whitmer about Tlaib as part of a segment Monday about antisemitism “from both ends of the political spectrum.” Bash claimed that Whitmer had “sidestepped calling it out” because Tlaib was a member of her same party—not because it had never actually happened.

Both Tapper and Bash posted clips of their stories on social media, further boosting the claim. Whitmer did eventually make a statement about the nonincident, without referring to Tlaib specifically, which Tapper also shared, further adding fuel to the fire.

Finally, Tapper spoke with Nessel later Monday and claimed that he simply “misspoke” on Sunday.

“I should note that I misspoke yesterday when asking a follow-up of Governor Whitmer who I asked about this. I was trying to characterize your views of Tlaib’s comments,” Tapper said to Nessel. It appeared, however, that Tapper had plainly presented his own characterization of Tlaib’s statement. Tapper then allowed Nessel to repeat her interpretation of Tlaib’s statement.

“What do you make of those today noting that Congresswoman Tlaib never explicitly said your bias was because of your religion and so it’s unfair for you to make that allegation?” he asked.

Nessel replied saying that Tlaib was “well-known for making inflammatory and incendiary remarks that are antisemitic in nature.”

“I think it’s very clear to everybody exactly what she’s saying,” Nessel said.

Bash also offered “clarification” during her show Tuesday. “Tlaib accused Nessel of ‘biases,’” Bash said, now including Tlaib’s full quote: “But it seems that the attorney general decided if the issue was Palestine, she was going to treat it differently, and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs.

“Now, Tlaib did not reference Nessel’s Jewish identity. Her office has not responded to our request for clarity,” Bash said, attempting to place the onus on Tlaib for the confusion she and her colleague had wrought.

“Her allies insist that’s not what she meant,” Bash said, but offered no further explanation into Tlaib’s comment. “But Nessel still says she believes it’s antisemitic.” Bash then referred to Nessel’s comments on the show the night before.

"Christian" Conservative Trump Crowd is No Less Pornographic and Gay




Trump-supported activist put on leave from employer after gay porn reports
Matt Lavietes
Wed, September 25, 2024

[Gay Pornographer] Corey DeAngelis during the 2022 Hazlitt Summit in Orlando, Fla.

A school-privatization activist and frequent Fox News guest whose work has been praised by former President Donald Trump was placed on leave by his conservative nonprofit employer after reports that he had appeared in gay pornography videos surfaced.

Corey DeAngelis has been a senior fellow at the American Federation for Children, a conservative education nonprofit group founded by former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, since 2021 (DeVos’ website says she is the former chair of the organization, and the organization’s site does not mention her as being currently involved). Asked about DeAngelis and the adult film reports, Rebekah Bydlak, a spokesperson for the organization, said, “We have placed the employee on leave as we look into this matter further.” Bydlak declined to comment further.

A person who resembles DeAngelis and performs under the name “Seth Rose” appears in at least three gay adult films on the pornography site GayHoopla dating to 2014. In the videos, “Seth Rose” does not have sexual contact with other performers; rather, he appears in scenes masturbating solo or alongside other men. The existence of the videos was first reported last week by the blog Str8 Up Gay Porn, which shares gay porn and articles about sex.

DeAngelis did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

DeAngelis, who has more than 160,000 followers on X, received his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas in 2018 and has worked for several conservative nonprofit groups. In more recent years, he has become a fierce advocate of “school choice,” which subsidizes private schools with public dollars. He has also been a critic of discussing LGBTQ topics in schools. In 2021, Forbes cited DeAngelis on its education category’s 30 under 30 list.

DeAngelis has also regularly appeared as a guest on Fox News in recent years, with some of his appearances criticizing policies that support LGBTQ students.

In a Fox News segment last year, DeAngelis spoke out against the Los Angeles Unified School District after it held a “Week of Action” to honor famous LGBTQ people, including former NFL player Carl Nassib.

“It’s just so strange how the far left is so obsessed with inserting sexual topics into elementary schools,” DeAngelis said in the segment. “Why not just focus on the basics, get the math, reading and arithmetic correct?”

In an appearance on Fox News in May, DeAngelis criticized and linked the student-led protests against the Israel-Hamas war to how LGBTQ issues are talked about in public schools.

“They’re not focusing on the basics — math, reading and writing,” he said. “They’re focusing more on the ‘LGBTs’ than the ‘ABCs.’”

A representative for Fox News did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This year, DeAngelis released a book titled “The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids From the Radicals Ruining Our Schools.” A description of the book says it “exposes the hypocritical elites who are content to hold other people’s children captive to poorly run government schools.” Trump praised the book on his social media site, Truth Social, in May.

“Corey DeAngelis is a FIGHTER for Parental Rights,” Trump wrote. “His new book, The Parent Revolution, is a great guide to help Moms and Dads take back control of their children’s education from the RADICAL MARXISTS ruining our schools.”

Trump’s endorsement of the book is pinned to the top of DeAngelis’ Instagram account and quoted at the top of his X account.

In July, Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance shared one of DeAngelis’ X posts that included a video of Vance vowing to fight for schoolchildren to “get a good education and not an indoctrination.”

A spokesperson for the Trump-Vance campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Last week, DeAngelis shared an X post from House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., that mocked support for trans girls playing on school sports teams that correspond with their gender identities and the Drag Story Hour children’s reading program.

“Schools should be places for education — not indoctrination,” the post said.

DeAngelis has not posted on his social media accounts since Thursday. His landing page at the American Federation for Children appears to have been taken down.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Kicked in the Stomach, Iran Plays Kittie with US and Abandons Lebanon

Even the Ayatollah wants to make peace with the Great Satan. After years of fomenting and inciting and threatening and funding terror across the region and in Lebanon in particular, now that Israel is mopping the floor with Iran's proxies, the Iranians no longer want to destroy Israel and throw the Jews into the sea and are making overtures to the West. They don't want war. They want to re-negotiate the nuclear agreement. They want to be friends with the US. Which means they are throwing the idiot criminals of Hezbollah under the bus.

And as has always been the case in Lebanon, the stupid Lebanese end up being the village idiots of the region. Before the Hezbollah maniacs, the Lebanese put up with Yasser Arafat and the PLO's Saudi- and Kuwaiti-funded, Egyptian-backed and Syrian-armed rampage of twenty years. Even the West, always at the feet of the Saudis and their Emirati poodles for their oil, tolerated the rape of Lebanon by Arabs and Israelis. Then everyone made peace, Arafat was no longer a terrorist but a partner in a bullshit peace, and Lebanon was left to reel under a brutal Syrian occupation.

We are at the same game again. After allowing Hezbollah to grow in strength for three decades after it massacred western soldiers, bombed embassies, assassinated journalists and politicians, and kidnapped scores of westerners from the streets of Beirut, everyone is "concerned" that a major war has broken out - yet again only on Lebanese soil - between the fanatic criminals of Netanyahu and the fanatic criminals of Iran. Ronald Reagan could have killed Hezbollah in the womb in 1983 when he had his sad marines deployed in Beirut, but he chose to run away after Hezbollah bombed his marines. Why? He did not want to upset Iran (to whom he was secretly selling weapons) and the Arabs (for the Americans had come to Beirut in the first place to save the hide of Arafat and his PLO).

Why don't these nations fight these wars somewhere else? What is it about Lebanon that makes it a magnet for all the criminal and barbarian countries to come settle their scores in Lebanon? 

Imagine if European countries were still fighting their endless wars (as they used to do), but only inside tiny Luxembourg, each having a proxy terror group representing it there? Syria is a great place for wars: It is large, with vast expanses of desert interspersed by cities. In addition, it has US troops, Russian troops, Syrian troops, Free Syrian Army troops, Kurdish troops, Turkish troops, Iranian troops and a host of criminal and religious enterprises like Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, ISIS etc..... one big family of warring criminals, some in ties and suits, some in robes and turbans, whose common interest is in killing innocent civilians.

The Iranian overtures toward the US augur ill for Lebanon. Iran is dangling the revival of the nuclear agreement negotiations before the Americans, in exchange of which the US might accept that the Hezbollah cancer not only remains, but metastasizes into the ascendant dominant group of the country, as long as it stops bothering genocidal Israel after the ongoing carnage and destruction by Israel is completed. This time, the US will sell Lebanon to Iran, and of course, again, to Syria, Iran's ally. Rebuilding Lebanon is cheap; it's a tiny country, and it doesn't take much to rebuild it. Afterwards, another two decades of a fake peace will go by during which Iran and Syria fuck the Lebanese domestically without the international community noticing because it does not involve the venerated icon, Israel.

During the US-sponsored 30-year long rape of Lebanon by Stalinist Syria, the only news that was worthwhile was when Israel got involved sporadically which threatened to destabilize the US-Syrian agreement over Lebanon. Otherwise, killings, disappearances, assassinations, installing puppet governments against the wishes of the Lebanese... were of no interest or concern. Even as Syria was the inaugural member of the US State Dept list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, State Department officials kept telling them the Lebanese that "Syria was a factor of stability" and that they should just adjust to Syria's criminal behavior.

Of course the Lebanese themselves are also to blame: The Muslims love the Arab puppets of America and forgive them their rape of Lebanon over decades, and the foolish Christians have this stockholm syndrome with the US and the West: They think that the West likes them because they are Christians, even as the West is no longer Christian and has not stopped using, abusing, backstabbing and betraying them throughout the second half of the 20th century and into our present time. And they adore Donald Dumb, the idiots!

The new Iranian president is in new York playing cuddly with the West. He wants peace. He does not want war. Yet, he doesn't cut off his rabid pit bulls and tell them to pack it up and go home. Now he's new on the job and we should give him a grace period. But his likely superficial change of heart may be too little too late. Iran has given the Zionist colony in Palestine enough ammunition and pretexts (self-defense!) to keep tormenting the Palestinians and expel them from Palestine, and enough pretexts to annex the south of Lebanon under the guise of a "buffer zone".

Israel did occupy the Lebanese south in the 1980s but it never annexed it. In fact, it withdrew in 2000 without making any effort to prevent its "enemy" Hezbollah from returning there. It could have handed the area to the Lebanese Army and to the existing UN force (UNIFIL) there, but it preferred that Hezbollah controls the area because Hezbollah is a very valuable pretext with which Israel can continue claim self-defense and vitimhood and harass and torment Lebanon. Which means that this time Israel will not only occupy, BUT IT WILL ANNEX southern Lebanon, just as it has done with the Golan Heights, achieving its expansionist colonial-biblical Greater Israel monstrosity.


Iran’s President Says He’s Prepared to Ease Tensions With Israel
Augusta Saraiva and Arsalan Shahla
Mon, September 23, 2024

Iran’s President Says He’s Prepared to Ease Tensions With Israel

(Bloomberg) -- Iran is prepared to de-escalate tensions with Israel as long as it sees the same level of commitment on the other side, President Masoud Pezeshkian said.

“We’re willing to put all our weapons aside so long as Israel is willing to do the same,” Pezeshkian told reporters Monday ahead of the UN General Assembly in New York. “We’re not seeking to destabilize the region.”

Pezeshkian is in the US for his first appearance at the UN’s annual gathering, where he’s scheduled to speak on Tuesday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to address the same summit two days later, though his travel itinerary hasn’t been finalized.

The Iranian president commented as tensions between Iran and Israel reach new heights after Tehran blamed Israel for being behind a large-scale explosion of pagers and walkie talkies that saw several killed and thousands of people injured in Lebanon — including Iran’s ambassador to Beirut. Iran has threatened to retaliate.

The attack — for which Israel has not confirmed or denied responsibility — was aimed at members of the Hezbollah militant group, which is backed by Iran. The Islamic Republic also sponsors Hamas, which is fighting Israel in Gaza. Both are considered terrorist organizations by the US. In Yemen, Houthi rebels, also backed by Tehran, have been carrying out attacks against commercial ships in the Red Sea since last year.

Israel and Hezbollah are involved in an ongoing exchange of rocket fire. If that escalates into a full-blown regional war, the US and Iran — which sees Hezbollah as the most important of its allied militant groups in the Middle East — would likely be dragged in.

Pezeshkian said Iran wants to see peace but will stand up in the face of injustices against its allies, who make their own decisions on military action. “They don’t take orders from anyone,” he said. “It’s not like Yemenis are waiting for us to tell them what to do or what not to do.”

“If a war erupts in the region, it would serve no one’s interest,” he said. “We don’t want to fight. It’s Israel that wants to drag everyone into war and destabilize the region.”

Pezeshkian reiterated that Iran didn’t know in advance about Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks on Israel, which triggered the war in Gaza, and said both the US and Israel are aware. The militant group killed some 1,200 people and abducted about 250 more. Israel’s retaliatory campaign has killed about 41,000 Palestinians, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, which doesn’t distinguish between civilians and combatants.

Nuclear Accord

Deemed a reformer within the narrow range of Iranian politics, Pezeshkian has expressed his willingness to rekindle talks about Tehran’s broken nuclear deal with the West and will push for the US to remove economic sanctions. He said Iran is willing to go back to the original accord, and said Tehran continues to moves toward the goals set in that agreement.

Pezeshkian, who took office in July after his hard-line predecessor died in a helicopter crash, also denied that Iran has provided Russia with weapons to support its war against Ukraine, contrary to US assertions.

“We do not approve of Russian aggression against Ukraine,” he said. “We have not and we will not supply them with any ballistic missiles.”

Undeniable Fact: White Americans are by and large Racists

The current 48% of Trump voters (as described below) are definitely racists, because anyone who supports the racist poison that Trump is spewing must be racist. I can't imagine anyone putting other issues (economy, abortion...) ahead of the issue of racism and say, "I am going to ignore his racism and vote for him because of inflation".  

Therefore 48% of 335 million represent 167 million Americans who are racists.

Despite all the efforts expended over two centuries to make the US a civilized place that lives up to its proclamations of being a beacon on a hill, a "nation" with a manifest destiny, "the" bastion of democracy, a melting pot of diversity, Tump is proving all these claims absolutely fallacious.

For even if we reduce democracy to the ability of people to vote for their representatives, the current efforts of the 167 million racists in this country to eliminate millions of people from the voting rolls because they can't show a birth certificate or their married last name is different from their pre-married last name or they don't have a driving license or any number of bureaucratic obstacle to voting, the mere fact that half the country is ostensibly racist debunks the claim to democracy.

This "whites-only" democracy in the US is what makes this country so much in love with the "Jewish-only" democracy claim of Israel. In the US, which does really belong only to its indigenous Amerindians, we are all one-, two-, three- or four-generations up immigrants or "settlers" if you wish, and the white anglo-saxons are trying to keep more immigrants from coming ashore. In Israel, the country really belongs to its indigenous native Palestinians, and the Jewish "settlers" are also a couple of generations away from the initial European invaders, but are trying to "finish off " the indigenous population.

But the difference is that in America we have essentially finished the job of ethnically cleansing, killing, massacring, starving and otherwise deporting the indigenous population. In Israel, the Jewish settlers are desperately trying to imitate the Americans by eradicating the natives, but are finding this to be a monumental task and an unreachable objective. The barbarity of Israelis vis-a-vis the indigenous Palestinian population is indeed in direct proportion to the despair of the Israelis at erasing Palestine.

Another difference is that immigrants into America are often separated by large oceans from their countries of origin, while the native Amerindians were isolated on this large island that the American continent is. In Israel, the "pool" of Arab sympathizers of Palestine surrounding the Zionist colony is huge and unsurmountable, which means that in a global sense and on the longer term, Israel is doomed as a foreign implant in a vast sea of natives.

Consider for a moment the dynamics of various immigrant groups to the US. If you take Chinese and Asian immigrants, they would come in large numbers, which allowed them to create "safe" zones for themselves in what we know as "Chinatowns". But the flow of immigrants would ebb and flow depending on the global situation and given time most Asian and Chinese immigrants integrate into the American fabric. 

If I look at the Lebanese immigrants - excluding the broader Arab immigration because of religous differences, the Lebanese being mostly Christians while the other Arabs are mostly Muslim -  they were relatively small in numbers and could not create "safe" zones for themselves, and given that they were Christian Catholics, they tend to integrate rapidly and did not need such safe zones anyway.

On the other hand, hispanic immigration is a very different issue. Behind the hispanic immigrants lies a long history of conflicts between Spain and England in the rush to control the new continent, a mutual history between the US and Mexico, and most importantly the contiguity of the hispanic continent with the territory of the United States. Hispanic immigrants generally find a favorable environment in those states that used to belong to Spain and/or were part of Mexico and where the population speaks Spanish and maintains cultural traditions, and they do not need "safe" zones, but still without fully integrating.

The reason is that the geographic contiguity of the US with a huge reservoir of hispanics stretching from Mexico all the way to the southernmost tip of South America, and the constant flow, legal and illegal, of hispanics into the US will prevent integration into the dominant white anglo-saxon population. 

Which explains the desperation of Trump and his 167 million racist followers at fighting immigrants, building walls, denying them voting rights.... I must agree with Trump that the white Anglo-Saxon population is under siege, not by some devilish plan or conspiracy for a "Great Replacement", but by the natural evolution of demographic, historical and geographic dynamics. No one here is at fault for recognizing this evolution. The fault lies in those who reject that fact and react to it with violence and racism.

The colonial French used to own 50% of the North American continent, from northeastern Canada across the Great Lakes into Western Canada, down the eastern seaboard into the mid-Atlantic states, and a large swath down the Mississippi Valley into today's Louisiana. Today, the remnants of that empire are in the Province of Quebec and a vanishing smattering in Louisiana. 

Because immigration to the US from white European countries has basically stopped, and because there is no geographic contiguity between North America and Europe (unless Trump ends up buying Groenland as he once suggested), while the immense hispanic reservoir of immigrants south of Mexico will never dry up, I predict that hispanic culture will continue to crawl northward into the United States over the next couple of centuries. 

Should the reaction of the white American anglos be to build a wall, a "safe" zone for themselves, as Trump is telling them they should, by using violence and racism? Or should they welcome the natural change and integrate in it as much as they expect others to integrate into their own? 


Opinion - Trump is at 48 percent. How could this be possible but for widespread racism?
Juan Williams, Opinion Contributor
Mon, September 23, 2024

Opinion - Trump is at 48 percent. How could this be possible but for widespread racism?

At this point, the racism is obvious. How else does it make sense that 48 percent of registered voters in last week’s Fox News poll say they have no problem putting Donald Trump back in the White House?

Who are these people who look the other way when their candidate tells a bold lie about Black immigrants eating a mostly white Ohio town’s cats and dogs?

How can it be that not a soul among the 48 percent cares that Trump’s vice-presidential pick, JD Vance, says it is okay to “create” racist lies about immigrants eating pets “so the American media actually pays attention”?

How can 48 percent of voters back a candidate who says immigrants coming from “infested” places are “poisoning the blood of our country?”

Is it just snowflakes who notice when one of Trump’s close allies says, “The White House will smell like curry” if Vice President Kamala Harris, the daughter of an Indian immigrant, wins the presidency?

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R- Ga.), no snowflake, condemned the comment as “appalling,” “racist” and “hateful.”

Do these voters also prefer to sail past Trump once calling a Black woman and former aide a “dog”? And he called Alvin Bragg, the Black Manhattan district attorney who successfully prosecuted him for business fraud, an “animal.”

Maybe Trump’s 48 percent don’t excuse his racism so much as get the message. They are inside a Republican Party that is 82 percent white. Most of those white Republicans are in small towns and rural areas.

“Beginning in the early 2010s — and accelerating during the presidency of Donald J. Trump…” The New York Times noted earlier this year, “white voters without a degree, increasingly moved toward the Republican Party. Nearly two-thirds of all white, non-college voters identify as Republicans or lean toward the Republican Party.”

This is the heart of Trump supporters who told YouGov pollsters they believe Trump is telling the truth about Haitian immigrants “abducting and eating pet dogs and cats.”

The YouGov polls also found that 80 percent of Trump supporters also buy his lie that Venezuela is “deliberately sending people from prisons and mental institutions” into the U.S. I wrote a 2018 book about Trump’s history of racism. Vice President Harris echoed the book’s research in talking last week of Trump’s racist past. She pointed back to his participation in the “birther” lie, the incendiary claim that the first Black president, President Obama, had not been born in the U.S.

Harris said Trump can’t be trusted to serve as president after “engaging in…hateful rhetoric that, as usual, is designed to divide us as a country…to have people pointing fingers at each other.”

In this year’s campaign, one of Trump’s regular dog-whistles at his rallies is his false claim that big cities, full of racial minorities and immigrants, are scary places full of crime and failure. Last week he flatly lied at a rally when he said a parent who leaves a child alone on the New York subway has “about a 75 percent chance that [they’ll] never see [their] child again. What the hell has happened here?”

Trump’s use of racism to stir up his white supporters was called out by writer Fran Lebowitz back in 2018. Trump, she wrote, has “allowed people to express their racism and bigotry in a way that they haven’t been able to in quite a while and they really love him for that…It’s a shocking thing to realize people love their hatred more than they care about their own actual lives.”

There are real consequences to all these racist lies. Last week, a Trump-supporting sheriff in Ohio encouraged people to report their neighbors who displayed Harris-Walz lawn signs. This incident called to mind parallels with police in Nazi Germany.

Widening the racial and political divide leads to alarm over possible violence. USA Today recently reported that more than one-third of Republicans who have a favorable view of Trump “say political violence is acceptable.”

According to a new Deseret News-HarrisX poll, 77 percent of U.S. voters say they are “very” or “somewhat” concerned about political violence before Election Day, including 80 percent of Republicans and 82 percent of Democrats.

“We are seeing an unprecedented and extremely disturbing level of threats of violence and violence against public officials,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said last week in a speech.

The 48 percent backing Trump try to move away from his racism by talking about the need for a better economy. But Trump’s main economic plan is to impose tariffs that will drive up prices. He has no plan to improve health care or provide more affordable housing.

It was less than 30 years ago when Bob Dole, the 1996 Republican presidential nominee, stared down racism in the GOP. “If there’s anyone who has mistakenly attached themselves to our party in the belief that we are not open to citizens of every race and religion…,” Dole said at the 1996 convention, “the exits, which are clearly marked, are for you to walk out of as I stand this ground without compromise.”

Where are those Republicans now?

Juan Williams is an author and a political analyst for Fox News Channel.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Really Free Countries and People who Speak up

Javier Bardem Denounces Israel at San Sebastian: “What’s Happened in Gaza Is Unacceptable”
Lily Ford
Mon, September 23, 2024

Palestinian flags flank the red carpet at the San Sebastian Film Festival. As the city celebrates Spain’s most prestigious film fest, demonstrators have taken to the streets protesting the 40,000-plus men, women and children who have been killed in Gaza since the war with Israel began, according to the Hamas-run health ministry. Among those taking a pro-Gaza stance during the film event on the Spanish coast is Spanish national treasure Javier Bardem, who received the fest’s Donostia Award.

At the press conference, he took the opportunity to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and denounce the actions of the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, who have continued air strikes in Gaza following the Hamas attack on Oct. 7, 2023.

“I welcome [the award] with great joy but I am not in the mood for celebrations,” a translation of Bardem’s statement in the Spanish press said. “What has happened in Gaza is unacceptable, dehumanizing.”

Bardem said he believes the Israeli government is “the most radical government” the country has ever seen and has committed war crimes in Gaza. “The atrocious and reprehensible attacks by Hamas in October do not justify the massive global punishment that the Palestinian population is suffering,” he continued. “I believe that the impunity with which the Israeli government enjoys its actions in Gaza and the West Bank has to change,” he added, imploring the U.S. and U.K. in particular to reconsider their “unconditional support” for Benjamin Netanyahu.

On San Sebastian’s most famous beach, La Concha, protestors wrote pro-Gaza messages in the sand for all on the promenade to read over the weekend.

Bardem accepted his Donostia Award Friday night, gushing over his wife Penélope Cruz. The actor, who has had starring roles in Dune: Part Two, No Country for Old Men — which bagged him an Academy Award — and Skyfall, among myriad celebrated Spanish projects like Huevos de Oro and El detective y la muerte, accepted the award from his siblings, Monica and Carlos Bardem.

The 72nd San Sebastian Film Festival runs through Sept. 28.

An Example of Zionists Slandering a Head of State Who Doesn't Crawl at their Feet

Read below and remember: This is the standard slanderous blackmail that Zionists resort to to pressure anyone who dares express an opinion that dissents from the Zionist narrative.

Remember it well, because it explains why leaders of the so-called "free world" are always afraid of upsetting Israel and organized Zionism, even when it is perpetrating abominable crimes against innocent people.

Israel hates Ireland because, from experience, Ireland rejects injustice and stands for justice. It knows what it is to live for centuries under a brutal English occupation whose main weapons were rape, killing, land theft, deportation and starvation.... Repeat: rape, killing, land theft, deportation and starvation...sounds familiar? What Zionists are doing to the Palestinian people, the English did it to the Irish before the latter liberated themselves from English colonialism, and that is why Ireland is not afraid of speaking up against that bastard child of English colonialism in Palestine.


Irish president accuses Israeli embassy of Iran letter leak
Aoife Moore - Dublin reporter
Mon, September 23, 2024

Michael D Higgins made the comments at the United Nations in New York on Sunday [Reuters]

The President of Ireland Michael D Higgins has accused the Israeli Embassy in Dublin of circulating a letter he wrote to the President of Iran.

The Israeli Embassy in Dublin has labelled Higgins' comments as "baseless", "highly inflammatory and potentially slanderous".

The Irish president was criticised last month when the letter to Masoud Pezeshkian became public, following Pezeshkian's appointment as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Speaking at the United Nations (UN) in New York on Sunday, Higgins said he believed that his letter had been circulated by Israeli officials.

Masoud Pezeshkian became president of Iran in July [Reuters]

"You should ask where the criticism came from and how the letter was circulated and by whom and for what purpose," Higgins said.

Pressed by journalists as to where he believed the letter came from, Higgins said he believed "it was circulated from the Israeli embassy" in Dublin.

Higgins said he wrote to congratulate a new head of state and that there had been some interest in re-starting nuclear talks with Iran.

He told Pezeshkian that Iran had a "crucial role" in peace in the Middle East following the death of his predecessor, Ebrahim Raisi, in a helicopter crash in May.

"I regret of course the circumstances that brought about the election, and take the opportunity to repeat the condolences of the people of Ireland for the deaths of your predecessor President Raisi," the letter read.

The letter appeared in the Jewish Chronicle and prompted criticism in both the UK and Ireland.

In a statement, the Israeli embassy said: "Unfortunately in Ireland, since the October 7 invasion by Hamas and massacre in Israel, which triggered this awful war, Israel has been subjected to a high level of malicious statements and accusations that have often manifested as incitement to hatred.

"This baseless accusation is highly inflammatory and potentially slanderous, and the embassy rejects it completely."

The statement added that it is the "burden of the author to defend its content, which did not mention the threat Iran poses in the region".

The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza has said more than 40,000 people have been killed in the territory because of Israel's response.

'Standard diplomatic practice'

A spokesperson for the Irish president's office said: "The exchange of letters upon the coming to office of a new head of state is standard diplomatic practice for countries which share diplomatic relations.

"As is usual practice, the letter in question was drafted based on material supplied by the Department of Foreign Affairs and issued via standard diplomatic channels. Such letters have been sent to incoming presidents of Iran for a number of decades.

"In response to questions, the president indicated his view that this standard diplomatic letter had been circulated over the summer and presented as being something out of the ordinary.

"The president made no accusations of a leak, he solely referred to the letter being circulated. In this context, the question of reporting does not arise."

The Taoiseach Simon Harris has defended Higgins' comments [PA Media]

The Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) Simon Harris, also at the UN in New York, has defended the Irish president, stating his concerns was the loss of life in Gaza.

Harris said that Israel "is continuing to allow a horrific humanitarian situation continue".

"I think the Israeli embassy should be focusing on things other than amplifying, circulating or referencing a letter that does really conform with normal diplomatic protocol between heads of state," Harris said.

"Certainly, my focus here in New York is not on an exchange of letters, but is on the fact that there is still a horrific, bloody humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in the middle east.

"I have no interest whatsoever in getting into any sort of tit-for-tat or back-or-forth with the Israeli embassy or the government of a country that is continuing to allow this horrific humanitarian situation continue," Harris added.

Israelis Get it: Future will Always be Bleak Even if we Bomb Everyone Around Us

Despite the ethnic cleansing they perpetrated in the 1930s and 1940s against the indigenous Palestinian population, Zionists were still driven by the desire to live in a more or less decent democractic Socialist state in tune with the post-WWII anti-Fascist liberalism.

But now that Israel has turned into a Jewish version of the Taliban - brutality for any reason, religious or otherwise, where fanatic Jewish mullahs and mastodonts from the Bronze Age rule - those secular-minded Israelis are fearing for their future in such a state. Then, the sinking realization that since there is no hope whatsoever for peace - both Palestinians and Israelis want all the land, from the fucking river to the frigging sea - and that every generation of Israelis will have to face another intifada, another revolution, another uprising by the natives, there is really no future for them in Israel. The whole mindset behind creating the Zionist colony in Palestine missed one major factor: How can 10 million or so foreign Jews convince 400 million native Muslim Arabs of their cause?

As I have often said in these pages, Israel is condemned to live in a permanent state of war, forever if it lasts, or for as long as it remains viable. Those Israelis with a functioning brain and reason know that, even if their state destroys Hamas and Hezbollah, a decade or so down the line there'll be other "resistance" and "liberation" movements to repeat the cycle of violence we are witnessing today. Take it from someone who is from another minority in this miserable region of the world: It will never end, and violence is not the answer. The answer is "accommodation", learning to give in when you must and to fight back when necessary. Israel's violent winner-take-all approach is doomed. It is contingent on a set of circumstances that will not last, and when the time comes it will be too late. The Crusaders did it exactly the same way and had to pack up and leave within 200 years.

The mistake of the Zionists was to not have asked their fellow Europeans for a Jewish homeland inside Europe. That would have solved the Jewish question of antisemitism in Europe. But to turn this otherwise justifiable quest into a brutal colonial enterprise against a people on another continent, that had nothing to do with European antisemitism, has not only utterly failed but has now expanded antisemitism to parts of the world that did not know it.

War-fatigued Israelis are leaving in droves, and especially disturbing is the brain drain that is emptying the country of its smart, reasonable people and leaving behind the radicals, the extremists, the fanatic religious crazies.

Just look next door in Lebanon and you'll see the same phenomenon: Smart tolerant people leave because they can't stand the abysmality of the deadly
religious arguments that have been ravaging the country for 60 years, and those who stay are basically the barbarians, the intolerant, the violent, the asocial, the depraved, the corrupt. Just driving in Lebanon, you'll notice that 80% of the drivers are desperate maniacs who put their own lives and those of others in danger. The country has descended, for stupid political sectarian reasons, from the Eden of the 1950s-1960s into the living hell it is today, and as the years go by, the good people leave and the bad people stay, which compounds the disintegration of the country into a third world cesspool.

In Tel Aviv, Bjørt Kragesteen and her Israeli partner are packing all of their belongings into boxes. Next week they are leaving for Stockholm where she will take up a role as assistant professor.

I don’t want to live here ever again,” Kragesteen says. “That is something the war changed for me.”

These days, the 37-year-old molecular genetics researcher sleeps in her clothes every night and the keys are always in the same spot next to the door. If a missile alarm goes off, she and her partner have 90 seconds to grab their two-year-old daughter and run 150 metres to a bomb shelter by a playground.

“I have made so many runs with Ruth to that bomb shelter,” she says. “I’m always alert. It is completely exhausting.”

For months she and other parents took turns during the week to keep watch at the nursery, ready to help bring all of the children underground in case of missiles. This war-induced fear has been the catalyst for many friends to move too, she says.

“They all have young kids and
want to build a brighter future in Europe. Some friends don’t have EU passports and are feeling a bit lost, looking for other ways to leave.”

There has been a surge in Israelis applying for other nationalities in Europe and Latin America. Most Israelis in fact have dual citizenships because of their historical ties to the countries from which they came as foreign settlers with romantic notions of the land of milk and honey, only to violently displace and ethnically cleanse the indigenous Palestinian population. The feeling is growing in the Israeli collective psyche that the Zionist idea of a homeland in Palestine was maybe a huge mistake, and that the only horizon in the face of this realization is more violence, more dehumanization of the enemy and of themselves, and further sinking into a Fascist-like state whose survival depends only on brutality and violence.

A year into one of the bloodiest conflicts in Israel’s history, the economic consequences are beginning to appear. Although debt is far lower than in many other rich countries, inflation is elevated but under control and unemployment remains low. However, a closer look reveals growing strain.

One concern is that many highly educated and skilled workers, including Kragesteen and her partner, are leaving, deciding to raise their children away from missile alarms. Compounding this problem is the fact that attracting new talent to a country at war is tough.

Nobel prize-winning scientist Aaron Ciechanover last month warned in a speech that
there is a huge wave of departures from the country”.

“Most senior doctors are leaving the hospitals; universities are finding difficulties in recruiting faculty members in critical areas,” he said, warning that this community is “very narrow”.

As soon as 30,000 of these people leave, we won’t have a country here”, he said.

The exit of talented workers is particularly concerning for Israel’s lucrative tech sector, says Alon Eizenberg, an associate economics professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and an adviser to the Bank of Israel.

The industry, which makes up a disproportionate share of gross domestic product, is very important to the economy. “Some brain drain and loss of human capital will be inevitable,” he says. “That also happened after the Yom Kippur War in the 1970s because it was a devastating experience for many and it had a destabilising effect on people.

“There is no doubt that when a country undergoes something like October 7 and the war some people will leave, maybe temporarily, maybe for good.”

From a fiscal perspective, Israel’s economy shrank by 5.7pc in the final three months of 2023, reflecting the impact of the Oct 7 Hamas attacks and subsequent war.

It has since recovered somewhat, growing 3.4pc in the first three months of the year, followed by a more sluggish 0.2pc in the following quarter.

Kragesteen says that in Tel Aviv “some places have shut, but we don’t notice it much”. “People are continuing to go to restaurants, parties, do yoga and drink coffee like before,” she adds.

Yet going on holiday has become more expensive as foreign airlines have pulled away and those still operating have hiked prices. Meanwhile, the Israeli shekel has also weakened against the euro, adding to a longer running decline.

Separately, Houthi attacks in the Red Sea have disrupted shipments, meaning securing items from abroad has become more expensive and challenging.

Unsurprisingly, the tourism industry has also suffered.

According to Coface BDI, an Israeli research firm, as many as 60,000 businesses will shut in 2024, with Eizenberg claiming that many smaller-sized companies are struggling.

“A big chunk of the labour force has been called on reserve service duty, sometimes for many months. So that could be the business owner or most of your labour force.

“That introduces a lot of friction. You are basically facing a shortage of workers that are already skilled and trained to do particular things,” he says.

The agricultural industry has suffered, as people in both the north and the south have been evacuated and are unable to work. As a result, food prices have risen. Construction has also stalled amid the absence of 80,000 Palestinian construction workers, mostly from the West Bank. Efforts to replace them with other foreign workers have so far failed, fuelling concern over rising house prices.

For ordinary people, the rising costs of food and housing in particular are becoming increasingly apparent. Omer, a 38-year-old Israeli living in a Socialist kibbutz 20 minutes outside Tel Aviv who works in digital marketing, says this has been challenging for many.

“The rising food and housing costs people find the hardest to deal with. Food is essential to live, and home is shelter. When they are really expensive, [it makes] it very hard psychologically,” he says.

As for the public purse, the costs of war are beginning to mount. The governor of the Bank of Israel warned in late May that the country would spend around $67bn (£50bn) on defence and civilian costs between 2023 and 2025.

There is no end in sight. The Israeli defence minister warned this week that the country was in a “new phase of war”, with many goals still to achieve. Should the war intensify in the coming months, it could increase costs further, says Eizenberg, adding to the uncertainty for the economy.

“You have this type of asymmetric war with non-state organisations where it’s not a matter of just storming in and going into battle with another army, and then within a few days or weeks it’s settled. This war takes a long time." 

The 1940s-1970s "victories" that made Israel's reputation were between regular armies fighting conventional wars. Fighting non-state insurgents and militias is a very different matter. All - without exception - colonial enterprises ultimately failed in the face of native indigenous rebellions.

“It’s not obvious how long it will take before you can remove all these limitations on the economy and people in the north can return to their homes,” he says.

Itai Ater, at Tel Aviv University who heads a forum of leading Israeli economists, says he is deeply concerned about the fiscal situation and what further escalation could mean.

The three main credit rating agencies – Fitch, Moody’s and S&P – have already downgraded Israel since the onset of the war.

Meanwhile, the country has gone from running budget surpluses to a deficit of 8.3pc of gross domestic product in the 12 months to August, which could well worsen.

It has already spent £19bn on the war since it began last October.

The government is “completely dysfunctional”, Ater says, warning that it “cannot keep raising the spending so much without taking serious steps.” “The government is not rising up to the challenge. We don’t see them making tough decisions that are needed. If there is also an escalation in the north, it will be a huge blow to the economy,“ he says.

These days everyone is overwhelmed by the constant stream of bad news. Israelis are depressed and unhappy. When the Palestinian question was out of sight and out of mind, Israelis said they were happy. Ignorance is indeed bliss. But then the Palestinian "problem" resurfaced and Israelis feel they are back to the starting line.

Back in Tel Aviv, Kragesteen is busy packing. “People are generally exhausted,” she says.
Even the older generation feels uncertain about their future here. My partner’s mum came here from Tripoli in 1967 and has lived through all of the intifadas. This is the first time she wants to leave too.”

“The future feels very uncertain here.”

Priorities of the Lebanese Peasants? Shooting Migratory Bee-Eater Birds

It's an average of one shot per second. It's incessant. At this time, visiting the Nahr El-Kalb (Dog River) valley and its upstream villages below Beit Shabab and Bickfaya, it's been a week in which throughout the day and especially in the evening (when the migrating birds come down to rest for the night), the Christian peasants who inhabit the valley set their priority on shooting down the passing bee-eater birds (وروار) migrating to Africa for winter.

There have been many campaigns to deter these savages who kill any flying bird as a hobby, but those with influence over the local neanderthals - the local feudal lord, the religious bosses, or the religious schools - never tell or instruct "their" herd to stop this barbaric annual ritual. Just as they don't teach them to stop throwing trash every which way they go. Primitive habits endure and are transmitted generation to generation. And these are the same Christians (who are Christian only in name) of this country who constantly claim that they are so much better and civilized than the Muslims.

You can wear jeans, you can suck up Pepsi and scarf down burgers, you can drive cool huge SUVs, you can monkey-imitate every stupid thing that Hollywood sends your way, can do all the superficial things that will make you look like a mediocre imitation of a "westerner", but eastern-mediterranean barbarism is resilient in your genes like stink on a monkey.

At this time when the country is facing an imminent and potentially devastating and existential war, the priorities of the riff-raff peasants in these mountains is to go out on a Sunday after a boring mass at the church and shoot down those birds flying between continents. In Lebanon, the purpose of education is to train the students in a minimum level of instruction to enable them to get a job, but not to become  responsible, cultured citizens. They teach them Arabic so they can emigrate and work in the Muslim Gulf whose inhabitants they dislike. They teach them French so they can emigrate and work in Europe and lick the boots of the Europeans. They teach them English so they emigrate and work in North America, Canada and Australia. And the whole point of this system is for the expatriate children to send money back to this unproductive corrupt country where their relatives spend the money on stupid me-too monkey consumer items, sit in cafés to smoke the water pipes and show off to the Joneses. They call this "to love life", meaning to live a deeply individualistic life without any sense of communal solidarity with others around them.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Israel's Imminent War on Lebanon: What Will it Look Like?

Warning: The Telegraph is an extremist right-wing conservative pro-Zionist English rag. It oten propagates its wishful thinking as "factual analysis". Exercize caution when reading. 

When analyzing the events in Palestine and Lebanon, pundits and experts rarely mention the fundamental issue that is behind all this 75-year old torment. As you will see below, the discussion meanders into tactical details but never asks the ultimate question: And then what? 

What will Israel achieve by demolishing Hezbollah? Sure, it might get a reprieve from the immediate threat along its border that might last a decade or so, but then the cycle repeats itself, which means that Israel is condemned to always be in a state of war, and that is not what a "safe homeland" is supposed to be.

In 1982 it invaded Lebanon and demolished the PLO, then made a treacherous peace with its erstwhile "terrorist" enemy. Is this what we should expect this time too? Make some deal with Hamas and Iran that will last a few years, until another radical resistance movement emerges to continue the torment? 

In order to achieve the objective of a "safe homeland" in Israel, there has to be genuine good intentions on both sides. Unfortunately, neither side has good intentions because how can the raped victim ever accept to live in peace with its rapist? Jews arrived in Palestine not as refugees from barbaric Europe seeking a temporary shelter in the midst of what could have been a welcoming Palestinian population. They arrived as Zionists, as supremacist conquering colonial settlers intent on massacring and displacing the native Palestinian population and taking their land. How can anyone ask the Palestinians to forget and forgive?

The injury done to the Palestinians by the creation of the state of Israel will NEVER heal. Welcome to Dante's Nine Cirlces of Hell. 

Having borne the brunt of the cataclysmic creation of the state of Israel, the Lebanese have no love for either side. The Palestine-Israel problem is not of their making, they just happen to live next door to two highly unpleasant and disagreeable peoples: Ultra-religious Jewish fanatics with a fictional text from the Bronze Age, and equally ultra-religious Muslim fanatics who, like the Jews, hold an ancient grudge and wallow in a never-ending swamp of victimhood.


How Israel could invade Lebanon and wage all-out war with Hezbollah
Roland Oliphant
Sat, September 21, 2024

Maj Gen Ori Gordin, head of Israel’s northern command, says he and his troops are ‘determined to change the security reality as soon as possible’

Even before Tuesday’s exploding pager attack on Hezbollah, war seemed to be looming on the Israel-Lebanon border.

Benjamin Netanyahu began the week promising to return 60,000 evacuees to the north of the country.  After the pager blasts Yoav Gallant, the defence minister, announced a “new phase” of the conflict.

Maj Gen Ori Gordin, head of Israel’s northern command, said he and his troops are “determined to change the security reality as soon as possible”.

So will there be a wider war? And what, if anything, could it achieve?

Days before the pager attacks, Israeli’s security cabinet updated its official war goals to include the return of around 60,000 residents to parts of northern Israel they were evacuated from following Hezbollah’s attacks in the aftermath of Oct 7.

Hezbollah has linked its rocket attacks to a ceasefire in Gaza. So in theory, there is a diplomatic solution: stop the war in Gaza, and the problem will go away.

That is clearly the solution that Israel’s key allies, including the United States and Britain, prefer. They have publicly and privately urged restraint and warned against derailing peace talks.

But rhetoric from Mr Netanyahu and Mr Gallant, the pager attacks, escalating air strikes, the redeployment of troops from Gaza to the north – and The Telegraph’s conversations with serving and retired IDF officers – suggest an Israeli action in Lebanon is a question of when, not if.

Three options

There are three options for Israeli planners to consider: air strikes; a massive, Gaza-style invasion; and a “limited” incursion to set up a “buffer zone”.

The first is, of course, the safest. Mr Gallant, the defence minister – no dove, even by Israeli standards – is said to have argued for this option.

It does not commit troops on the ground, avoids the risk of a quagmire, and would not require committing ground forces while the main effort in Gaza (and, increasingly, the West Bank) is still under way.

Compared to Israel’s first invasion of Lebanon in 1982, or even its last in 2006, aerial targeting technology has made a quantum leap.

On Friday morning, Israel said its strikes had destroyed 100 Hezbollah rocket launchers. But, as the 11-month war in Gaza shows, even modern, relentless air strikes cannot win a war alone.

In the end it is the infantry who must engage the surviving enemy to take and hold ground.

“There is no scenario where we can bring citizens back to the towns along the border, if Hezbollah is on the border,” said Brig Gen Amir Avivi, former IDF deputy commander of the Gaza Division and founder of Israel Defense and Security Forum.

“This means that if Hezbollah doesn’t willingly withdraw, according to UN Security Council resolution 1701, Israel is left with no choice but to do a ground incursion.” But any ground invasion is fraught with risk and overshadowed by the memory of previous bloody, and ultimately unsuccessful, adventures north of the border.

In the semi-desert landscape of Gaza, Hamas has had to tunnel into earth and sand. Hezbollah’s tunnels are dug into the solid rock of imposing mountain valleys, said Maj Moshiko Giat, an IDF special forces soldier who fought in Israel’s last incursion into Lebanon in 2006.

“So the infrastructure in Lebanon is pretty solid and very, very hard to break into. And that was one of our dilemmas, how we’re going to basically attack all this infrastructure that was built from 1982 to 2006,” he said.

Hezbollah, he added, is a country mile ahead of Hamas in both numbers and military prowess. Independent observers believe Hezbollah can field between 20,000 and 40,000 fighters.

It is believed to have amassed an arsenal of up to 150,000 rockets and missiles, many of them advanced Iranian designs able to fire deep into Israel. And it will have massively expanded the minefield, ambush sites and tunnel systems that caused Maj Giat and his troops so much bother 18 years ago.

“They act like an army and we would treat them like an army,” he said. “They have undergone training, including in Iran, and they have a lot of combat experience, more than they had in 2006, because they fought in the civil war in Syria on the side of the Assad regime. “We are not going to meet a militia, we’re going to meet a proper force.” 

Opposing this force is the IDF’s 98th Division, an elite paratroopers and commando outfit, and the 179th and 769th armoured brigades, which have already been deployed to the border and are waiting for orders.

Mr Netanyahu must now decide what those orders will be. There are two options:


A full-scale, Gaza-style invasion, fighting house-to-house and tunnel-to-tunnel in pursuit of the total destruction of Hezbollah and its (supposedly) enormous arsenal of rockets, holds an emotional appeal to Israelis who would like to secure the northern border once and for all.

But the IDF has still not destroyed the much less formidable foe of Hamas after 11 months of war in the much smaller territory of Gaza.

Trying to do the same to Hezbollah would mean repeating the bloody 1982 march on Beirut. Military casualties would be high, civilian ones probably much higher, and the patience of key allies like the United States tested to breaking point.

And if progress in Gaza is anything to go by, fighting building-to-building for years, and suffering heavy casualties.

The war that began on Oct 7 last year is already the longest in Israeli history. How much longer the economy, and public and international sentiment, can take is now a serious consideration.

Buffer zone

So that leaves the so-called third option. A more “limited” incursion to establish a buffer zone.

Even that would be a major operation.

It would take “several divisions”, or around 30,000 troops, to clear southern Lebanon, said Assaf Orion, a retired brigadier general and former head of the strategy division for the IDF general staff.

That would drop to one or two divisions – between 10,000 and 20,000 troops – to occupy and hold afterwards, he said.

It is not exactly clear how deep that zone would be.

Maj Giat said he understood the objective of any ground offensive would be to clear and hold a buffer-zone 6 to 12 miles deep.

Brig Gen Avivi said the goal would be to “destroy them in South Lebanon and push them north of the Litani river”.

That is only a rough guide: The Litani is 18 miles from the border at its mouth but further inland comes within little more than a mile of the frontier with the Israeli-occupied Golan heights.

Brig Gen Avivi insisted such an operation would be more than manageable. “Lebanon is not as densely populated as Gaza, and the towns and villages in southern Lebanon are pretty empty. This is not going to be as complicated as what we saw in Gaza.

“I think it can take a few weeks because it’s going to be very, very intensive. And also there will be huge pressure inside Lebanon on Hezbollah to stop, because, obviously, Lebanon is going to pay a heavy price here.

“I would assume that the war is not going to be long.”
Memories of wars past

But the ghosts of the 1982 and 2006 wars loom over any talk of fighting in Lebanon.

The first, also directed at creating a buffer zone, reached Beirut but ended in public disillusionment over high casualties.

It also catalysed the birth of Hezbollah.

The 2006 war, triggered by the Hezbollah abduction of three Israeli soldiers on the border, lasted 34 days and claimed the lives of 121 Israeli soldiers, an estimated 250 Hezbollah fighters, and around 1,200 civilians.

After it was over, a public inquiry concluded that Hezbollah had successfully resisted a superior force; that the war had been entered into without any clear strategy; and that the ground offensive came late, was not completed, and did not achieve its goals.
Another way?

Maj Giat says he’s not worried about repeating the same mistakes this time.

Lessons have been learned, the soldiers have been training hard for the operation, and there will be a greater emphasis on speed, aggression, and precisely identifying and then pursuing targets than in 2006.

“We know what we are doing,” he said.

The infantry battle is one thing though.

It is not clear how, if at all, Hezbollah’s anticipated massive rocket barrage would be dealt with. Another salvo of missiles and drones could be expected from the group’s allies in Syria and Iran.

And there is a strange dichotomy in Israeli rhetoric, and possibly thought. On the one hand, brash confidence in the IDF’s superiority on the battlefield. On the other, a recognition that this is a much more serious and difficult problem than such bravado would suggest.

The bottom line is that from the Israeli point of view, none of the options of invasion are good ones.

And Mr Netanyahu, for all his rhetoric, is considered by observers to be a cautious and even indecisive politician.

That’s led some to conclude that war is not inevitable.

Amos Yadlin, former Israeli military intelligence chief, told The Telegraph: “I am not sure either side wants a full-scale war and there are other ways for Israel to damage Hezbollah. We’ve seen that so far.”

There are those who argue the bloodshed of recent days – the device attacks, air strikes on the border and in Beirut – are meant to achieve something else.

Could the prospect of a full-scale war force Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah chief, to tell his fighters to cool down the rocket attacks?

Could he and his patrons in Iran could even lean on Hamas to sign a ceasefire in Gaza on Israeli terms?

If that is the Israeli strategy, it is a high-risk one.

And it is not – yet – bearing fruit.