Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, April 26, 2024

This Generation is Standing up to Resurgent Dark Age of Fascist Conservatism

There is a fatal contradiction at the heart of Western societies as they emerged from World War II. On one hand, they began to dismantle their colonial oppression of other peoples and reaffirmed their beliefs in universal human rights, which they enshrined in their own constitutions and international covenants. Yet, their status as victors of the war granted them the power to make decisions that unfortunately did not match their signatures on these covenants and continued to do harm to the peoples and nations they enslaved for centuries. That contradiction is exploding in their faces as we write these lines.

The younger western generation feels that contradiction deep in its psyche: How can we live in the freest, wealthiest, healthiest, and most technologically advanced polities in history, while millions of people around the globe continue to suffer the ravages and consequences of colonialism. The West is rich simply because it pilfered the resources of the colonized south and east. Now that the south and the east are reclaiming their positions as free and equal nations to their former colonizers, the younger generations in the West grew up believing in real justice and human rights on the ground, and not merely as theoretical principles. They were taught to love their countries (patriotism), but without hating other countries (nationalism). With the long distance separating them from the events of the mid-20th century, they apply the tenets they were taught without exceptions, unlike Joe Biden’s generation that says it believes in those principles, but with caveats, exceptions, and residual animus and racism.

Globalization has made this younger generation aware of human diversity in a positive sense. They make friends with people from every far corner of the planet and understand that their own patriotism rejects all the residual discrimination and racism of the older generation. Yes, the West represents for them the best outcome out of the troubled and bloody human history of their elders. But still, this makes them wonder: Why do we, whose parents and grandparents pilfered the world to create this paradise of ours, not try to finally bring some fairness to an international order maintained with the threat of violence by the nuclear bullies?

This is at the heart of the revolutionary urge that is emanating from the university campuses. Unlike their hate-mongering conservative predecessor generations, many young westerners have felt it their moral obligation to militate for human rights and justice for ALL nations and not for some, for the protection of the environment which their elders raped with greedy corporations, for applying the universal principles universally and not preferentially, and for the liberation of the last colonized people on earth: Palestine.

There is now a striking correlation between one's level of education and holding constructive forward-looking ideas, between being highly credentialled and rejecting the violence-prone inclinations of the older generation. I have spoken to many Jewish Americans of the younger generation and they do not understand the racist supremacist blindness of the Zionist movement whose success is clearly contingent on maintaining highly organized violence against the Palestinians. These young Jewish students are themselves the university campus militants protesting Israel’s continued rape of Palestine. For the Zionists, Israel has never been the sheltering homeland for Jews as they claim. It was designed by the British crooks to serve as a western colonial base in the heart of the Muslim world. Jews were never persecuted by the Muslim and Arab nations of which they were integral constituents during millennia. Jewish and Muslim traditions and customs are nearly identical; after all, the Bible and science agree that Hebrews and Arabs share a common Semitic ancestor; the Jews having originated in Ur in today’s Iraq and were bona fide Arab nomadic tribes before they ravaged ancient Palestine and ethnically cleanse the Canaanite ancestors of today’s Palestinians.

Remember the 700-year-long Andalusian paradise under Moorish Arab rule where Christians, Jews and Muslims lived in harmony and tolerance? That harmony ended when Christian monarchs and the Church decided to force Muslims and Jews to convert or face the Inquisition or suffer expulsion. The persecution and hatred of Jews were staples of Western societies for centuries and millennia. Antisemitism is a Western construct. Jews were persecuted by none other than the very religious western Christian conservatives who today claim to want to defend them. If there was any persecution of Jews in Arab lands, it occurred at the hands of the Jewish Agency and other Zionist agencies that acted to terrorize Arab, Persian, north African and other Jews into emigrating to Israel, not out of love or kinship, but to increase the Jewish herd headcount in Palestine which in turn, they thought, would justify the creation of the fake state of Israel.

It can be easily argued that the West loves its Jews so much that, after slaughtering them wholesale, it gave the surviving ones someone’s else land where they shipped them off and got rid of them.

The virulence of anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian hatred on campuses across America is not new. Zionists spent much of the 20th century demonizing Arabs and Palestinians for the sole objective of justifying the rape of Palestine. No truly civilized country would tolerate this, but the West lapped up Zionist propaganda and became the captive hostage of Israel in a disturbing Stockholm Syndrome relationship. Wearing the Keffiyeh is enough to trigger Zionists to shoot and kill the bearer of the headscarf. For the past century that Palestinians have been trying to salvage their country, the image that Zionist propaganda instilled in the West was they were terrorists, Islamists, Jew-haters, barbarians, rapists, etc. No surprise, this has been the standard operating procedure by Western colonials: portray the indigenous resistors to the colonial invader as unevolved, primitive and violent sub-humans who should be either converted=civilized, enslaved, or killed.

Today’s protests are even more liberating than those of 1968. They reject Right-wing conservatism as archaic and primitive and incompatible with genuine democracy. They refute the white supremacy and racism that are raising their ugly head to take us back to the 19th century where everyone who was not a white Anglo-Saxon male was treated as inferior.

Reputed historians, not paid Zionist charlatans, compare the protests to the 1968 worldwide protests that ushered individual freedoms as foundations for a rejuvenated West. America's defeat in Vietnam, followed by all the other American failures and defeats in Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Lebanon and elsewhere are proof that no country, no matter how powerful, can impose its will by violence and wars. Israel is no different: The only way for it to survive is to remain in a state of constant warfare, which refutes the notion of a peaceful existence.

The past six months have exposed the West’s Right-wing elites for the phonies that they are: A movement obsessed with seeing disturbing revolutionary movements sprout everywhere. These conservative elites fear that the stranglehold they have had over western societies for decades is unraveling. To this end, the student protesters are labeled antisemitic, anarchists, Marxists, woke operatives…. All stale labels from long bygone eras. The conservative elites do not mind the genocide in Gaza, the rape, abuse and sexual assaults by Israeli soldiers and fanatic settlers against the indigenous Palestinian population, just as they don’t mind China’s brutality against the Uighurs and Tibet as long as there is money to be made with the Chinese dictatorship. To them, Palestinians, Tibetans, Uighurs and other downtrodden colonized peoples are subhuman animals, and the world should not bother with disturbing China’s barbarity or Israel’s savagery.

In 2024, a resurgent Right-wing Fascist ideology is the new religion whose heroes are the likes of Putin, Netanyahu, Bolsonaro, Trump, etc. These dictators are taking the world back to the edge of the abyss, just like their Fascist forefathers – Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, etc. - did in Europe and elsewhere. It was liberal America, liberal Europe, revolutionary Republican Spain, and others who put an end to the barbarity. Liberalism is under siege by would-be Fascist tyrants and dictators. Today’s student protests have lit a fire in the heart of every person who believes in fairness and justice. Their belief in our civilization is unshakable, but they want everyone on board, including Palestine, the last colonized country on earth. We won’t go back to double standards based on racism and supremacy. We cannot grant the barbarian neanderthal Right another run against our liberal institutions, including our universities. The West has no future if our youth are taught to submit to the notion that only through violence can the West impose its will.

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