Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

I Agree with Liz Truss: Abolish the UN

I rarely agree with the neanderthals and cro-magnons of the conservative movements around the world. They refuse any change and are stuck in some long past century, invoking "the natural order of things" which, in their fossilized minds, means the English caste system, Black Africans back into slavery, women back to the kitchen, charlatan religions against objective science, workers back to 24-hr work days 7 days a week, nostalgia for "civilizing" colonialism, racism, and hatred of the "other". You see this movement in resurgence everywhere in our world today, with many countries ruled by dictators and tyrants advocating religious and racial supremacist ideologies. The world is going through a phase of resurgent Fascism similar to the 1920s and 1930s that preceded World War II. And this time, the formerly German Jewish Zionists are not the victims of Fascism, they are its utmost practitioners against the native indigenous Semitic people of historic Palestine.

Conservatives often do not understand that they themselves are advocates of Darwinism even as they reject it as the only valid scientific explanation of who we are. For it is conservatives who peddle Darwinian ideas in the marketplace: Isn't "laissez-faire" economics Darwinian? Isn't the abandonment of the poor (against Christian values) to the vagaries of market forces a Darwinian tenet held by Conservatives? How do conservatives justify their money-driven Darwinian posture with their rejection of the very Christian values they pretend to uphold when it comes to social justice?

In contrast, it is the progressives of this world who are ironically the most "Christian" or ethical in their politics. While they accept Darwinian evolution and its natural selection mechanism as the science-based explanation of our existence, they advocate fighting  rapacious capitalism that continues to pilfer the earth's resources for greed, wealth distribution, helping the poor and the disadvantaged, equality, the value of ALL human beings, diversity etc.

Unfortunately the UN, despite all the good intentions of its founding, has become a toilet paper with which the five criminal nuclear bullies wipe their behinds while throwing a few crumbs to the other 200 or so nations. These five powers are, or remain, colonial empires with greedy ambitions for land and resources. They are the greatest polluters of the earth and the greatest killers of humans around the world, with their manufacturing of the deadliest weapons humankind has ever known, weapons they sell to all sides of all conflicts around the world to make more money than they ever need. They have sequestered the world to their own benefits using their veto power. Because of disputes between these five permanent bully members of the Security Council, the latter has not managed to pass a single meaningful resolution. And even when a resolution is passed using semantic acrobatics, it is rarely enforced.

The UN spends billions of dollars on bureaucracy, travel, meetings, huge salaries, deployment of so-called peacekeeping troops that never keep peace. Lebanon's UNIFIL (United Nations INterim Force in Lebanon) is a prime example: In place since 1978 when Israel and the Palestinians were ravaging Lebanon, it became the object of several resolutions that have never been implememted. To the contrary, with every eruption of the conflict in south Lebanon, the UNIFIL contingent and its prerogatives are expanded, while the situation continues to deteriorate. Not one of the UN's initiatives in Lebanon has ever managred to make a speck of a difference. In fact, the UN is, right now as we speak, violating Lebanon's sovereignty and jeopardizing the country's future by insisting that 3 million Syrian and Palestinian refugees be settled permanently and integrated with Lebanon's 4 million native population. Instead of meaningful productive initiatives, backed by deterrence and force, to repatriate these refugees back to their homelands, the UN has been reduced to the status of a butler at the service of the five permanent criminal and tyrannical members of the UN. In south Lebanon, UNIFIL's tasks consist in getting its soldiers killed, counting the missiles and the bullets, and baking cakes to appease the dissatisfied locals.

So why continue on this ineffective path where investments never achieve anything? Because the General Assembly is the only venue where one nation equals one vote and where majority rule prevails, all the nations of the world - except the five UNSC bullies - should withdraw from the UN until such time as either UNSC resolutions be enforced by military means against the violating member state, or abolish the Security Council and the veto power of the five nuclear bullies and pass enfocible resolutions in the General Assembly.

If the UN is compared to any other human associations, it is the only one - except dictatorships and autocrat-ruled countries - that does not apply democracy to its mechanisms. Is there any democratic country out there where such a lack of fairness violation of deomcratic rules  say five senators in the upper chamber, have veto power over the vote of the entire chamber? 

In the UN, the five bullies act as autocratic dictators. By the veto power of his country, Joe Biden behaves like a dictator by imposing the will of one country and denying the will and vote of 200 other countries. Is this what the UN was founded for? To give potential mass murderers and genociders, simply because they have nuclear weapons, the right to do whatever they want?

At the very least, the veto power of the five permanent thugs (US, UK, France, China and Russia) on the Security Council should be abolished. Let majority rule be the norm in the UN and the Security Council, as it does in every democratic system. Otherwise, put an end to the charade of voting, drafting resolutions, squandering resources on bureaucracy, salaries, travel, and all expenses of 200 embassies in New York and Geneva and elsewhere, and have member nations vote periodically for one of the five bullies to rule and make decisions unopposed for one year. Instead of the hypocritical pretense of voting at the UNSC then having one of the bullies cancel the vote with its veto, just give that bully the right to do whatever the hell it wants and then hold it to account at the next election of the International Bully of the Year.


Liz Truss to Abolish UN because it Did Not Favor Israel

Liz Truss the failed former Conservative British MP, whose tenure had the shelf-life of a lettuce, says she would like to see the United Nations abolished, claiming she did not see a purpose for the organization. In her mind, "purpose" means backing Israel blindly against all civilized norms of equality of nations before the law.

Truss, who served as foreign secretary under Boris Johnson, accused the UN of playing a “damaging” role in the Israel-Gaza conflict. She declared, “I can’t see a purpose for the UN as it stands. At present it has been very ineffective at dealing with international situations, in fact positively damaging, for example, on Israel”.

She also questioned Chinese and Russian membership of the UN Security Council, a group of 15 countries that has struggled to reach agreement on North Korea and Syria in recent years. Asked whether she wanted to abolish the UN, she replied: "I’m not a UN fan. I think the best use it has is actually as a meeting point for governments. But certainly the UN Security Council, as it’s currently constituted with both China and Russia on, is not keeping the world safe … I much more support alliances of like-minded countries like Nato”.

Last month, the UN Security Council passed a motion calling for a ceasefire in Gaza that has yet to be implemented to put an end to Israel's savage destruction and genocide in Palestine.

Reflecting on her time as foreign secretary, she claimed both the UK's Foreign Office and the US harboured too much “scepticism” towards Israel. 

Defending Israel while ignoring the brutality with which her UK and its Zionist financiers artificially created the Jewish colony in Palestine known as Israel, she complained that “everyone’s entitled to an opinion, but it’s more that it’s within the advice and the culture of the organization that it’s very rare that you’ll get strongly pro-Israel advice". She's right, but for the wrong reasons: Israel is unpopular because it is a savage residue of 19th century colonial times during which the UK wrecked so many native and indigenous nations around the world, including historic Palestine from whose ashes Ms. Truss's predecessors fabricated the monster of Israel.

“There is a scepticism about Israel … Every single department I worked in had biases in particular directions, and the Foreign Office was no exception”, she said. In autumn 2022, Ms Truss resigned amid untenable pressure from Conservative MPs after only 49 days as an incompetent prime minister. 


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