Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Caucasian "Israelis" are Genociding the Authentic Semitic Hebrews



Dr. Areilla Oppenheim at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem did the first extensive DNA study of Palestinians and Israelis in 2001. She concluded that the emigrants on ships to Palestine before the establishment of the state of Israel were genetically Kurdish, Turkish, and Armenian. Which means they had no relationship with the original Hebrews of Jerusalem or biblical lands of the Near East from 4,000 years ago. Their “Jewish” heritage is only a religious one due to the Khazar conversions in eastern Europe to Judaism a few hundred years ago. It was those Jewish converts from places like Georgia, Poland, Ukraine, Germany and Russia who constitute the “Ashkenazi” Jews who, in turn, built Israel.

Quoting from Dr. Oppenheim’s abstract of her paper (Am J Hum Genet. 2001 Nov; 69(5): 1095–1112) in

The investigation of the genetic relationship among three Jewish communities revealed that Kurdish [i.e. Caucasian] and Sephardic [i.e. of Spanish origin] Jews were indistinguishable from one another, whereas both differed … significantly, from Ashkenazi Jews…. In comparison with data available from other relevant populations in the region, Jews were found to be more closely related to groups in the north of the Fertile Crescent (Kurds, Turks, and Armenians) than to their Arab neighbors.

Another DNA study confirmed those conclusions. Dr. Eran Elhaik at the McKusick-Namans Institute of Genetic Medicine of the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Medicine in 2012 found pretty much the same results. The so-called Ashkenazi Jews did never migrate out of the Near East, a finding further confirmed by the fact that Israeli archaeologists, hard as they tried, never found a single speck of evidence of massive Jewish migration out of Palestine following the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD by the Romans. The Jews of the time stayed in Palestine, became Christians when the Romans imposed the new Christian religion (340 AD), then became Muslim when the Arabs invaded the Levantine coast in 638 AD, and are now called Palestinians.

Similarly, extensive DNA studies on the indigenous Palestinian population found that 80% of Palestinian DNA is of Semitic stock, which means that the present-day Palestinians are the direct descendants of the original Hebrew inhabitants of Bronze Age Palestine. i.e. today’s Palestinians are the real Israelite Jews of biblical vintage who became Christians and Muslims, and are being murdered by the fake Israelites. How ironic.

The white, blond-haired, blue-eyed Caucasians who embarked on ships bound to Palestine in the late 1800s and early 1900s aren’t Israelites. They are impostors who claim a non-existent connection to the land of Palestine; instead, they are descendants of the Khazars of the Caucasus. They created this and other myths based on the Scofield bible in which dumb ultra-religious fundamentalist American Christians were brainwashed into believing a salvatory “return” of the Jews, the end of times and Armageddon, the return of the Messiah, and Archbishop James Ussher's calculation of the date of Creation as 4004 BC. The lies and fabrications of Zionists thus meet the barbarian Creationist evangelicals and “Christian Zionists” of the backward American southern states. Now you know why, of all countries around the world, only the United States and the conservative English barbarians support the criminal colonial state of Israel.


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