Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Arab-Hating Colonialist Jews: Racists to the Core

"Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East", keep repeating the racists of conservative Zionist mouthpieces like the Telegraph. How can a democracy be reduced to a religion? How can a democracy be Jewish or Christian or Muslim or Hindu, when the religious qualifier immediately elevates one religion at the expense of other religions?

Most Arab countries, whether they declare themselves as kingdoms, emirates or republics, do not invoke religion in their names, even though in practice they are fundamentally Muslim with Islam as the official religion of the state. Even those who declare themselves "secular", like the vulgar Baathist regime of the Assad dynasty in Syria, place Islam as the source of their constitution. But the arrogance of the Jewish supremacist colonial racists is even more blatant when they declare their Israel to be a "Jewish democracy", which is only matched by their Muslim fundamentalist alter egos of the "Islamic Republic of Iran". In relative terms, Shiite Islam is to Sunni Islam what Judaism is to Christianity: A minority suffering from grandiose victim syndromes, something they have wallowed in and carried around for millennia, and which they both use to render their lives and those around them miserable.

The Jews have a solid problem: They can't decide whether they are a religion or a tribe. They want to be both, but that doesn't work. There are inborn contradictions in such a claim.

Judaism is a religion: It has a holy book, a set of rituals and beliefs and a religious caste of rabbis. But is it a tribe? Not quite.

The European Ashkenazi Jews are recent converts to the religion and have no historic or genetic or geographic or lingusitic connection to the religion. They can't even properly pronounce the sounds of the Hebrew language, because it is not native to their German or East european cultures. They learn it later in life. Nothing in their culture bears any resemblance or relation to any aspect of near eastern culture: whether it's food, customs, language etc.

The Arab Mizrahim Jews are also converts to Judaism who lived in northern Africa. They joined the Moorish Muslim Arab forces in their conquest (Al-Fatah Al-Islami) of European Spain and southern France, then became a pillar of the ruling Arab civilization in Spain for some 7 centuries. They were finally evicted, along with their Muslim brethren, during the reconquista by Ferdinand and Isabel in 1492, back to north Africa.

Hard as they tried, Israeli researchers and scholars have found not a shred of evidence of a migration of the original Jews out of Palestine after the Romans demolished the temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD. The Jewish uprisings against Roman occupation (not unlike the Palestinian uprisings against Jewish occupation in our time) have all failed. But where have all those Jews who lived around that time gone? 

The cases in history of mass migrations after foreign occcupation are rare. Some occupied peoples are taken as slaves or killed on site, but the majority of occupied peoples remains in their land despite the repression by the occupier. With time, the occupied people exchange cultural memes with the occupiers and vice versa; they both acquire elements of language, religion, customs from one another. But essentially the occupied colonized people remain where they are and who they are, such that their native culture persists across time and resurfaces after the foreign occupier inevitably leaves. 

When the Lebanese claim their ascendancy to the Phoenicians, their opponents or cultural repressors ask them: "But where are the Phoenicians today? There is no such thing as the Phoenicians today". The fact is that the inhabitants of the coastal mountain chain of Lebanon who constituted the Phoenician people during the Bronze Age (2000 - 500 BC) did not go anywhere during the incessant invasions by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Seljuks, Maluks, Ottoman Turks, French, Syrians and Israelis. They are still here, in their villages and towns that still overwhelmingly bear Phoenician names. Take the example of California which the US stole from Mexico more than a century ago. Look around you and you'll see mostly Mexican-stock Latinos walking around. Street and city names are all Spanish. Yes, the anglos took the land, but the people remained, they did not leave and their culture persists.

Modern-day Lebanese have incorporated much of the Arabic language into their native spoken language whose foundation remains the Aramaic-Phoenician-Syriac language. Unlike the Irish whose native celtic language is vastly different from the language of their English occupiers, and who therefore kept both languages separate, the Lebanese's original Phoenician language was a close cousin of the Arabic language - both being Semitic languages - and the two fused to become the spoken Lebanese language of today.

The underlying proposition on which I rest my argument is that the Canaanites became Phoenicians who became Lebanese, but genetically and culturally they remained the same people who slowly evolved through the millennia of their long history. The Phoenician "civilization" may have disappeared as a powerful set of sea-faring city-states in Arwad, Tripoli, Byblos, Beirut, Sidon, Tyre, and Akka, but the population remained on site. There was no mass migration of Phoenicians out of the Phoenician historical geography. Some of of the Phoenicians may have moved from the seacoast into the mountaineous Mount Lebanon highlands when the newly-christianized barbarian Romans began persecuting the pagan Phoenicians (who eventually converted to Christianity), then when the rampaging Arab Muslims invaded the seacoast and persecuted them because of their Christian beliefs. 

By the same token, the original Canaanite inhabitants of Palestine, the Philistines whose name the racist invading Hebrews use as the pejorative "Philistine" (in modern Arabic Filistini = Palestinian), remained on their land after successive foreign invasions, beginning with the barbaric Hebrew conquest under the command of Joshua, as related in the bible. As happened to Lebanon, the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Seljuks, Maluks, and Ottoman Turks - with the English crooks and East European settlers completing the cycle - invaded and conquered, but never dislodged the bulk of the inhabitants. 

Accordingly, today's Palestinian people are a hybrid of the original Canaanite pool that hybridized with the Hebrew invaders. As the successive invasions and occupations came and went, the population was essentially but not exclusively Jewish at the time of Jesus about 2,000 years ago. When Jerusalem was sacked and the temple destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, these people did not go anywhere. They stayed and became Roman citizens. When Rome became Christian, some if not all of the mixed Canaanite-Hebrew Palestinians became Christians. When the Arab Muslim came, most of them converted to Islam.

Which brings me to my conclusion: Today's Palestinian people are by and large the descendants of the Jews of the Roman period. Which means that the fake Jews of European genetic stock (i.e. Israelis) who are bombing Gaza's children today are in fact genociding the real genuine Hebrews and Jews.

Today's Jews, Ashkenazi and Mizrahim, are all later converts to Judaism but have no historical or genetic connection with the Jewish Palestine of 2,000 years ago. Their modern prayer "Next Year in Jerusalem", a phrase that is often sung at Passover and Yom Kippur and is used to claim some territorial connection to Palestine, doesn't entitle them to political property in Palestine, any more than, say, Indonesian Muslims who pray in the direction of Mecca or Jerusalem gives them any right to owning Saudi Arabia or Palestine.

Palestine belongs to the Palestinian people who stayed in their lands for millennia as foreign conquerors and invaders came and went. Those modern "Israeli" Jews who are themselves the latest such invaders and conquerors, have no rights to Palestine. They are foreign-born, modern-converts to the religion of Judaism and do not therefore constitute a tribe, let alone a people. The "Israeli" Jews include dark black africans, blond fair-skinned caucasian europeans, Hindis, Persians, Arab Jews, Chinese Jews, etc. How can all these people claim to be a people, a tribe? Just like barbarian Muslims whose Muslim identity comes before their national identity, the argument of a "Jewish" people is based on a set of various ethnicities placing their religion, Judaism, ahead of their national or ethnic identity. And that is truly disgusting.

As they kill and genocide the native indigenous Palestinian people, these "Israelis", these fake Jews, are in fact killing and genociding the original genetic Jewish inhabitants of Palestine who have since become Christians and Muslims. 

Please take note of the irony of history and human stupidity: The 19th-century colonial atheist, secular and Communist Europeans (like Theodore Herzl and his ilk) who decided to colonize Palestine and create a Soviet-like communal way of life (that is what a Kibbutz is: A Socialist-Communist collectivity copy-pasted on the Soviet Kolkhoz and Sovkhoz centralized collectives) were in fact pseudo-Jewish colonial settlers who, under the pretense of their newly acquired Jewish identity, decided to ethnically cleanse the original authentic Jews known today as Palestinians and build a colony for themselves somewhere among the "savages" of this world, just like their fellow Europeans were doing during the 19th century.


  1. Would you want to live under Hamas rule? Just take a few minutes to learn what it’s like, and then think would you want to take your entire family including your daughters and live under such rule? We, extremist ultra-religious Jews, made the mistake of coming to Palestine and taking their land. Now we have to live with Hamas and Islamic Jihad and all sorts of radical Muslims who threaten our daughters. We should have stayed in tolerant pro-Semitic Europe where we would have enjoyed a life of democracy and Christian love. I wish the Europeans would take us back.

  2. For once, I read the words of a wise man. It is good that you admit your mistake. Colonialism is old-fashioned. No people today would accept foreigners illegally migrating and taking their land, killing them and herding them into refugee camps. I mean look at all the efforts Europeans are exerting to keep all the migrants out. I think you have plenty of time to pack up and return to Moldavia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Poland... where you came from. You shouldn't have converted to Judaism either. Why would anyone in their right mind convert to a primitive Bronze Age religion like Judaism, Christianity or Islam. They're all barbarians.

    1. I submit that the antisemitic Europeans got rid of their Jews by holocausting them and dumping the rest on Palestine. That is why they blindly support Israel, not because they love the Jews, but because they don't want them to return to Europe, in the event Israel, Yahweh forbid, implodes or falls apart.
