Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Deconstructing Insidious Israeli-Zionist propaganda

Below is a piece posted on Yahoo News by Aaron Kliegman on August 3, 2023. Whereas such news outlets claim to be objective and unbiased, Zionist propaganda injects words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, modifiers, etc.) in the text that biases the reader’s mind into accepting misinformation as normal and mainstream. Mr. Kliegman is obviously a mouthpiece for the lobbies that keep American public opinion blindly biased in favor of the Apartheid state of Israel as defined by the UN, Amnesty International and none other than the Israeli B’Tselem organization. The entire construct of the US media is based on such a methodology of injecting biased information. No wonder the US is virtually the only country in the world to blindly adopt - lock, stock and barrel - the Zionist and Israeli views on the question of Palestine. Forget justice, rule of law, American values,... All the American machismo breaks down to wimpy cowardice in the face of the Zionist threat.

The text is abridged where passages are irrelevant, but those passages presented below are reproduced unedited in their integrity.

Bold passages are Mr. Kliegman's original passages. Between brackets are my comments in Italic.

[For more on the topic, see: 


2 - Deconstructing Zionism, by Gianni Vattimo and Michael Marder (eds.), Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, pp.208.










Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., whose anti-Israel rhetoric and activism [“anti-Israel” invites a negative judgment on Rep. Tlaib; why not use the more positive“pro-Palestine”?] have become staples of her tenure in Congress, recently attended an art show with work on display calling for Israel's destruction [false; defending Palestine and promoting a Palestinian state does not mean the destruction of Israel, except in the minds of rabid Zionists who aim to ethnically cleanse the West Bank and Gaza and build an exclusively Jewish supremacist country emptied of its native indigenous Palestinian population. Alternatively, the creation of the British-American colony of Israel caused the destruction of Palestine. So what gives?] and promoting known and suspected terrorists [an unbiased and objective observer would use the word “militants” or “freedom fighters”. After all, the international community agrees to the illegality of Israel’s occupation of Palestine and its mistreatment of the native indigenous Palestinian population. What Israel is doing in Palestine is illegal under US-approved international law, so any native of the land who fights a foreign and illegal occupation is not a terrorist, but a freedom fighter].

The Handala Coalition, a group of Palestinian [By deliberately dropping the obvious hyphenized '-American' from Palestinian-American, Mr. Kliegman sneakily tries to discredit the movement as a foreign one, worse yet in the brainwashed minds of the stupefied dumb American public, a Palestinian one] and allied organizations in Michigan, organized the controversial art show [controversial to whom? Not to me. Perhaps to people like Mr. Kliegman whose job is to misinform and who fears outing the truth], which was held at the Swords into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery in Detroit from May 26 to June 17. Tlaib visited the art gallery May 30 and posed for photos [why is posing for photos by a member of congress with his/her supporters newsworthy?] with several attendees and organizers, according to press reports and social media posts.

In one picture posted to Facebook, Tlaib is smiling [OMG! smiling as she calls for the destruction of Israel? Bad, bad Tlaib! But why shouldn’t she smile, she's been very successful and courageous for speaking out against an otherwise monolithic totalitarian US press?] in front of what the Handala Coalition described as an "apartheid wall" [What else is a wall that separates one hypermilitarized supremacist racist group from another group treated like cattle led to the slaughter?] with the words "We Will Return." The words appeared [No, they don’t just “appear”, they do in fact make reference] to reference a call that pro-Palestinian activists often make for the so-called [Another term that casts doubt on the internationally recognized right of refugees to return to the country they were ethnically cleansed from] right of return [in a decent non-biased press, the “Right of Return” is spelled with uppercase first letters, but Mr. Kliegman hypocritically chooses to diminish the import of the concept by not capitalizing] of all Palestinian refugees to Israel [Kliegman at least recognizes the existence of millions of Palestinians who were made refugees by the creation of the English-US colony of Israel].

The United Nations uniquely classifies Palestinians, and no other people, as refugees at birth — even if they never fled persecution [Another Zionist lie that the Palestinian refugees "left on their own and were not persecuted". The use of the term "uniquely" implies that the UN gives the Palestinian refugees preferential treatment instead of favoring Israel. But remember that this classification, if it were true, was enacted in 1948 when the genocide and expulsion of the Palestinians by Jewish terrorism was one of the first at the end of WWII].

Facts: Today's Israeli army was formed by the coalescing of Jewish terrorist orgnizations like the Stern Gang, Haganah, Lehi, Irgun and others that persecuted, massacred, raped and forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinian villagers during the 1930s and 1940s to flee and seek refuge both inside and outside the borders of their historic land of Palestine. Jewish terror groups demolished homes, uprooted olive orchards, raped Palestinian women and girls, killed women, men and children just like Joshua did in the first ethnic cleansing of Canaan of biblical vintage, erased 500 Palestinian villages from the map so their indigenous inhabitants could not return. Remember what ISIS did to the Yazidis? That is exactly what the Zionists did to the Palestinians. This was deliberate ethnic cleansing, no less. Samples of Jewish Zionist terrorism: Foreign unbiased observers like UN peace envoy, the Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte, were assassinated by the ingrate Jewish Lehi terror organization in 1948 after Bernadotte had rescued 31,000 Jews from German concentration camps during the war. The King David Hotel in Jerusalem where the Mandatory Power for Palestine, i.e. the British colonial crooks, had their headquarters was bombed by the Jewish terrorist group Irgun in July 1946. And there's much more to discover for those who really want to learn how the colony of Israel was crafted by Jewish terrorism.

Inform yourselves: 

Read [; or; or 

The Tantura massacre and mass graves at: ]

Perhaps Mr. Kliegman is suggesting that children born to refugee parents are no longer classified as refugees. If he is, then he is lying - check the UN definition of a child refugee. These children's parents were made refugees by Israel which persecuted them and ethnically cleansed them out of their villages where their forefathers had lived for millennia. Perhaps Mr. Kliegman is suggesting that once a baby is born to refugee parents in a refugee camp, that baby is no longer a refugee. How convenient! In other words, as a Zionist liar, land thief and pro-ethnic cleansing, Mr. Kliegman is hoping that once the first generation of refugees dies off, their children can be excluded from the definition of refugees and can no longer claim the Right of Return]. 

So, the right of Palestinian refugees to return would mean all Arabs [By using the term “all Arabs” instead of “Palestinians”, Mr. Kliegman is peddling the Zionist argument that denies a unique identity to the Palestinians and lumps them with all the other Arabs, which in turn promotes the Zionist fallacy that since Palestinian refugees are “Arabs”, they can settle anywhere in the Arab world, forget Palestine and leave the artifical foreign implant of Israel alone. According to that line of thinking, Ukrainians are “Europeans”. They can settle anywhere in Europe; they should forget about Ukraine and leave it to its Russian occupiers] displaced after Israel's founding and their descendants could settle in Israel [Notice the "after Israel's founding" phrase: Mr. Kliegman deliberately ignores those Palestinian refugees who were displaced before and during the Palestinian-Jewish civil war that preceded the crafting of the colony of Israel. Between the 1920s and the 1940s, the Palestinians mounted a revolt against the invading hordes of European Jews, but they were no match to the Nazi-trained invaders. The issue concerns ALL Palestinian refugees regardless of whether they were evicted by Jewish terrorism in the many ethnic cleansing campaigns before, during, or after 1948.  Also, there exists today a part of what remains of historic Palestine, namely the West Bank and Gaza, where refugees could re-settle. Why can’t the so-called "Righteous Among Nations" Jews of Israel show some human decency and compassion, and offer their Palestinian refugee victims to return there after they have raped their country and stole it from them? By using the term “settle in Israel”, Mr. Kliegman is denying and excluding a Palestinian State]. Some activists [which ones? Those extremist fanatic ultra-religious terrorist barbarians whose ideas are drawn from biblical trash fiction in an exact copy-paste manner as their alter egos, the extremist fanatic terrorist Mulisms whose ideas are inspired from Koranic verbiage?] have said such an outcome would end Israel's existence as a Jewish state [Naturally, a Jewish state for only its Jewish citizens and no one else, as Benyamin Netanyahu has clearly said, just as Iran is a Muslim state for only its Muslim citizens and no one else. Again, by using “end Israel’s existence”, Mr. Kliegman is peddling the Zionist zero-sum argument that any Palestinian state will mean the destruction of Israel, and therefore a Palestinian state should never exist. But what does Mr. Kliegman want to do with the 5 million Palestinians still living and resisting his barbarity in occupied Palestine? I'll tell you what he wants to do: Ethnically cleanse the West Bank and Gaza, expulse the Palestinians, yet again, and add another Nakba tragedy on top of the 1948 one. That is the plan of the criminals now in power in the Israeli government for whom Mr. Kliegman serves as a perfect spokesman].

The art show also featured a piece showing a Palestinian [again, Palestinian-American] woman who appears to be holding a gun with the phrase "Power to Our Freedom Fighters, Glory to Our Martyrs." [Yeah? So what? Haven’t we seen enough hypermilitarized Nazi-style American Zionist squatters and Israeli soldiers terrorizing and killing civilian Palestinians while chanting "Death to the Arabs"?] Several other works depicted Israel as a violent aggressor [How dare they? Sadly for Mr. Kliegman, Israel is one of the most violent states on earth, and is an aggressor under the law and according to all human rights organizations, including Israeli ones] guilty of "land theft" [Mr. Kliegman's quotation marks notwithstanding, daily land theft by Jews has been amply proven and documented in the press with the illegal seizure of Palestinian land and building of illegal settlements on Palestinian land] and practicing "apartheid" against the Palestinians [Again, his quotation marks are supposed to cast doubt on the term Apartheid, but isn’t it what the wall of separation built by the Nazified Jews does: separate the "superior Jewish race" from the "inferior Palestinian race", even though in the genetic reality as well as the biblical bullshit, they both ought to be the same Semitic people? "Apartheid" is in the Afrikaans language - the language of the racist whites of South Africa - a term that means "aparthood" or "separation", a favorite idea of those imbecile white racists of the American south with their "separate but equal" mantra to keep them apart from the "inferior" Black African-Americans. Isn’t this what the Jewish occupation does with the daily humiliations, the dehumanization of the native Palestinian population, the denial of construction permits, the demolition of homes, the incarceration of teenagers…If he doesn't like the word "Apartheid" because it equates him with the now discredited white south African barbarians, I invite Mr. Kliegman to propose another term to describe the abomination of Israel’s inhumane treatment of the Palestinians?]

Prominent pro-Israel activist David Lange and Arab American News also both posted photos of the artwork, which included multiple pieces with the written message "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." [That land between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea is the original historic millennial Palestine that the crooks of Mandatory Britain dismembered by selling it to the nazified European Zionists. Why can’t the indigenous native Palestinians claim all of their own land, while foreign barbarian invading Zionists do claim a much bigger real estate from the Nile to the Euphrates that God supposedly gave them in the fictional trash of the Bronze Age Torah?]

The art show also featured a canvas that said, "Free our martyrs. Free them all. Zionism will fall." Zionists are those who support a "Jewish national home" [Mr. Kliegman forgot his quotation marks around this sentimental label for a criminal enterprise, so I intervened on his behalf. This "National Home" was in reality a British, then American, colony of ultrareligious barbarian settlers whose job was to give access to the British colonial empire to the oil fields further afield in Arabia] in the historic land of Israel [False. Here "historic" deserves the quotation marks. There is nothing "historic" to the land of Israel. The Hebrews, divided into two separate enemy countries, Judah and Israel, ruled over parts of the historic land of Palestine for some 300 years about 800 BC, after Joshua had killed all the men, women and children Canaanites – the forerunners of the Palestinians - on orders from God, in a first ethnic cleansing of Palestine as documented in the bible. Since that time, the land has been successively occupied by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Mamluks of Egypt, Ottoman Turks, and finally perfidious Britain. All these nations have stronger factual and historical claims to the land than any modern East European who converted to Judaism some 300 years ago and who lays claim to the land based on the fictional bullshit of the Old Testament. Modern Israel was indeed born out of a second ethnic cleansing and genocide of the native population of Palestine].

Beyond Israel-related imagery, the Handala Coalition's Facebook page includes several provocative pictures with anti-police messaging, including one depicting an officer as a pig [OMG, provocative? What an insult to the violent white racist police officers in the United States, historically depicted as pigs by 1960s-1970s American protesters and by such protest movements of our time as Black Lives Matter. Is Mr. Kliegman suggesting that African-American victims of police violence provoke the police?].

Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, has repeatedly called Israel an "apartheid state" [So do the UN, Amnesty International, the Israeli organization B’Tselem, and several countries around the world that do not submit to the Holocaust blackmail like the Europeans who live with guilt of their Nazi past and who got rid of their Jews by sending them to Palestine. Does Mr. kliegman suggest that only Israeli protesters can call their country “Apartheid”, but no one else? Luckily for his readers, Mr. Kliegman has refrained from accusing the entire international community, including many Jews and Israelis, of being “antisemitic”. This certainly indicates that the world now knows that “antisemitic” is such an abused and abraded term that even apologists of racist Apartheid Israel have stopped using it in their propaganda, including Kliegman himself!] that discriminates [Too soft a term] against Palestinians, even comparing the world's only Jewish state to Nazi Germany. [The term "only" is meant to portray Israel as the victim. It's the only one, so even if it was born out of sheer violence against the native Palestinians, it should be forgiven because it's the "only" one. The poor thing. Since, in the opinion of racist supremacists like Mr. Kliegman, Israel is such a unique success, why not have this time the US - not England - issue a second Balfour Declaration and work on crafting a second Jewish state somewhere else on the planet, say in Africa. There are places in Africa where the population is as poor and rural as Palestine was in the 1930s, so the natives can be easily exploited and terrorized by the very sophisticated and hypermilitarized Jews, just as they did with the native Palestinians with land theft, ethnic cleansing and such refined western colonial means. This way, Israel would no longer be the "only" one and hence no longer a victim, the poor thing. The Zionist settlers that stole Palestine and genocided the Palestinians came from 1930s-1940s Europe that was ruled by the Nazis, so they must have learned their racist terrorist trade from them, as we showed earlier].

Earlier this year, House Republican leadership stopped Tlaib from hosting an anti-Israel event on Capitol Hill. [Of course, what else to expect from the racist anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic, anti-African-American, anti-immigrant, white supremacist House Republicans whose heads are so deep up Donald Trump's rectal sphincter that they continue to defend and support a soon-to-be 4-times indicted criminal racist like Donald Trump, just as Mr. Kliegman in all likelihood supports his own racist and criminal Prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu].

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