Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Second Nakba Has Begun

The fundamentalist Jewish government of the British-American colony of Israel, equipped with billions of dollars worth of weapons, has begun its second ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

In the 1930s and 1940s, illegal Jewish squatter hordes, trained by their tormentors the German Nazis in Europe, invaded Palestine. They demolished entire villages, killed tens of thousands of native indigenous Palestinians, evicted tens of thousands out of their ancestral homes, villages and cities, and attempted to wipe out an ancient millennial culture. By 1948, these foreign invaders, backed by colonial Britain, convinced a colluding United Nations to dismember Palestine into two entities: A Jewish one on whatever areas they had plundered and ethnically cleansed, and a Palestinian one over what was still left intact. 

The idea of a British colony in the Near East was initiated in the early 20th century with the greedy desire of the vulgar and racist "British empire" to be near the oil fields of the Arabian Peninsula. But Britain had ceased to be a "power" by the mid-1940s, and America took over as the chief sponsor of this greatest tragedy of the 20th century: The murder of a third of the indigenous Palestinian population, the eviction of another third into refugee camps and their replacement by illegal invading European colonists, and the submission of the remaining third to a regime of hypermilitarized terror as second class citizens of the new colony of Israel. Those westerners who today believe in the Great Replacement theory, whereby migrants from the global south seek to replace the white population of the global north, should carefully ponder whether the creation of the barbaric state of Israel was itself a western conspiracy of replacement of the indigenous Palestinian people by white European migrants.

Naturally, the Palestinian owners of the land rejected the dismemberment of their country and the absorption of these illegal riff-raff Russian, German, Polish, Moldavian and other Eastern European squatters who were arriving on boats not unlike those we see today crossing the Mediterranean in the opposite direction. By trickery and theft, by violence and terror, with insidious disinformation campaigns they had learned from the Germans, and with the treacherous backing of the hypocrite British, they forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians out of their villages and cities, stole their properties and homes, renamed the villages and the streets, just as any invading foreign occupier would do. The displaced Palestinians found "temporary" shelter inside refugee camps both inside Palestine as well as outside in the surrounding countries of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt, as the international community promised them to ensure their return in short order.

That was the first Nakba - catastrophe - for the native indigenous Palestinian people. Millions of Palestinians continue to languish today in refugee camps waiting to return to their native country. While the host countries did their best to assist and provide temporary shelter, they could not absorb these large numbers of refugees, nor were these refugees interested in assimilating into their host societies. Why should they? They have a country called Palestine and they have no interest in simply giving up on their land, villages and cities to the benefit of European colonists.

As we speak, the British-American colony of Israel is controlled by a racist, ultra-religious Jewish theocratic government, not unlike those regimes one finds in Iran and Saudi Arabia where dissent is met with brutality. There is no difference really between these states, except that Israel is a Jewish theocracy, Saudi Arabia is a Sunni Muslim theocracy, and Iran is a Shiite Muslim theocracy.

The Jewish supremacist government of the British-American colony of Israel has clearly and repeatedly stated its intention to ethnically cleanse the remaining third of Palestine (on the western side the Jordan river) that has managed to resist the Jewish invaders, and has now embarked on executing this plan. For decades, it has demolished homes, deported people, assassinated leaders, denied Palestinians the right to build new homes while encouraging foreign Jewish squatters to build new settlements on the ashes of demolished Palestinian villages and homes. The trajectory was clear over the past few decades.

But now the final strike is under way: Since the advent of the fundamentalist Netanyahu government, the pace of aggressive and murderous measures has picked up speed and intensity, joined by the brutality of the Jewish foreign terrorists who have settled in the still semi-free parts of Palestine. The Jewish forces of the government have been conducting daily raids against Palestinian refugee camps in the free parts of Palestine. These camps shelter Palestinian refugees whose homes and villages had already been destroyed in 1948, and now they are again the target of another expulsion and ethnic cleansing that aims to achieve a purely Jewish state between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river. How can any civilized human being today accept this wanton brutality against basic human decency?

The aberration of the creation of Israel is based on this paroxysm of racist colonial ideology: To come in from outside, take someone's else land, chase the natives out, and establish your own "pure" state in their place?

By what measure of morality is the world allowing this monumental crime to be perpetrated again against the same people by the same brutal colonial aggressor? The Palestinians of the Jenin refugee camp today under attack by the Jewish army were themselves and their families uprooted from their villages and cities in historic Palestine back between the 1940s and the 1960s; now they are being uprooted again by their executioners. It's the story of a rapist (Israel) who rapes his victim (Palestine) a first time (1930s-1940s), is granted half the victim's house (the 1947 partition of Palestine), violently takes possession of more rooms in his victim's house (occupation, 1967, 1973) and continues the rapes.  As the victim rises to defend herself (liberation movements), the rapist (Israel) accuses his victim (Palestine) of provoking (terrorism) him, and uses this as a justification to continue the rape.

In the 1950s, the French colonists of Algeria referred to the Algerian resistance as "terrorists". By 1961, when the French were kicked out of Algeria by the Algerian resistance, these "terrorists" became the heroes of Algerian freedom and independence. The French colonists used to say that the native Algerians should stay in the desert and assimilate into neighboring "North African Arab" countries, and leave their country to the French. They are all "North African Arabs" after all.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the French and American colonial powers referred to the Vietnamese resistance as "terrorists". By 1975 when the last American invader fled Vietnam, the Vietnamese resistance became the new free government of Vietnam. The colonial French and American powers hoped that the Vietnamese resistance would vanish in the jungle and assimilate into the neighboring "Asian" societies of Laos and Cambodia. They are all "Asian" after all.

Today and for the past several decades, the Jewish colonists refer to the Palestinian resistance as "terrorists", and use that pretext to continue its violent and brutal repression of the Palestinian resistance to the occupation. The Jewish colonists argue that since that Palestinians are "Arabs", they should forget about Palestine and assimilate into the neighboring "Arab" societies of Syrian, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt. They are all "Arab" after all.

Apparently, the Jewish invaders forget that they themselves could have stayed in their own "European" countries of origin - today apparently the best places to live on earth -  and assimilate as "Europeans" into any country in the European continent. They are all "Europeans" after all. 

The second Nakba has begun in Palestine. The foreign colonial Jewish forces are going to solve the Palestinian problem once and for all: Ethnically cleanse the West Bank of the remaining native indigenous Palestinian population by massacring and evicting them into Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. It worked in the 1940s, there is no reason why it shouldn't work again this time. The Jewish invaders can then declare their supremacist, racist, purely Jewish State, as apparently God ordered in the Old Testament. How different is this thinking from fundamentalist Islamist thinking? They both claim to hold the truth from their holy books, scribbled in the Bronze Age by bearded smelly old men in the deserts of Arabia. 

Should any sane, reasonable, rational human being in this 21st century accept that these monstrous beliefs be used as justification to assassinate, eliminate, subdue and terrorize other people? Will the world finally say no to naked aggression and the violent uprooting of a native indigenous people from its land so that another, foreign, people take it over?

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