Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Hamas Has Won, Whether We Like it or Not

Let's admit it. The Islamist-cum-liberation organization Hamas has won the war even if it lost every battle. 

Every asshole colonial and greedy western country that thought it could bury the Palestinian cause in the oil-rich sands of the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf traitors or in the western-friendly but brutal Egyptian dictatorship, or any of the other Arab medieval-vintage potentates, presidents, monarchs, sheikhs, kings, and sultans, is now calling for a Palestinian state.

NOW? After 75 years of blatant disregard for the human rights of the Palestinian people? 

NOW? When it is almost too late? Westerners are fucking hypocrite cowards who could not counterbalance their guilt with an attachment to principle. They trampled their principles to get rid of the remaining Jews whom they could not slaughter: They gave them a "country" on top and in lieu of the existing but "disposable" country of Palestine. They got rid of their immediate guilt in murdering millions of European Jews by enabling the creation of a freak country whose widely variegated people were stitched together by the thread of a primitive Bronze Age religion and on the basis of the fictional garbage spewed by the ancient, ignorant, obscurantist and self-inflating Hebrew Arab nomads some 3,000 years ago. 

This is the rational West, the promoter of Reason, Science and the Enlightenment, the same West that discarded its own religion, and is now strangely backing the primitive religious notion of a "return" by non-authentic, recently converted Jews, to the land their god Yahweh supposedly gave to their hypothetical but unrelated Hebrew ancestors as they trekked their filth, camels and slaves in the deserts of Arabia.

For far too long, western countries stuck their heads up the Zionist caudal aperture, ignored the millions of Palestinians living in squalid refugee camps across the region, became amnesiac about the violent dispossession and expulsion of the indigenous Palestinian people to make way for foreign settlers of the artificial Anglo-Saxon colony, Israel. Massacres, rapes, village burning, expulsion, humiliation, terror.... anything that could drive the Palestinians off their land, the European Zionists did, having learned their ethnic cleansing trade from their own former tormentors, the Nazis and Fascists of Germany, France, England, Poland, Spain, Italy..... The West either encouraged or remained indifferent to the Palestinian tragedy as a way to assuage its guilt in the Holocaust.

And Zionists have since milked this cow to dry. The Zionists keep banging on the heads of westerners about the Holocaust. Every westerner is exposed to Holocaust stories and every little puny Jewish suffering for no less than 4 hours a day (TV, the press, movies, social media, museums...). It's like Chinese torture aiming at drilling one idea into the heads of captives while they are sitting under a dripping tap, drop by drop, for years. The idea is to brainwash and "re-educate" otherwise reasonable people into accepting one idea, and one only, as the only truth around: Jews are eternal victims, and therefore are infallible (they can do no wrong) and immune to criticism. Any criticism is immediately condemned as antisemitism, by now a censorship code word.

The guilt-inflicted white colonial monsters keep their heads down and pretend not to see the abhorrent violence - easily discernible as unlawful, illegal, and in violation of every human right charter - that their own European and American white Jews were, and are, visiting upon the otherwise innocent and peaceful, indigenous but brown, people of Palestine. Remember: This was the time when France, England, Germany, Italy and others were themselves trampling on brown people all over the world in their so-called empires. It was normal for them to accept that their own white, blond, blue-eyed Jews do the same thing to these backward villagers and townspeople of Palestine. France was still imposing its brutal racist occupation of Algeria well into the 1960s; it couldn't conceivably reject the same brutal Zionist occupation of Palestine!

Long before the Zionist invasion of Palestine in the early 1920s, Palestine was a relatively quiet but thriving district of the Ottoman Empire. All trade to the Arab hinterland went through the port of Haifa and by land through Jordan. There was freedom of movement of people and goods between Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, and of course with the rest of the world. Pilgrims, orientalists, archaeologists, tourists and others came and went without any hindrance. Local and foreign schools, colleges, institutions, museums, libraries, administrations...were thriving.

As French President Macron finally said yesterday, the recognition of a Palestinian state is no longer a taboo for France, which means that the European opposition to Palestine had always been a taboo because the Europeans felt guilty and acquisced like slaves to Zionist demands regardless of their merit. Any suggestion prior to October 7, 2023 that a Palestinian state ought to exist would be met with either dithering (for example, "only after negotiations" between the dispossessed, occupied, barely surviving, colonized Palestinians in their filthy refugee camps on one hand, and the colonial mightily-armed super-sophisticated European Zionist occupying oppressor on the other) or absolute indifference that assumed that, over time, the Palestinians will forget about their homeland, or that the refugees will integrate into their host societies, or that the resident Palestinians will somehow vanish, all leading to the fairy tale of a pure white European Jewish state to live happily ever after where Palestine once stood. Any suggestion prior to October 7, 2023 of forcing a solution or imposing sanctions on the Zionist regime would be met with an avalanche of moral rebuke by every side of the political spectrum: "Remember the Holocaust? How can we impose anything on these poor Jewish victims of our own violence? As the criminals behind the Holocaust, we do not have the moral standing to criticize Israel or make demands of it".

Of course, the decades-long suffering of the Palestinian people was not part of the calculus. Occasionally, the real criminals of the western governments would propose to compel the countries hosting the Palestinian refugees to integrate them and forget about Palestine, the argument being a pure Zionist aberration that goes like this: the Palestinians are "Arabs"; they can easily stay in their host "Arab" countries or any other "Arab" country. Imagine trying to tell a Frenchman under German occupation: You're both Europeans, it doesn't matter if the Germans occupy France. You should forget about France; as Europeans, you can live in any European country. Or try telling the Irish people living under the barbaric English occupation: You're both Europeans who speak English, so forget about Ireland; it doesn't matter if Ireland exists or not. You can live anywhere in Europe.

Nowadays, there are European criminals who want to force Lebanon (native population: 4 million, 40% Christian, 60% Muslim) into accepting the permanent settlement of 2.5 million Syrian Muslim refugees and 500,000 Palestinian Muslim refugees, which would render the Lebanese Christians (the only free Christians in the entire East) a 22% minority. In the casually racist minds of westerners, it didn't matter that the Christians of Iraq and Syria have been decimated by their own doing and under their watch. Worse yet, "these people" all speak Arabic, they're all Arabs; one big Arab soup without any individual distinctions. Forget about diversity. Diverse communities and minorities like Bedouins, Alawites, Kurds, Catholics, Yazidis, Maronites, Orthodox, Druze...? Nah! All these people should accept the second citizenship "Dhimmi" status reserved for them by the radical Sunni friends and the radical Shiite enemies of the West. We in the West do not believe in this way of identifying people. You are all Arabs with only ONE identity. Just like Putin thinks of the 193 ethnic minorities living under the boot of the white, blond, blue-eyed scumbags of the colonial Russian federation.

Now, of course, those same Westerners do not apply that same logic to the Balkans for example. They did NOT say that the Serbs, Croats, Montenegrins, Bosnians, Slovenians... are all Yugoslavs who speak the same Serbo-Croat language and are of one ethnic group. To the contrary, they (the Westerners) insisted that every religious and ethnic group should have its own sovereign and independent country. They even created a brand new Muslim, and potentially extremist, country in the heart of Europe by slicing off the Kosovo province from Christian Serbia to create the brand new Muslim country of Kosovo. Who knows, maybe Hamas or ISIS will take root one day in Kosovo! It's that same old double standard that applies here but not there, according to the whims and interests of otherwise criminal colonial countries.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has voiced opposition to Palestinian sovereignty, saying he will not compromise on full Israeli security control west of Jordan and that this stands contrary to a Palestinian state. French lawmakers voted in 2014 to urge their government to recognize Palestine, a symbolic move that had little impact on France's diplomatic stance because France refuses to impose sanctions on the occupying Israel. Again, the guilt prick pokes them in the ass every time they think about punishing Israel, the spoiled beyond-reproach brat they created.

Macron's comments were the first time a French leader had made such a suggestion and highlighted further impatience among Western leaders as casualties mount in Gaza from Israeli retaliation after an attack on Oct. 7 by Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas.

"Our partners in the region, notably Jordan, are working on it, we are working on it with them. We are ready to contribute to it, in Europe and in the Security Council. The recognition of a Palestinian state is not a taboo for France," Macron said alongside Jordan's King Abdullah II in Paris.

"We owe it to the Palestinians, whose aspirations have been trampled on for too long," he said.

Israel's massive aerial and ground offensive in small, densely populated Gaza has killed more than 28,000 Palestinians, flattened built-up areas and left most of its 2.3 million people homeless.

While most developing countries recognize Palestine as a state, most Western European countries do not, arguing that an independent Palestinian state should emerge from negotiations with Israel. Yet, they know that Israel does not want to negotiate and does not want a free Palestine. When it negotiated in the past, it was under duress and in bad faith. It never kept its commitments in any deal it signed. Why? IT DOESN'T WANT TO MAKE PEACE with the Palestinians. It wants to eliminate the Palestinians from existence. 

So how can Western countries keep deferring a free Palestine to some negotiations with recalcitrant double-faced Israel? The negotiations in the 1990s (Oslo Accords) in which the Palestinians accepted the State of Israel and the Israelis accepted the State of Palestine have led nowhere: Israelis kept stealing land and expelling Palestinians from the territory it had agreed to be a Palestinian sovereign state. The Israelis lied. And they continue to lie. They want all of Palestine. Stop urging Palestinians to negotiate. Declare your recognition of a Palestinian state; send ambassadors to East Jerusalem; be on the ground to see the inhumane treatment that Israel inflicts daily on the original pre-Zionist-invasion residents of Jerusalem. By not acting now, you are deliberately being accomplices in the crime, and you will have to assume the consequences of your cowardice.

Here's an example of the hypocrisy of the real criminal masterminds behind the creation of the colony of Israel in Palestine: The English crooks. Listen carefully to the words of British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and please try to understand his English language:  earlier this month he said, and I quote: "part of British policy is to say there will be a time when Britain would look to recognize a Palestinian state, including at the United Nations".

Let's deconstruct:

"part": The English weasels are not completely behind the idea. Only a bit.

"to say": They will only say it. They may not really mean it, and they will never act on what they say.

"will be a time": In some distant undecipherable future. Sounds like the ignominious Balfour declaration.

"would look": "would" means maybe, perhaps, depends, we might, we're not sure .... and  "look" means consider, think about, but not really commit to act.  

When UNSC resolution 242 was passed in the aftermath of the 1967 war, its English text called on Israel to "withdraw from occupied territories" (which the American and English bastards used to argue that Israel should withdraw from only SOME occcupied territories), whereas all other versions in other languages was more precise in that Israel had to withdraw from ALL THE occupied Palestinian territories.

What hypocrites, those English crooks - (I generally refuse to use British because the UK is itself a colonial enterprise in which the English crooks have long dominated the Irish, the Welsh and the Scots) - they haven't changed since their sleazy mandate over Palestine. In every corner of the colonized world, they were always second-entrant swindlers who rampaged across the world with racism, mayhem, rape, plunder and pillage, while pretending to "civilize" the world. They are so primitive that they, like some ancient stone-age people, truly believe that their King is so by the intervention of God himself. Not unlike their favorite pet Semites, the Israelis. 

Regardless of what one might think of Hamas, a terrorist liberation movement (Aren't all liberation movements referred to as terrorists by their opponents?) with an Islamic fundamentalist ideology, it has succeeded in achieving what 100 years haven't been able to do: 

- A universal international recognition that Palestine does indeed exist. Palestine is a nation, not some haggard blurry cloud of refugees.

- An international recognition that the creation of Israel was itself a gigantic act of colonial terrorism carried out by foreign invaders against the indigenous Palestinian population.

- An admission that all the Zionist slogans (Land without people for a people without land; etc.) that were used to justify the slaughter and rape of Palestine were monumental fabricated lies.

- A sinking understanding that justice will inevitably and inexorably have to prevail at some point. The Zionist injustice cannot and will not last. Israel could hold on to its overwhelming material and military advantages (with the US taxpayer subscribing all of it) for several decades, perhaps even a couple of centuries. But just like the Crusaders who came to Palestine some 1,000 years ago brandishing the same religious barbarian slogan as the Zionists, namely to "retreive their Holy Land", and proceeded to steal land, kill the natives, conduct barbaric wars, build colonies, kingdoms and counties.... in the end, they were kicked out like filthy mangy dogs some 200-300 years later out of their "God-given" land.

Time is on the side of the natives of the region. They are not as powerful as the colonial invader. But they're patient. Hope belongs to them, while their oppressor invader killer has only hopelessness to look forward to. I bet you there already are many Israelis right now who are dusting off their second (European or north American) passports and wondering about this bullshit Aliyah mistake they made by leaving their native countries to settle in a foreign land that does not belong to them and that hates them.

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