Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Southern Dumbass Lindsey Graham of South Carolina Wants War with Iran

The gay-but-afraid-to-come-out bigotted republican senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, said that the US strikes against Iranian targets in Iraq and Syria only served to kill “some dumbass”. In his racist southern mind, he is probably thinking that the strikes by pro-Iranians against the Tower-22 American base in Jordan had only killed three "Black dumbass soldiers", something that resonates with Donald Trump's description of soldiers in general as "losers".

“If the goal is to deter Iran, you’re failing miserably. If the goal is to protect American troops, you’re not achieving your goal,” Graham said. “If you’ve convinced Iran you don’t want a wider war, they believe you. ‘Oh, I don’t want a war with you,’ they got the message…they’re not afraid of us”. The asshole racist descendant of slave-owners did not mention that Trump did much less when he retaliated against Syrian targets while in the white house.

For decades filthy republicans (Reagan, and the two Bush presidents) loved the Syrian dictator. Every year, they either dispatched their secretaries of state to Damascus to kiss his terrorist Stalinist ass, or met the Syrian butcher in Geneva, and then came out praising him for being "cunning" and "keeping his word". 

What word did the Syrian tyrant (both the father Hafez and his son Bashar) keep to the Americans? The word he gave in 1974 to war criminal Henry Kissinger to stop bothering Israel that had seized, occupied and annexed the Syrian Golan Heights, and gave him in exchange for his "cooperation" a free hand in Lebanon which he bombed, occupied, massacred, and wreaked havoc for years while the dumb American jackasses were patting him on the back. Why? Because of Israel's sweet Zionist eyes. For more than 50 years, Assad never once fired a bullet across his occupied-and-annexed border with Israel; he forbade the Palestinian resistance and the Iranian Hezbollah resistance from using Syrian territory to "liberate" Palestine, while he encouraged them to do so from Lebanon which brought the country down to its knees. 

Assad indeed kept his word of protecting Israel's back while both he and Israel waged fake proxy wars inside Lebanon with the specific objective of destabilizing the country enough to force a permanent settlement of the Palestinian refugees in it, which would relieve Israel of the Palestinian refugees' "Right of Return". And more recently, since 2011, both the US and the EU have had no shame declaring that the 2.5 million Syrian refugees (over a native Lebanese population of 4 million), whom Assad chased out of their country, should settle permanently in Lebanon. Ultimate outcome: The disapperance of the last free Christian community in the East. That is what the West wants, and it is all for the blue eyes of the Israeli barbarians.

But the hypocrite Americans can finish off Assad with one 2-ton bomb dropped on his palace in Damascus. If they eliminate the Assad regime, they'd cut off the supply lines from Iran and Iraq through Syria into Lebanon, thus drastically impeding Iran's ability to stir trouble between Lebanon and Israel. But somehow this simple calculus escapes them.

So the Americans kept beating up on "chaotic" (understand "free") Lebanon while elevating "stable" (understand dictatorial butcher) Syria under Assad who has killed some 150,000 Lebanese during his  1975-2005 occupation, then some 500,000 of his own people since 2011 with savage bombings on residential neighborhoods and cities that triggered the largest wave of refugees toward Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Europe. 

Why is the Assad regime, the inaugural member of the US State Department's list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, still in power in Syria since 1970? Every other Arab regime has been toppled or shaken up, except Assad's. Why? Again, he is protecting Israel. He never retaliates against Israeli strikes on his own territory, but issues fiery statements afterwards. With Kissinger since 1974, the Americans have upheld their secret agreement with the Syrian butcher whom they could have taken out any time and brought an end to Iran's expansion toward the Mediterranean in places like Lebanon, Syria and Palestine. 

So Mr. Graham, the homosexual Trump Republican from the backward racist state of South Carolina (apparently he's never seen a vagina:

Why don't you call on Biden to strike Assad and bring down his brutal 50+-year-old dictatorship? In so doing, you'd kill Hezbollah in Lebanon, you'd help your beloved Jewish poodle Israel, and you'd curtail Iran's capabilities and deny it its beachhead on the Mediterranean. Perhaps you don't want to upset your other friend, the Russian butcher Vladimir Putin who has bases in Syria. But that is understandable because the Republicans have become choir boys for every jackass dictator autocrat around the world, including Putin and his friend the moronic wannabe dictator Donald Dumbass.

Graham on Sunday pointed to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas, and contended the U.S.’s national security “is in free fall.” He knows, though, that the GOP has long espoused realpolitik with dictators, autocrats and communist countries for economic reasons, while hollering from the rooftops that they are the true patriots.

Graham argued the U.S. needs to hit something the Ayatollah “values,” including his leadership team or oil business. How about Assad of Syria? He is very very valuable to Iran: He's been channeling mercenaries, money and weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon through Syria, the only lifeline for Hezbollah between Iran and Lebanon. How about Hezbollah targets in Lebanon? Why are these not in the scope of retaliation against Iran? Hezbollah poses the greatest threat to Israel, perhaps a threat that is a hundred-fold more dangerous than that of Hamas.

Graham is just another hypocrite American republican. He holds the line of hardline pseudo-patriotism that makes him want to outfox Biden, when in reality he is in the pocket of every anti-American country because he wants American corporations to keep making money that ends up in his election campaign.



  1. Let me ask you: When, in recorded human history, was the world free from "official narratives" and "genocidal politician leaders"? Never. From ancient Babylonian and Persian rulers, to Phoenician Carthage, Rome and Greece, to the tentacular Christian Church that massacred millions of pagans and native Americans, to Islam, Crusaders Communism, Nazism and Zionism. Anyone with financial, political and military power who, ironically, were adulated and worshipped by "Strong-man"-loving people (perhaps like you, as I suspect you love a certain moron trying to get to the White Outhouse once again) will try to control the narrative, inject lies and false information in order to justify their actions consisting of more control, theft and abuse. So why don't you take a breath, drink decaf coffee, accept the reality of what makes the human species tick, and ask yourself: Beyond speaking out against the abusers, there is not much that we can do except a revolution. But even revolutions bring to power otherwise normal fair-minded who turn into monsters the moment they smell power. By the way, I used to be a DNA scientist and 've been jabbed 5 times with the Pfizer vaccine and I am still normal. Unlike you who seem obsessed with paranoid conspiracies. The whole construct of Life is a conspiracy in which big fish eat little fish and in which females are sexual objects to draw males and reproduce. It's much bigger than any of us. Better accept it, criticize it but not become consumed by it.

    1. My February 7 comment above was in reply to a comment by a conspiracy-obsessed dude whose original comment was deleted - not by me - for some reason.

  2. Found the original comment posted by conspiracy-obsessed dude. Here it is:
    Boncuisine commented on "Southern Dumbass Lindsey Graham of South Carolina Wants War with Iran"
    Feb 6, 2024
    Re "war criminal Henry Kissinger"

    Yes, Kissinger was a mega war criminal who's responsible for millions of deaths (( & who walked around freely and never got jailed, and who got regularly invited to speak at criminal mainstream "ivy league" universities (which should tell you what they are all about and their members). And he's but one war criminal as virtually every president of the genocidal US regime has been a war criminal... and NONE ever went to jail.

    What does that point to? What is the OBVIOUS reality behind these facts?

    That a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS (like Kissinger) are, and always have been, governing big businesses (eg official medicine, big tech, big banks, big religions), nations and the world --- the evidence is very solid in front of everyone's "awake" nose: see “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room”...

    And psychopaths are typically NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is. You'll then know why they exploit/harm everyone, why they want to control everyone and have been creating a new world order/global dictatorship, and many other formerly puzzling things will become very clear.

    The official narrative is… “trust official science” and "trust the authorities" but as with these and all other "official narratives" they want you to trust and believe …

    “We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public [and global public] believes is false.” —William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at
