Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Jewish Brutes in their Own Words

Insipred from the Daily Beast: []

If you had any doubt about the brutality of Israel’s war on Gaza and the Palestinians, then you should look no further than Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, who stated last week that “ We are fighting human animals” in reference to the Palestinian people.

Israel has acted accordingly, not only by using animalistic metaphors, but other rhetorical tactics to dehumanize Palestinians in order to sanction, justify, and receive widespread support for its genocide in progress.

Pretexting to fight "terrorism", Israel has consistently deployed this narrative to gloss over the fact that it was created on a violent foundation of foreign settler-colonialism against the native indigenous Palestinian people. Hence, the pursuit of freedom, justice, and dignity for the Palestinians was not only deliberately ignored, but altogether denied. Just think about it: If you kill and displace a people to steal their land, your best justification for your crime is to deny that these people even exist. Which is in fact what Israelis have been doing from the start of their barbaric onslaught on the native people of Palestine. The very existence of a Palestinian people was revoked by Zionist propaganda in such infamous quotes by Israeli leaders and propaganda: "There is no such a thing as a Palestinian people" (former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir); "A land without a people for a people without land" (Zionist propagandist Israel Zangwill for the purpose of making the false claim that Palestine was empty).

In spite of this history, Israel’s narrative has been so effective in legitimizing violence against Palestinians, that days after of the launch of Israel’s war on Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated—with no vocal reproach or condemnation—that "we are striking our enemies with unprecedented might," and "I emphasize that this is only the beginning," by which he means catastrophic violence against Palestinians. If all these statements by Zionist leaders make anything clear, it is that Israel is neither ready, willing, or interested in sparing any Palestinian lives. By speaking about Palestinian civilians in such terms, Israeli Jews are transfering onto the Palestinian people what the German Nazis said about the Jews of Europe: Subhuman, and hence unworthy of compassion and humane treatment.

This brutal, racist, supremacist conduct and discourse by Jews explains in large part why antisemtisim exists in the world. Always better than everyone else, chosen by none other than the Big Zombie in the Sky as his favorite pet people... It is not hard to imagine the bottled up hatred that is piling up inside other human beings at being considered second-class. Worse yet, the hatred that is building up inside every Palestinian in Gaza these days will inevitably translate into future counter-violence. If you are abused for 70 years, and your trauma remains unacknowledged by others, you will turn into an abuser.

Thus far, at least 2,383 Palestinians have been killed, 724 of them children, 458 women, while 10,814 Palestinians have been injured.

Leveraging and weaponizing the terrorism narrative to erase its legacy and consistent policies of collective punishment, Israel has continued to maintain that its war is against Hamas. However, Israeli soldier Betzalel Talijah was extremely explicit about Israel’s intent to target Palestinians en masse in an interview by CNN’s Abby Phillip, when he told Phillip, “The war is not just against Hamas, the war [is] against all the civilians.

With no end in sight to Israel’s assault, a growing cadre of Israeli politicians and genocidal cheerleaders has sought to ensure the expression of robust narratives that not only wish for, but guarantee Palestinians’ certain death, all while governments around the world have continued to rally around Israel.

Tzipi Navon, Sara Netanyahu’s advisor, enthusiastically parading Israeli brutality, said that it was “not enough to flatten Gaza” and that Israel should “save the tongues [of the Palestinian civilians] for last, so we can enjoy their screams, their ears so they can hear their own screams, and their eyes so they can see us smiling,”

Israel’s Minister of Energy and Infrastructure also didn’t mask his callous indifference to Palestinian lives when he said, “they will not receive a drop of water or a single battery until they leave the world.”

Addressing the so-called "humanitarian crisis" unfolding in Gaza is a distortion of the real foudnational problem because it obscures and disguises the fact that there is one party responsible for this crisis: The Anglo-Saxon colony of Israel in Palestine. That is the root issue.

What does “averting” a humanitarian catastrophe mean to a country that has explicitly and overtly declared genocidal intentions? The Israeli government is not trying to avert any humanitarian crisis, but is instead intent on creating one of the worst ones that Palestinians have been subjected to. Likud Party Knesset member Ariel Kallner said, “right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of ‘48 in Gaza…

The "beacon on a hill" that America pretends to be is more of an incendiary torch for the Palestinian people over the past 75 years of blind support to Israel. The U.S. has also continued to embolden Israel, even in the face of growing calls to end U.S. military aid to Israel.

What is clear is that the disruption of the status quo of settler-colonial violence is well on its way, thanks to the Palestinian people who have refused, and will continue to refuse, to live under the violent militaristic fascist boots of a colonial, racist, exclusivist, supremacist Jewish Israel founded on ultra-religious premises from the Bronze Age.

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