Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Gaza Scene: How Israel Got its "Independence"

As you watch what Israel is doing to Gaza, note that is the exact same process that Jewish Zionist invaders used to gain their so-called "Independence". Nothing has changed since the 1930s and 1940s.

As Europeans coming from a continent at war, Jewish Zionists had money, weapons, and military institutions to back them. They had plenty of experience with Nazi brutality and methods of ethnic cleansing.

They entered illegally into Palestine and proceeded to evict Palestinians from their homes, villages and towns - EXCATLY AS THEY ARE DOING TODAY IN GAZA: Ordering the Palestinians to leave under threat of violence, bombing and killing them at will, herding people into refugee camps where they have stayed ever since.

Then to add insult to injury, the Zionists propagated the lie that the "Arabs" left of their own will - they called the Palestinians "arab" because to call them "Palestinians" would affirm a specific identity which the Zionists wanted to eradicate. To this day, Zionists say that, as "Arabs", Palestinians could just as well go to any Arab country and don't really have claims to Palestine, their country of birth. Perhaps, the "civilized" world that loves the Jews so much that it is letting them commit mass genocide should take them back: The "Israelis" are "European" and they can just leave Palestine alone and live happy lives in their countries of origin in Europe. Europeans have become so civilized that they no longer systematically massacre their Jews and discriminate against them. At the very least, they do not herd them into concentration camps. But Israel has specialized in herding the native Palestinians into refugee camps. Life in a Europe at peace and in the warmth of human rights and democracy is much much better than a life in constant state of war just to protect the colony these victims of racist Europe built in the Near East by raping and burning and looting historic Palestine.

Just like the Gazans of today, the Palestinians of the 1930s and 1940s were in large part rural villagers and farmers without any experience with war. Watching the Palestinians head to the south of Gaza, you will note that every other transportation means they use is a donkey or a mule. The Palestinians were "unsophisticated" according to western definitons of the term. They were not poor, but self-sufficient people living off their own work as artisans, farmers, middle class townspeople and a small urban elite, just like in neighboring Lebanon. Yet the fate of Lebanon under the French mandate, and without Zionists invading, raping and seizing land, was to build a state with institutions that prospered throughout the the 1940s-1970s period, until the Israelis decided to wipe out the Palestinian resistance sheltering in Lebanon's refugee camps. But the fate of Palestine under the British mandate was sealed long before, in 1917, when the crooks of the malevolent British empire decided to gift Palestine to its wealthy British Jewish elite of bankers. And the rest is a history of heartache, the colonial rape of the colonized, the displacement from happy vibrant lives in ancient millennial villages and towns to a life of misery in squalid refugee camps.

The barbrarity unleashed on Gaza by the "civilized" - and "civilizing" - Jewish occupiers of a land not theirs could be an explanation for why there is anti-semitism in the world. Hubris, arrogance, self-declared God's chosen people....Ever since the Hebrews began writing their desert hallucinations about God splitting oceans for them and giving them other people's lands in the fucking bible, the heartache began and continues to this moment, 3,000 years later. How can anyone still believe this shit and, worse yet, use it to annihilate an entire people who had done nothing to deserve this fate?

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