Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

What is Palestinophobia?

"Hard as they try to deny a Palestinian identity, Zionists have a huge credibility problem"

In the West, thanks to Islamic terrorism and to Zionist propaganda, Arabs and Muslims are viewed as "bad" people. While Islamic terrorism by itself is sufficent to justify anti-Muslim stereotypes, Arabophobia (as opposed to Islamophobia) is all the exclusive doing of Zionist propaganda.

One of its insidious aspects is what Israelis and Zionists say about Palestinians. They never refer to them as Palestinians, but as Arabs. Of course, Palestinians are Arabs, but being Arab does not deny one's identity as a Tunisian, a Syrian, an Iraqi, etc. There are many different types of Arabs, just as there are many different types of Europeans. Not all Arabs speak Arabic. Not all Arabs are Muslims. When Israel was born out of the violent terrorist seizure of land and extermination of Palestinians, Zionists claimed, and continue to claim, that they were defending themselves against attacking "Arabs". That was true only insofar as Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan declared war on the nascent Jewish country of Israel in 1947-1948. But long before that 1948 war, there had been a defensive war by the native indigenous Palestinians against the invading hordes of east european barbarians throughout the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. That war was conducted by no one but the Palestinians against the invading Jewish colonialist settlers. No Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese or Jordanians were involved. That was not an "Arab" war against the illegal Jewish terrorist colonists. That was a Palestinian war. But the Zionists claim that their persecution of the native Palestinians is justified because the Arab countries attacked Israel as soon as it was formed. Yes, perhaps these Arab countries tried but failed to assist the Palestinians in 1947-1948, but these attacks cannot be used to deny the long-standing Palestinian resistance and delegitimize the decades-long fight of the Palestinians for their country and their identity.

Just as illegal migrants cross the US border every day in our time, back in the 1920s-1940s, German, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, and other eastern europeans disguised as poor migrants illegally poured into Palestine. As barbarian illiterate peasants from the east european steppes, these illegal migrants could not tell a Palestinian from a Lebanese or a Jordanian or an Egyptian, all next door neighbors of Palestine. To these backward europeans, they were all Arabs. Just as numskull British colonial invaders would make no distinction between the various African countries and cultures and would refer to anyone on the continent as "African" or "negro", or for that matter how today's Muslim migrants into Europe do not see any difference between the English, the French or the Italians... to them they're all Europeans.

As the poorly equiped untrained Palestinians (just liberated from Turkish ottoman occupation) defended their land against the war-trained and British-backed illegal migrant Europeans, Zionists soon began to realize that the "Arabs" of Palestine are different from the "Arabs" of Egypt, Jordan, Syria or Lebanon. They each had its unique character, languages, dialects and traditions, just as Europeans differ from one another yet constitute a general ethnic group.

With Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria gaining their respective independences during the 1930s and 1940s from their French and British mandatory occupiers, the Zionists feared that conceding to a unique identity for the Palestinians would also lead to Palestinian independence and obstruct the Zionist goal of exterminating the Palestinians and stealing their land. Which is why, to this day, Zionists continously deny the existence of a Palestinian people, as stated by Golda Meir's famous "there is no such thing as a Palestinian people." Logically, Palestinian nationalism would not only undermine the foundational lies of the state of Israel, but it would be very dangerous to the expansion of the Zionist colony and to its Jewish "purity". As a result, and beginning in the mid-1960s when the Palestinians finally asserted their identity, after being mere nameless refugees, by organizing themselves in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and other national groups, the Zionists deliberately began to never refer to the Palestinians as Palestinians, but only as Arabs, or Arab Israelis, or Arab refugees. 

Even today's Palestinian citizens of Israel (i.e. those who stayed and did not flee the exterminating Jewish terrorist rampages) are referred to as "Arab" Israeli, not as Palestinian Israeli:

  • There are 1.9 million Palestinian citizens of Israel, or 21% of Israel’s population. At the time of the fabrication of the state of Israel, these 1948 Palestinians were separated from their fellow citizens of the West Bank (3 million-strong) and Gaza (1.8 million-strong). Together, the "resident" Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories total 6.7 million people. There are also millions of Palestinians who live in refugee camps in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, in addition to the expat Palestinians living around the world.
  • Most Palestinian citizens of Israel live in three areas: the Galilee in the north, the so-called “Little Triangle” in the center of the country, and the Negev/Naqab desert in the south.
  • There are more than 60 Israeli laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel.
  • There are 60,000 to 70,000 homes (as of 2020) belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel that are threatened with demolition by the government because they were built without official permits that Israel deliberately refuses to issue them. Why does Israel deny its own Palestinian citizens building permits? Is home construction or expansion a "terrorist" act? Of course not. But this is exactly the sort of criminal scheme that a colonial ethnic cleansing authority like Israel would engage in if its goal is to stunt the natural growth of the native Palestinian population. All actions by the oh-so-respectable Israeli government, hiding behind a colluding justice system that often invokes Ottoman era (i.e. before Israel was even fabricated) laws, aim at de-Palestinizing Palestine and thus, by default, make it more Jewish.  By denying the native Palestinians their natural growth as a community, Israel wants to suffocate them, force them to leave, and replace them with foreign settlers.

If you check any of the widely visited news and chat rooms, you will always have the same Zionist trolls injecting their lies and fake information into the conversation. Examples: 

- There is no Palestine. 

- Palestinians do not exist, they are Arabs. 

- As Arabs, they can go anywhere in the Arab world. They do not need Palestine.

- Arab countries are bad because they do not assimilate and integrate their "Arab" (understand Palestinian) refugees.

- If these Arab countries integrated their Arab (understand Palestinian) refugees, there will be no "Right of Return" for these refugees to go back to their native villages, towns and cities in historic Palestine. How convenient for the Zionists!

- These "Arabs" (understand Palestinians) are not native to Palestine. They are squatters from the surrounding Arab countries who came to Palestine AFTER the east european Jewish invaders conquered Palestine to create Israel.

- Palestine had no people. It was a land without people for a people without land.

The denial of the existence of a Palestinian people, and the denial of the existence of Palestine (even though that was the name of the country for millennia, including when it was ruled by Rome and when Jesus walked the earth in Jewish Palestine) has been the mantra propaganda of Zionism. It is part of the dehumanizing and identity-denial strategy that Israel has adopted for decades because it knows that Palestinian nationalism would be the death sentence for Israel. Hence, there are no Palestinians, there are only "Arabs", and these "Arabs" are all Muslim terrorists.

The reality is that there are no generic "Arabs" in Palestine; there are first Palestinians who happen to  secondarily be part of the wider ethnic Arab stock. The Palestinians' only connection with the other "Arabs" is that they speak a form of Arabic. Just as there are French people living in France who happen to secondarily be members of the wider European stock that includes other French-speaking countries like Belgium and Switzerland.. 

Finally, historically and anthropologically the Hebrews are really just another Arab tribe. According to Jewish biblical trash, Abraham came out of Ur, near Baghdad in Iraq, he fathered Ismail, the progenitor of the Arabs. He then abandoned that "Arab" Ismael and his mother in the desert and favored his "Jewish" brother Isaac, the progenitor of the Hebrews. Though this religious bullshit is completely made up by smelly old nomads as they wandered in the desert, science says that Arabs and Hebrews were once one and the same Semitic people who spoke the same proto-Semitic language. Just as the Germans, the Dutch, the Scandinavians etc. were once one people speaking proto-German who diverged into speaking slightly different but related languages, the proto-Semitic people later diverged into Arab and Hebrew tribes who spoke slightly different languages, Hebrew and Arabic, that remain today nearly identical languages. 

So for Zionists to keep trying to distinguish themselves from Palestinians stems first from their racism, but second from the fact that virtually ALL Jews of Ashkenazi or European stocks are NOT genetic descendants of the Hebrews. Rather, they are relatively recent European converts to Judaism (some time betwen the 11th and the 16th centuries). Their genetic traits are completely different and quite opposite to the generic Semitic stock from the Near East. With their Germanic names, their blond red hair, their blue and green eyes, their Russian-steppe anti-freeze furry hats and coats, they cannot possibly have any connection with the Near East. 

The only "true" Jewish descendants of the Hebrews are those Jews of Yemen, Saudi Arabia (before it became Muslim), and the East Coast of Africa (Ethiopia). These are the Arab Jews who migrated to Israel under pressure from the Jewish Agency and other Zionist agencies, and not because the Arab countries expelled them as Zionists claim. These people might be of genuine Hebraic stock, but they Jews never lived in Palestine. They come from the multitudes of Arab Jewish tribes that lived in and around the Arabian peninsula since time immemorial: Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, etc. For their part, North African Jews are essentially those Jews who were kicked out of France, Spain and Portugal along with the Moorish Muslims around 1492 by the Spanish Reconquista. Where did these Spanish Jews (Sepharads) come from in the first place? Not a mystery: They fought alongside their Arab brothers during the Muslim conquest of North Africa, Spain and southern France between the 7th and 8th century AD. That is why they coexisted peacefully during the Arab Muslim occupation of Spain, and were both evicted together by the Spaniards in 1492. 

Most Arabs of the Arabian peninsula around the 7th century were Jewish tribes, some of them having converted to Christianity when Rome adopted Christanity as its official religion around 400-500 AD; it is therefore absolutely possible that these same Arab-Jewish tribes later followed Mohammed's call, became Muslim and participated in the Islamic conquest. So when the Spaniards kicked them out of Spain, they did not distinguish between Muslim and Jew; to the Spaniards, they were both foreign Moorish-Arab invaders. Indeed, there were essentially no differences between Arab and Jewish tribes in Arabia, as they all practiced the same traditions and worshiped the same gods. It was only in time that Arab Jews gradually adopted a stricter monotheistic view than their other sister Arab tribes. Which explains why Islam in its genesis was a reaction against the perceived polytheism of Christianity that erupted into Arabia with the Byzantine Roman Empire. Traditions between modern Judaism and Islam are nearly identical. Islam may therefore be seen as a "reform" movement against the new Christian religion and a "return" to the strict roots of Jewish-Arab monotheism. [See: ]

In conclusion, hard as they try to deny a Palestinian identity, Zionists have a huge credibility problem. They themselves are not genetic descendants of the Hebrews. They are recent converts to Judaism and cannot have any claims to being "authentic" Jews nor any claims to Palestine, except on the basis of a dubious and tenuous religious connection through the fictional biblical garbage. If one makes an effort and grants, for the sake of argument, that biblical garbage is correct history, then the Zionists have to subsume themselves under the broader Arab Semitic identity of which they are merely a branch. Otherwise, by betting too much on being more "western" than Arabs and desperately attempting to distance themselves from Arabs, they undermine and continue to erode their claims to historic Palestine.

Palestinophobia has long being injected by Zionist propaganda into the mainstream. This strategy has generally worked through the 1960s when the Palestinians were still picking up the pieces of their identity and country after the Nakba of 1948, itself the culmination of 30+ years of Jewish European terrorism; they hadn't yet spoken up: To the world they were mere refugees that the Zionists deprived of not only their homes, lands and villages, but also of their identity as Palestinians. Since the 1960s, when Palestinians regrouped as a nation, their nationalism was first a secular revolutionary movement without a hint of religious fervor in it. Some of it later mutated into Islamic movements under the influence of a broader world-wide rising Islamic nationalism. But today, the bulk of Palestinian resistance is still a patriotic nationalism without any Arab or Islamic bent. Zionism has succeeded in stealing the land, but has failed at eradicating the Palestinian identity. Zionists have now embarked on a new strategy couched in a new code word, "Israelophobia", to serve as a new and improved Zionist scarecrow (since antisemitism has worn out its abuse) that is meant to scare you or anyone else who criticizes Apartheid Israel. Good luck with that.

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