Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Nag and Rape: Israelophilia for Dummies

A coalition of nagging Jewish groups has filed a lawsuit against the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) in which it accuses the school board of being anti-Semitic. The 86-page long suit was filed by the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee. 

The suit claims that SAUSD has allowed its Ethnic Studies curriculum to say that Israel is a “settler colonialism” project, and to refer to Zionism as a "nationalist, colonial ideology" that calls for the expansion of the Jewish state in “historic Palestine by any means necessary.”

Again, the nagging Jewish groups equate Judaism as a religion with Israel as a political entity. Attacks on the Jewish religion with stereotypes and conspirationist theories may constitute anti-semitism, but criticism against the conduct of a state that, after its founding by violently ethnically cleansing the native indigenous Palestinian population, continues to occupy, discriminate and violently repress that same population's legitimate resistance to the foreign occupation, is not anti-semitic.

Yet, the nagging Jewish groups deliberatly confuse Judaism with Israelophilia. In other words, according to the naggers, no one can NEVER, under any circumstance, criticize the apartheid state of Israel lest they be accused of hating Jews, i.e. being anti-semitic. 

The nagging groups complain that SASUD did not ask their opinion in developing the curriculum. Should SASUD have asked the native Americans, the Mexicans, Latinos, Hispanics, African-Americans, the white anglo-saxon Europeans, the Indian immigrants from India, the Arab immigrants etc. about how they should be described in the curriculum? Imagine the chaos if the school board had to check with every one of these communities. But, as always, the nagging Jewish groups are the most "sensitive" ethnic group that make up the American population. Perhaps, it is because they have a "nagging wall" in occupied, mistreated, dehumanized Jerusalem.  

“Closed-door discussions prevented input from marginalized communities – in direct contrast to the goal of the ethnic studies program, which is to support marginalized communities”, said one of the representatives of the nagging groups who 

- 1) deliberately amalgamate Israelis (citizens of a political entity back in the Middle East) with Jews (religious community living in Santa Ana in California), and 

- 2) declare the Jewish community of Santa Ana a "marginalized" community. 

According to official statistics, the Jewish community of the United States is perhaps the most affluent, wealthy and dominating community, bar none. When did it become "marginalized" is anyone's guess. But again, the curriculum in question is not addressing the Jewish community in California or the US, but talks about the state of Israel which is NOT an American community unless one includes the barbarian Jewish Americans who go  settle Palestine and kill Palestinians and steal their land, and unless one accepts the fact that Israel controls America via its lobbies. What these fundamentalist American settlers of Palestine do there is the very definition of "settler colonialism". 

In other words, America = Israel, and Israel = America, and those idiot Arabs who accept American "mediation" between them and Israel are simply idiots. For example, Amos Hockstein, the "mediator" between Israel and Hezbollah on the issue of the maritime borders, is a dual Israeli-American citizen who served in the Israeli Army. He may have killed Hezbollah members during the endless clashes between the two sides; yet, Hezbollah negotiates with him. Either Hezbollah is stupid, or it is in cahoots with the Zionists whom they claim to be fighting. But when it comes to making money out of offshore oil platforms along the Lebanese-Israeli coast, bitter enemy Semites like Hezbollah and Israel have no problem making sweet deals. But killing innocent civilians because of religious trash is not a problem for these barbarian Jews and Muslims.

A spokesperson for the SASUD school board issued a statement stating that its goal is to provide “balanced, multiple perspectives” on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “The District itself has no political position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, just like the District would not take a political position on other global conflicts,” the statement read. “However, we do understand that members in our community, including our students and families, share strong opinions on issues such as these. We will always encourage open and respectful dialogue in our schools as part of our effort to provide a well-rounded education.”


Israel, whose citizens are the self-declared "most moral people in the world", the "chosen ones", the "righteous among nations" etc., has deceived its admirers when five of its citizens violently gang-raped a British teenager in Cyprus earlier this month. Of course, if the Israeli rapists end up in jail as they should, there will be gigantic campaigns claiming the Cypriot courts are anti-semitic and that these good decent Jewish young men should be immediately pardoned and released. Since God has chosen them, the Jewish people can by definition do no harm whatsoever. Even if they gang-raped the British teenager, it must have been in a moment of temporary weakness for which Yahweh will punish them and for which they promise to repent for the rest of their lives. 

Remember Jonathan Pollard, the Jewish American man who betrayed the US by selling its secrets to Israel and served 30 years in prison for it? He too was the subject of a nagging campaign by the same nagging groups calling for his release because as a Jewish American he is automatically a friend of Israel, to the point that there is no longer a difference between America and Israel. As an American "friend" of Israel, his selling of American secrets to Israel does not make him a traitor. Selling your mother's secrets to your bastard son is not "such a crime" after all. A Jewish traitor is always of a different class than your average traitor, according to the naggers, especially since he only betrayed his mother. No big deal, really. Incestuous betrayals are an altogether different class of treason. When released, Pollard was welcomed as a hero in the British-American colony that occupies Palestine, otherwise known as Israel.

In Cyprus, the 20-year-old British teenager tourist said she was raped by a group of five Israelis, aged between 19 and 20, after a pool party at a three-star hotel in Ayia Napa, a resort town known for its bars, clubs and beaches. The Israelis were arrested shortly after the gang rape on Sept 3 and were remanded in custody for eight days, a period which on Tuesday was extended for another six days.

‌The British teenager told Cypriot police that one of the five Israelis “forcibly” grabbed her and took her to his room as she was partying with friends around the pool of the Hotel Fedrania Gardens.  The man proceeded to rip off her bathing suit despite her protests, and was immediately joined in the hotel room by the other suspects, she said.

As one of the Israelis raped her, another one forced her to perform oral sex, according to her statement. She was then raped again by another of the Israelis, she said. ‌She fled to the bathroom and locked herself inside. Eventually she managed to escape, find her friends and report the alleged gang rape to hotel staff, who in turn called the police.

‌When officers arrived, they said they found the suspects using bed sheets to try to clean blood stains from the floor of the hotel room. ‌The British teenager was in a “bad psychological state” after the alleged attack. Two of the Israelis have admitted to having intercourse and oral sex with the woman, but insisted it was consensual. The other three said they had no sexual contact with the woman. They are expected to plead to charges including rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment and abduction. Police are carrying out forensic tests on bed sheets and clothing taken from the hotel room.

The grand question is: How could these Israelis, whose fake country could not have existed without the complicity of the British "Empire", do this abomination to a British woman? Just as American Jewish groups believe themselves better than the average American whose taxpayer money goes directly to artifically float the colony of Israel, it seems that Israelis believe themselves better than their own mother country, colonial Britain.


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