Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Armenia, Western Values and Islam

(updated 01-Oct-2023)

Inside the territory of the Muslim country of Azerbaijan is the Christian Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh where 120,000 Armenians have been besieged by the Azerbaijani army of the dictator Ilham Aliyev.  

A new trauma is unfolding for the Armenian people as Azerbaijan has finally taken over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. Most of the Armenians of the enclave are currently leaving their ancestral lands out of fear of ethnic cleansing and atrocities that the Azeris are likely to commit.

For centuries the Armenian people, whose territory was once much larger than the current territory of the Republic of Armenia, have been the victim of the Muslim countries surrounding them: Turkey, Iran and Azerbaijan. After the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks at the turn of the 20th century, accompanied by death marches across the desert into Syria and Lebanon where Armenian refugees have settled and constitute large communities, Armenian Christians are again the target of genocide, this time at the hands of the Muslim Azeris.

Just as the circumstances of the genocide of 1915 allowed its perpetration by Turkey, with the chaos of World War I, the present world-wide tensions in the Caucasus and the Black Sea region are leaving the Armenians alone in their struggle to survive. For the decades during Soviet rule, the Armenians found protection with the Russians. Now that Russia is itself isolated as a result of its invasion and annexation of Ukrainian territories, it has abandoned the Armenians. The large-scale flight of ethnic Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh is a continuation of a decades-long process of territorial loss by historic Armenia, a good chunk of which has been annexed by Turkey after the genocide of 1915.

Just as the West abandoned the Armenians during the 1915 genocide, the West today is watching with indifference another chapter in the loss of Armenian territories and an unfolding ethnic cleansing. Azerbaijan is finally integrating Nagorno-Karabakh to its territory, leading to serious fears of atrocities and flight of Armenians from their ancestral lands to join their brethren in Armenia proper.

US secretary of State Anthony Blinken declared that he was “deeply concerned” about the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, like many other Western nations have done. “Deep concern” means in diplomatic language that the West is not going to do anything to stop the Azeris from seizing the Armenian territory and evicting its people out. This posture invites a contrast between how the West handled a similar situation in Kosovo, a Muslim enclave of Christian Serbia.

Kosovo is historically an integral part of Christian Serbia, and the Serbs were among those Europeans who stopped the Muslim Turks who were on their march to conquer and forcibly impose Islam on Europe. In the Balkans, where Serbia is located, the marching Muslim armies managed to convert the populations of today’s Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania, leaving a patchwork of interlaced Christian Orthodox (Serbia, Montenegro), Christian Catholic (Croatia, Slovenia), and Muslim (Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo) communities and territories.

When the Balkan wars of the 1990s erupted, the West sided against the Christian Serbs in defense of the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The US administration of Bill Clinton dispatched a malignant and pernicious envoy, Richard Holbrooke, who did all he could to dismember Christian Serbia, leave Serbs trapped under Muslim rule in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and later forced the seditious secession of the Kosovo province of Serbia to create a new  Muslim State in Europe. In one strike of unexplainable diplomacy, the West created two new Muslim States in the heart of Europe – Bosnia and Kosovo - while Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism were growing and already sowing terror across Europe and the Middle East. The US seems to be on a path of sowing the seeds of future strife in Europe as a way to weaken the Old Continent, prevent it from challenging American hegemony, and manipulate it into submission. Current events in Serbia prove this hypothesis right, as the 1990s US-brokered Dayton Accords are crumbling and threatening another war in the heart of Europe.

Is the objective of this US diplomacy to please oil-rich Arab Muslim states? Is it to appease Islamists for fear of terrorism? How can the West send its NATO forces to forcibly detach a province (Muslim Kosovo) from a sovereign country (Christian Serbia) to create a brand new Muslim country that could be a potential threat down the line? Why doesn't the US apply the same diplomacy to liberate Muslim Palestine from the savage brutality of Jewish Israel? Or to forcibly detach the province of Nagorno-Karabakh from Muslim Azerbaijan and either re-attach it to Armenia or create a brand new Christian Armenian country? Could it be that the US is afraid of nearby Russia? In fact, Nagorno-Karabakh was always a part of Armenia, but the Russian butcher Joseph Staline "gifted" this Armenian territory to Azerbaijan during Soviet rule as a way of sowing division and maintaining Soviet grip. Could the Americans be following Stalin's method by creating two new Muslim countries in the heart of Europe as a way to sow the seeds of future strife, weaken Europe and keep it towing the American imperialist line? At the time of this writing, Serbia is massing its troops along the Kosovo border. Ultimately, the charlatan US diplomat Richard Holbrooke, who brokered the secession of Muslim Kosovo from Christian Serbia, bears responsibility for his lousy treacherous job that is crumbling before our eyes..

In the same manner, the West handled the endless crises of Lebanon: The Lebanese Christian community has been beleaguered and under siege by relentless Muslim hostility from Lebanon’s Stalinist neighbor, the Syrian dictatorship of the Assad dynasty. Since the 1960s, the Lebanese Christians who had built a liberal, tolerant, and prosperous country, were gradually abandoned to their fate as they fought for their survival against the Egyptian "Arabs" of Nasser in the 1950 and 1960s, the Palestinian "revolutionaries" of Arafat (1960s-1980s), the Syrian "Baathists" of Assad (1970s-2000s), and the distant but effective onslaught of the Sunni Muslim Gulf Arabs who financed the Lebanese War from the late 1960s through the 1990s while also financing mosque building, radicalization with Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and sowing their terror reign in Europe and the Middle East. In more recent times (2000s-present), the Iranian Muslims have taken over the task of threatening the existence of the Christian community through their proxy terror organization of Hezbollah. 

Throughout that period, not only did the US (and its European poodles behind it) show indifference, but it allied itself with the Muslim Arabs against the Christians. In four separate and consecutive crises, American republican administrations (Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.) sold the Christians out to Syria and Saudi Arabia by imposing on the Lebanese Christians exacting solutions that they knew would not work on the long term, simply to appease the Arabs and gain short term benefits (oil, coalition against Saddam Hussein, etc.).

It is therefore not quite a mystery why the West, in places like the Balkans, Lebanon, and now Armenia, has been on a course of appeasement with Muslim nations that are otherwise ideological enemies of the West. These are the same Islamic nations that never stopped attacking the West militarily with terror attacks and the implant of Islamic centers and mosques throughout Europe and the US. In contrast, when the aggressor is Christian (e.g. Russia) and the victim is Christian (e.g. Ukraine), the West adopts a clearer, more or less ethical posture of defending the victim against the aggressor.

And now in Armenia the same scenario is unfolding. Why doesn’t the West demand the secession of Christian Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh (area: 3,170 Sq. Km) from Muslim Azerbaijan and create a new Christian country, just as it forced the secession of Muslim Kosovo (10,900 Sq. Km) from Christian Serbia? While the Bosnia and Kosovo secessions from Serbia could not have been directly driven by mercantile interests like oil, it is the backing of countries like Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations to the Muslims of Kosovo and Bosnia that forced the oil-subservient West to agree to dismember Serbia. Same with Lebanon. But in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, the subservience to interests is flagrantly obvious. Azerbaijan has major oil and gas resources in the Caspian Sea, and neither the West nor Russia wants to alienate the Azerbaijani dictator Aliyev.

I wish that diplomats and officials of certain countries stop claiming that their foreign policies are driven by “values” when they themselves trample those same values for mercantile interests. The enduring torment of Muslim Palestine at the hands of the barbarian Jewish Israelis is another case in point of Mafia-style blackmail politics, and not one of so-called values.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Student Critics of Apartheid Israel? or Campus Antisemites?

In an opinion posted September 23, 2023, on CNN entitled “When will colleges stand up to campus antisemites?”, Jonathan Greenblatt, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), claims that Jewish students on US college campuses are facing a rise in antisemitism. Mr. Greenblatt says that as a parent he worries about sending his own children to college.

Yet, again and again, Zionists like Mr. Greenblatt hope to continue injecting a false narrative in the national discourse by deliberately degrading legitimate opposition and criticism of the state of Israel's dehumanization policies vis-a-vis the Palestinian people down to baseless antisemitic attacks on Jewish people.

He says, "The threat of antisemitism has been growing across American society, and colleges are not immune. But while antisemitism nationally has diverse causes, often including ties to White supremacy, campuses more frequently witness boycotts and demonization of Israel that lead to attacking or ostracizing Jewish students because of their own perceived or actual support for Israel".

In substance, therefore, Mr. Greenblatt is suggesting that American students stop criticizing Israel for its apartheid repressive regime against the native Palestinian people in the Near East, in order to protect Jewish students on US campuses against attacks and ostracization. This is akin to demanding that US citizens stop criticizing the repressive regimes of Islamic Iran or Saudi Arabia in order to fight Islamophobia here in the US. This is a standard Zionist modus operandi.

Mr. Greenblatt says that his American Zionist organization - ADL - tracked 665 “anti-Israel incidents” at US university campuses during one academic year (2022-2023), including the “vilification of Zionism”. He defines Zionism as the “belief that Jews have the right to self-governance in the historic land of Israel”, which is a belief based solely on Stone Age biblical trash fiction.
In ancient Canaan-Palestine, Hebrews (not Jews) had two separate and enemy kingdoms (Judah and Israel) for some 300 years about 3,000 years ago. Before them the Canaanites - ancestors of the Palestinians - were massacred by the nomadic Hebrews on orders from frikin' Yahweh in the first ethnic cleansing campaign in recorded history, though no reasonable person should believe the fictional self-serving ramblings of the Old Testament-Torah. After the Hebrews, it was the successive turns of the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Seljuks, Ottoman Turks, British crooks and finally colonial Zionist settlers to establish kingdoms and empires. Modern Jews are not the genetic descendants of Stone Age Hebrews. They are East Europeans and Russians who converted recently (a few centuries ago) to Judaism. Even if we grant that these non-native modern invaders of Palestine are cultural Jews, their claim to Palestine is so puny that any of these other civilizations that have ruled in historic Palestine can make at the very least an equal claim to Palestine. And even if one accepts that modern Jews have some claim to Palestine, it is disgusting to see that such a claim has become a license to kill, displace, terrorize, evict, and otherwise ethnically cleanse the land of its native indigenous population.

As he defends Zionism, Mr. Greenblatt speaks not as a Jew but as a European-American Zionist whose late 19th century colonial project began in 1897 to invade and conquer Palestine, massacre, displace and dispossess its indigenous Palestinian people of their millennial villages, towns and cities, and erect a brand new state over a land that last saw a Jewish person some 2,000 years ago. Not unlike all the other European colonial conquests in Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America that reached their climax in that same 19th century when each European state had its “empire”: Invade, conquer, massacre, displace, dispossess the natives and erect a brand new state ruled by the invaders, not by the indigenous owners of the land. With Zionism, European Jews embarked on a me-too mercantilist colonialist enterprise to build themselves an empire like their fellow French, Belgians, Dutch, Portuguese, Spaniards, British and other Europeans.

Is it “antisemitic” to analyze the creation of the state of Israel from the lens of a colonial enterprise like so many others that came out of the Europe of the 19th century? Is merely questioning in an academic setting the historicity of the creation of the state of Israel a crime? Is Israel infallible simply because, though born as a colonial enterprise, it came of age partly - not entirely - as a result of the Holocaust?

Just to be clear to my readers: There is a huge difference between antisemitism and criticism of Israel. Please read carefully and understand the distinction: 

Antisemitism” is a longstanding hatred of Jews by Europeans based on abhorrent false claims of blood libel, rejection and killing of Christ, conspiracy theories of world control, financial greed and so on. But these are not the arguments that today's critics of Israel put forward;  

"Critics of Israel" make no such nonsensical claims; they simply argue that Israel is a documented practitioner of horrible policies against the colonized Palestinians that include walled separation, harassment, sieges, rampant discrimination, home demolition, dispossession, land theft, identity-denial… all with the openly stated objective by Israeli officials to one day annex the remaining Palestinian lands, declare Palestine dead, and deprive the 4 million Palestinians of their right to a state of their own on their own land. Israel is thus not only a colonialist settler enterprise; it adheres to an expansionist ideology for future land theft and ethnic cleansing. That is why in fact Israel does not have a constitution because writing one would force it to define its borders and legally prohibit it from stealing more land from the Palestinians and its neighbors.

Having not mentioned antisemitism early in his opinion, Mr. Greenblatt moves quickly to amalgamate criticism of Israel and vilification of Zionism with antisemitism, thus insidiously bridging the civilized pillars of freedom of opinion and defense of victimized people with the universally denounced and condemned belief in racist antisemitism. And this is where the crux of the matter is: Zionists continuously conflate a desire for debating the apartheid policies of the state of Israel with hatred of Jews. What does Mr. Greenblatt then call all those Israelis and Jews who condemn Israel for its policies? Is there such a thing as a Jewish antisemite?

According to Univstats, [ ], there are 6,543 colleges and universities in the US. Therefore, the statistic of 665 “anti-Israel” incidents says that 10 out of each 100 colleges and universities have experienced some poorly defined “anti-Israel” incidents, which Mr. Greenblatt himself attributes largely to white supremacist actors, i.e. white anglo-saxon protestant racists who have sympathy neither for the Israelis nor for the Palestinians. Just read further below how a university conference on Palestinian literature is included in Mr. Greenblatt's list of "anti-Israel incidents".

Then the sneaking around the core argument begins with a pretentious waiver: “To be sure, criticism and debate over the policies of the State of Israel, just like criticism of the policies and actions of any country, is part of a healthy campus ecosystem. The First Amendment protects the right to boycott, as well as the right to engage in harsh and divisive rhetoric. Undoubtedly, one can criticize Israel’s leaders and actions without being antisemitic.” How civilized of Mr. Greenblatt! We ought to be grateful!

So I urge Mr. Greenblatt to put an end to the obfuscation and make two side-by-side lists: One list is for actions and arguments that critique Israel without being labeled antisemitic, and another list of actions and arguments that critique Israel and are antisemitic. Many around the world are utterly confused by the Zionist arguments – indeed confusion and obfuscation are probably the objective of Zionists since it allows them to say the same thing and its opposite at once - because it seems that any time someone criticizes Israel, they are immediately attacked as antisemitic by a wide range of Israeli apologists, from paid Zionist trolls on the web to senior officials in the Jewish government. A most recent and flagrant example was accusing the UN, Human Rights Watch and even the Israeli organization B’Tselem of being antisemitic for issuing their 2022 report calling Israel an apartheid state [See: ]

Next, Mr. Greenblatt unleashes his dual nature venom. Believing that he has firmly equated antisemitism with Israelophobia, he states, “One of the worst examples of campus anti-Israel activity in recent memory is the Palestine Writes Literature Festival set to take place at the University of Pennsylvania this weekend”. Notice that he labels this activity as “anti-Israel”, not as “antisemitic”, thus contradicting his own supposed welcoming of healthy debate on the Israel-Palestine question.

He then goes through a long list of outrageous extremist statements and positions by anti-Zionists on US campuses, essentially parading a tiny minority of extremist white Christian American supremacists and suggesting that they somehow are representatives of the Palestinian movement for justice. This is the same Zionist propaganda that equated the legitimate Palestinian national movement with a minority of “communist terrorist subversives” during the 1960s and 1970s, then with a minority of “Islamic terrorists” in the 1980s and 1990s. Hiding under these fake arguments, Israel has continued to steal Palestinian land, dispossess the Palestinians, deny them an identity, demolish their homes, expel them to no return, uproot their millennial olive orchards, kill them with indiscriminate bombings and assassinations, dispossess them of property in Jerusalem to the benefit of foreign settlers, etc.

But now that it has ran out of scarecrow labels to attach to the Palestinian national movement, and that the label of antisemitism has worn out its utility, Zionists are promoting an alternative lie and new misleading terminology, namely that criticism of Israel is hatred of Israel or “Israelophobia”, a new term Zionists have coined to malign anyone who dares criticize Israel for its endless torment, racism and hatred toward Palestinians – let's call it, in a tit-for-tat, "
Palestinophobia". Zionists hope to surf on this new one for the next two decades or so until they exterminate or expel all the Palestinians and achieve their pure Jewish supremacist colony they call Israel.

But the 2020s are no longer the 1950s and 1960s when Zionists could blatantly disinform and misinform a captive audience with their monopoly on information; the Zionist jig is up. People now can see for themselves through the Zionist lies couched in guilt-infliction on the European Holocaust criminals. Palestine is today everywhere and on everyone’s mind. Sympathy for Palestine is quickly overwhelming the 1950-vintage pity for Israel. The Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement worked very well with apartheid South Africa. Despite outrageous lies and disinformation, the BDS movement will eventually work well to rescue Palestine from the claws of European Jewish racism and religious extremism. Apartheid South Africa did not have an international Zionist movement to lie and misinform on its behalf, but it allied itself with Apartheid Israel and its dumb American sponsors which aided it with finance and weapons. Israel was the only country in the world to defend Apartheid South Africa's dehumanization of the native African population.

The Zionist Movement was founded like many other European corporations, like the British East India Company, the Dutch East India Company and others, whose task was to colonize, subdue and exploit colonies anywhere they could around the world. The Zionist Movement first targeted Uganda in Africa, but later changed its target to Palestine when the British crooks offered Palestine to the Zionists (Balfour letter) in exchange for financial loans to aid the British war effort. The Basel Conference in 1897, which laid the groundwork for the Zionist Colonial Corporation, was a follow-up to the Berlin Conference of 1884 which effectively divided Africa among European powers like Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Italy and Spain. Always "special ones", the non-state European Zionists wanted their share of the pie.

In the post Word War II period, colonialism effectively came to an end. Virtually all former colonies of Europe have gained their independence, which leaves Israel today as perhaps the only British, now American, colony to remain a barbaric foreign racist implant of repression and dehumanization of native indigenous people. To paraphrase Hanan Ashrawi, the Palestinian people are the only remaining colonized people on Earth who are asked to guarantee the security of their colonial occupier, while Israel is the only colonial occupying country that demands to be protected from its own colonized victims.

Regardless of how long it might take to bring justice to Palestine, injustice will never prevail. As long as this monumental injustice persists in Palestine, perpetrated by foreign invading settlers and targeting a native indigenous population, there will never be peace.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Jews of Uganda: One of Many Stories of Fake Judaism

There is a community in Uganda called the Abayudaya – which means “the Jews of Uganda” in the Luganda language. It is a Black African community that adopted the Jewish faith some 100 years ago. For the past century, this community has integrated Jewish traditions into their native Ugandan culture. For example, women bake challah, a traditional Jewish bread, in outdoor ovens.

This is a typical community of non-Semitic, non-Hebrew people around the world who converted in recent times to Judaism, including many of the European and American "Jews" who make up the Israeli people today. Though unrelated genetically, historically and culturally to the Near East and Palestine, the simple fact of their conversion to Judaism makes them eligible to rape Palestine, steal its lands and displace its native people, based on the fictional tales of a Stone Age set of writings assembled together in the Torah (Old Testament).

The Ugandan "Jewish" community, for example, was founded by Semei Kakungulu in 1919 who converted to Judaism to spite the English colonial power that was trying to convert him to Christianity. He reportedly tore the Bible in half so that it contained only the Old Testament, circumcised his sons, and declared himself a Jew. Based on biblical accounts, he made a list of rules to be followed, then brought foreign Jews to teach the community Hebrew and prepare Kosher foods.Following in the footsteps of Mr. Kakungulu, the current rabbi serves as the spiritual leader of the community. He was ordained by the Conservative Jewish movement in the United States in 2008, and then he spent a year studying in Israel.

But the community’s relationship with Israel has been difficult – Israel’s Ministry of the Interior does not recognize the Abayudaya’s members as Jews, which means they are denied the right to immigrate. On what criteria does the State of ISrael decide who is Jewish and who is not? Since most modern day Jews are nearly all converts to Judaism, except the so-called "Arab Jews" of Yemen and the Arabian peninsula, what right do the Ashkenazi Jews - East European converts during the 14th-17th centuries - have to decide who is Jewish and who is Israeli? The answer: White racism.

The Ugandan "Jewish" community is growing: a group of converts from northern Uganda has recently joined. Another group of Black African Jews lives in Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. Shmuel Mugisha serves as leader of the Kampala community. He says, "We face the challenge of assimilation", a fake challenge for these native Ugandans who share their own ancestral traditions with the rest of Uganda, but who deliberately changed their culture just to spite the colonial occupier. One would assume that they are de facto assimilated to their native culture, but their decision to convert somehow distanced them from it, and now they claim to want to assimilate?

It is noteworthy that Ugandan people are a very religious bunch, both Christians and Muslims. They are very conservative and reject all social advances that they believe contradict religious dogma. For example, the Lord's Resistance Army ( LRA) is a Christian extremist organization which operates in northern Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Its stated goals include ruling Uganda according to the Ten Commandments, in a manner eerily similar to the Muslim Salafist movements like Al-Qaeda and Daesh-ISIS that want to rule under Sharia Law.

In conclusion, religious fervor is only a fine line away from extremism. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity, and Israel was founded on the basis of a religious belief from the Stone Age of humanity. The fact that recently converted European Jews were subjected to the Holocaust by their fellow white Christian Europeans does not entitle them to Palestine, let alone massacre a third of the native Palestinian population, displace another third, and rule over the rest with the same abject violence of their own former Nazi tormentors. Israel was founded by a monumental crime against the Palestinian people, and based on Stone Age religious beliefs that any reasonable person ought to find anachronistic.

By the way, when European Zionists initially began their campaign to start their me-too Jewish European colony (similar to the other European colonial empires), they set their eyes on Uganda. But the crooked British found a convergence between the archaic religious argument of a "return" to Palestine by the fake European Jews on one hand, and their own oil-thirsty ambitions over the oil fields of Arabia nearby. That is when Balfour wrote his infamous letter, a simple sheet of paper addressed to the British Jewish community that was not debated in the British Parliament nor was it officially sanctioned, specifically stating that in the process of establishing a Jewish British colony in Palestine, it will be "... clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine". Clearly, the British "Empire" crooks kept their filthy word: Nothing has been done to the Palestinians other than land theft, genocide, displacement, occupation, denial of identity.... Perfidious Albion.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Hasbara: Zionist Fake News Propaganda

Be very careful about what you read. Fake news are everywhere, and are not just a recent development in the dissemination of false information. Like the Russian misinformation campaign of our time, Zionists have been at it, lying to the gills, for more than a century. And they continue today to dehumanize the Palestinian people by denying them a national identity, while inventing a new one for the haphazard multi-faceted bastards who illegally migrated to Palestine, killed its people and stole its land. 


1- I happen to read the following piece of news today:

"Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed a mysterious Canaanite arch and vaulted stairway sealed inside a well-preserved mud brick building that dates to 3,800 years ago, during the Middle Bronze Age. The archaeologists have no idea why the arch was built. "Of course you never know what you find at a site that has never been excavated, but I can say with confidence that nobody … expected to find what we did," one aracheologist said.

The ancient Mesopotamians are known for using bricks to make such corbelled construction, but it's never been found in the southern Levant, the region east of the Mediterranean, from this time, he said. Not long after the corridor and stairway were built, ancient workers backfilled both with sediment. However, it's unclear why these structures were sealed off, and it deepens the mystery as to why the Canaanites erected it in the first place.

"Why the passage went out of use so soon is a matter of speculation, fact is that it was done with full intent, and not because there was some imminent danger of collapse," Martin said. "For us archaeologists, the quick backfill is the most lucky piece of the whole story, since it is the only reason the feature is so incredibly well preserved almost 4,000 years later."


2- "Hasbara" Zionists are paid workers who are hired by Zionist propaganda agencies and whose job is to troll chat rooms and news outlets and disseminate false information serving the Zionist colonialist project of destroying Palestine and replacing it with a purely Jewish state. For more details on Zionist deception, see: [ ]. They've been at it since the founding of the colonial project in Basel in 1897 and have largely succeeded because they had a monopoly over the information. Unfortunately for the Zionists but fortunately for the Palestinians, the Internet has liberated information from the Zionist monopoly and the truth is now out for everyone to see. Here is the response to the above article by a Zionist Hasbara troll going by the name of "Boo". Notice that his reply is unrelated to the newspiece; the Hasbara have pre-packed texts that they just randomly insert into the conversation without even reading the subject matter. Their only object is to denigrate the Palestinians and deny them an identity:

"Lol. The ultimate in cultural appropriation. The Canaanites were not even of a single ethnic group but, somehow, the present day “Palestinians” are descendants of all of them. Lol. Plenty of archeological evidence that Jews had a prominent presence in the Levant and no evidence that Palestinians of today are anything but nomadic tribes from Arabia. " 


3- Here is what one reader responded to Boo:

Zionist propaganda, Boo. Just as Phoenicians or Arabs or Hittites or Europeans or Slavs etc. do/did not form a single ethnic or national group, Canaanites weren't one either. The Hebrews and today's Jews do not form a single ethnic group either: Jews can be Black Africans, blond blue-eyed East Europeans, Mediterranean northern Africans, Arab Jews from Yemen, Persian Jews from Iran, etc... they constitute a religion but cannot make up an ethnicity. Remember that back in the Bronze Age, one "polity" was a walled city, not a country as we think of it today. It is disingenous of you to deny a Palestinian identity and suggest that they are nomadic tribes when they have lived in their cities for millennia. As Israeli scientists have not been able to find evidence of a massive Jewish migration after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, today's Palestinians are the direct descendants of the Jews who stayed under Rome's occupation, became Christians when Rome became Byzantine Christian, then Muslims when the Arabs arrived. After all, Jews are themselves an Arab tribe that Abraham led out of Ur, a suburb of Baghdad today, and wandered as a nomadic tribe in the desert before plundering Canaan and ethnically cleansing it of its original inhabitants, the Palestinian Canaanites. Of course, the neighboring Phoenicians, Arameans, Nabateans, etc. were all part of the larger Canaanite group in the Near East. Canaanites were also part of the even larger Semitic population stretching from Iraq in the northeast all the way down to Ethiopia. Hebrews, and "genuine" Jews (not the fake europeans pretending to be Jews), are also part of that same Semitic family.

4- Here is what another reader responded to Boo (addressed to the Palestinians):

Zionists, who for the most part are east European caucasians and not Semites, and are new converts to Judaism, want to deny you an identity and want to portray you as "outsiders". Israeli scientists have never found a shred of evidence of the exodus and return from Egypt, hard as they tried. There was once two sworn enemy Jewish kingdoms, Judah and Israel, in the historic land of Palestine (ca. 900 BC) - they weren't even united - some time during the first millennium BC, that barely lasted 300 years after the Assyrians conquered the land, followed a series of other occupiers (See below). These Hebrew kingdoms, who fought bloody battles with one another and sided with the occupiers against one another, were themselves initially built by plundering nomadic tribes who ethnically cleansed Palestine of its original inhabitants, the Canaanites [Just read about Joshua's bloody campaign in the Torah itself]. After the Hebrew kingdoms, Canaan-Palestine was successively occupied by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, pagan Romans then Christian Romans, Arab Muslims, Crusader Christians, Seljukid Turks, Ottoman Turks, British colonial crooks, and finally these East European barbarian colonists from the Russian steppes who had converted to Judaism a couple of centuries prior and pretending to be "true" Jews. Therefore every one of these civilizations have at least an equal claim to the land than the fake Israelis of today.


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Israeli Academics are Anti-Semites

Hundreds of Israeli academics and artists who are urging U.S. President Joe Biden and U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres not to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit to New York next week, have been accused of anti-Semitism and Jewish self-hatred by members of the far-right government of Israel.

In their open letter, the critics of the Netanyahu government said that “Netanyahu incites citizens against each other, threatens the country’s security and economy, and turns his face away from the historical conflict that tears Israel apart – the forceful domination of the Palestinian people".

Israel's Jewish fundamentalist right-wing government under Netanyahu is ultranationalist and religiously conservative. Its push to overhaul the country's judicial system, weaken the High Court and give more power to the extremist Jewish government, has drawn strong criticism from Washington already frustrated with with the Israeli government's continued illegal settlements in occupied Palestine.

Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, an outspoken racist member of the Netanyahu government has accused the anti-judicial reform protesters and the authors of the open letter as being self-hating Jews and anti-Semites. It is extremely rare that a Jewish person be accused of anti-Semitism.

While the protests against the judicial reforms have gained traction over the past weeks and months, very few of the protest movements or their leaders, including the authors of the open letter, have called for an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine and the continued assassinations and killings, house demolitions and other abuses that the Israeli government has carried out for decades. The dehumanization of the Palestinian people have long been a staple of Israeli governments, both right-wing and left-wing, long before the latest and current right-wing government of Netanyahu. The critics of Netanyahu are themselves guilty of keeping silent for decades while their governments were abusing the Palestinians and stealing more of their lands. It is only now that they are paying lip service to the end of the occupation, simply because it gives them some credibility with the international community in their fight against Netanyahu. The vast majority of the international community has been for decades denouncing Israel for its illegal occupation of Palestine, but nothing has ever been done to bring an end to the occupation. There is a world-wide fear of opposing Israel publicly because of the US's blind support for Israel. Any critique of Israel could be tagged as anti-Semitic and lead to US sanctions. 

The BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) movement against Apartheid Israel has been vehemently opposed by the United States, to the point where anyone expressing support for BDS stands to lose their jobs or go to jail in some US states. The same BDS movement was extremely effective in the 1980s in bringing an end to the Apartheid regime of South Africa, with overwhelming support from much of the western world. Yet, with the Apartheid system in Israel, which is by far worse than it was in South Africa, many countries are fearful of embracing the BDS movement. In South Africa, Apartheid meant simply the segregation of whites and blacks, without land theft, assassinations, home demolitions etc. Charming Israel, on the other hand, has taken Apartheid to new heights of racism, land theft, home demolitions, uprooting millenial olive orchards, and dehumanizing an entire population by denying its very existence: Israeli governments have long denied that there exists a Palestinian people: Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said in 1969 "There is no such thing as a Palestinian people".

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

What is Palestinophobia?

"Hard as they try to deny a Palestinian identity, Zionists have a huge credibility problem"

In the West, thanks to Islamic terrorism and to Zionist propaganda, Arabs and Muslims are viewed as "bad" people. While Islamic terrorism by itself is sufficent to justify anti-Muslim stereotypes, Arabophobia (as opposed to Islamophobia) is all the exclusive doing of Zionist propaganda.

One of its insidious aspects is what Israelis and Zionists say about Palestinians. They never refer to them as Palestinians, but as Arabs. Of course, Palestinians are Arabs, but being Arab does not deny one's identity as a Tunisian, a Syrian, an Iraqi, etc. There are many different types of Arabs, just as there are many different types of Europeans. Not all Arabs speak Arabic. Not all Arabs are Muslims. When Israel was born out of the violent terrorist seizure of land and extermination of Palestinians, Zionists claimed, and continue to claim, that they were defending themselves against attacking "Arabs". That was true only insofar as Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan declared war on the nascent Jewish country of Israel in 1947-1948. But long before that 1948 war, there had been a defensive war by the native indigenous Palestinians against the invading hordes of east european barbarians throughout the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. That war was conducted by no one but the Palestinians against the invading Jewish colonialist settlers. No Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese or Jordanians were involved. That was not an "Arab" war against the illegal Jewish terrorist colonists. That was a Palestinian war. But the Zionists claim that their persecution of the native Palestinians is justified because the Arab countries attacked Israel as soon as it was formed. Yes, perhaps these Arab countries tried but failed to assist the Palestinians in 1947-1948, but these attacks cannot be used to deny the long-standing Palestinian resistance and delegitimize the decades-long fight of the Palestinians for their country and their identity.

Just as illegal migrants cross the US border every day in our time, back in the 1920s-1940s, German, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, and other eastern europeans disguised as poor migrants illegally poured into Palestine. As barbarian illiterate peasants from the east european steppes, these illegal migrants could not tell a Palestinian from a Lebanese or a Jordanian or an Egyptian, all next door neighbors of Palestine. To these backward europeans, they were all Arabs. Just as numskull British colonial invaders would make no distinction between the various African countries and cultures and would refer to anyone on the continent as "African" or "negro", or for that matter how today's Muslim migrants into Europe do not see any difference between the English, the French or the Italians... to them they're all Europeans.

As the poorly equiped untrained Palestinians (just liberated from Turkish ottoman occupation) defended their land against the war-trained and British-backed illegal migrant Europeans, Zionists soon began to realize that the "Arabs" of Palestine are different from the "Arabs" of Egypt, Jordan, Syria or Lebanon. They each had its unique character, languages, dialects and traditions, just as Europeans differ from one another yet constitute a general ethnic group.

With Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria gaining their respective independences during the 1930s and 1940s from their French and British mandatory occupiers, the Zionists feared that conceding to a unique identity for the Palestinians would also lead to Palestinian independence and obstruct the Zionist goal of exterminating the Palestinians and stealing their land. Which is why, to this day, Zionists continously deny the existence of a Palestinian people, as stated by Golda Meir's famous "there is no such thing as a Palestinian people." Logically, Palestinian nationalism would not only undermine the foundational lies of the state of Israel, but it would be very dangerous to the expansion of the Zionist colony and to its Jewish "purity". As a result, and beginning in the mid-1960s when the Palestinians finally asserted their identity, after being mere nameless refugees, by organizing themselves in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and other national groups, the Zionists deliberately began to never refer to the Palestinians as Palestinians, but only as Arabs, or Arab Israelis, or Arab refugees. 

Even today's Palestinian citizens of Israel (i.e. those who stayed and did not flee the exterminating Jewish terrorist rampages) are referred to as "Arab" Israeli, not as Palestinian Israeli:

  • There are 1.9 million Palestinian citizens of Israel, or 21% of Israel’s population. At the time of the fabrication of the state of Israel, these 1948 Palestinians were separated from their fellow citizens of the West Bank (3 million-strong) and Gaza (1.8 million-strong). Together, the "resident" Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories total 6.7 million people. There are also millions of Palestinians who live in refugee camps in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, in addition to the expat Palestinians living around the world.
  • Most Palestinian citizens of Israel live in three areas: the Galilee in the north, the so-called “Little Triangle” in the center of the country, and the Negev/Naqab desert in the south.
  • There are more than 60 Israeli laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel.
  • There are 60,000 to 70,000 homes (as of 2020) belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel that are threatened with demolition by the government because they were built without official permits that Israel deliberately refuses to issue them. Why does Israel deny its own Palestinian citizens building permits? Is home construction or expansion a "terrorist" act? Of course not. But this is exactly the sort of criminal scheme that a colonial ethnic cleansing authority like Israel would engage in if its goal is to stunt the natural growth of the native Palestinian population. All actions by the oh-so-respectable Israeli government, hiding behind a colluding justice system that often invokes Ottoman era (i.e. before Israel was even fabricated) laws, aim at de-Palestinizing Palestine and thus, by default, make it more Jewish.  By denying the native Palestinians their natural growth as a community, Israel wants to suffocate them, force them to leave, and replace them with foreign settlers.

If you check any of the widely visited news and chat rooms, you will always have the same Zionist trolls injecting their lies and fake information into the conversation. Examples: 

- There is no Palestine. 

- Palestinians do not exist, they are Arabs. 

- As Arabs, they can go anywhere in the Arab world. They do not need Palestine.

- Arab countries are bad because they do not assimilate and integrate their "Arab" (understand Palestinian) refugees.

- If these Arab countries integrated their Arab (understand Palestinian) refugees, there will be no "Right of Return" for these refugees to go back to their native villages, towns and cities in historic Palestine. How convenient for the Zionists!

- These "Arabs" (understand Palestinians) are not native to Palestine. They are squatters from the surrounding Arab countries who came to Palestine AFTER the east european Jewish invaders conquered Palestine to create Israel.

- Palestine had no people. It was a land without people for a people without land.

The denial of the existence of a Palestinian people, and the denial of the existence of Palestine (even though that was the name of the country for millennia, including when it was ruled by Rome and when Jesus walked the earth in Jewish Palestine) has been the mantra propaganda of Zionism. It is part of the dehumanizing and identity-denial strategy that Israel has adopted for decades because it knows that Palestinian nationalism would be the death sentence for Israel. Hence, there are no Palestinians, there are only "Arabs", and these "Arabs" are all Muslim terrorists.

The reality is that there are no generic "Arabs" in Palestine; there are first Palestinians who happen to  secondarily be part of the wider ethnic Arab stock. The Palestinians' only connection with the other "Arabs" is that they speak a form of Arabic. Just as there are French people living in France who happen to secondarily be members of the wider European stock that includes other French-speaking countries like Belgium and Switzerland.. 

Finally, historically and anthropologically the Hebrews are really just another Arab tribe. According to Jewish biblical trash, Abraham came out of Ur, near Baghdad in Iraq, he fathered Ismail, the progenitor of the Arabs. He then abandoned that "Arab" Ismael and his mother in the desert and favored his "Jewish" brother Isaac, the progenitor of the Hebrews. Though this religious bullshit is completely made up by smelly old nomads as they wandered in the desert, science says that Arabs and Hebrews were once one and the same Semitic people who spoke the same proto-Semitic language. Just as the Germans, the Dutch, the Scandinavians etc. were once one people speaking proto-German who diverged into speaking slightly different but related languages, the proto-Semitic people later diverged into Arab and Hebrew tribes who spoke slightly different languages, Hebrew and Arabic, that remain today nearly identical languages. 

So for Zionists to keep trying to distinguish themselves from Palestinians stems first from their racism, but second from the fact that virtually ALL Jews of Ashkenazi or European stocks are NOT genetic descendants of the Hebrews. Rather, they are relatively recent European converts to Judaism (some time betwen the 11th and the 16th centuries). Their genetic traits are completely different and quite opposite to the generic Semitic stock from the Near East. With their Germanic names, their blond red hair, their blue and green eyes, their Russian-steppe anti-freeze furry hats and coats, they cannot possibly have any connection with the Near East. 

The only "true" Jewish descendants of the Hebrews are those Jews of Yemen, Saudi Arabia (before it became Muslim), and the East Coast of Africa (Ethiopia). These are the Arab Jews who migrated to Israel under pressure from the Jewish Agency and other Zionist agencies, and not because the Arab countries expelled them as Zionists claim. These people might be of genuine Hebraic stock, but they Jews never lived in Palestine. They come from the multitudes of Arab Jewish tribes that lived in and around the Arabian peninsula since time immemorial: Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, etc. For their part, North African Jews are essentially those Jews who were kicked out of France, Spain and Portugal along with the Moorish Muslims around 1492 by the Spanish Reconquista. Where did these Spanish Jews (Sepharads) come from in the first place? Not a mystery: They fought alongside their Arab brothers during the Muslim conquest of North Africa, Spain and southern France between the 7th and 8th century AD. That is why they coexisted peacefully during the Arab Muslim occupation of Spain, and were both evicted together by the Spaniards in 1492. 

Most Arabs of the Arabian peninsula around the 7th century were Jewish tribes, some of them having converted to Christianity when Rome adopted Christanity as its official religion around 400-500 AD; it is therefore absolutely possible that these same Arab-Jewish tribes later followed Mohammed's call, became Muslim and participated in the Islamic conquest. So when the Spaniards kicked them out of Spain, they did not distinguish between Muslim and Jew; to the Spaniards, they were both foreign Moorish-Arab invaders. Indeed, there were essentially no differences between Arab and Jewish tribes in Arabia, as they all practiced the same traditions and worshiped the same gods. It was only in time that Arab Jews gradually adopted a stricter monotheistic view than their other sister Arab tribes. Which explains why Islam in its genesis was a reaction against the perceived polytheism of Christianity that erupted into Arabia with the Byzantine Roman Empire. Traditions between modern Judaism and Islam are nearly identical. Islam may therefore be seen as a "reform" movement against the new Christian religion and a "return" to the strict roots of Jewish-Arab monotheism. [See: ]

In conclusion, hard as they try to deny a Palestinian identity, Zionists have a huge credibility problem. They themselves are not genetic descendants of the Hebrews. They are recent converts to Judaism and cannot have any claims to being "authentic" Jews nor any claims to Palestine, except on the basis of a dubious and tenuous religious connection through the fictional biblical garbage. If one makes an effort and grants, for the sake of argument, that biblical garbage is correct history, then the Zionists have to subsume themselves under the broader Arab Semitic identity of which they are merely a branch. Otherwise, by betting too much on being more "western" than Arabs and desperately attempting to distance themselves from Arabs, they undermine and continue to erode their claims to historic Palestine.

Palestinophobia has long being injected by Zionist propaganda into the mainstream. This strategy has generally worked through the 1960s when the Palestinians were still picking up the pieces of their identity and country after the Nakba of 1948, itself the culmination of 30+ years of Jewish European terrorism; they hadn't yet spoken up: To the world they were mere refugees that the Zionists deprived of not only their homes, lands and villages, but also of their identity as Palestinians. Since the 1960s, when Palestinians regrouped as a nation, their nationalism was first a secular revolutionary movement without a hint of religious fervor in it. Some of it later mutated into Islamic movements under the influence of a broader world-wide rising Islamic nationalism. But today, the bulk of Palestinian resistance is still a patriotic nationalism without any Arab or Islamic bent. Zionism has succeeded in stealing the land, but has failed at eradicating the Palestinian identity. Zionists have now embarked on a new strategy couched in a new code word, "Israelophobia", to serve as a new and improved Zionist scarecrow (since antisemitism has worn out its abuse) that is meant to scare you or anyone else who criticizes Apartheid Israel. Good luck with that.

Nag and Rape: Israelophilia for Dummies

A coalition of nagging Jewish groups has filed a lawsuit against the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) in which it accuses the school board of being anti-Semitic. The 86-page long suit was filed by the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee. 

The suit claims that SAUSD has allowed its Ethnic Studies curriculum to say that Israel is a “settler colonialism” project, and to refer to Zionism as a "nationalist, colonial ideology" that calls for the expansion of the Jewish state in “historic Palestine by any means necessary.”

Again, the nagging Jewish groups equate Judaism as a religion with Israel as a political entity. Attacks on the Jewish religion with stereotypes and conspirationist theories may constitute anti-semitism, but criticism against the conduct of a state that, after its founding by violently ethnically cleansing the native indigenous Palestinian population, continues to occupy, discriminate and violently repress that same population's legitimate resistance to the foreign occupation, is not anti-semitic.

Yet, the nagging Jewish groups deliberatly confuse Judaism with Israelophilia. In other words, according to the naggers, no one can NEVER, under any circumstance, criticize the apartheid state of Israel lest they be accused of hating Jews, i.e. being anti-semitic. 

The nagging groups complain that SASUD did not ask their opinion in developing the curriculum. Should SASUD have asked the native Americans, the Mexicans, Latinos, Hispanics, African-Americans, the white anglo-saxon Europeans, the Indian immigrants from India, the Arab immigrants etc. about how they should be described in the curriculum? Imagine the chaos if the school board had to check with every one of these communities. But, as always, the nagging Jewish groups are the most "sensitive" ethnic group that make up the American population. Perhaps, it is because they have a "nagging wall" in occupied, mistreated, dehumanized Jerusalem.  

“Closed-door discussions prevented input from marginalized communities – in direct contrast to the goal of the ethnic studies program, which is to support marginalized communities”, said one of the representatives of the nagging groups who 

- 1) deliberately amalgamate Israelis (citizens of a political entity back in the Middle East) with Jews (religious community living in Santa Ana in California), and 

- 2) declare the Jewish community of Santa Ana a "marginalized" community. 

According to official statistics, the Jewish community of the United States is perhaps the most affluent, wealthy and dominating community, bar none. When did it become "marginalized" is anyone's guess. But again, the curriculum in question is not addressing the Jewish community in California or the US, but talks about the state of Israel which is NOT an American community unless one includes the barbarian Jewish Americans who go  settle Palestine and kill Palestinians and steal their land, and unless one accepts the fact that Israel controls America via its lobbies. What these fundamentalist American settlers of Palestine do there is the very definition of "settler colonialism". 

In other words, America = Israel, and Israel = America, and those idiot Arabs who accept American "mediation" between them and Israel are simply idiots. For example, Amos Hockstein, the "mediator" between Israel and Hezbollah on the issue of the maritime borders, is a dual Israeli-American citizen who served in the Israeli Army. He may have killed Hezbollah members during the endless clashes between the two sides; yet, Hezbollah negotiates with him. Either Hezbollah is stupid, or it is in cahoots with the Zionists whom they claim to be fighting. But when it comes to making money out of offshore oil platforms along the Lebanese-Israeli coast, bitter enemy Semites like Hezbollah and Israel have no problem making sweet deals. But killing innocent civilians because of religious trash is not a problem for these barbarian Jews and Muslims.

A spokesperson for the SASUD school board issued a statement stating that its goal is to provide “balanced, multiple perspectives” on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “The District itself has no political position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, just like the District would not take a political position on other global conflicts,” the statement read. “However, we do understand that members in our community, including our students and families, share strong opinions on issues such as these. We will always encourage open and respectful dialogue in our schools as part of our effort to provide a well-rounded education.”


Israel, whose citizens are the self-declared "most moral people in the world", the "chosen ones", the "righteous among nations" etc., has deceived its admirers when five of its citizens violently gang-raped a British teenager in Cyprus earlier this month. Of course, if the Israeli rapists end up in jail as they should, there will be gigantic campaigns claiming the Cypriot courts are anti-semitic and that these good decent Jewish young men should be immediately pardoned and released. Since God has chosen them, the Jewish people can by definition do no harm whatsoever. Even if they gang-raped the British teenager, it must have been in a moment of temporary weakness for which Yahweh will punish them and for which they promise to repent for the rest of their lives. 

Remember Jonathan Pollard, the Jewish American man who betrayed the US by selling its secrets to Israel and served 30 years in prison for it? He too was the subject of a nagging campaign by the same nagging groups calling for his release because as a Jewish American he is automatically a friend of Israel, to the point that there is no longer a difference between America and Israel. As an American "friend" of Israel, his selling of American secrets to Israel does not make him a traitor. Selling your mother's secrets to your bastard son is not "such a crime" after all. A Jewish traitor is always of a different class than your average traitor, according to the naggers, especially since he only betrayed his mother. No big deal, really. Incestuous betrayals are an altogether different class of treason. When released, Pollard was welcomed as a hero in the British-American colony that occupies Palestine, otherwise known as Israel.

In Cyprus, the 20-year-old British teenager tourist said she was raped by a group of five Israelis, aged between 19 and 20, after a pool party at a three-star hotel in Ayia Napa, a resort town known for its bars, clubs and beaches. The Israelis were arrested shortly after the gang rape on Sept 3 and were remanded in custody for eight days, a period which on Tuesday was extended for another six days.

‌The British teenager told Cypriot police that one of the five Israelis “forcibly” grabbed her and took her to his room as she was partying with friends around the pool of the Hotel Fedrania Gardens.  The man proceeded to rip off her bathing suit despite her protests, and was immediately joined in the hotel room by the other suspects, she said.

As one of the Israelis raped her, another one forced her to perform oral sex, according to her statement. She was then raped again by another of the Israelis, she said. ‌She fled to the bathroom and locked herself inside. Eventually she managed to escape, find her friends and report the alleged gang rape to hotel staff, who in turn called the police.

‌When officers arrived, they said they found the suspects using bed sheets to try to clean blood stains from the floor of the hotel room. ‌The British teenager was in a “bad psychological state” after the alleged attack. Two of the Israelis have admitted to having intercourse and oral sex with the woman, but insisted it was consensual. The other three said they had no sexual contact with the woman. They are expected to plead to charges including rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment and abduction. Police are carrying out forensic tests on bed sheets and clothing taken from the hotel room.

The grand question is: How could these Israelis, whose fake country could not have existed without the complicity of the British "Empire", do this abomination to a British woman? Just as American Jewish groups believe themselves better than the average American whose taxpayer money goes directly to artifically float the colony of Israel, it seems that Israelis believe themselves better than their own mother country, colonial Britain.


Thursday, September 7, 2023

We are an Apartheid State, Say Israelis

 Update (Sept. 8, 2023): The Archbishop of Canterbury says Israel is not an apartheid state and calls Israel "precious". 

Of course, what d'ya expect from the very people who colonized the world, exploited and enslaved the innocent and the poor, and left behind them torn countries and nations including Palestine-Israel. Israel was created as a British colony to get the infamous "Empire" closer to the oil fields in Arabia, just like South Africa was created to secure the "Empire"'s maritime routes to its Indian "possessions". So it makes sense that this dinosaur of the Church of England (which is the political creation of a fornicating adulterer king Henry VIII) which contributed its massive racism to building the "Empire" is reluctant now to backtrack on all the harm and torment it caused to nations around the world. Israel was created as a British colony over the ashes of historic Palestine by the British Empire. Just as the British resisted ostracizing South Africa (its other former colony) for its abhorrent treatment of the native indigenous black Africans, it is (in the mouth of this Church of England idiot) resisting ostracizing Israel's racism against the native indigenous Arab Palestinians. To do otherwise and speak the truth would be an admission of failure. The Archbishop, like the Pope, is infallible. And so the abuse and torment of Palestine can continue under God's benevolent will.


[Excerpted with modifications from an Associated Press report]

A former head of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency said on Wednesday that Israel is enforcing an apartheid system in the West Bank, an idea that remains largely on the fringes of Israeli discourse and international diplomacy.

Tamir Pardo is the latest former senior official to conclude that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank is apartheid, a reference to the system of racial separation in South Africa that ended in 1994.

Leading rights groups and Palestinians have accused Israel and its 56-year occupation of the West Bank of morphing into an apartheid system that they say gives Palestinians second-class status and is designed to maintain Jewish hegemony from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

A handful of Israeli leaders, diplomats and security men have been warning Israel that it risks becoming an apartheid state: “There is an apartheid state here”, Tamir Pardo said. “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state”.

Pardo was appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and served as head of Israel's clandestine spy agency from 2011-2016. He asserted that the Palestinians represent the country’s most pressing issue, more so than Iran’s nuclear program which Netanyahu keeps saying is an existential threat.

Pardo said that, as Mossad chief, he repeatedly warned Netanyahu that he needed to decide what Israel's borders were, or risk the destruction of a state for the Jews. Israel has no constitution in which Israel would be compelled to define its borders. The international community believes Israel, without a constitution, harbors expansionist ambitions to steal more land from historic Palestine.

Pardo's candid evaluation Wednesday of Israel's military occupation is rare among leaders of the grassroots protest movement against the judicial overhaul, which has largely been mute about the occupation out of concern that it might scare away more nationalist supporters. But this position by the protest movement is also seen as an implicit endorsement of the occupation by the secular Israeli Left.

Pardo's remarks come as Israel's far-right government, which is made up of ultrareligious extremist and violence-advocating parties who support annexing the West Bank, is working to entrench Israel's hold on the territory.

Netanyahu's extreme far right Likud party issued a statement condemning Pardo's comments. “Instead of defending Israel and the Israeli military, Pardo slanders Israel,” it said. “Pardo. You should be ashamed”. In the conventional international political discourse of our time, Pardo stands to be accused of anti-Semitism or be denounced as a self-hating Jew.

In apartheid South Africa, a system based on white colonial supremacy and racial segregation against native indigenous Black Africans was in place from 1948 until 1994. In apartheid Israel, the system is based on white Jewish European colonial supremacy and racial segregation against native indigenous Palestinian Arabs in place since the founding of Israel in 1948 and which was expanded after the 1967 invasion and brutal occupation of Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Human rights groups have based their conclusions regarding Israel on international conventions like the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. It defines apartheid as “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group.”

Pardo said Israelis can get into a car and drive wherever they want, excluding the blockaded Gaza Strip, but that Palestinians can't drive everywhere. He said that his views on the system in the West Bank were “not extreme. It's a fact."

Israelis are barred from entering Palestinian areas of the West Bank, but can drive across Israel and throughout the 60% of the West Bank that Israel controls. Palestinians need permission from Israel to enter the country, and when denied entry they are left stranded as stateless people unable to return to their country. Palestinians are regularly denied building permits, which is a deliberate policy of de-arabization of Palestine, while incoming foreign Jewish settlers (from the United States and Europe) are allowed to build illegal settlements on Palestinian land just stolen from Palestinian villagers. Palestinians must pass through military checkpoints to move within their own land in the West Bank.

Rights groups point to all these discriminatory policies within Israel and in annexed east Jerusalem, Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip, and its occupation of the West Bank. Israel exerts overall control of the territory, maintains a two-tier legal system and is building and expanding Jewish settlements that the international community considers illegal.

Pardo warned that if Israel doesn't set borders between it and the Palestinians, Israel's existence as a Jewish state will be in danger.

Given current demographic trends, Arabs will outnumber Jews - the infamous demographic time bomb - in both Israel and the 1967 occupied territories. Continued occupation will force Israel into making difficult choices:

1- Formalize Jewish minority rule over disenfranchised majority Palestinians, or

2- Give the Palestinians the right to vote, in which case Israel will become a bi-national state , thus ending the racist Zionist dream of a pure exclusively Jewish homeland in historic Palestine, or

3- Carry out a second massive ethnic cleansing capmpaign, just like the 1948 one that created the state of Israel, by evicting the Palestinians of East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank to ensure a doimnant Jewish majority.

“Israel needs to decide what it wants. A country that has no border[s] has no boundaries,” Pardo said.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Voting for Donald Dumb is Choosing Civil War II

Over two-thirds of likely Republican voters continue saying they will vote for Donald Dumb in both the republican primaries and the general 2024 election.

These are the white protestant backwoods deplorables who live in the desolation of the American interior and whose isolation make them fear anyone who is not blond like their orange idol. Ignorance is rampant and self-centerdness is endemic to America which never ceases to pat itself on the back: manifest destiny, greatest country, most powerful, beacon on a hill... every self-serving superlative has been used. 

As a sample of the threats that are being made by the deplorable white racists of middle America, read here what the former Tennessee governor, Mike Huckaby, a typical neanaderthal peasant from Appalachia, had to say if Donald Dumb loses the 29024 election: [ ]

The evening primetime news of the big television networks goes by maginfied titles like "Word News Tonight", in which you may hear one report of international news (only if it bears some relation to America) with the superficial coverage of a Hollywood movie, then a bunch of news on petty crimes, drug busts, hurricane excitement, runaway fugitives, a tear-jerker of course, and weather and sports, all interspersed with long minutes of mind-numbing consumer-driven commercials. And these are the big networks, the "private federal" news if you will, not the even more plebeian local news. There is one poor parent of them all, the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) which is funded with crumbs of federal money, which is why it spends weeks and months every year on annoying fund-raising to survive. But it produces what I consider relatively interesting and in-depth analysis. Otherwise, American news is a commercial enterprise; it has no interest whatsoever in educating its audience. To the contrary, it serves the American public the fast food equivalent of information.

Rarely is news presented about other countries, which is why the average American cannot tell where Canada is located on a map, let alone more distant countries which might one day, American imperialism oblige, be invaded by democracy-exporting and resource-pilfering America. Which is why also, American soldiers are inevitably shocked and feel condescending at the cultural differences between their "great" country and Iraq for instance. Having no idea about, say, the Vietnamese or the Iraqis, their history and their narratives, this cultural shock that US soldiers experience translates into endless nagging about supposed post-traumatic syndromes and depressions upon their return home. In a properly informed, prepared and educated army, soldiers are able to overcome these difficulties. Can you imagine what the Americans would be going through if their country suffers the trauma that Ukraine is going through? Yet you see Ukrainians fighting calmly and confidently, sometimes with a smile, without the hyperbolic bullshit (of either exaggerated heroism or exaggerated victimization) one can imagine in American soldiers.

This is the America that voted for idiots like Reagan, the Bushes, father and son, then climaxed its imbecility by electing Donald Dumb who lost the popular vote by several millions to Hillary Clinton, but won because of the archaic electoral college system that resembles Lebanon's "consensual democracy": It doesn't matter what voters choose; some unelected jackasses are given the power to decide and override the popular vote.

We all have heard the oft-repeated statistic that white Middle Americans will no longer be a majority by 2050, but only the largest minority. The upheavals caused by Donald Dumb all stem from this realization that the cowardly and politically-correct American news networks avoid discussing. Backwoods white America will not accept to be a minority, and is knowingly insisting on backing  a criminal Mafioso like Donald Dumb because he offers them a chance to remain clinging to a nostalgic time when they had exclusivity of power.

What Donald Dumb means by "Make American Great Again" is to somehow buck the demographic trend working against white Middle America. Rather than accept that the world is changing and that America, the immigrant nation - no one is native to it except the indigenous native Amerindians - cannot remain stuck in 1776 or 1865, well-informed wise people accept change, adjust to it, and move forward. Donald Dumb's MAGA crowd is refusing the reality of change and appears to prefer a second civil war whose cost would be horrendous and its outcome uncertain, especially if led by the indicted, and soon convicted, Orange Man.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Bouthaina Shaaban, the Damascus Butcher's Jezebel

In May of 1991, the New York Times published an op-ed celebrating the return of peace to Lebanon [Keep the Peace in Lebanon, May 7, 1991] after the Syrian airforce in collusion with Israel and the United States violently dislodged the last free Lebanese government. Typical of a US press that toes the line of its government on matters of foreign policy, much like happens in totalitarian systems. When George W Bush invaded Iraq by lying to the world and his own people, not one in the maintream press dared oppose the nationalistic fervor of the dumb American public that is always exploited to marshal support for the war.

Recall that the Arab-ass-licking Republican administration of George H W Bush and James Baker the Turd had allied itself with the Damascus butcher Hafez Assad - who topped the US State Department's list of state sponsors of terrorism - and Saudi Arabia against the Christians of Lebanon and proceeded to applaud the Syrian occupation of the country as a "factor of stability", referring to it as a mere "presence", not an occupation. It was only in 2003, after the September 11, 2001 attacks that Colin Powell used the term "occupation" when referring to Syria's brutal destruction of Lebanon and its institutions.

Recall also that this treacherous conduct by the republican administration followed the bombing of the US embassy and the US Marines Headquarters in Beirut in 1983, and the US and western hostage taking during the 1980s, to name only a few of Syria's terrorist-by-proxy exploits. Nowadays, some thirty-plus years later, Lebanon is on its deathbed because of that policy.

A certain Youssef Hitti sent a letter (text in italics below) to the editor of the NY Times in response to the op-ed. Here is its text:


A Syrian Dark Age

To the Editor:

As you point out (Editorial, May 7), the Lebanese have surrendered their weapons and disbanded their militias. But a lasting peace will be achieved only when Lebanese sovereignty is restored. Foreign intervention remains the firmest obstacle . Every time the Lebanese component of the crisis is resolved, Syria's and Israel's intransigence and interventions plunge the country into chaos. The Israelis will not withdraw from the south, arguing that pro-Syrian Palestinian and Shiite guerillas strive to attack northern Israel. The Syrians have broader goals in Lebanon, like Saddam Hussein's ambition over Kuwait, and entrench their hold.

So-called reforms are enacted [under pressure from the Syrian occupier] to re-arabicize Lebanon and force it to re-enter the brotherly world of Arab nationalism. In education, foreign language instruction is increasingly prohibited. History texts are rewritten to reflect the anti-Western ideology of the Syrian Baath Party. From the country with the highest literacy rate in the Arab world, Lebanon is receding into an educational dark age under the guise of "Arabization".

The Syrians occupy 90 percent of Lebanon, control the army and foreign policy, and soon will "appoint" a third of the new Lebanese parliament. What Saddam Hussein failed to achieve in Kuwait, Hafez al-Assad is securing in Lebanon, and the Bush administration continues to pat him on the back.

Youssef S. Hitti

May 14, 1991


On June 18, 1991, a rebuttal to Hitti's letter appeared in the same newspaper signed by a certain Bouthaina Shaaban. Its text is reproduced below. Notice the absolute disconnect between the rebuttal and Hitti's letter, and the lies and fake facts with which the author peppers her own letter. I wonder if Bouthaina Shaaban (today's media adviser to the Junior Butcher of Damascus, Bashar Assad) needs permission from the Israelis to drive around Damascus, let alone go to the occupied-and-annexed Golan Heights, or permission from the Americans to set foot in the northeastern half of Syria, or permission from the Turks to go to northwestern Syria, or permission from ISIS to go to eastern Syria. It seems that her stinking Syria is nowadays limited to Damascus and to the butcher's home district in Lattakiyeh. Israel bombs the fake disintegrated "Arab" country of Syria almost every day; yet there are no Syrians fighting back just as there is no "Hezbollah" resistance against any of the above multiple occupations of the artificial state of  Syria. The only "resistance" that the vulgar regime of Assad and Shaaban seems capable of is to shell and barrel-bomb its own cities over the bodies of millions of its own citizens. What valiant proud Syrian Arabs they are.


Lebanon Returns to Precolonial Heritage

To the Editor:

Youssef S. Hitti expresses concern about Lebanon's sovereignty, fearing that the teaching of Arabic in Lebanese schools and the dismantling of a confessional, colonial heritage will throw Lebanon into a "Syrian Dark Age" (Letter, May 30). As an Arab woman, I am dismayed to find an Arab man so contemptuous of his people's history, language and culture, and so proud of the imprints of a colonial past that almost drove the country to its demise. I fail to see how Mr. Hitti connects Arabization with "an educationa dark age". Does Arabic for him mean "dark" and French "white"?

Lebanon will continue to have the highest literacy rate in the Arab world with an important difference: Lebanese will learn Arabic, as well as French, in the schools. Instruction in foreign languages is not prohibited in Syria, so how could Syria act to prohibit it in Lebanon?

What Mr. Mr. Hitti means is that French will no longer be the only language taught at many schools in Lebanon. Is there anything more natural for an Arab country than to have its own language taught in schools? I fear that for Mr. Hitti one can only be educated if one has graduated from an école Française:

If Mr. Hitti is worried about occupation, he needn't worry about the Syrians. The real occupation is in southern Lebanon  where Mr. Hitti cannot go without special permission from the Israeli authorities. I can only feel relieved that not many Lebanese share his lack of pride in his history and culture. As an Arab woman I am delighted that Lebanon is back where it belongs: the heart of Arab writings, publication and culture.

Bouthaina Shaaban, Associate Professor, Department of Asian and African Languages and Literature, Duke University, Durham, N.C., June 2, 1991.


My comments:


Before a recent trip to China where the Chinese dictator laid out the red carpet for the Syrian butcher Bashar Assad, the "advisor" of the latter, the Baathist Bouthaina Shaaban, said the following in an interview with the Chinese state-run CGTN network:

"China wants to end poverty in its rural areas, and to help other countries reach economic growth. It wants to strike partnerships with other countries. The essential difference between China and the West is that the mentality of the Chinese leadership is a mentality of collaboration, a humane mentality, which sees all of humanity as brothers.

Conversely, the mentality of the West is one-sided and racist against all our nations. They do not see us as people who are their equal. Whenever they went to other countries, they did so in order to impose their hegemony and their model. Unfortunately, all the countries they entered ended up in ruin. They had been much better off before [the West] came."

Why, I ask, did Ms. Shaaban choose to work at a Western university, namely Duke University in the racist south (North Carolina) of the United States, rather than at a humane Chinese university?

She could have done her "research" for example in the Xinjiang autonomous region where her fellow Chinese colleagues would have instructed her about the humane treatment they reserve to the Muslim Uyghurs. Since she is Muslim, she would have been eligible to be interned in one of the hundreds of concentration camps and be indoctrinated into the greatness of the Chinese system. She would have been spared having to work with her racist colleagues at Duke University.  


Syria is an artificial country cobbled together by the French mandate from disparate desert cities that have nothing in common: Turks, Assyrians, Kurds and Armenians in the north, Sunni nomadic Arabs in the east, hybridized Christian-Alawites in the west, some scattered Christians in the southwest, and Druze in the south. Yet, the nearly defunct Fascist Baath Party claims to have united, admittedly coercively, all these communities under the banner of Arab nationalism.

It appears that Bouthaina Shaaban's reply is an exercise of her imagination fertilized by decades of Baathist indoctrination and vitriolic ultra-nationalist anti-Western ideology. Her ignorance of the "Arabization" question in Lebanese education is evident in her literal interpretation of the term, in which she implies that Arabic is never taught in Lebanese schools. Let me educate her and dismantle for a change some of the miswirings of her desolate brain, she who seems to have learned nothing from her stay at Duke University in the very America she hates. "Arabization" is a slogan of Pan-Arab nationalists whose ultimate wish is to obliterate diversity in the Arab world, consistent with the Baath Party's Fascist coercive promotion of a single and monolithic Arab identity, just like Nazi Germany coercively promoted a German identity across Europe. Baathists like Shabaan persist in denying a distinct Lebanese identity based on the country's religious, ethnic and linguistic components. Baathists then contradict themselves by arguing for a Palestinian Arab identity separate and different enough from the Jordanian identity to warrant an independent Palestine. Their mindests, fossilized in the colonial victim syndrome, continue to blame the West for the ailments of their societies torn apart by the opposing tensions between their archaic structures and the modern world. Arabization is analogous to the Germanification of Europe or the Russification of the soviet republics.

Note that Shaaban is admitting that the Syrian occupation was actively involved in the "dismantling of a confessional, colonial heritage" which Arab Fascists attribute to Lebanon. Yet, as the maid of a 53-year-long inbred genetically-transferred dictatorship, Shaaban does not mind that Bashar Assad and his regime is the monopoly of the Alawite sect, one of these Arab tribal herds with their own special brand of religion. The Alawites used to be Byzantine Empire Christians who were forced to convert to Shiite Islam, resulting in an amorphous hybrid Christian-Muslim set of beliefs. That sect represents 10% of Syria's total population, yet by terror and repression it dominates the rest of the population, the vast majority of which is Sunni Muslim. Now that Assad has ethnically cleansed his own country by chasing the Sunnis into refugee camps in Turkiye, Lebanon, Jordan and all over Europe, his Alawite sect now has a far greater relative demographic advantage. So this idiot charlatan Sunni Muslim bitch Shaaban, who claims to want to dismantle the confessional system in Lebanon, should first stop serving as the official whore of the Alawite dictator of Syria and try to dismantle her own sectarian and vulgar system. 

When the Baath-doped Shaaban speaks of Lebanon's "colonial" past, she means the puny 20 years between the two world wars when France was the mandatory power (i.e. it was granted a mandate by the League of Nations, the forerunner of the UN. Lebanon and Syria were never French colonies as West and North Africa were) over both Lebanon and Syria. Those two decades between 1921 and 1943 pale in comparison with the 400 years of the backward and brutal Muslim Turkish Ottoman occupation that preceded it. Yet not one of the Arab nationalists like Shaaban ever complains about it because, despite being Turkish and not Arab and spoke Turkish not Arabic, it was Muslim. Muslims and Jews are alike in that religion overrides national identity. France on the other hand gave Lebanon and Syria institutions and constitutions which Lebanon has, despite constant Syrian obstruction and meddling, adhered to, while Syria embarked on annual coup d'etats between 1946 and 1970 when the butcher dictator Hafez Assad seized power, kept it until his death in 2000, and tribally handed it over to his imbecile son Bashar who remains the junior dictator butcher to this day. So much for the heralded secularism of Baathist Pan-Arab nationalists. 

Shaaban also sweeps under the rug the foundational Canaanite-Phoenician identity of Lebanon that lasted from way back in antiquity through 400 AD when the Phoenicians turned Christian Lebanese. The Phoenician homeland, with all its contributions to western civilization, was successively occupied by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantine Christians, Arab Muslims, Frankish Crusader Christians, Seljoukids Muslims of Turkestan, Egyptian Mameluk Muslims, Ottoman Turkish Muslims, French Christians, East European/American Jewish colonists (a.k.a. Israelis), and the last ones to be kicked out of Lebanon by a population hurling slingshots of pure Lebanese excrement at them, the Syrian Arab barbarians of Dr. Bouthaina. As one can see from Lebanon's long history, the "Arab" occupation interlude is only a speck in the geological time scale of the country's history. The Arabic language is the only criterion that might suggest an Arab identity to Lebanon, but are the Irish, Australians, Canadians, Americans, Jamaicans, all "Englishmen" and part of an "English World" under an "English" ethnic identity because they share common history, religion and language? Or would Austrians, Swiss, German, Dutch and others all be called Germans because they are all protestant Christians and speak a form of German? According to the Baathist ideology, and to a vast spectrum of incompetent western academics and politicians who are incapable of comprehending the complexities of the Near East, the "Arab World" is a simplifying construct in which a multitude of diverse linguistic, ethnic and religious groups are all lumped together as "Arabs" because their people were forced to speak some form of Arabic as a result of the Arab Muslim colonialist conquest and occupation beginning in the 7th century AD.

While Lebanese law protects the freedom of schools to teach in any language, schools must comply with official secondary school requirements (Baccalauréat) and teach Arabic as a language and use it as  a language of instruction. Hence, all schools - public and private - adopt a bilingual approach in which a multitude of subjects are taught in parallel in two languages, one of which is always Arabic: Arabic -French, Arabic-English, Arabic-Italian, Arabic-Armenian, etc. In general, math, science and foreign history, literature and social studies are taught in the foreign language, while the same subjects, except science, are taught in Arabic. So it is disingenious of the Sunni Muslim Baathist prostitute of Baby Butcher Bashar to lie by saying that Mr. Hitti wants Lebanese education to be solely in French, when he was arguing that the Syrian barbarian occupiers of his country wanted to impose Arabic as the sole language of instruction, as it is in backward Syria. I've met so many Syrian fugitives from the Assad regime who complained that Syria never taught them any foreign language sufficiently enough to allow them to integrate the workforce in their countries of exile. Instead, Syrian students are brainwashed by daily classes on National Socialism à la Baath flavor and the long vanished Arab glory of 900 AD, with copious injections of hatred toward every other culture and country.

It is worth reminding Jezebel Bouthaina Shaaban that if the Arabic language, which had languished in slumber for 600 years under Muslim Seljuks, Mameluks and Turks, came back to life, it is on account of those Christian Lebanese whose openness to the world made them vanguards and pioneers in the re-awakening and modernization of the Arabic language in the late 19th century: It was Khalil Gebran, Mikhail Naimeh, and Amin Rihani, the so-called Prophets of New York, who inaugurated the Nahda (renaissance) of the Arabic language; it was also Philip Hitti who introduced Arabic and Islam to the anglo-saxon world through his founding of the very first department of Near Eastern and Semitic Languages in American academia at Princeton University, of which Duke University where harlot Bouthaina deployed her veiled Baathist charms is a Johnny-come-late poor imitation. These are only a few of those Lebanese Christians who resurrected Arabic after it had died under Muslim rule. Indeed, it was Lebanese monks in their monasteries in Mount Lebanon who in the 17th century printed the first Bible and the first Quran in the entire Arab Muslim world. It is primarily on account of their exposure to both east and west that the Lebanese, to this day, continue to be at the forefront of change in the Arab world. Unfortunately, primitive Syria and its appendages like the Iranian terror organization of Hezbollah, that have dominated Lebanon for the past 3 decades, have taken Lebanon down a path of islamization and arabization that led to it becoming a cesspool of corruption, poverty, wars and mismanagement. 

Finally, unlike the monolith of backward education that Bashar Assad's maid Bouthaina Shaaban wants to impose on Arab youths under the pretext of Arab nationalism, Lebanon's young people have a choice between either a French-instruction or an English-instruction public or private school in their pre-university education, then shift to the other language for their university education, which allows them to work and easily assimilate in academia and professional environments in the West and in the Gulf region. If, in the obtuse regressive mind of Bouthaina Shaaban, such Lebanon-based foreign academic institutions like American University of Beirut (US Protestant), Saint Joseph's University (French Catholic), Arab University (Egyptian Sunni Muslim Arab), Lebanese-German University (German non-governmental), and many others are shameful relics of a colonial past rather than open cross-cultural bridges, wasn't it demeaning of this Baathist slut to have earned a living in American academia, perhaps because in her native Syrian Arab country she may not be allowed to speak, drive, or practice her profession, except of course that of a whore to the Damascus butcher Bashar Assad.