Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Zionist and Islamist Theocracies: No to "Holy Book" Burning

Having sowed murder, hatred, and mayhem for millennia, the religious dinosaurs now in power in many theocracies - Islamist in Iran, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere; Jewish in the British-American colony of Israel; Christian in Russia and some western countries; Hindu in India; etc. - finally agree on one thing, namely to circle the wagons and come together in defense of their archaic beliefs that have plagued and continue to plague humanity. In Lebanon, Muslim and Christian religious neanderthals slaughter one another every other generation, but rally together against proposals for civil laws of the personal status (marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc.), to preserve their abusive control and financial gains.

I have been wondering, after the Koran burning in Stockholm by a Christian Iraqi, whether someone will deploy equal opportunity "Holy Book" burning to other religions rooted in the ignorance and abject primitivity of humanity's Bronze Age. Now someone seems to have seized the idea, and the Stockholm police has taken the decision to allow the burning of the Judeo-Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah in front of the Israeli Embassy.  

Just as the religious dinosaur dictators of the Islamic world protested, it is now the turn of the Zionists to protest the decision, likely to be followed by the Church's leading homo imbecilis. When the Koran was burned, the Zionist colonizers of Palestine marveled at the event since they love to amalgamate Palestinian national liberation movements with Islamist ideologies as a way to discredit the legitimate aspirations of the native indigenous Palestinian people. Thanks to Zionist and Jewish propaganda, all Palestinians are portrayed as Muslim terrorists regardless of whether they are Islamists or secular freedom fighters.

Now that his trashy ficitional Torah is on the line, and hounded by his radical ultra-religious terrorist right-wing ministers, Benyamin Netanyahu came out yesterday speaking like an ecumenical prophet. "The sacred books of all religions must be respected," he said, adding, "I strongly condemn the decision of the authorities in Sweden to allow the burning of a Bible book in front of the Israeli embassy," he said in a tweet. "The State of Israel takes very seriously this shameful decision that damages the Holy of Holies of the Jewish people."

Israeli President Isaac Herzog doubled down on the only thing that unifies these religious cro-magnons: Protect their barbaric heritages of Bronze Age vintage. They have spent much of the past few thousand years hating one another, claiming that theirs is the real word of God, while others were blasphemous heretics, waging pogroms, wars and massacres.... "As the President of the State of Israel," Herzog said, "I condemned the burning of the Quran, sacred to the Muslim world over, and I am now heartbroken that the same fate awaits a Jewish Bible, the eternal book of the Jewish people." Too bad, Isaac. Does your bigotery extends to your "people" who murder Muslims every day in the Palestine you stole from them? The world has evolved, religious texts are not what they used to be and should no longer be taken literally or seriously. They are mere relics of our barbaric past. Grow up and come down from the trees.

"Permitting the defacement of sacred texts is not an exercise in freedom of expression; it is blatant incitement and an act of pure hate," Herzog added. "The whole world must join together in clearly condemning this repulsive act." I'm sorry, Isaac, but your own "holy men" spew venom and hatred against other religions every day, yet you protect them because of "freedom of expression".

Apparently, burning one pound of paper containing fictional garbage verbiage written by ignorant people in the Arabian desert thousands of years ago, is much more revolting than invading someone else's country, massacring its indigenous people and driving them into refugee camps, then demolishing the homes of those who protest and defend themselves against Zionist racism and barbarity. 

All three monotheistic cults claim to have the "true" word of God. 

The Jewish claim is that God made a mercantile deal with the Jewish people: I chose you as my favorite pet people in a grandiose racist act of discrimination against all other people, including my own other son Ismail's lineage, as long as you worship me rather than a golden statue of a calf. I promise you an unflagging libido with which to populate the earth. What an impressive deal by which said God split oceans, rained frogs, and ordered the Jews to massacre the Canaanite Palestinians - men, women and children - and take their land. It's all written in the fucking Torah that Herzog and Netanyahu are defending. How ethical of the Jewish God! 

The Christian claim is that God, now bored with his pet people incessantly unhappy and nagging at the Wall, came up with a fantastic Hollywoodian plot: Having failed at getting Abraham to kill his own son Isaac, God decided to take matters in his own hands. He subliminally impregnated a Jewish virgin woman who gave birth to God's own son Jesus - Got that? God's son had to be a Jew; how else could it be? God would not come down from his arrogant almightiness to choose an Arab or a Chinese or a Hindu or a Roman for a son! In fact, God's leading prophet Abraham shagged his Arab maid who gave him Ismail, but in his racist Jewish view, he chased the illegitimate bastard into the desert pending his belated impregnation of 99-years old Sarah who then gave him Isaac. Now the Jewish virgin impregnated by God magically remained a virgin after both impregnation and delivery. Then God, as if impervious to basic morality, had his Jewish son Jesus tortured and killed to redeem the sins of his favorite pet people, a guilt-inflicting burden later extended by the Romans to all of humanity. The imagination of early church "fathers" (whom I suspect bequeathed fornication with children to all the priestly generations ever since) was so fertilized by the wild stories and mythology of the Greek-Roman pantheon, that they added miracles, angels, resurrection from death, and vacuous promises of eternal life after death, all thanks to a few drops of water on one's head and drinking wine miraculously camouflaging blood. A great blood-curdling plot for a scary movie for Mel Gibson and Martin Scorcese to take up.

Finally, the third monotheistic Semitic club, Islam, claims that the Koran is the final prophecy. Mohammad saw the long list of prophets and messiahs and all the potential for this bloody Jewish saga to go on endlessly, so he decided that he himself is the "seal" (last) of the Jewish prophets, and that Islam would be the last of the monotheistic hallucinations of a few Jewish tribes of the Arabian desert. Now to make sure this masquerade ends, he ordered that anyone who did not subscribe to this most recent of desert hallucinations be put to death. He thus created another exclusive Semitic club of the divine message. According to Muslim theology, Islam is "the only true path", while its predecessor Christians were fooled into believing in resurrection, virgin birth, and the other Roman-pagan beliefs, and Jews have gone astray and God's wrath is in on them.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the British-American colony of Israel, Eli Cohen, a radical Jewish terrorist, also joined the chorus of religious barbarians: "Burning a Torah scroll is a crime of hate, provocation, and serious harm to the Jewish people and tradition," he said in a statement Friday. "I call on the authorities in Sweden to prevent this despicable event and not to allow the burning of a Torah scroll." He forgot to stick the generic barcode label of "anti-semitic" onto the presumptive author of the Torah burning. Opportunity lost for now, but there are so many opportunities to stick that run-of-the-mill label around. Even Zionists have been accused of antisemitism. What gives?

If humanity made any progress over these millennia, it is precisely that the intrinsic value of a human being and any life for that matter is much higher on the scale of morality than the fairy tales, violence and igorance spewed by God and his prophets in these "holy" texts. If these texts have any value, it is that they serve as a repository of our stupidity and ignorance when we, humans, imagined zombies and ghosts in the sky choosing us as their favorites over other people, watching us, judging us, and deciding our fate. We knew very little back then about the reality of matter and existence and our place in the universe. Now that we know a bit more, we should have the courage to accept that these religious texts are, one, nothing more than a miserable and lame attempt at understanding the world, and two, that they are intended to create exclusive clubs whose "holy texts" are better than those of other clubs, and as such have served as pretexts to wage wars and genocides. Of course, each of the religious clubs claim that they have God on their side. Their prophets, rabbis, imams, messiahs, popes... claim to know what's on God's mind, which is usually to comfort them into their own self-proclaimed superiority over the other club's "holy text". The abomination of these postures is that they relegate the value of a human being to that of a disposable item (sacrifice, martyrdom, etc.)

For now, we wait for the burning of the Torah and Bible in Stockholm. We also await the burning of the Vedas, Upanisads, and Puranas of the Hindu religion, which would be a very festive and colorful event. If the Torah burning does take place, the terrorist Jewish squatters who occupy Palestine might go on a rampage against a few Palestinian villages blinded by the belief they share with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, namely that Sweden is full of Palestinian terrorists. In that hateful religious dementia, the Jewish foreign terrorists are like their brethren, the radical terrorist Muslim hotheads and the dumb American evangelicals of the Southern United States.


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