Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Jewish Hypocrisy in Occupied Palestine

In the morning, Benjamin Netanyahu warns his Jewish terrorists in the West Bank not to “grab land illegally” in the occupied West Bank, then in the afternoon his terror-laden government endorses the construction of illegal settlements. Only credulous simpletons will accept this blatant hypocrisy.

“Calls to grab land illegally and actions of grabbing land illegally, are unacceptable to me. They undermine law and order in Judea and Samaria [the Bronze Age archaic names the white supremacist racist Jewish colonists give to Palestine west of the Jordan river] and must stop immediately,” he said at a cabinet meeting on Sunday. "I say this as someone who doubled settlement in the West Bank despite unprecedented international pressure to carry out withdrawals that I have not carried out and will not carry out.”

The surge in Jewish terrorist violence peaked last week when Jewish terrorists attacked the Palestinian village of Turmusayya in occupied Palestine. These attacks followed repeated Jewish military  operations in the Jenin refugee camp (itself inhabited by Palestinian refugees forced out from their villages by a long history of barbaric Jewish terrorism and anti-Palestinian pogroms), which left seven Palestinians dead and 91 injured. Jewish colonial forces have recently ramped up armed hostilities against indigenous Palestinian freedom fighters, amid Netanyahu’s campaign to expand illegal Jewish terrorist outposts to implant fanatic foreign Jewish squatters from New York and Florida.

Senior Jewish colonial officials said in a statement that they themselves condemn the “nationalist terrorism” of the American Jewish terrorist squatters against innocent Palestinians. These "moderate" officials double down on the hypocrisy since they themselves send their Jewish colonial forces into illegally-occupied Palestinian land to commit atrocities and kill Palestinians under the pretext of combatting terrorism. Imagine that in Jewish-occupied Palestine, a brown-skinned, dark-haired indigenous native Palestinian who fights the foreign occupier is a "terrorist", whereas the white-skinned, blond-haired foreign (American or European) Jewish invading religious fanatic is simply a "citizen".

Separately, the Jewish Colonial Army said on Saturday that rocks had been thrown in the Palestinian village of Umm Safr while Jewish terrorists reportedly set fire to Palestinian property. Ghassan Douglas, a Palestinian official who monitors Jewish squatter violence, said that 10 houses in Umm Safr were set on fire Saturday and seven vehicles destroyed. He accused the Jewish colonist squatters of firing live rounds at the village and two bullets had hit the camera of a Palestine TV crew. The cameraman, Mohammad Radee, said that he and a reporter had tried to hide behind a house in the village, and were surprised that a handful of Jewish terrorists managed to track them and started firing directly at them from a distance of 20 meters. A family of eight was rescued from one burning house, according to Palestinian civil defense teams.

The Palestinian authorities said on Sunday that the Jewish colonial authorities had been forced to recognize the existence of their own Jewish terrorism committed by thousands of armed squatters who benefit from the protection of the Jewish occupation army and political cover from ministers in the ultra-religious Jewish Netanyahu government.


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