Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Prelude to Lebanon War II: Watch the Protagonists

To all the blind lovers, especially those from western countries, of Islamic fundamentalism; to all those inflicted with the guilt of colonialism, imperialism, Islamophobia, and all the condescending racist postures; to all those who feel they have to defend the illegal Syrians on Lebanese territory (40% of Lebanon's population is made up of undocumented Syrian smugglers, Islamist terrorists, pro-Assad infiltrators, and then yes, some refugees), regardless of the devastation they are causing to the country:

Be cognizant of the facts as they stand NOW, before the outbreak of war, so that your judgment is sound on where responsibility lies for bringing devastation to the country and the region. 

Lebanon's Christians have for decades been fighting the Sunni Muslim Palestinian terrorists, the Muslim Syrian army occupation of Lebanon, the Sunni Daesh terrorists, and the Shiite Hezbollah terrorists of Iran. For decades, the fight of the Christians aimed at restoring a functioning state with a modicum of rule of law in the otherwise barbaric system of sectarian governance we have here. 

The resort to violence by the Christians (1975-1990) was always in a defensive posture against the Muslims who benefited from the collusion of the Arab states like Syria, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Libya and others which funded and armed the Palestinian uprising against the Lebanese state. Once the Christians were defeated (1990) and the country lain in ruin, the Sunnis suddenly became Lebanese after preferring to be Arabs instead. They started loving the country after stripping the Lebanese president (a Christian by custom) of his powers to the benefit of the Sunni Prime Minister. That is how Muslims see non-Muslims: well-behaved Dhimmis - unfree, hemmed-in minority whose job is to attract tourists and investments, make money and shut up - who are displayed to the world as a storefront of Muslim tolerance. The result was 30 years of corrupt Sunni Muslim governments that encouraged both Sunni (Daesh) and Shiite (Iran's Hezbollah) terrorism to keep the Christians tamer and quieter, and that led to the collapse of the state and its institutions.

As anticipated, Sunni Muslim rule was acceptable for the Shiites as long as the Sunnis turned a blind eye on Iran's nefarious activities through its Hezbollah terrorist organization. But when they realized they could not resurrect the glorious age of a once Christian-dominated Lebanon because of the Shiites' intransigeant illusion of liberating Palestine, in addition to the dispute between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran, the Sunnis turned to the West who betrayed them, just as it betrayed the Christians before them. The Shiites then undertook a series of assassinations of both Christian and Sunni leaders, journalists, MPs, etc. and everyone went silent for a while. The Sunni leadership walked away from participation in public life, leaving the Christians alone to face the Shiites.

With the collapse of Lebanon as a functioning state as a result of Muslim governance that is rife with corruption and incompetence, the Christians now face another existential threat from the Shiite organizations beholden to Syria (Amal movement, led by none else than the Speaker of Parliament) and to Iran (Hezbollah). Together, this Shiite "duo" has ruined the country economically, dragged Lebanon into war a number of times under the pretext of liberating Palestine, was directly responsible for the Beirut Harbor explosion nearly 3 years ago, refuses to subject those responsible for corruption and terror to the judiciary, and is currently undermining every sector of life in Lebanon and every state instituion... I repeat: every institution and sector you can think of... in what appears to be a systematic dismantling of the Lebanese institutions and their replacement with either a Shiite dictatorship over the entire country, or a partitioned Lebanon into Christian and Muslim entities.

In fact, the Shiite duo has already created its own autonomous canton within the Lebanese state. It has its own army (Hezbollah), its own banking system (Al-Hassan Loan, "Al-Qard Al-Hassan"), its own pharmaceutical sector (Al-Murtada) that smuggles and sells unregulated Syrian and Iranian phramaceutical drugs, and its own "sovereign" territories where the State and national army are denied access ... all funded by Iran and by illicit drug smuggling operations from Syria, among other unlawful sources. Indeed, it is acting as if there is a de facto partition of Lebanon between a Muslim entity and a Christian entity, which therefore raises two possibilities:

1- If the Shiite duo manages to defeat the Christians in an instance of war, as all indicators suggest that the country is plunging headfirst into civil unrest and civil war, the Shiite terrorist militias may well invade the Christian parts of the country and likely subject the Christian population to atrocities.

2- If the Christians manage to survive but the country is divided, then the Shiites would have secured themselves a dominant position over the Sunnis in a future Muslim canton or province.

To date, the Christians have not resorted to violence. They keep beseeching the Muslims to return to the rule of law, to restoring faith in the system (judiciary, among others), to abide by the democratic process in place .... all peaceful calls without violence. They are asking the Speaker of Parliament - the dinosaur Shiite Mafia boss Berri - to call for an electoral assembly in Parliament as mandated by the constituion in order to vote and elect a president, but Berri refuses: either everyone agrees to vote for his candidate, the Syrian-Iranian puppet Sleiman Frangiyeh, or he will not call Parliament to a voting session. The senile Berri, Speaker for more than 30 years, gets his insipration of course from his beloved Syrian and Iranian totalitarian regimes.

The perfidious West (which is chasing its own migrants by atrocious methods like herding them and shipping them to Rwanda, or turning their boats back in the Mediterranean, or keeping them stranded in inhumane conditions) keeps calling the Lebanese "racist" simply because they are asking UN agencies and western NGOs to distinguish between legal Syrian refugees on one hand and all the illegals who cross the border daily to smuggle food, medicine, weapons and mercenaries on the other hand. The Lebanese government has asked the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to hand over its list of registered Syrian refugees, so that the government can distinguish between legal and illegal refugees, but UNHCR refuses, in a gross violation of Lebanese sovereignty. The Christians are asking the UN and the West to provide assistance to the Syrian refugees INSIDE Syria's borders, a few miles from their encampments inside Lebanon, to encourage them to return home. By assisting them with hundreds of dollars per individual (more than the income of the average Lebanese) inside Lebanon, UNHCR is encouraging them to stay in Lebanon and parasitize and scavenge off the Lebanese economy. Syrian refugees today have a higher standard of living than the Lebanese themselves. Syria has now reintegrated the Arab League, is less and less under sanctions, and has large swaths of its territory that are stable and peaceful. By sending the genuine refugees back to Syria, the West would be contributing to the long process of rebuilding Syria, and the Lebanese government can begin enforcing the law against the illegal Syrians who are contributing to the collapse of the institutions and the health of the country.

At this point, and before the impending war, the facts are:

The Christians have no militias. They keep demanding that a functioning state be able to enforce its sovereignty within the limits of the law using its own lawful armed forces. The Muslims have thriving militias that are funded by the Iranian theocracy and by numerous smuggling and illicit activities (drug manufacturing and smuggling, diamond and gold trade in Africa, etc.).

The Christians are not calling for violence, or war, or foreign intervention. The Muslims - Hezbollah and Amal - want war with Israel, which would have disastrous and fatal consequences on the country.

The Christians persist in calling on everyone to abide by the rule of law and the constitution, to implement the reforms required by the international community, to protect the judiciary so it can prosecute the corrupt officials behind the economic collapse and the Beirut Harbor explosion, and thus begin the long process of rehabilitation and reconstruction. The Muslims continue to break the law and violate the constitution, they have been blocking the election of a president and slowly dismantling every single institution of the state.

BUT, the West doesn't listen. It doesn't want to listen. Just like in 1975, the West is waiting for a small faux-pas, a puny fault by the Christians to pounce on them and label them "right-wing, extremist, isolationist" Christians who hate Muslims, Syrian, Palestinians etc. That was how the West portrayed the Christians in the 1975-1990 war. It couldn't accept that a minority in a sea of Muslims should defend itself; the West preferred to see the Christians as a quiet, submissive Dhimmi community; it didn't help them, it in fact pressured them to lose and that is how the infamous Taef Agreement was shoved down the throat of the Christians. As the inpetude, incompetence, treason and corruption that are embedded in Muslim rule has by now amply shown, after 30 plus years of Taef, the Christians have had it with Syrian and Iranian interference, with their armed proxies that have killed more westerners than Bin-Laden, with their rule of terror and vulgar violence. 

What will the West do this time around? Will it again succumb to Muslim Arab blackmail and stab the Christians in the back? Or will it live up to its stated principles and be a defender of laws and values? Will it continue to pressure Lebanon to implant the Syrian and Palestinian refugees permanently, which would lead to the death of Lebanon as we know it? Will the West continue to ass-kiss the wealthy oil-stenched Arabs and the perfidious Israelis? Or has it finally understood the connection between justice and peace and stability? Even the smallest [country] can change the course of history, to paraphrase Tolkien.

The West must understand that the Christians will NOT stand by forever and watch the country go down or live through one of those episodes of history when they were forced to leave or be massacred and ruled under tyrannical Islam. There is a limit to calling for law and order, a limit to calling for the judiciary to be free and independent, a limit to begging for an end to the repression of a free press and opinion, a limit to the harassment, the assassinations, the threats and the abuse, a limit to the fact that only the Christians pay their bills and taxes to the government, while the Muslim Shiites do not. The government these days enforces the law only on the Christians and some Sunnis, but the Shiites are exempted because of the deadly weapons with which they threaten everyone else. Lebanese security forces, police and army are forbidden from entering Hezbollah-held territories. Many Hezbollah criminals, wanted by Western courts (from the 2005 Hariri assassination to the December 2022 killing of Irish soldier Sean Rooney of the UN force in south Lebanon), are hiding under the protection of Hezbollah.

At some point, the Christians will have to start thinking about defending themselves. Hezbollah held a demonstration last week of its fighting power: tanks, missiles, drones, units of all kinds specializing in all sorts of armed conflict, including invading, occupying, intelligence gathering, etc. It may well be that the Lebanese army is no match to Hezbollah, should things come down to a battle betwen the legal armed forces and the unlawful terrorist Hezbollah. Now the US and its European poodles keep claiming that they are arming and securing the Lebanese army, but they do so just barely enough to push for a confrontation and run the country down a new civil war, but not enough for the Lebanese Armed Forces to win. We've heard that litany in the past: they send the army second-hand decrepit equipment that is no match to Hezbollah's fighting power, as if the West deliberately wants Lebanon to go to war AND be defeated and dismantled. Very convenient if the West prefers to settle the Palestinian and Syrian refugees permanently in Lebanon so that they do not end up somewhere on the treacherous routes of migration to Europe.

Think of it: The West has clearly stated, through the UN, European and American officials and non-governmental organizations, that the 2.5 million Sunni Muslim Syrian illegals and refugees should be permanently settled in Lebanon and integrated into Lebanese society. It would be like settling 25 million Pakistanis all of a sudden in Great Britain, or 25 million north-Africans overnight in France, or 140 million Mexicans and south Americans in the US in one shot, just like that .... In other words, convert Lebanon from a Christian-Muslim country into a purely Sunni Muslim country, which the Saudi, Kuwaiti and Emirati Sunni allies of the west would not mind. Such a Sunni Muslim country is more likely to make peace with Israel, just as all the Gulf Arab states have done. The West tried that strategy back in the 1970s when the war criminal Henry Kissinger made a deal with the Syrian Assad regime to dominate Lebanon and implant the Palestinian refugees permanently, with the objective of relieving Israel of the Palestinian refugee claim to the Right of Return. That objective failed because the Christians fought back, despite the constant berating and betraying by the US and Europe.

With Israel poised to ethnically cleanse what is left of Palestine by annexing the West Bank, more Palestinian refugees will be displaced, and just as in the 1960s and 1970s, they will likely head - again - to Lebanon where a Sunni Muslim majority will certainly welcome them. The Palestinian problem will thus be resolved, and an ethnically pure white supremacist Jewish Israel will be happy: It will demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, and rebuild the fucking Bronze Age temple a third time in fulfillment of biblical fictional garbage that only barbarians believe to be true ... with all the diastrous consequences that such an act will entail.

The West therefore is trying again to satisfy Israel's expansionist supremacist ideology, but this time with even more overwhelming numbers. The Palestinian refugees were in the few hundreds of thousands in the Lebanon of the early 1970s when Kissinger prodded a Western-Gulf Arab-Palestinian alliance to topple the Lebanese government and replace Lebanon with a Palestine-in-exile. They failed. This time around, they are trying with Lebanon's Shiites (est. 1 million) and the Syrian refugees and illegals (est. 2.5 million) who together constitute an overwhelming demographic advantage. Should a war break out, the Christians are unlikely to be able to confront such odds. They lost in 1990, and they might lose again this time around. But that doesn't mean that they will not fight back and drag the region into another catastrophe, and send many more millions of migrants en route to Europe. All of this for the sweet eyes of the Apartheid state of Israel. Obviously the westerners, heirs to the Nazi Germans, do not want their Jews to return to Europe. They'd rather keep them as settlers in the American Jewish colony they call Israel, but this requires destroying other countries in the region to make place for all the Palestinians refugees that will be leaving "Judea" and "Samaria" when the ultimate ethnic cleansing of Palestine takes place.

With its anti-Christian policies since the mid-1960s, the West is shooting itself in the foot. There is a straight line between running away like cowards in the face of Hezbollah's truck-bombing of 243 US Servicemen and Marines and 58 French paratroopers in Beirut in 1983, and the September 2001 attacks on US soil. Stop fearing and groveling at the feet of the Gulf Arabs and their oil power. Stop your hypocritical cavorting to Jewish extermist supremacists. Act on principle. There will never be peace without justice.

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