The already totalitarian American society - make children sing the national anthem and say the pledge of allegiance every friggin' morning in school - is nothing short of totalitarian for a country that claims Liberty as its foundation. But Donald Jong-Trump, the new Dear Leader and Big Brother of the Greatest Nation in the Universe to have ever existed in history is taking it a notch up.
According to our beloved Big Brother, the key mission of schools, is to INDOCRINATE the children into hating all other countries and nations because by doing so we reactively aggrandize our own United Scams of America. He has really no idea how to positively improve America so he bashes others to make America seem better by default. The poor imbecile. That is exactly how he believes he can make America great again: By beating up, harassing, threatening and otherwise abusing other countries, he thinks America will "appear" great by default. As soon as he usurped power, all the promises he made to fix the economy and reduce inflation and make life easier for the corporate-scammed Americans went through the window.
Everything this deeply racist but stupid idiot has so far done is demean and humiliate foreign migrants, minorities and women, brown and black people, immigrants, and other countries and nations. Only yesterday he blamed women hired under the "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" (DEI) standard for the collision between an army helicopter and a passenger jet over DC.
His so-called "negotiating tactic" to force others to make concessions under the threat of violence is sooo stupid. It may work in his idiotic real estate scamming; it does not work in politics and in foreign relations. He may be able to bully smaller countries like the regular criminal jackass bully in the courtyard, but bullies are usually simpleton idiots with a knife. They carry knives and dispense violence because they are not smart enough to convince others. They never succeed because their physical strength is fortunately diluted by their stupidity. Trump's America is exactly that: The International Simpleton Bully.
Dear Leader and Big Brother Don Jong-Trump this week issued an order barring federal funding of “the indoctrination of children", yet in the same order he declared that schools should indoctrinate the children by "instilling" in their minds “a patriotic admiration for our incredible nation." I thought I was reading a declaration from the North Korean mongrel or some other backward despot. But that is where Don Jong-Trump is taking America: to become an American Gulag in which anyone who is not a white anglo-saxon protestant of European colonial settler extraction is to be pushed aside. The lofty goals of the KKK and white Christian supremacists.
Now, mind you! The dumb jackass in the White House wants to eliminate the federal Department of Education because he doesn't believe that the federal government should be telling Americans how to teach their children. Yet he - the federal president - is dictating what schools should be doing. No comprendo.
Goodbye to the Beacon on a Hill, the bullshit pronouncements of white American racists to be "leading" the world to lofty ideals of democracy and freedom. Why? Because all this bullshit was predicated on it applying only to white anglo-saxon protestants. Like the Zionists want Israel to be a "democracy only for Jews", America wants itself to be a "democracy only for white protestants". And that explains the collusion between the Trumpian racist criminals and the Evangelical Church which, for the past several decades, has been establishing missionary outposts in every country around the world for the specific objective of converting everyone to Prostestantism which makes them more submissive and compliant with American white Christian cultural imperialism. Entire countries have seeen their Catholic majorities turn into minorities. That is what colonial empires like France and England used to do in the 18th and 19th centuries. But America is always culturally behind; it still rather awkwardly behaves today like a 19th century empire.
Don Jong-Trump accuses schools of teaching “radical, anti-American ideologies that make white children feel ashamed of themselves". The poor imbecile: His own conduct is what is making all American children ashamed of themselves and fearful of traveling abroad. His white christian followers built this country on the labor of African slaves, Chinese laborers, Irish Catholics, and every other hard working immigrant from all over the world. Without these "lesser" immigrants, there would be no Silicon Valley. And now that they see more darker complexioned immigrants around them, the inbred white trash moonshining drunkard Appalachians are reacting. And the cretin Don Jong-Trump is the best they could come up with to try and change the inexorable course of evolution in a country built by immigrants.
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