Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Trump Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Allow Musk to Become President

Given that the actual Acting President of the United States is Elon Musk and his Vice-President behind him is a cretin by the name of Donald Trump, it is worth recalling that Musk is a non-US-born naturalized citizen. Which means that Musk cannot legally become an actual president. In order for US citizens not born in the US to become president, a constitutional amendment is required.

Just as the Musk-Trump con men want to abolish the constitutional guarantee provided by the 14th amendment, namely that anyone who pops out of his/her mother's womb while she stands on American soil - like on an American Airlines flight or an American cruise ship anywhere on the planet - is automatically a US citizen, there are rumors that Trump is so enamored with Musk's wanton adolescent recklessness that he wants to bestow the presidency on him after an unconstitutional third term, and maybe a fourth term, and, what the heck, copy-paste Vladimir Putin and Xi JinPing's amendments to their so-called constitutions allowing them to stay in power as long as they live.

Such an amendment would allow "special" individuals, with lots of money for example, to be exempted from the "natural-born citizen" clause of the constitution which states that people who pop up out of their mother's womb while she stands of foreign soil are eligible to run for the presidency if the mother or the father are US citizens. Let's say your father is a US citizen and your mother is a Coast-Rican prostitute. They are not married and your father cheated on his wife while on a sex tour of Costa-Rica, and luckily for you your mother became pregnant: You are automatically considered a natural-born US citizen even if you are born in a Costa-Rican brothel. You were an American sperm that fertilized a foreign ovum on foreign soil. You get US citizenship and can run for president. So all the bastard children of US soldiers who fornicated with Vietnamese women during the Vietnam war are entitled not only to the US citizenship, but can also run for president.

Ted Cruz, the imbecile retarded senator from the backward state of Texas is such a "natural-born" citizen. He was born in Canada to a Cuban father and a US citizen mother. Most Americans have stories like this. Those who are born to a blue-eyed blond mother and a blue-eyed blond father on American soil, i.e. "real" Aryan Americans, are few in relative terms.

But Elon Musk is no natural-born citizen. Neither of his parents is a US citizen, and he was born in apartheid South Africa. He became a US citizen by cheating on his student status and obtaining an H-1B visa. Instead of persecuting him and stripping him of his ill-gotten US citizenship, he is being rewarded with the role of Acting President of the United States. Why? Because he has money, and money is the pillar of the American ethos. What did you think is the American Dream all about?

Therefore, it is rumored that Trump is considering an amendment to the constitution to allow for the "special" individual Elon Musk to become president. It seems that Trump knows that his own children (Don Jr., Eric, etc.) are idiots like him, and as the supreme monarch of a dictator-run United States, he would like Musk to inherit his post after a third or possibly a fourth term as a senile diapered old geezer who has wrecked the world and caused untold suffering.

I really believe that four years of Trump are such a long time that the illiterate, ignorant, convicted felon, and seditious traitor man-child can do a lot of harm before he is either weakened by the legislative elections of the Fall of 2006 or driven out after this second term, if ever.

Do the Lebanese, the Christians in Particular, have a Unique Identity?

Muslims have a lessened sense of national patriotism, regardless of the country they may live in. Just like Jews. The religious identity of these two “peoples” – the Muslim people and the Jewish people - is at least as strong, if not stronger than their national identities.

This explains the absurdity of the creation of a special - and ultra-violent - state for Jews, namely Israel. This also explains why millions of Muslims in Pakistan descend into mayhem and plunder if a Swedish Muslim burns the Koran.

Christians are by and large just a tad better. Many still harbor entrenched ideological convictions about their religion that border on the cruel, intolerant, and violent. You have the Evangelical biblical literalists who believe every garbage myth and made-up stories in the bible. You have the institution of the Church itself that decided in its early centuries to select 4 gospels out at least 20 existing ones (see and arbitrarily declare them the sacred “word of God”. For example, Mary Magdalene’s gospel was ignored because, among other things, it said that Jesus had brothers and sisters, and that he married the prostitute Mary Magdalene and had children with her. So much so that when Martin Scorsese made his “Last Temptation of Christ” movie in which he imagines a different version of the Church-marketed life of Jesus, based on these non-canonical gospels, throngs of Christians – Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox – demonstrated in the streets calling to ban the movie and thus proved their intolerance. They did not smash windows and burn cars, but the fact that they couldn’t countenance a dissident opinion, based on facts, to the man-made Christian mythology is ample proof of their narrow-mindedness.

For Lebanon’s Muslims, their Muslim identity by far trumps their national identity which they cloak themselves with for convenience and not out of conviction or genuine patriotism. How did the Muslims become Lebanese citizens was an act of greedy stupidity on the part of the Lebanese Church, the Maronite Church to be precise. For several centuries, Lebanon – or Mount Lebanon as it was known – was overwhelmingly Christian with a minority of Druze. In the 1860s, the Lebanese rebelled against the Turkish Ottoman (Muslim) occupier, kicked the Turkish army out and secured an autonomous semi-independence. This lasted until 1914 when, under the clouds of WWI, the Turkish army re-invaded and exacted revenge against the Lebanese with public hangings, confiscation of food and animals, and a massive starvation of the population (similar to what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians today).

With the end of WWI and the defeat of Turkey, the Maronite Church got greedy and decided to expand the borders of Mount Lebanon to areas that had heretofore been considered Syrian and Muslim majority. Against advice from the French mandatory power, the Church gained the expansion of the autonomous Governorate of Mount Lebanon to an independent Greater Lebanon that persists to date. From an 80% majority, the Lebanese Christians suddenly became a barely majoritarian 50%. From the slogan of a “homeland for the Christians of the Near East” (copied in 1897 by the Zionists and their “homeland for the Jews” in Palestine idea) that was the initial impetus for an independent Mount Lebanon, the Christians had to change their tune to accommodate the Muslims: No longer a “homeland for the Christians”, Lebanon became the country of “tolerance and coexistence” between Christians and Muslims. With the Christians of Lebanon on their last leg, having committed suicide with their own stupidity and barbarity and having been betrayed by a vaguely Christian West, Lebanon would soon become a Muslim country with a Christian zoo that Muslim tourists would visit to watch the Christians "perform" for them, just like the Louisiana Cajuns whose "frenchiness" has become a mere curiosity and a tourist attraction for Anglo Americans.

Problem is that the Muslims were essentially coerced to join Greater Lebanon, which they did reluctantly and never really liked the idea of sharing power with the Christians, for the reasons stated in the introduction above. It is anathema for a Muslim to be ruled by a non-Muslim. Throughout the 20th century, the Christians kept making concessions to the Muslims to keep them leashed onto the idea of Lebanon. They gave them the premiership of the cabinet and the speakership of parliament. Every time some Arab or Muslim nationalist emerged in the region, the Lebanese Muslims prioritized him and his cause over Lebanon and caused a crisis or civil war in the country: Abdel-Nasser of Egypt (1958 crisis); The Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party of Syria (1961 coup d’etat); The Palestinian Revolution of Yasser Arafat (1965’s founding of the PLO and the coerced cession of South Lebanon to Arafat’s hordes); the Baathist Assad regime in Syria and its invasion (which led to the 1975-1982 war in which the Lebanese Muslims allied themselves with the Syrians and the Palestinians against their fellow Lebanese Christians); and the last nail in the coffin of the Greater Lebanon Dr. Moreau monster was the founding in 1982 of Hezbollah and the ensuing Iranian-Syrian occupation of the country which, to this day, continues to dig deeper the grave of the country.

For the Christians of Lebanon, history did not begin in 622 AD when Islam was born. The Christians see themselves as the living Phoenicians of antiquity. They do have a problem, however, with connecting their Christian identity with their Phoenician one: The early Church was a brutal criminal regime. After being persecuted by the Romans, the ascendant Christians now in power (after Christianity was declared the Romand Empire's official religion) began persecuting those who refused to convert. And in many ways, that early Christian Church was a clone of today’s Afghani Taliban or the Iranian Ayatollahs: Intolerant, cruel, savage, barbaric… forced conversions, destruction of Phoenician temples, banning of the worship of Phoenician gods, and the trashing of Phoenician traditions and rituals, etc.

The Lebanese Phoenicians had survived more than a millennium of invasions by the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Hebrews, the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans. But once pagan Rome became Christian, there was no place for ethnic or national identities: Everyone had to become a Christian, the only identity tolerated by the new emperors of Rome, the Pope and his court.

Some Phoenicians fled the Lebanese coast to preserve their identity and hid in the mountainous hinterland. Those who stayed along the coast were forced to convert to the Orthodox version of the religion with its capital in Byzantine Constantinople (today’s Istanbul). In the highlands, the Phoenicians managed to hang on to their traditions and language for another two centuries, but eventually converted to Maronistism, a Christian sect founded by a Syrian monk by the name of Maroun. Unsurprisingly, and in defiance of the Eastern Roman Emperor in Constantinople, the Phoenicians who became Maronites decided to affiliate themselves with Western Rome, i.e. the Catholic Church to spite the Byzantines. They preferred the Italian Romans to the Greek Orthodox out of spite.

Western historians - hellenocentric barbarians - don't like the idea that European culture has roots in places like Lebanon, Palestine and Egypt (the Semitic crucible). They regularly claim that European culture sprung up de novo - by spontaneous generation - in Greek islands along the coast of the eastern Mediterranean, even though Europe was the name of a Phoenician princess from the city of Tyre who sailed there and gave her name to the continent. Thus, in their pathetic efforts to deny any contribution by Lebanon to western civilization, those historians claim that the Phoenicians, whose civilization had mostly peacefully conquered the entire Mediterranean Basin where they founded cities and other civilizations, suddenly vanished from existence without leaving a trace. Archeological evidence of the Phoenician presence in every European country on the Mediterranean is referred to as an "orientalizing" phenomenon, i.e. to be discarded into trashbin of the vast and vague Orient just to avoid saying Phoenician or Lebanese. To admit that European culture might have had its roots in an "oriental" geography like the Levant would be demeaning for racist white Europeans.  The Phoenicians perhaps disappeared in name, because they became the Christians of Lebanon, and the Phoenician label became a dirty word. But the legacy of the Phoenicians remains extant to this date in the genetics, the linguistics and the traditions of the Lebanese people, be they Orthodox, Catholics, or Muslims. Those Phoenicians who were forcibly converted to Orthodox Christianity by the Byzantines and stayed on the coast, were again forcibly converted to Islam when the Arabs arrived on the Lebanese coast in 638 AD.

Because of pressure by both the Christian Roman Empire and the Muslim Arab Empire, the Lebanese people were forced to hide their genuine identity as Phoenicians. Monotheistic religions are fundamentally Fascist and barbaric and demand the absolute relinquishment of people’s national or ethnic identity in favor of their Christian, Muslim and Jewish religious identities. That has been the hallmark of the missionary activities of all these religions: recruit new members by forced conversions, colonialism, and eradication of indigenous cultures and religions.

One of the victims of religious colonialism is language. Because religions often demand the exclusive use of their own languages (e.g. Latin for the dinosaur Catholic Church, Greek for the neanderthal Orthodox Church, or Arabic for the radical Muslim religion), the native indigenous languages of the invaded and occupied populations are usually banned or ostracized.

Lately, the Minister of Culture in the abject Lebanese government of Hezbollah, a suave sleazebucket Hezbollah lover by the name of Mohammad Murtada, issued a decision in which he established the so-called “Arabic Language Academy in Lebanon”. The mission of this august institution is to Arabize modern terms and concepts that emerge from the advances in the West in such fields as technology, science and the arts. This newly coined terminology will be used to replace western words that have infiltrated Arabic in toto, and hence in Murtada's opinion, tarnished the sacred Arabic language. A simple example is to replace the word “computer” currently borrowed as is -كمبيوتر – with a word drawn from the roots of the Arabic language, in this case “hasoob” حاسوب.

Such efforts reflect stupidity and ignorance, because throughout the history of human civilizations, peoples and cultures have exchanged linguistic elements (words, phrases etc.), usually but not always from the dominant occupier to the dominated occupied culture. Only the barbarian Turkish invaders who occupied much of the Arab world took more from the Arabs than they gave. For instance, both the French and English languages have exchanged enormous amounts of material between one another, depending on when either one was dominanting the other. When France and Rome were dominant, the English language absorbed French and Latin elements. Now that the Anglo-Saxon world is the dominant, the French language absorbs on average 100 English terms per month, according to the French Académie Française, the custodian of the French language.

But Arab and Muslim rulers don’t get it. They feel insulted because their pride rests in their testicles not their brains. Whereas their own peoples are more concerned with daily survival and keep borrowing terms from foreign languages, the rulers are so full of themselves that they do not accept any cross-cultural intercourse with other cultures.

In Lebanon, because of the history described above, the Lebanese Christians laugh at such vain efforts. For one, they feel they are Canaanite Phoenicians and Arabic is still the foreign and imposed language of the invading occupier. The Lebanese language which they speak on a daily basis is a hybrid of Arabic, Aramaic, Turkish, Italian, Greek, Persian, French and increasingly English. Very few Lebanese can utter complete sentences in just the Lebanese language: They mix and match distorted Arabic words with French and English terms, which suggests that the Lebanese culture is a superficial hybrid of other people’s cultures. But that is not true. The Lebanese have a unique culture and a unique language, but they are so obsessed with money and have a disturbing inferiority complex vis-a-vis the West that they would give up anything of value, including their own culture, to make money and appear "modern".

The latest form of the ancestral Phoenician-Aramaic language is used in church rituals and its is called Syriac. But unlike the Irish who kept their Celtic Language and traditions alive despite being occupied and oppressed by the English crooks for hundreds of years, the Lebanese have abandoned their language and traditions in order to better integrate countries where they can make money, namely the Arabian Gulf and Europe/West. The Lebanese have become the masters of cultural copy-paste. They “look” western in their clothing and habits and they “sound” western in their hybridized bastard language. The quintessential outward expressions of one’s culture no longer exist in Lebanon, having been sequestered to occasional and superficial entertainment venues. It is very rare to see a Lebanese villager dressed in his or her traditional costume. For an objective and unbiased eye, the "look" of a Lebanese is a watered-down western monkey-me-too look.

But as soon as a Lebanese Muslim makes a claim to Arab culture, the Christians either join the effort in a kiss-ass move promising financial rewards, or they vehemently oppose it but without offering a compelling alternative cultural referent other than the western monkey-me-too culture. Despite having always been at the vanguard of Arabic language and literature (the first printed Arab text in the 1600s, the Arabic Language Renaissance – An-Nahda – of the 19th century etc.), Lebanon’s Christians rightfully reject an absolutist Arab identity but fail to put forward their own authentic culture at the forefront. By presenting themselves as fake westerners, they alienate the Arabs and are the object of scorn by Westerners.

Lebanon’s Christians should emulate the Irish. They should first stop calling themselves “Christian” as an identity qualifier. Use Maronite instead; it’s less “religious” and more ethno-national. Start teaching Aramaic in their schools and eventually use it alongside Arabic, like the Irish have done with the Celtic language which they prioritize over English in which they nevertheless excel. Or like the Israelis who resurrected the dead Hebrew language from the dusty synagogues to make it their national language. The Lebanese Maronites do have a specific identity with deep historical roots but they are either ashamed of it (because they do everything they can to hide it) or they shove it aside to the benefit of other cultures where they make money. Perhaps they feel that by imitating the West they endear themselves to it. But the largely secularized liberal West has no interest in a conservative religious tribe that doesn't know its own identity.

Bottom line:  You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t brag about being a Phoenician when you don’t do anything to look like one or sound like one. Put your Phoenician identity to the fore, wear it, celebrate it, hold festivals about it, sing it, re-enact it, speak it…. As long as you are sedated with your Christian faux-western identity, which is harming you with the largely secular west with whom you claim affiliation, you will remain an Arab, and a sad one to boot.

Aoun-Salam Have Lost Credibility; They are Now the Establishment-Manzoumé

After pumping up the Lebanese people's hopes of a better tomorrow with an inaugural speech rich in reformist ideas, President Joseph Aoun is turning out to be just another establishment shill who seems to have achieved his ultimate objective: to sit in the presidential chair with a blissful smile and dispense wise advice to anyone visiting him. He lectures his visitors on proper governance - like yesterday when he was encouraging a delegation of judges to be independent and fair.

But he himself has not yet done anything to show the Lebanese people that he has what it takes to impose his stated objectives and will and begin steering the country away from the ills of the past 50 years. 

He and his appointed prime minister Nawwaf Salam continue to haggle with the criminal losers of Hezbollah and Amal (the two shiite parties that have cause the ruin of the country with corruption, lawlessness and useless wars that they always lose). The Shiite duo wants to retain control of the Finance Ministry, which they've monopolized throughtout the Syrian occupation and to our present time. During that time, they siphoned funds provided by international donors to fill their own pockets, pay their criminal terrorists, embezzle and launder, and manufacture weapons, dig their "resistance" tunnels, assassinate people (journalists, politicians and other whistleblowers), manufacture Captagon for resale for profit across the region and the world, and carry out huge smuggling operations across the lawless Lebanese Syrian border. 

Because the Lebanese are obssessed with money, the Finance Minister in any government must sign and approve any decision by the government. For instance, if the government decides to appoint judges to vacant positions on the Supreme Court, and the latter cannot adjudicate any issue before it unless it is complete, the Shiite Finance Minister refuses to sign and the government's decision is not implemented. In the case of the Beirut Harbior explosion, for example, the Shiite Hezbollah Finance Minister has refused to approve such a decision that would allow the Supreme Court to facilitate the Independent Investigator's job of pursuing the mostly Shiite officials responsible for the explosion.

This is only one example of how the Finance Minister can derail an entire administration by blocking any decision.

And that is why the Shiite parties - that have now been decimated during their last war with Israel -  continue to hang on to the Finance Ministry because it is their last opportunity to remain relevant. 

But Aoun and Salam continue to cajole the Shiite duo with endless negotiations. On one hand, Aoun and Salam know that keeping Finance in the hands of the Shiite renegades would essentially kill the new administration's chances at succeeding in their stated reformist objectives. On the other hand, Aoun and Salam fear the "strife" that may ensue from a despondent Shiite duo without the Finance portfolio. "Strife" is code word for Hezbollah to take the streets like it did in May 2008, restart its assassinations and car-bombings campaign, or even trigger a war between Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army.

With the criminal Zionists refusing to withdraw from the south as all resolutions ad agreements require it to do, it seems that Israel wants to give Hezbollah all the pretexts it needs to continue its "resistance", which in turn give Israel its own pretexts to "fight terrorism" by stealing land, destroying all life in the south with the ultimate objective of annexing the Lebanese south and colonizing it like it doing in Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan.

Aoun and Salam have only one option to salvage whatever remains of this lemon republic called Lebanon: Assemble a government with politically unaffiliated ministers they choose regardless of whether the establishment parties like it or not. Let the parliament (now controlled by criminals, warlords and other establishment parties) retaliate by giving the new government a no-confidence vote, and let the chips fall where they may. 

Aoun and Salam must break the deadlock - now several decades old - that the warlords and traditional parties continue to cause. The country hasn't evolved one bit since the late 1960s. To the contrary, it has receded back into an ungovernable mess, a cesspool of untold corruption. In the late 1960s, people had running water, 24-hour electricity, and functioning telephone networks. Now 60 years later, the country does not provide 24-hour electricity, there is no running water, and the communications world has fundamentally changed though it remains the monopoly of the politicians in power.

Can you ask the same establishment of warlords, feudal lords and religious neanderthals, that has brought the country to its knees to stop enriching itself, to implement reforms and fight its own corruption? The answer is a srceaming no. So how should Aoun and Salam break through the wall of filth? They should put up a fight, one whose outcome would be decisive, even at the cost of a civil war. The time has come to end the charade by any means available.

If they put up a fight, even if bloody, the outcome could be one of two things:

- Either they keep the country together and succeed in propelling it into a better future,

- Or we all would come to terms with the fact that Lebanon is not a country, it is a dysfunctional horde of religious tribes that should be dismantled into at least two large independent entities - one Christian and one Muslim - each free to run its affairs the way it wishes.

The 100+ years-long experiment of tolerance and coexistence, that of the monstrosity of Greater Lebanon, has utterly failed. If Aoun and Salam are unable to rescue this decaying corpse, then let it rot and decompose. 

If Aoun and Salam want the first option, they must bang of the table and impose their government.

Musk is Targeting African American Employees of US Federal Agencies

Now that he has accessed the confidential information of millions of Americans, Elon Musk is beginning to hunt those he doesn't like: African American employees of federal agencies and administrations whom he qualifies as "DEI" (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in derogatory terms.

The white trash racist Americans like Musk and Trump say that DEI is a federal program that hires incompetent or unqualified people simply because they are not white males, i.e. black Africans, women and other minorities. Musk and Trump cover their intention to push minorities (anyone who is not white anglos-saxon protestant) out to the fringes of society under the pretext of wanting to save money and reduce the deficit. But how can you be reducing the deficit when you give huge tax breaks for billionaires, including Musk and Trump themselves?

For Musk, this is what you do when you're racist white South-African with nostalgia for apartheid who fled post-apartheid South Africa and is now implementing racist policies right here in the US.

Federal health workers terrified after ‘DEI’ website publishes list of ‘targets’
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.
Wed, February 5, 2025

The Department of Health and Human Services building, in Washington, DC., on April 5, 2009. (Alex Brandon)

Federal health workers are expressing fear and alarm after a website called “DEI Watch List” published the photos, names and public information of a number of workers across health agencies, describing them as “targets.”

It’s unclear when the website, which lists mostly Black employees who work in agencies primarily within the Department of Health and Human Services, first appeared.

“Offenses” for the workers listed on the website include working on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, donating to Democrats and using pronouns in their bios.

The website, a government worker said, is being circulated among multiple private group chats of federal health workers across agencies, as well as through social media links.

The site also reached Dr. Georges Benjamin, the executive director of the American Public Health Association, who learned about it Tuesday evening when a federal health worker sent it to him.

“This is a scare tactic to try to intimidate people who are trying to do their work and do it admirably,” Benjamin said. “It’s clear racism.”

A government worker said they found out theirs was among the names on the website Tuesday afternoon after a former co-worker sent them the link on social media.

“It’s unnerving,” said the person, who requested anonymity because of safety concerns. “My name and my picture is there, and in 2025, it’s very simple to Google and look up someone’s home address and all kinds of things that potentially put me at risk.”

“I don’t know what the intention of the list is for,” the person said. “It’s just kind of a scary place to be.”

The site lists workers’ salaries along with what it describes as “DEI offenses,” including political donations, screenshots of social media posts, snippets from websites describing their work, or being a part of a DEI initiative that has been scrubbed from a federal website.

Benjamin suggested the acts of online harassment are criminal. “Law enforcement should look into them.”

A person who isn’t on the list but works at a federal health agency called the website “psychological warfare.” The link, this person said, is being circulated in their private group chat of federal health workers, causing some to “freak out.”

It’s hard to gauge, the worker said, whether it’s a legitimate threat. “I don’t know anything about the organization doing this or their parent association. People are just paranoid right now.”

A note at the bottom of the website says, “A project of the American Accountability Foundation.” That group is a conservative watchdog group.

It’s not the first time the group has created a list of “DEI targets.” In December, it sent Pete Hegseth, then the nominee for defense secretary, a list of names of people in the military whom it deemed too focused on diversity, equity and inclusion, the New York Post reported at the time.

Neither the American Accountability Foundation nor HHS immediately responded to requests for comment.

The website comes after a bruising two weeks for public health workers. Employees at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say they have received “threatening” memos from the Department of Health and Human Services directing them to terminate any activities, jobs and research with any connection to diversity, equity and inclusion — and turn in co-workers who don’t adhere to the orders. HHS oversees federal health agencies, including the CDC and the National Institutes of Health.

“The tone is aggressive. It’s threatening consequences if we are not obedient. It’s asking us to report co-workers who aren’t complying,” said a CDC physician who wasn’t authorized to speak to reporters. “There’s a lot of fear and panic.”

NBC News reviewed one of the memos, which directed employees to “review all agency position descriptions and send a notification to all employees whose position description involves inculcating or promoting gender ideology that they are being placed on paid administrative leave effective immediately.”

The result, staffers said, is paranoia.

“I know of people who have been put on administrative leave for perceived infractions related to these ambiguous memos. People are thinking if I put one foot wrong, I’m just going to be fired,” another CDC physician said.

In one case, a potluck luncheon among co-workers was hastily canceled for fear it would be seen as a way to promote cultural diversity.

Despite the harassment, public health employees said they remain committed to their work.

“If I leave, who’s going to replace me?” a CDC physician said. “If nobody replaces me and enough of us leave, then who’s going to be doing the public health work?"


Monday, February 3, 2025

The Nazi Musk Now Has All Your Private Financial Information

The unelected Nazi Unterführer of DOGE - one Elon Musk - barged his way yesterday into federal buildings and administrations, forcing his way on Treasury, IRS, Social Security and other managers to give him access to the files of millions of Americans.

This owner of a social medium platform - X - who already steals your personal information through your stupid X account, now has all your private and personal information that he lacks. Zuckerberg of Meta must be fuming in jealousy.

Know who Musk is. It seems that soon after apartheid South Africa crumbled and the Black African majority took power, Musk fled his country of birth for Canada, his mother's birthplace. He did not seem to like Canada very much (perhaps too civilized for him), he quickly moved to the US where he eventually cheated on his student visa to obtain an H-1B visa, obtain residency, then citizenship. He now seems to have found his comfort zone among the worst of American communities: American Christian KKK nationalists with Nazi flavors.

On one occasion in 2023 he endorsed an anti-Semitic post on X which read, “Jewish communties have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.” To which Musk replied, “You have said the actual truth.”

Whether for deep concealed ideological reasons or for the sake of his business ventures, he is using Trump's license to wreck democracy and encourage Nazism in the US and Europe. He routinely appears in meetings of the far right Nazi party of Germany known as the Afd (alterntiv fur Deutschland). And recently, at Trump's inauguration, he flashed a clear Nazi salute that people and organizations could not initially believe as genuine, but he soon backed it up with comments about how Germany should forget its Nazi past and get beyond the guilt, or making jokes with word play using Nazi themes (Goebbels for gobble, etc.). 

The New York Times reports that Musk and his aides now have access to the Treasury Department’s payment system. Which means he has access to your every detail (bank account, social security number, tax records, etc.). Can you imagine what the owner of  X can do with this information using artificial intelligence? Something like China's Communist Party controlling its people's individual lives, as a recent documentary witnessed: the wife of a peaceful Chinese dissident, whose apartment is literally besieged day and night by government agents who told her one day that they know the dates of her menstrual periods.

With Trump and Musk, this is the America we have going forward. Four years is a long time, during which terrifying things could happen. The 1,500 criminals who attacked the seat of their own government to undo the election results of 2020 are now free to rejoin their white supremacist militias, with the added endorsement of the Trump Administration. Brace yourselves (for the scams coming your way due to your information falling into the hands of MAGA criminals).


Per NBC:

Less than two weeks into Trump's return, it's clear that Elon Musk has had an outsized and unusual role: helping Trump wage a war on his own federal government. Musk is not a federal employee and has no clearances, yet has already gained access to highly sensitive information at the Treasury and USAID. And those who have tried to stand in his way have either been put on leave or forced to resign.  


Per The New Republic:

Elon Musk has taken control of government employees’ private data by having his cronies illegally install a commercial server at the Office of Personnel Management.

Musk and his handpicked associates at the fake “Department of Government Efficiency” are using their ill-gotten access to control federal databases containing Social Security numbers, home addresses, medical histories, and other sensitive personal information, according to journalists Caleb Ecarma and Judd Legum at Musk Watch.

Many of these Musk staffers are young people between 19 and 24, such as software engineer Akash Bobba, an undergraduate student at University of California, Berkeley, and 2022 high school graduate Edward Coristine. At Musk’s direction, these inexperienced underlings now have access to the private information of every federal employee, and even people who have merely applied to federal jobs.

Musk’s people were given access to the federal government’s official hiring site USAJOBS, where people hoping to secure a federal job often enter their personal information including Social Security numbers, home addresses, and employment records, in their applications. They also gained access to the Enterprise Human Resources Integration, or EHRI, system, which contains Social Security numbers, dates of birth, salaries, home addresses, job descriptions, and disciplinary records of every single federal employee.

“They’re looking through all the position descriptions … to remove folks,” said one OPM employee about Musk’s team. “This is how they found all these DEI offices and had them removed—[by] reviewing position description level data.”

In addition, the DOGE staffers also have access to systems relating to onboarding, job performance reviews, and even the system the government uses to manage employee health care, which could violate laws on protected health information, such as HIPAA.

“What [Musk is] doing will put so many government employees at risk. It’s not at all what the office is intended for,” a former OPM director told Musk Watch. “I just can’t believe what I’m seeing.”

The unprecedented access also leaves federal employee data unsecured and vulnerable to hackers, said one OPM employee. One of the new email lists created by Musk’s people was already hit by a flood of spam emails last week.

“China and Russia are literally trying to hack us every day, and we just gave all this data over to somebody that’s not been properly vetted,” one of the OPM staffers said. “It’s not just Amanda Scales, it’s all the [political appointees] in that office right now. So it’s multiple vulnerability points.”

Many senior government officials have been locked out of EHRI and OPM, and thus can’t track what changes have been made by DOGE cronies. They could be doing irreparable damage to the federal civil service in their attempts to thin it out, with few, if any, ways of finding out what they’re doing. It kind of makes Hillary Clinton’s storing of government data on a private email server look rather quaint, doesn’t it?

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sign of the Times: Both Turkiye and US Regress Back into Religious Intolerance

Just as Turkiye is regressing back from a tolerant open secular society into an Islamist backwater country thanks to Erdogan (the 2nd story below tells how a secular oath costs military graduates their jobs), Donald Dumb is trying to do the same in the US where secularism and separation of church from state have become "woke" concepts, and the vast majority of the MAGA imbeciles that voted for Trump are basicsally "Christian Taliban nationalists".

These are the times we live in. Similar to the 1920s and 1930s when Fascism and ultra-religious nationalisms led to the atrocities of World War II. Our world is going, again, through one of those moments in its history when religious barbarians, who fear the loss of their power over the herds of their ignorant faithful, fear change, fear the future, fear progress..., regress back into the comfort of their traditionalist conservative cocoon, and wax nostlagic of a time that no longer exists and that can never exist again. Islamic fundamentalists are all about "Salafism" (an Arabic word that stems from As-Salaf - the ancestor, the predecessor, etc.) in reference to the desire of these barbarians to live exactly as the prophet Muhammad lived some 1300 years ago. That is also what American literalist readers of the US Constitution think modern America should be: Fixed, frozen in the mindset of 1776 America, if not in the Bronze Age Middle East when the garbage of the so-called Scriptures were written by stinking hallucinating self-glorifying desert nomads.

This first story below is about the connection between Donald Dumb and Christian Nationalism which aims to establish the Christian equivalent of the Taliban in America. Excerpts are from []

Story 1 - The Rise of the Christian Taliban in America
Phoebe Petrovic, Wisconsin Watch

I spent the first six months of 2024 investigating Matthew Trewhella, a militant pastor known in the 1990s for his antiabortion activism.

Trewhella had a reputation for public stunts that raised eyebrows and generated letters to the editor. He had urged an audience to buy their children rifles for Christmas. He even defended the murder of abortion providers. Surely, someone with that record would be a political pariah today, right? But the investigation found that Trewhella’s manifesto of open defiance has influenced Republicans across the country, at all levels of government.

Like others on the Christian right, Trewhella has called for defying the separation between church and state, arguing that officials must answer to God’s law first and the Constitution second. School board members, county officials, state legislators, congresspeople, even former members of Trump’s Cabinet, we found, had praised “the doctrine of the lesser magistrates,” which Trewhella claimed gave them biblical permission to disobey or defy any law, policy or court opinion. For his part, Trewhella dismissed the extremism label, telling me only those with “mundane, self-absorbed lives” would consider someone like him an extremist.

... I reported on a conservative activist who had used the doctrine as the basis of a nationwide tour, in which he said elections officials should refuse to certify equipment and results on the basis of debunked conspiracy theories. I recounted how a state senator marshaled the doctrine when urging electors to refuse certification. And I discussed the idea’s embrace by some members of the constitutional sheriffs movement, who were also stating their intent to investigate elections.

...It revealed the larger theme that would become the subject of the series: the Christian right’s influence on elections. It was a defining feature of the 2024 presidential election, one Trump acknowledged during his inaugural address when he claimed: “I was saved by God to make America great again.”

The stories reported for Faith in Power, for the most part, took one small aspect of it at a time. We looked for gaps in the national conversation and dug into what we found, building on previous work as we went along. I had read dozens of stories about the potential intervention of poll watchers, for example, but few on poll workers. Yet soon after discovering one self-described Christian nationalist recruiting poll workers, I noticed more, and further reporting revealed a pattern.

What made this worth an investigation was not their Christianity, as one critic claimed, but rather their regurgitation of election conspiracies, disdain for the separation of church and state, and stated goal of helping Trump win office. It was the combination of prophecy and proclamations — that Trump had a divine mandate to become president — and the way they used that to enlist support from hundreds or thousands of people on the ground.

To report these stories, to get the theology and context right, required extensive reading. We decided, in the end, to try to help memorialize what we learned and transform it into a more permanent resource for readers in a “guide” to Christian nationalism. It’s not a traditional investigative piece, but rather a meta-report that helps orient the public, helping to explain how we got to the point where the investigations we broke about poll workers or sheriffs claiming a divine right to disobey the government was even possible.

As the new administration takes office, I’m reflecting on the political trends of the last decade. First, media rushed to cover the “alt-right.” Then, the coverage seemed to subside. But the movement didn’t disappear — its ideas just became integrated into the larger political right. Same, too, with conspiracy theories about elections being rigged. Once Trump won, the skepticism about elections seemed to vanish overnight. A focus on “extremism” may go the same way.

As those who attempted a violent insurrection get pardoned and walk free, extremism has moved from the margins to the mainstream and taken power. It’s up to journalists to draw the public’s attention to what they do with that power.

Story 2 - Turkiye's Erdogan is destroying the foundational secularism of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Turkey dismisses 5 military academy graduates for taking discontinued secular oath
Associated Press
Fri, January 31, 2025

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Five military academy graduates and three of their immediate superiors were dismissed from the Turkish Armed Forces for taking a pro-secular oath during their graduation ceremony, the defense ministry announced on Friday

The Ministry of National Defense launched a disciplinary inquiry into the graduation ceremony after a video emerged showing about 400 graduates raising their swords and chanting “We are the soldiers of Mustafa Kemal” — a reference to the secular founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk — after the formal ceremony had ended.

The graduates also took the Officer’s Oath about defending a secular and democratic Turkey, which was discontinued in 2022.

The Ministry’s High Disciplinary Board ruled in favor of the dismissals, stating that no actions contrary to discipline would be tolerated, the ministry announced. It didn't name those who were dismissed.

The investigation into the Aug. 30 ceremony was initiated after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who attended the event, vowed to purge those responsible for the oath.

Turkey has become more overtly religious under Erdogan, shedding some of the secularist traditions introduced by Ataturk.

Turkey’s military has traditionally viewed itself as the guarantor of secularism, which has resulted in a series of coups. It led three takeovers between 1960 and 1980 and toppled a conservative government in 1997.

In 2016, an attempt to overthrow Erdogan and his religious-conservative administration was foiled, and thousands of people were purged from the armed forces, the judiciary and other public institutions. Erdogan's government blamed the coup on the followers of U.S.-based Muslim cleric, Fethullah Gulen, who died last year.

In addition to the oath controversy, this year’s graduation stood out for being the first time in Turkey’s history that women graduated at the top of their respective classes in all three branches of the military — the army, the navy and the air force.


WSJ: Donald Dumb's Tariffs are - Evidently - Dumbest Trade War in History

For a country that wants to project its power across the globe, it better keep some friends around, especially among its nearest neighbors. But when the American people elect an idiot to be their president, they're in for a rough awakening.

His most stupid MAGA followers will say, "He's keeping his campaign promises". Granted, but have his imbecile MAGA fans thougt about WHAT he was promising? If they had, they would have realized that a promise of a bad thing, if kept, will have bad consequences. Trump is supposedly surrounded by reasonable, educated people who probably told the bum that triggering tariff wars with Canada and Mexico will have devastating consquences on the US economy. So it is less about keeping a promise than judging if what is promised is a good thing to begin with.

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed enumerating all the bad consequences of the  Jackass-in-Chief's tariff plan, including a declining economy, increased inflation, higher prices on consumer goods, and a significant hit to the United States' manufacturing capability.

The Jackass-in-Chief says the tariffs are intended to punish those countries for not stopping the flow of dangerous drugs like fentanyl. But he does not hold the Americans who use those drugs accountable for feeding the drug trade with a high demand. According to the most fundamental principle of capitalist economies is supply and demand. If the American public wasn't a permanent drug addict and demanded the drugs, there would be no drugs flowing into the country. Why doesn't Trump's US not fight drug addiction in its own streets? Drug use is rampant across American society. Not a day goes by without a number of both White and Black Americans is caught using or dealing drugs, from the lowliest neighborhood and slum all the way up to the the white collar world of Hollywood, Wall Street and Washington DC.

Indeed, the Wall Street Journal admonished the White House press secretary - another idiot bimbo that Trump loves to surround himself with - Karoline Leavitt for blaming Canada and Mexico for enabling "illegal drugs to pour into America", because "drugs have flowed into the U.S. for decades, and will continue to do so as long as Americans keep using them."

Only the average American can stop the flow of drugs by refraining from using drugs. And how does a government make its people stop using drugs? With REGULATIONS in the legal, criminal, social, penal, pedagogical  and law enfocement areas. But GOP and MAGA idiots don't want regulations. They prefer an unbridled cruel capitalism in which America returns to the lawlessness of the 19th century's Far West.

The WSJ said, “Mr. Trump sometimes sounds as if the U.S. shouldn’t import anything at all, that America can be a perfectly closed economy making everything at home. This is called autarky, and it isn’t the world we live in, or one that we should want to live in, as Mr. Trump may soon find out."

“Take the U.S. auto industry, which is really a North American industry because supply chains in the three countries are highly integrated. In 2024 Canada supplied almost 13% of U.S. imports of auto parts and Mexico nearly 42%. Industry experts say a vehicle made on the continent goes back and forth across borders a half dozen times or more, as companies source components and add value in the most cost-effective ways ... and everyone benefits.”

“None of this is supposed to happen under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement that Mr. Trump negotiated and signed in his first term. The U.S. willingness to ignore its treaty obligations, even with friends, won’t make other countries eager to do deals.”

“Maybe Mr. Trump will claim victory and pull back if he wins some token concessions. But if a North American trade war persists, it will qualify as one of the dumbest in history.”

But Donald Trump is dumb, his policies are dumb, and shame on the 77 million dumb Americans who voted for him. Unlike his first term when he was surrounded by sane people, he is now surrounded by advisers who are dumber than him. Four more years of inanities and decline will make America bad again.


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Dear Leader Don Jong-Trump: Schools Must Instill Patriotic Admiration for Incredible US

The already totalitarian American society - make children sing the national anthem and say the pledge of allegiance every friggin' morning in school - is nothing short of totalitarian for a country that claims Liberty as its foundation. But Donald Jong-Trump, the new Dear Leader and Big Brother of the Greatest Nation in the Universe to have ever existed in history is taking it a notch up.

According to our beloved Big Brother, the key mission of schools, is to INDOCRINATE the children into hating all other countries and nations because by doing so we reactively aggrandize our own United Scams of America. He has really no idea how to positively improve America so he bashes others to make America seem better by default. The poor imbecile. That is exactly how he believes he can make America great again: By beating up, harassing, threatening and otherwise abusing other countries, he thinks America will "appear" great by default. As soon as he usurped power, all the promises he made to fix the economy and reduce inflation and make life easier for the corporate-scammed Americans went through the window. 

Everything this deeply racist but stupid idiot has so far done is demean and humiliate foreign migrants, minorities and women, brown and black people, immigrants, and other countries and nations. Only yesterday he blamed women hired under the "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" (DEI) standard for the collision between an army helicopter and a passenger jet over DC. 

His so-called "negotiating tactic" to force others to make concessions under the threat of violence is sooo stupid. It may work in his idiotic real estate scamming; it does not work in politics and in foreign relations. He may be able to bully smaller countries like the regular criminal jackass bully in the courtyard, but bullies are usually simpleton idiots with a knife. They carry knives and dispense violence because they are not smart enough to convince others. They never succeed because their physical strength is fortunately diluted by their stupidity. Trump's America is exactly that: The International Simpleton Bully.

Dear Leader and Big Brother Don Jong-Trump this week issued an order barring federal funding of “the indoctrination of children", yet in the same order he declared that schools should indoctrinate the children by "instilling" in their minds “a patriotic admiration for our incredible nation." I thought I was reading a declaration from the North Korean mongrel or some other backward despot. But that is where Don Jong-Trump is taking America: to become an American Gulag in which anyone who is not a white anglo-saxon protestant of European colonial settler extraction is to be pushed aside. The lofty goals of the KKK and white Christian supremacists. 

Now, mind you! The dumb jackass in the White House wants to eliminate the federal Department of Education because he doesn't believe that the federal government should be telling Americans how to teach their children. Yet he - the federal president - is dictating what schools should be doing. No comprendo.

Goodbye to the Beacon on a Hill, the bullshit pronouncements of white American racists to be "leading" the world to lofty ideals of democracy and freedom. Why? Because all this bullshit was predicated on it applying only to white anglo-saxon protestants. Like the Zionists want Israel to be a "democracy only for Jews", America wants itself to be a "democracy only for white protestants". And that explains the collusion between the Trumpian racist criminals and the Evangelical Church which, for the past several decades, has been establishing missionary outposts in every country around the world for the specific objective of converting everyone to Prostestantism which makes them more submissive and compliant with American white Christian cultural imperialism. Entire countries have seeen their Catholic majorities turn into minorities. That is what colonial empires like France and England used to do in the 18th and 19th centuries. But America is always culturally behind; it still rather awkwardly behaves today like a 19th century empire.

Don Jong-Trump accuses schools of teaching “radical, anti-American ideologies that make white children feel ashamed of themselves". The poor imbecile: His own conduct is what is making all American children ashamed of themselves and fearful of traveling abroad. His white christian followers built this country on the labor of African slaves, Chinese laborers, Irish Catholics, and every other hard working immigrant from all over the world. Without these "lesser" immigrants, there would be no Silicon Valley. And now that they see more darker complexioned immigrants around them, the inbred white trash moonshining drunkard Appalachians are reacting. And the cretin Don Jong-Trump is the best they could come up with to try and change the inexorable course of evolution in a country built by immigrants.