Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Totalitarian American Zionism...No end in Sight

Read the below article about an American Jewish teacher who criticized Israel on her blog and was fired by the school where she taught.

Hummmm... Is there such a thing as an anti-Semitic Jew? 

Just like the fundamentalist Muslims of Daesh and Al-Qaeda; just like the fundamentalist Evangelists of the American south; just like the fundamentalist Jewish Zionists: You have no right to deviate from the rigid archaic dogmas these ultra-religious dinosaurs dredge up from the Bronze Age and impose on their own members. If you do, you're cast out, you're reviled as a traitor....

As a Lebanese who hates everything the radical fundamentalist Muslims continue to do to Lebanon, I cannot but regret how otherwise tolerant Lebanese Christians are reacting by turning into a fundamentalist Christian Daesh. 

The response to rising monotheistic fundamentalism should be a reinforcement of all the values that have accrued since the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment, a re-dedication to the value of the individual freedoms of conscience and speech, a re-assertion of the principles of inclusiveness against those of exclusiveness. The moment you create an association of human beings around a divinely-inspired notion of "chosenness" or superiority of one's identity over that of other human beings - which is what nationalism and religion are - you are excluding, you are erecting barriers, you are classifying human beings into "us against them", and we all know where this leads.

It is unthinkable how, in our day and age, the scourge of monotheism continues to destroy, separate, and instill hate among people. 

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