Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Trump's Dementia: GOP Should Replace Him With JD Vance With 3 Weeks to Go

Like the Democrats did with aging Joe Biden who was booted out of the race and replaced by Kamala Harris, the GOP should discard the demented senile dumb asshole Donald Trump and replace him with the fantastic, younger, but idiot JD Vance (not his real name). Three weeks is plenty of time for Vance to convince the American public that he can shoulder the challenge.

That is at least what some Republicans are suggesting behind closed doors, as Trump shows fast running signs of aging and increasingly erratic behavior. With every appearance he makes, it gets worse. Maybe it is the stress, but stress is what a US President should be able to handle. Otherwise, why even run?

Trump’s increasingly erratic behavior during recent media appearances as he seemingly shows signs of aging and refuses to answer questions in even the friendliest of settings. Observers note that Trump's growing dementia began to show more significantly right after Biden was booted out for Harris by the Democrats. Trump thought he could easily cruise and defeat Biden, but when Harris took over, Trump likely suffered a mental shock, if not trauma. He was devastated, which further accentuated his cognitive decline. Right now, he is terrified of Harris's youth, energy, abilities, composure and stability, all of which Biden had lost. 

All of this explains why Trump is lashing out at Harris with insults from the gutter. "retard", "mentally retarded", “mentally impaired”, "dumb", etc. in public, and "bitch" in private as reported by insiders... He is unable to come up with anything serious against her, so he dunks into his gold-laced cesspool to find his vocabulary. He is more mad at her because she is a woman who is likely to beat him. For a narcissistic egomanaical womanizer, women are beneath him, and to suffer what looks like a crushing defeat to a woman, a dark-skinned one to boot, will likely to shorten his life by a few years.

In fact, as people grow old, they no longer have a sense of social propriety as they lose the mental filters between what is right and proper, and what is false and improper. These are the surest signs of dementia that Trump is increasingly showing. And the pace of this decline is more worrisome than the decline itself: Trump's fall into a demented state that is disconnected from reality is getting worse by the day.

If elected, not only will we suffer the petulance of a war criminal seeking vengeance, we will have to suffer the inanities of someone who can't manage the highest office in the land. And that is what is worrisome. What will we do with an unhinged Trump 2, 3, 4 years from now if this sick imbecile is in the White House? We already worry about what he'll do if he loses, but at least in that case he wouldn't control the armed forces and the nuclear buttons.


Shai Davidai: Israeli Academic Terrorist at Columbia

Demented and Terroristic Israeli Professor at Columbia, Shai Davida, has been harassing and intimidating anyone on campus who opposes his radical terrorist government's genocide in Palestine.

Columbia University has temporarily banned an Israeli business professor from campus, accusing him of harassing and intimidating staff. Shai Davidai, a lowly and incompetent adjunct professor in business, said he had been barred from the university because he was “not afraid to stand up to the hateful mob” of pro-Palestinian protesters. "Hateful mob", "antisemites", are typical and stale accusations lobbed by anyone who is not afraid to stand up to the "racist supremacist Zionist mob". Standard modus operandi of Zionists: Just like Trump, they commit the crime then accuse their victims and opponents of the same crime.

Columbia University in Manhattan, New York, has been the scene of anti-Zionist pro-Palestinian Freedom protests - which included many New York Jews - during which encampments on the university lawn were erected, as part of a nationwide wave of student demonstrations. These demonstrations by the younger and educated generation of Americans have terrified the Zionists who had heretofore had a monopoly of a false narrative favoring the colonial racist state of Israel. Thanks to the Internet, social media and the information revolution, a breach has been opened in the Zionist wall of misinformation whose objective has been to find justifications for the rape of Palestine by European Jewish colonial settlers. Young Americans now have access to information, photographs, archives that had been occluded for decades by the traditional media and universities that had colluded with the Zionists either for financial rewards or for fear of slander and diffamation.

Shai Davidai is an extremist, some would say he was an intellectual terrorist, who repeatedly recorded videos of himself harassing and intimdating students and university employees over their real or perceived criticism of Israel. In the mind of Zionist terrorists, the Jewish colony in Palestine, a.k.a. "Israel", should be kept immune to criticism even as it is perpetrating the worst massacre and genocide of the indigenous native Palestinian population and its ethnic cleansing on record in the 21st century.

Davidai, somewhat of a nutcase trying to garner a few "likes" on his social media cesspool, claimed he has now been banned from campus because “I was not afraid to expose” one of the university’s leadership team for “not doing anything about [pro-Palestine protests]”.

Samantha Slater, a spokeswoman for Columbia University, said the university had "consistently and continually respected Assistant Professor Davidai’s right to free speech and to express his views." She added: "His freedom of speech has not been limited and is not being limited now. Columbia, however, does not tolerate threats of intimidation, harassment, or other threatening behaviour by its employees."

“Because Assistant Professor Davidai repeatedly harassed and intimidated university employees in violation of university policy, we have temporarily limited his access to campus while he undertakes appropriate training on our policies governing the behaviour of our employees.” Deconstruct: Davidai should be interned at Bellevue for a mental breakdown by a disgruntled Zionist whose lies have been uncovered. A university official said Prof Davidai had been banned for “harassing university employees in violation” of policy. They said it was not linked to one incident or one individual.

Last October 7 the idiot Davidai filmed himself following Cas Holloway, the university’s chief operating officer, and asking him why he was allowing pro-Palestinian protests on campus. “How did you allow this to happen on October 7th?” Davidai can be heard asking in the video shared on social media, “I will not let you rest”.

Prof Davidai was banned from the campus for one day in April when he said he was going to sit in the middle of the pro-Palestinian encampment. Davidai told the school’s newspaper, the Columbia Daily Spectator,“Innocent people don’t get punished, not in a democracy, and I refuse to take a punishment for something that I’m innocent for.” He might as well apply this to the innocent Palestinian people in Gaza whose underseved punishment is not the luxury to nag about being banned from a university campus, but consists of starvation, murder of children by the tens of thousands, displacement, wanton killing and such other refined means of law enforcement by the so-called "only democracy in the Middle East."

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hiroshima Nuclear Bomb Survivor: Gaza Deserves Nobel for Peace

Toshiyuki Mimaki, a Hiroshima bombing survivor, expressed surprise that those defending Gaza did not win the Nobel Peace Prize. Mimaki made the statement at a press conference as he was accepting the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the Nihon Hidankyo group on Friday. Mimaki warned against the use of nuclear weapons, calling the humanitarian crisis in Gaza reminiscent of Japan’s plight during World War II.

For people around the world watching the inhuman and barbaric annihilation of the Palestinian people by extremist Jews, they are reminded of their own experiences as victims of barbaric wars against innocent civilians. Mimaki saw parallels between what he lived through as a child during WWII in Japan and what the children of Gaza are going through.

Nihon Hidankyo, a.k.a. Hibakusha, is an association of atomic bomb survivors who advocate the abolition of nuclear weapons. They were named winners of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to the surprise of Mimaki. “They selected Nihon Hidankyo? I thought those fighting hard for peace in Gaza would deserve it,” he told reporters. Witnessing the horrors of nuclear war as a young child, he raised concerns about escalation, warning, “If Russia uses [nuclear weapons] against Ukraine, and Israel uses them against Gaza, it won’t end there.” He also drew a striking parallel between the suffering of Gazan children and Japanese children in the aftermath of the 1945 bombing, saying, “In Gaza, bleeding children are being held. It’s like in Japan 80 years ago.”

The response by the Jewish colony in Palestine, a.k.a. "Israel", was to accuse the Japanese group and its leader as being "anti-semitic". The Israeli Ambassador to Japan lashed out at Nihon Hidankyo and Mimaki and said they are ignorant people who should not be promoting the people of Gaza who are terrorists. 

Palestinian-American Representative Rashida Tlaib: Netanyahu is a Genocidal Maniac

Rashida Tlaib rightfully calls war criminal Netanyahu a 'genocidal maniac,' as an arrest warrant against him has been issued by the International Criminal Court on charges of "War Crimes".

Democrat House Member Rashida Tlaib has called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "genocidal maniac," prompting the usual nag from the Jewish colony in Palestine's ambassador to the United Nations.

"Genocidal maniac Netanyahu is burning Palestinians alive, bombing hospitals, starving people, and killing aid workers," the Michigan representative wrote Monday night in a post on X.

"When will our country stop funding this madness? When?" she added.

Zionist ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon responded to her by pouring out the usual pedestrian Zionist nags about terrorism, an activity in which his country has abundantly demonstrated its proficiency over decades of brutality against the Palestinian people. 

Let no one be fooled by Zionist propaganda: Israel's wanton murder of tens of thousands of people from an American-supplied jet is no different from killing people with a knife in a liberation reprisals attack against an 80-year long dispossession, dehumanization, displacement and ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinians by foreign colonizing Jews. 

Every liberation movement around the world against a rapist colonizer like Israel's Zionist Jews has engaged in violence to match that of the colonizer. Go read about what the Algerian liberation movement did to French colonizers: rapes, mutilation, terror bombings, etc... in response to similar brutality by the French occupation forces, and in the end the Algerian people won their freedom and everybody today looks up to them and congratulates them. No difference with Palestine.

Tlaib is one of Netanyahu’s fiercest critics in Washington. Last week, she wrote on X "The war crimes being committed by the government of Israel are being funded by our own country while families at home suffer from displacement due to hurricanes and growing poverty. Our country is obsessed with war and destruction."

When the Israeli prime minister delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress in July, she silently protested for much of it, holding up a double-sided sign that read "guilty of genocide" on one side and "war criminal" on the other.

Prior to Netanyahu’s July 24 address, Tlaib released a statement saying "Netanyahu is a war criminal committing genocide against the Palestinian people.

Zionist ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon is an accomplice to the crimes committed by Netanyahu.

"It is utterly disgraceful that leaders from both parties have invited him to address Congress. He should be arrested and sent to the International Criminal Court," she said at the time.

Columbia Alumnus Criticizes Alma Mater for Succumbing to 'Appalling' anti-Palestine Lies

A Columbia University alumnus criticized his alma mater during a demonstration at the Ivy League and suggested that requests by Palestinian students have "fallen on deaf ears" while anti-Palestine Zionist protesters continue to flood the campus and falsely claim the stale anti-semitism accusation.

"I think that I’ve had a lot of friends that were attacked, including anti-Israel Jewish friends" Yameen Ali, a Palestinian American man who graduated from the university. "I think the fact that the administration has changed three times now shows that there is a determined effort by the Zionists to unseat anyone who does not obey the Big Zionist Brother's narrative lock stock and barrel with respect to the appalling massacres and genocide being perpetrated by the Zionists in Palestine. The Zionists have had a free ride in dominating the narrative in favor of the Jewish colony in Palestine for decades, and are realizing they are losing the information war".

Ali said that Columbia should have done more to enable the free expression of opinions on campus, including opinions that have been taboo and continuously repressed. "Times have changed, there is no longer a Zionist monopoly on information, and Israel is clearly seen now as a colonial racist rapist of an indigenous people", Ali added.

Columbia University donations at its annual fundraiser fell almost 29% as Zionists withdrew their support to punish the university for taking a just and fair approach to free expression. That has always been the modus operandi of Zionists: To buy up people's opinions and blackmail them with money if they depart from the standard Zionist-imposed narrative, even if it includes absolute lies and falshoods and the dehumanization of Israel's opponents. Peaceful protesters, including a large number of Jewish students and professors, have been branded anti-semitic terrorists, and the police have been brought to campus to haul them to jail. Is this what an academic institution has become in the US? To be afraid of the truth?

Noemi, a Jewish student from Manhattan said she was "sorry" the school has lost so much money. "How can academic freedom be protected when all the money comes from heavily biased donors who want to dictate the results of research and control the pursuit of the truth?", she said.

She also applauded the actions of interim university President Katrina Armstrong, who apologized in September to protesters who were "hurt" by the New York Police Department (NYPD) as they attempted to clear peaceful protesters on campus late last semester. "Have we not learned anything from our past experiences with the Vietnam protests and the anti-apartheid South Africa protests?" she wondered, adding, "There has to be change in Columbia and in the country. The truth has no sacred cows to protect. Israel is not a sacred cow that we should protect at the expense of human life and human rights. Palestinians are as human as Israelis and for 80 years they have been the victims of the entire enterprise of the creation of the state of Israel."

Protesters flooded college campuses nationwide last school year to protest the genocide that Israel has been committing in Palestine.

A small group of pro-Palestine Jewish demonstrators gather in front of Columbia University on August 27, 2024, to hold a protest at the start of the academic year in New York City.

Protesters and pro-Palestine demonstrators stormed the university's Hamilton Hall at the end of April, occupying the building for nearly 24 hours before members of the NYPD were granted permission by the university to take it back from the protesters. The officers were overwhelmingly dressed in riot gear to carry out the operation, and used disproportionate violence in clearing the campus with "electric saws, stun grenades, and other tactical gear to sweep" the building, according to the student newspaper's report.

During the widespread pro-Palestine campus protests last school year, the NYPD also swept a tent encampment housing the protesters, which was dubbed the "Gaza Solidarity Encampment," before the university dismantled the encampment in May.

Macron Breaks a Taboo: Israel was Created [out of nothing] by the UN

Sometimes, when your enemies spar amongst themselves, they let out truths that they've so far held secret. 

Everyone knows that, in 1947, Israel was artificially created over the ashes of historic Palestine by a heavily-biased newly-born United Nations composed at the time of the 50-or-so guilt-laden former Fascist and colonial western countries that had perpetrated the Holocaust. 

Though the English crooks had since 1918 a mandate over Palestine granted by the precursor of the UN, the so-called League of Nations, they sold Palestine to wealthy European Zionist bankers and allowed hundreds of thousands of European Jews to illegally enter Palestine and massacre and ethnically cleanse the indigenous Palestinian population. The accomplices in the crime, namely the western countries that owned the infant UN, declared this European Jewish colony an independent state called Israel. 

For proof of the colonial artificiality of Israel, just look at its "map": It is a long sinewy stretch of land that basically follows the coastline of Palestine from north to south where the millions of illegal European Jewish invaders first landed "fresh off the boats" between the 1920s and 1940s. Otherwise, most of the land of Israel is taken by the Galilee in the north which remains a mostly Palestinian territory where the so-called "Israeli Palestinians" live, and by the Naqab desert in the south where Arab Bedouins dominate. "Jewish" Israel has no center and no internal geographic coherence. It has only settlements (recently established), while Palestine has villages (ancient millennial dwellings). 

The center of the land is still in the Palestinian interior of the West Bank, where many Palestinian refugees and escapees from the 1947-1948 Zionist carnage along the coast fled for shelter as the Jewish terrorist organizations Irgun, Lehi, Haganah, etc. bombed, raped, killed and rampaged with the unique purpose of expelling the native indigenous Palestinians from their lands, villages and homes. 

Which explains why the Zionists continue to wage war and establish colonies in a desperate attempt to annex the West Bank and Gaza. That was part of their original plan back from 1948 of taking all of Palestine, from the River to the Sea. If you look at the boundaries between Palestine and Israel as they stand today, the only significant part of the Palestinian heartland that the Zionists have managed to steal is Jerusalem: The city is at the tip of an arrow-like thrust from the West by the invading Jewish settler hordes as they try to pierce through the heart of ancestral Palestine. This alone points to the colonial and artificial nature of the Jewish colony in Palestine.

As they felt guilt and remorse at having contibuted to the crime of creating this monster in a region where it does not belong, those same western monopolizers of the UN created an agency specifically tasked with caring for the millions of Palestinian refugees that were expelled from their lands, villages and towns. This agency is called UNRWA, and Israel is doing everything it can to destroy UNRWA and deprive the Palestinian refugees of any assistance. If UNRWA ceases to exist, then the Palestinians refugees no longer exist, and the claim of an independent Palestine dies, which is exactly what Israel wants: The millions of Palestinian refugees would vanish out of existence.

Israel is artificial because the last time there was an "Israel" in Palestine was ~800 BC, some 2,800 years ago. That "Israel" was divided into two enemy kingdoms (Judah and Israel), and they lasted a mere 200 years. Second, those "Jews" who claimed to want to turn the clock back 2,800 years are by no means genetic descendants of the original Hebrews of 800 BC. Hard as they tried, Israeli scientists have failed to find any genetic link (DNA analyses of all kinds) between modern-day Israelis and the Semitic Hebrews of the Bronze Age. In fact, many studies show that today's Palestinians are the descendants of those Hebrews from Jesus's time, who never left Palestine after the Romans destroyed the temple in 70 AD, and who were then forced to convert to Christianity by the Roman Empire (mid-4th century), then to Islam by the conquering Arabs (8th century). 

Today's Israeli "Jews" are of Eastern European descent: They came from a population - the Khazars - in the Eurasian Caucasian region (southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea and Kazakhstan) who began converting to Judaism around the year 740 AD  and well into the upper Middle Ages. In the ensuing centuries they migrated westward to form the European Jews known as the Ashkenazis, Israel's largest community of settler Jews.

Just look at the average Israeli Jew, especially the extremist ultra-religious barbarian Haredim who form the essential base of the Zionists, and they have blond-red hair, blue eyes, wear traditional Russian fur hats and other eastern european clothing (long coats) that clearly have nothing to do with near-eastern Palestine whose culture is fundamentally a Mediterranean one. Just because these Europeans converted to Judaism does not entitle them to the land of Palestine that the unrelated Hebrews ruled 2800 years ago. If one takes their argument and applies it to other religions, then all African or Latin American Catholics (recently converted by colonial Europe) would have a right to the lands of Catholic Europe, say Italy and the Vatican. It is an absurd argument.

So when French President Emmanuel Macron, whose country was a collaborationist country with Nazi Germany during WWII, warns Netanyahu that "he must not forget that Israel was created by the UN", he let out a dirty secret that no one has so far dared divulge in public. The French, like most European and western countries, hate Jews - anti-semitism is a Northern-Western hemisphere (European Christian) creation that never existed in the Eastern (Asia) and Southern (Africa) hemisphere where Jews coexisted in peace for millennia with other peoples including Muslims and Arabs. Jews thrived under Muslim Spain. They thrived in every Arab capital, until the Zionists showed up (e.g. the Jewish Agency) and bribed and threatened them to leave and settle in the new state of Israel for the sole objective of artificially increasing the numbers of Jews at the expense of the Palestinians. 

I personally know three Lebanese Jewish families from my childhood's neighborhood who tearfully came to tell us they were leaving for the simple reason that they were "told" to leave and were bribed with huge sums of money and other enticements. No one chased them. No one persecuted them, except the Zionists who harassed them and forced them under threats of harm to their businesses to leave countries and cities they and their ancestors had lived in for centuries. I recommend reading the newspaper "Alliance Israelite" [available at the Harvard University library] which Lebanese Jews published in the years preceding the creation of Israel and you'll find that it was a thriving community that shared representation with other minorities in the Lebanese parliament and had schools, synagogues and other social institutions across the country.

After murdering half of them in the Holocaust, the Europeans created Israel to get rid of their remaining Jews by dumping them in Palestine. So now it is easy for westerners to pretend to love the Jews as long as they stay away from Europe. Otherwise, since westerners are such human rights lovers whose populations are declining because of low birth rates, and who need migrants, why wouldn't they invite the highly sophisticated Jews of Israel, Europeans by birth, back to their countries of origin in Europe and, in recent decades, North America?

Unlike coward Biden, Macron is essentially reminding the war criminal settler Netanyahu that we, the Europeans who dominated the UN in 1947, made out an artificial colony, Israel, especially for you, European Jews. We helped you ethnically cleanse Palestine, but now you are going too far. Time for some tough love. Given the recalcitrance of the native indigenous Palestinians at disappearing gently into the night of oblivion, the fake Western friends of Israel are taking stock of the disaster they have caused with the uncontrollable monster they have created. So they are left arguing publicly with the Israelis like husband and wife and divulging their dirty secrets. And this is what French Macron has done by reminding his spoiled Israeli brat that 'I made you, and I can unmake you' if you continue with your crimes.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Evidence of Trumps' Slide into Cognitive Impairement

Examples of Donald Trump's cognitive decline in his own words at speeches.

“They watch for weeks and weeks. For weeks and weeks, I’m up here ranting and raving. Last night, a hundred thousand people. Flawless. Ranting and raving. I’m ranting and raving. Not a mistake. And then, I’ll be at a little thing and I’ll say something a little bit like ‘The.’ I’ll say ‘duh.’ They’ll say he’s cognitively impaired,” Trump said.

Trump continues to sound more and more erratic and bizarre as the presidential race enters its final weeks. At a Wisconsin rally just a week ago, he compared himself to a fly, struggled to pronounce words like “Midwestern” and “evangelicals”. At a New York rally in September, he stumbled over words like “migrants” and “Russia” and had trouble stringing sentences together.

His cognitive decline was evident to everyone watching the first (and almost certainly last) presidential debate with Kamala Harris, where Trump went on long-winded rants unrelated to the questions asked.

Trump’s speech patterns and alertness look very different from eight years ago, and psychology researchers see compelling evidence that Trump is significantly less sharp than he was at the start of his presidency, with increasingly incoherent speech. The media is finally starting to give the issue attention, which probably prompted the media-obsessed former president to bring up his cognitive decline at his rally. 

But despite all of this evidence, nearly half of Americans seem determined to vote for Trump. Why that is has a simple answer: They are all dumb ignorant Americans who think that "bad boy" Trump is strong - like all the criminals that Hollywood keeps feeding as heroes - while this dark-skinned woman running against him is no match.


Trump-Induced Violence Against FEMA in Backward North Carolina

It doesn't take much to make dumb people from the southern US states become dumber: It takes another dumb but criminal idiot like Donald Trump.

With not a rational neuron in his brain, and only racist virulence based on ignorance and xenophobia, the jackass Trump has been telling his illiterate MAGA imbeciles that FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is taking money away from relief operations after the hurricanes Helene and Milton and giving it to migrants. So, inbred one-toothed moonshining Appalachians take their guns and go after FEMA relief workers trying to help them. And they self-describe the US as the civilized "beacon on a hill" that all people around the world should look up to.

Meanwhile, Republican representatives who are driven by Trump's lies to hate Biden discover that Biden is not bad after all.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, a Republican from Florida said she received a call from President Biden. She says, "Well, I did not expect that. So I talked to him on the phone for about 10 minutes. First thing that he asked me was, what did I need for my constituents, and how did I fare with the storm. And then [we] moved forward into talking about the issues that we're having with FEMA".

The congresswoman praised Biden in a stark contrast from her fierce criticism of his administration, inspired by the lies and misinformation that Trump keeps peddling.

"I have obviously been very critical of President Biden in the past, but I will say that him stepping in and taking control of the situation to assist for the right reasons was very honestly kind of shocking for me," Luna said.

"Obviously, you know, we're still going to be holding FEMA accountable... But as far as I am seeing, FEMA has been very helpful, and I've been in direct communication with them. And they're absolutely going to assist, because President Biden has told them to do so."

There you have it straight from the horse's mouth. Democratic administrations are by far more ethical than the republican crooks, and when you compare and contrast the facts on the ground with the Trump-disseminated republican lies, you can reach the right conclusion about who to vote for in November.


Arrest made after FEMA crews threatened amid hurricane relief efforts

As the nearly 65,000 residents of hard-hit Rutherford County, North Carolina, struggle to clear endless mud and debris left behind by Hurricane Helene, help hit a roadblock. Federal Emergency Management Agency crews were forced to relocate due to a reported armed threat against workers, first reported by The Washington Post.

An email sent by the U.S. Forest Service to federal responders in Rutherford County alerted them of an apparent standdown after National Guard troops reportedly encountered armed militia saying they were "hunting FEMA."

One person has been arrested in connection to the threat, CBS News confirmed on Monday.

Out of an abundance of caution, FEMA said its disaster assistance teams were being stationed at fixed locations instead of going door-to-door, which has been the agency's common practice in the past.

"FEMA continues to support communities impacted by Helene and help survivors apply for assistance. For the safety of our dedicated staff and the disaster survivors we are helping, FEMA has made some operational adjustments. Disaster Recovery Centers will continue to be open as scheduled, survivors continue to register for assistance, and we continue to help the people of North Carolina with their recovery," FEMA said in a statement to CBS News.

In a statement to CBS News, the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office said they received a call Saturday afternoon that said a man with an assault rifle had made a comment about possibly harming FEMA employees working on recovery efforts in the Lake Lure and Chimney Rock area. Deputies alerted the Lake Lure Police Department and other agencies of the threat.

The man suspected of making the threat was identified as William Parsons, 44, of Bostic, North Carolina. He was arrested and charged with going armed to the terror of the public.

The sheriff's office said Parsons was armed with a handgun and a rifle when he was arrested. He was released on a $10,000 bond.

"The initial report stated there was a truck load of militia that was involved," the sheriff's office said. "However, after further investigation, it was determined Parsons acted alone and there were no truck loads of militia going to Lake Lure."

The North Carolina National Guard told CBS News in a statement on Monday that it had "no reports of our soldiers or airmen encountering any armed militia, any threats and any type of combatants. We are continuing to serve all those counties in need of our assistance."

Capt. Jamie Keever with the sheriff's office told CBS News on Monday that local law enforcement remains on high alert, but their office is not aware of any additional, specific and credible threats.

Helene made landfall on Sept. 26 as a powerful Category 4 storm near Perry, Florida. It tore through six states, leaving more than 225 people dead, with the largest number in North Carolina.

False claims have surfaced online including that the federal government planned to halt search and rescue efforts in order to seize and bulldoze Chimney Rock and that victims were only receiving $750 in aid. Many of the conspiracy theories have prompted FEMA to create a page on its site discrediting rumors and false information about its response to Hurricane Helene.

Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly spread misinformation, suggesting FEMA money for hurricane victims was diverted and given to migrants. Although FEMA does sometimes provide aid to immigrants, the source of funding is separate from disaster relief.

"We have individuals in need of assistance who are entitled to assistance who aren't seeking it because of the false information," Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said on "Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan" on Sunday.

Last week, President Biden also addressed false claims, including one that said the government can control the weather, promoted by some Republican politicians.

"Marjorie Taylor Greene, the congresswoman from Georgia, is now saying the federal government is literally controlling the weather, we're controlling the weather. It's beyond ridiculous. It's so stupid, it's got to stop," Mr. Biden said in his remarks from the White House.

Over the weekend, Mr. Biden visited Florida for a second time in just over the week to tour the storm damage after Hurricane Milton slammed the Gulf Coast of the Sunshine State as a Category 3 storm. On Sunday, the president announced $600 million in aid for areas impacted by Helene and Milton.


Fellow Americans: Brace Yourselves for Worse than Jan. 6, 2021

He and his republican accolytes have now had 4 years to learn from their failures in rejecting the 2020 election results. They have prepared themselves for a repeat of the "Stop the Steal" lie, but much more sophisticated methods. Republican-controlled states have stacked the bureaucracy with Trump sympathizers who will readily challenge the results if Trump is declared a loser in the upcoming elections. One such method is to delay certifications of election results in those states to create an extented period of uncertainty as to the results. They will infestate the courts with challenge after challenge and will threaten state legislatures and governors, as well as Congress, with violence as they did in the 2020 elections. 

In his megalomaniacal egocentric character, Trump - the dumb asshole criminal that he really is - is lashing out at his opponents with vitriolic name-calling, insulting immigrants (and not the inbred Appalachian nativist voters for Trump) who make this country great, and senators and congressmen and congresswomen who understand his game and will stand up for the rule of law. 

Now keep in mind that Trump is now the new senile confused republican equivalent of Biden. He rants and swerves like an open sewer in his long incoherent and incomprehensible "speeches", because his mind is out of control and despite teleprompters (that the illiterate idiot can barley read) and handlers, he can't make a single framed-spoken argument. 

Born in 1946, he'll be 79 in 2025, 80 in 2026, 81 in 2027, and 82 in 2028. Assuming he legitmately wins this election, which is unlikely despite all the polls, imagine the degradation of his already deficient brain and cognitive functions as the years and the stress pile up. He's likely to become a very dangerous man in the white house. While Kamala Harris has released her state of health report, the dumb jackass refuses to do so.

The conservatives in the early years of the republic understood the power of the people, and that is why they inserted an obstacle - the electoral college - to the popular vote. The electoral college is a trick intended to bypass the popular vote and leaves the final decision on election results to a bunch of appointed hacks called "delegates".

In 2016, Trump lost by 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton but won the electoral college vote. This is a travesty of democracy. Again, in 2020, he lost by 5 million votes to Joe Biden, but this time the electoral college farce did not work, which is why the republicans to this day refuse to admit that Trump lost the 2020 election. In all likelihood, given the changing demographics, the increasingly impaired Trump, and a new crop of young voters, that difference in the popular vote between Trump and Harris will increase to 7 or 8 million more votes for Harris.

Even then, the jackass and his minions will rise in uproar at his loss, will cry foul and claim vote theft, and will send the country again close to the abyss. So let us brace ourselves for a cornered demented loser - this would be his last chance - to wreak havoc and undermine the credibility of our election system.


Ex-DOJ Official Spells Out ‘Coming Massive Crisis’ On Election Day

Lee Moran

Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal this weekend suggested GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance is “a barometer for the Republican Party” with his repeated refusals to admit that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to President Joe Biden— and Katyal warned what that may lead to in the immediate aftermath of next month’s vote.

Katyal envisioned — thanks to election result-denying comments that have been made by Trump, Vance and myriad other Republicans — a “coming massive crisis that’s going to occur” when Trump and his allies will declare victory even if Democratic rival Vice President Kamala Harris actually wins.

.@neal_katyal: “There is a coming massive crisis that’s going to occur on November 5th… even if Kamala Harris wins the election, the Trump team is going to declare victory with JD Vance at his side."

Trump and the GOP will “pressure courts, they will pressure state legislatures, they will pressure state governors and they will pressure the United States Congress to throw out the popular vote and get this election through shenanigan,” Katyal warned.

Later, Katyal asked: “If they can’t admit that they lost in 2020, what makes you think, even with an overwhelming victory by Kamala Harris in 2024, that they’ll acknowledge it?”

Republicans are laying the groundwork to dispute the 2024 election

The GOP is sowing doubt and openly laying the groundwork to dispute the November election if Donald Trump loses. JD Vance repeatedly refuses to admit Trump lost in 2020. House Speaker Mike Johnson is already predicting "there will be cheating in this election."


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Biden is a Zionist American of Irish Descent: Ireland Has Rejected Him

Like a parrot in a cage, Joe Biden keeps repeating that he is a Zionist. He probably has no idea what it really means, other than having been born right around the time when the conentration camps where liberated from the Nazis. 

Meanwhile, senile Biden said on Friday that Israel should “absolutely” stop strikes on the U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon, following two incidents in which Israel has threatened and fired on the UN soldiers.

Etched in his dumb American mind are images of emaciated prisoners walking out of the concentration camps, which he doesn't remember seeing in reality or a mediocre Hollywood Jewish propaganda movie. And, by a giant leap of stupidity, Biden decides that these people deserve a country of their own, even if that meant destroying another country, massacring its native people, stealing their land and displacing the remaining population into refugee camps - which have become over decades of maltreatment modern-day concentration camps. 

Of all Western countries today, Ireland has been the most courageous and morally decent, for the simple reason that the English crooks who created Israel by lying to the Palestinians are the same English crooks who occupied, displaced, starved and mistreated the Irish people for centuries. One difference, though, is that the persecuted and famished Irish could escape to America, while the Palestinians have nowhere to go to flee the barbarity of their colonial executioners. The Irish know deep in their hearts that Israel is an anomaly; worse yet, a barbaric anomaly. 

That is why Joe Biden is constantly decried by the grandparents' countrymen and even by the people of his village of origin. Every time Biden reclaims his Irish heritage, the Irish of Ireland tell him to go fuck himself, that he is not one of them, that they reject him... for the simple reason of his collusion with the most flagrant crime of this century: The Israeli savagery in Palestine. Even the Irish-American voters are rejecting him and will either abstain from voting or will vote for Tump in spite.

Unfortunately for the Irish contingent of the UN Iterim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which has lost the "interim qualifier" because it's been there since 1978, and for the 50 other countries with soldiers in UNIFIL, the UN doesn't give them any means to impose peace, even though they're called "peacekeepers". They are sitting ducks between the Muslim terrorists of Hezbollah and the Jewish terrorists of Israel. They count the bombs flying overhead and the dead and injured... but that is not what a soldier should be doing.

Lebanon is a tiny country. It should be very easy to pacify. Much bigger countries have been pacified by UN and international interventions that were serious. The international community's interventions in Lebanon have all failed, and were never serious. Why? Because Israel is involved. And when Israel is involved in anything, a small hiccup or a cold becomes a metastatic cancer that sticks to everything. 

UNIFIL may not be the longest-running UN peacekeeping mission (e.g. Cyprus since 1964), but it is the longest-running deadly UN peacekeeping mission. It is hard to criticize a well-meaning mission, but when it is doubled by ineffectiveness, it becomes costly in lives and money, dangerous and ultimately irrelevant. 

Israel hates the UN because it keeps reminding Israel of its illegallity and illegitimacy as a colonial usurper of land and an ethnic cleanser of indigenous people. Israel hates UNRWA, the UN agency specifically created in 1948 to manage the millions of Palestinians who were ethnically cleansed by colonial invading Jews. Israel hates UNIFIL because the latter is a witness to Jewish barbarity in south Lebanon. If you are committing crime after crime, wouldn't you hate the witness observing you committing your crimes? So you slander and defame the witness, and challenge his credibility, and wish him to be removed from the scene of the crime.


Irish peacekeepers stood their ground in the face of an Israeli invasion of Lebanon. It’s not the first time
Richard Hall
Updated Sat, October 12, 2024

Irish UN peacekeeping soldiers take part in a ceremony at their camp in the southern Lebanese village of Blat, 27 October 2007 (AFP/Getty)

The 30 Irish peacekeepers carried only rifles and small arms. The Israeli force was preparing to advance with all the tools of a military superpower: tanks, aircraft, drones, heavy artillery and thousands of troops.

But when the Israelis ordered the Irish soldiers to vacate their observation post on the Lebanon-Israel border last week to clear the way for their invasion, they refused.

The incident, which sparked a tense stand-off and diplomatic spat, was just the latest in a long history of confrontations between the Israeli army and the United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon, known as UNIFIL.

UNIFIL was set up in 1978 to monitor Israel’s withdrawal from the south of the country and ensure that militant groups did not operate on the Lebanese border. More of a peacekeeping mission than a fighting force, the soldiers in their distinctive blue helmets have been outgunned by the better-equipped warring sides for UNIFIL’s entire existence.

Irish peacekeepers have been part of this difficult mission from the very start. They have lived through two prior Israeli invasions of southern Lebanon, and been in the firing line many times before.

“This was a regular occurrence,” John Durnin, an Irish former UNIFIL commander who did five tours with the peacekeeping force, told The Independent.

A United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) patrol drives through the southern Lebanese plain of Khiam along the border with Israel on October, 10 2023 (AFP via Getty Images)

Durnin was a platoon commander with UNIFIL in 1982. Then, too, the Israelis invaded Lebanon to fight a different enemy, the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

“I remember I was in an outpost that was cut off by them, and the instructions were to make a token resistance, in the sense that we were to put out tank stops and just block the roads. But they just drove past them with their tanks,” he said.

UNIFIL’s mandate was never to confront either side militarily, but to monitor and intervene where they could to protect lives.

“In my experience, we kind of kept manners on the Israelis. In other words, we kept them from committing the more serious actions, or for want of a better word, atrocities, that they might have committed if we hadn’t been sitting there watching them or tailing them around, as we often did ,” he said.

“We frequently rescued civilians who had been cut off or isolated by the fighting,” he added.

UN peacekeepers hold their flag, as they observe Israeli excavators attempt to destroy tunnels built by Hezbollah, near the southern Lebanese-Israeli border village of Mays al-Jabal, Lebanon, Dec. 13, 2019 (Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Nearly 20 years have passed since the last full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah, the Shia militant group and political party. This new round of devastating fighting began in the days after the Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023, when Hezbollah began firing rockets into Israel in support of Hamas and Palestinians in Gaza.

Israel began a widespread bombing campaign across Lebanon in late September that has killed more than 2,229 Lebanese — including Hezbollah fighters, civilians and medical personnel — according to the Lebanese health ministry. The bombings have severely weakened Hezbollah’s leadership and capabilities.

As well, Hezbollah attacks have killed 29 civilians and 39 Israeli soldiers.

The UN peacekeepers have been in the line of fire again. UNIFIL said the Israeli army had “repeatedly hit” UN positions in the space of 48 hours, hitting a watchtower, disabling cameras, and injuring multiple peacekeepers.

The Israeli military said it had identified a threat and responded, and that the intended target of Israeli fire was located some 50 meters from the Unifil position.

UNIFIL is an international force that has some 10,000 soldiers from around the world. Ireland’s contingent consists of around 370 troops from the Irish Defence Forces’ 124th Infantry Battalion.

They have been operating in the area for so long that some Lebanese locals speak English with a thick Irish accent, with noticeable regional differences.

“If you met a Lebanese villager, you could tell what village he was from based on his accent. If he had a Cork accent, he was from Hadatha, because that’s where the Cork company was based. If he was from Baraachit, they speak with a very strong Athlone accent,” said Durnin.

Capt. Hector Alonso Garcia of the Spanish UNIFIL battalion, the United Nations peacekeeping force in south Lebanon, shows on a map the blue line, a U.N.-drawn boundary between Lebanon and Israel, at an observation tower in Abbassiyeh, a Lebanese border village with Israel, on Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024 (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All right reserved)

During his five tours, Durnin got to know young Lebanese kids who grew up into fighters.

"The first time I went out in 1982 and I met little Abdul, Muhammad and Hasan,” Durnin said. “They were little kids, and you’d meet them, you’d throw them sweets or toys and so on. And I came back five years later and they’re teenagers, and you’d be playing football with them. But a few years later, now they are ‘terrorists’ or resistance or whatever.”

But having seen them grow up made a difference. “You knew them, so you didn’t have to shoot them,” Durnin said. “You could talk to them, and you could give them a good kick up the behind, and it tended to work."

The story of the Irish contingent of UNIFIL is, like the entire peacekeeping force, one filled with tragedy. It is often given added importance in Ireland because of the country’s affinity with the Palestinian cause, a complicated story of its own, borne in Ireland’s history in battling colonialism.

The Independent’s legendary foreign correspondent, Robert Fisk, wrote of the Irish contingent to UNIFIL many times in this publication throughout his years of reporting from Lebanon.

“The Irish will then leave behind a land that looks like County Mayo, in which they have been harassed, insulted, murdered and maligned. But their peacekeepers stayed on through the worst shellfire and the most deliberate killings,” Fisk wrote in 2001.

Some 49 Irish soldiers have lost their lives in their decades-long mission.

A personnel carrier of the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) patrols the southern Lebanese plain of Khiam region on the border with Israel on October, 10 2023. (AFP via Getty Images)

Durnin, now retired, sees many parallels between previous Israeli invasions of Lebanon and today.

“The Israelis would issue what they called shell warnings, in that they would tell you that they would shell a certain area at a certain time and with the intent that we wouldn’t go there. But in fact, they were frequently inaccurate, both in times and in locations of their warnings,” he said.

Durnin called the Israeli tactics “recce [reconnaissance] by fire.”

“That means before they move into a certain area, they would just shoot all around them. And it really doesn’t matter who’s there,” he said.

Israeli airstrikes have devastated southern Lebanon in recent days, with entire villages destroyed and more than one million people displaced.

Having watched numerous Israeli invasions of Lebanon play out, once up close, Durnin believes the outcome will be much the same.

“I’m not a political animal, but the Israeli methods seem to be the use of military force to solve a problem, and it doesn’t work long term,” he said.

“Out of that [1982] invasion was born [the militant group] Amal, and later Hezbollah.”

And while UNIFIL can’t stop the IDF in its tracks, Durnin has seen its worth.

“UNIFIL doesn’t have tanks, or heavy artillery, or aircraft that the Israelis have. All you can do is kind of get in the way act as a constraint, a brake,” he said.

Trump's Term as President was Much Worse than Biden's

When confronted with the lies, cheating, crookedness, criminality and vulgarity of Donald Trump, his supporters will say, "but he was a good president", or "we were much better off during the Trump years".

But this one BIG LIE that Trump has been selling to the American people because he has no arguments to make in his favor other than inanities and racism and populism. Here is a list of why the economy was much worse under Trump.


ou really think Donald Trump was a good president? Look at his record | Opinion
Andres Oppenheimer
Updated Fri, October 11, 2024

Here’s the biggest myth that Republican candidate Donald Trump is trying to sell to Americans and to the world: that he was a good president.

Trump’s continuously repeated falsehoods about his record as president have convinced many people who find him to be a horrible person, but nevertheless support him because of what Trump says about his term in office.

“Yes, I know, he’s 78, he’s not as sharp as he used to be, he lies all the time, he has cheated on his wives, he makes racist comments, he is a convicted felon, and he tried to carry out a coup after he lost the last elections. But he was a good president,” a Republican friend told me recently.

Let me share with you some facts to help fight political amnesia. In fact, Trump was one of the worst presidents in recent history. Here are the facts:

A larger deficit

On the economy, Trump left the biggest deficit in U.S. history.

Under Trump, the national debt grew much faster than during his successor Joe Biden's term. Like most populists, Trump cut taxes and spent as if there were no tomorrow, leaving a national debt that will have to be paid by our children and grandchildren for decades.

The national debt rose by almost $7.8 trillion to $28 trillion during Trump’s four years in office, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The debt has kept growing since, but at a significantly slower pace.

As for the country’s economic growth, the U.S. economy under Trump grew by an overall 6.8%. By comparison, it grew by 8.4% in the Biden years.

On the jobs’ front, Trump left office with 3 million fewer jobs than there were when he entered the White House. Granted, that was largely because of the pandemic, but Biden has added nearly 16 million jobs since then.

Granted, inflation was lower under Trump than under Biden. The pandemic disrupted supply chains from China and made consumer prices soar in America in 2021 and 2022. But inflation has since fallen to 2.4%, close to its pre-pandemic levels.

A weakened democracy

On democracy, Trump undermined democratic institutions and the rule of law like no other American president in recent memory. He is the first U.S. president I can remember who tried to stage a coup d’etat to stay in power.

Trump falsely claims to this day that he won the 2020 election, even after more than 60 courts and the conservative-majority Supreme Court found his objections to be unsubstantiated.

Then, he tacitly tried to incite rebellion on Jan. 6, 2021, when he waited for hours before trying to stop a pro-Trump mob from invading the U.S. Capitol in hopes of overturning the election result. He continues to praise the violent rioters who injured more than 100 police officers, calling them “patriots” and government “hostages.”

Emboldening dictators

On foreign policy, Trump weakened America’s standing in the world by picking fights with the closest U.S. allies while at the same time embracing dictators such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.

Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord and threatened to abandon the U.S.-European NATO military alliance. Trump’s threats to leave NATO significantly damaged the group’s unity and probably encouraged Putin to plan his 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

If you look at the world in terms of superpower-led blocs, Trump left power in 2020 with a weaker Western alliance and a stronger China and Russia.

Reproductive rights

On abortion, Trump appointed three conservative Supreme Court judges who played a crucial role in overturning Roe v. Wade, a ruling that had made abortions legal in the country for nearly 50 years. As a result, some states banned abortions, and some women reportedly died because they could not get proper medical care to end their pregnancies.

More hatred

On crime, hate crimes increased by 28% during Trump’s term and hate-motivated murders, mainly committed by white supremacists, reached their highest number in 28 years, according to FBI statistics.

Trump has exacerbated racial hatred in the country since he started his 2016 campaign falsely declaring that most Mexican undocumented immigrants are “rapists” and are “bringing crime” to America. In 2017, he said that there were “very fine people” among white supremacists and the anti-racism demonstrators who were protesting against them in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Trump’s racist statements have worsened since. He recently falsely claimed that Haitian immigrants are eating the pets of Americans in Springfield, Ohio. In an Oct. 7 radio interview, Trump said that unauthorized migrants who committed violent crimes have “bad genes,” a language reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s efforts to dehumanize Jews.

Also, in 2020, the last year of the Trump presidency, there was the biggest one-year increase in the number of murders since the 1960s, according the Politifact fact checking website. In addition to the pandemic and the George Floyd riots, Democrats attribute the 30% rise in murders to the relaxation of gun control laws under Trump.

False border promises

On immigration, Trump never completed the border fence nor got Mexico to pay for it, as he had promised in his 2016 campaign. Trump now claims to have built much of the current 654 miles of border wall, but most of it was already in place. It was mainly repaired or upgraded during his years in office, according to Customs and Border Protection data.

On the COVID-19 Pandemic, Trump scorned face masks and at one point asked Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant to fight the virus. Scientists say many of the 400,000 Covid deaths during his presidency could have been averted if he had exhorted people to get vaccinated.

The list of Trump administration failures goes on and on. So if you are planning to vote for Trump because of something specific he has promised, and you are willing to believe a compulsive liar, go ahead. But please don’t tell me he was a good president: he was a disaster on virtually all fronts.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Rabbi Aryeh Cohen: Too Late to Atone

What Israel is doing in Gaza has exposed the Zionist foundational methodology: To fool the indigenous Palestinians while stealing their lands, to terrorize them into fleeing and becoming terrorists, then use the legitimate self-defense by Palestinians as a pretext for more dispossession and land stealing. 

It is too late for Israelis to atone. The harm done is so deep that no normal human being who has been so harmed can ever forgive. Will Jews ever forgive the Germans? Draw your own conclusion. Your call for a "ceasefire" is still a Zionist red herring. It's not enough to restore trust.

What Israelis should do is what you did, Rabbi: Leave the Jewish colony to the Palestinian owners of the land and live somewhere else. Colonialism is over. It never lasted for a long time, especially when it is like Jewish colonialism in Palestine: brutal, criminal, and based on racist messianism drawn the barbarian and primitive religious garbage one finds in the Torah, Bible and the Koran. Other than superficially appearing to be civilized (western names, customs, and languages), Torah-believing Jews are no different from Koran-believing Muslims. They are all bringing hatred and racism to our world; even the so-called moderates among them are a protective incubator for their own radical extremists and terrorists who haunt the world with irrational beliefs and violent practices.



Opinion: I'm a rabbi and a former IDF soldier. This Yom Kippur I'm atoning for my part in the occupation
Aryeh Cohen
Fri, October 11, 2024

American Jews and allies, including rabbis, participate in a Los Angeles sit-in demanding a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war on Nov. 15. (Damian Dovarganes / Associated Press)

Forty-one years ago, I was posted with the Israel Defense Forces as a soldier, in the Palestinian village of Tekoa in the West Bank. From the roof of the school building my unit was based in, I could look into a Palestinian family’s backyard. Every once in a while when I sat there on guard duty, M-16 across my lap, I caught the eye of a woman bringing in her family’s laundry. There was disdain, bordering on pity, in her eyes that I felt deep in my soul. I was already rethinking the morality of the IDF, and the woman’s contempt knocked me off balance.

Today, I live in Los Angeles. I’m a rabbi and a professor who trains future rabbis. During the four years I studied Torah in a West Bank settlement, I saw and encountered many Palestinians but I never had a real conversation with even one of them. We lived in different countries, but sometimes it seemed like different planets.

This year, as Jews celebrate the High Holy Days, I feel a responsibility to model a different way of being Jewish. For this reason, earlier this month I joined a protest at the offices of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the largest Jewish pro-Israel organization in America. We were demanding that AIPAC stop pressuring Congress to continue funding Israel’s war in Gaza; the U.S. should halt military aid to Israel as long as we believe it is committing human rights violations. We invited AIPAC to join us in calling for a hostage and prisoner deal and immediate cease-fire.

Decades ago, when preparing for my reserve duty, I resolved to act with kindness and justice. I would refuse to take part in any unnecessary or unprovoked violence, I thought. However, once I donned the IDF uniform I quickly realized I was part of the military machine that allowed Israeli Jews to live in what Sara Yael Hirschhorn, a scholar of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, calls “occupied suburbia,” while forcing Palestinians to live in constant fear. As one Israeli soldier put it in 2014: “The whole thing is, ‘We’re here, fear us, we’re in control here.’”

This Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, my time as an IDF soldier has me carrying a need to repent for the occupation and call urgently for a cease-fire. There is a long list of sins — the Al Chet — that traditionally is recited several times during Yom Kippur services. It is written in plural, to signal that each individual accepts responsibility for the actions of the community. As we consider what we have to atone for this year, I think these transgressions listed in the Al Chet are a good place to start: “For the sins we have sinned unknowingly. For the sins we have sinned openly. For the sins we have sinned with intention and deception. For the sins we have sinned with internal thought.”

What sins in particular? To start, some in the American Jewish community have indiscriminately supported the state of Israel, even though in January the International Court of Justice found it plausible that the Israeli government was committing genocide and ordered it to take measures to stop. Israel has been criticized for not complying by groups including the United Nations and Human Rights Watch. And yet, the website of the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles proclaims: “Our Federation and the Jewish community of Los Angeles stand in unequivocal solidarity with our homeland,” despite growing evidence of alleged war crimes.

Additionally, some in my community have been so focused on the necessary grieving for the more than 1,200 Israelis killed in Hamas’ attacks on Oct. 7 that they have not been able to acknowledge and grieve the killing of more than 41,000 Palestinians, many of them children, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, after Oct. 7 in both Gaza and the West Bank. In the Nova exhibition, for example, which documents the Oct. 7 massacre and recently came to Los Angeles, there is not a word about Oct. 6 or Oct. 8, 2023. In other words, there is no context except Israeli suffering. The occupation is not named; Palestinians are not named.

The children who were displaced from the school my fellow soldiers and I occupied 41 years ago are now entering middle age. I think about them as I teach the students in my classroom now. I hope these soon-to-be rabbis learn by my example that there is a rich and vital Judaism that opposes oppression, violence and war. I hope they learn that standing in opposition to wrongdoing is a mitzvah, a Jewish sacred obligation.

My protests, my call for a cease-fire, are part of the way I am still responding to that moment, decades ago, when I locked eyes with my Palestinian neighbor carrying her laundry while I held an M-16 and felt ashamed. As a rabbi and a teacher of rabbis, I’m repenting this Yom Kippur for having been a part of the occupation.

Aryeh Cohen is a rabbi and a professor at American Jewish University in Los Angeles. He is a signatory to the “Rabbis for Ceasefire” letter.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Joe Biden: Look at What Your Weapons and Zionist militia are Doing in Palestine

Deir El Balah

October 10, 2024

Subordinate US Sissies Display Passive-Aggressive Behavior to "Fucking Liar" Boss Netanyahu

President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke by phone on Wednesday for the first time in more than 50 days.

BUT, the war criminal Netanyahu spoke with convicted criminal Donald Trump earlier Wednesday before he spoke with Biden, a sure sign of the discourtesy that Zionists have for Americans in general, and how Americans are like little scared puppies on the leash of the Zionists.

Biden warned Netanyahu to make sure his response to the Iranian volley of missiles is "proportional" and to avoid hitting Iran’s nuclear facilities.It's no secret that relationship between the two men has been sour for months, going back to the toxic relations between Netanyahu and President Obama whose vice-preisdent was noen else than Joe Biden.

Despite all this building animosity, the US remains a steadfast cowering backer to the bully Israel. Why that is? Because the Zionists hold the US by the balls in the media and finance.

In a particularly heated April 2024 phone call, Biden asked Netanyahu, "What’s your strategy, man?" according to Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward in his new book, "War."

Netanyahu, at the time, said Israel had to go into Rafah, a Gaza-Egypt border city, that he claimed to be a Hamas stronghold.

"Bibi, you’ve got no strategy," Biden reportedly told Netanyahu, who he also allegedly claimed "doesn’t give a damn" about Hamas and "only about himself."

After Israel entered Rafah, Biden said of Netanyahu: "He’s a fucking liar."

"That son of a bitch, Bibi Netanyahu, he’s a bad guy," said Biden privately, according to Woodward. "He’s a bad fucking guy!"

But Biden and the entire American blody politic, with few exceptions, distrust Netanyahu but dare not confront him on his blatant criminality. Biden told Woodward that Netanyahu "had been lying to him regularly." With Netanyahu "continuing to say he was going to kill every last member of Hamas." Woodward wrote, "Biden had told him that was impossible, threatening both privately and publicly to withhold offensive U.S. weapons shipments."

But Coward Biden never did withhold those weapons. Only a few weeks ago when the boss Netanyahu was being applauded by a subservient and docile US Congress, Biden fearfully offered fucking liar Netanyahu $9 billion worth of weapons.

Hear the Truth from One Who Tried Evangelical Barbarity

21 Brutally Honest Confessions From An American Evangelical Pastor Who Left The Church
Megan Liscomb
Thu, October 10, 2024
Recently, a former American evangelical pastor took to the forum to talk about everything from why he left the church to what he believes in now, and it's a perspective you don't often see.

He wrote, "I converted to Christianity at 21, became a minister in the late nineties, and left the faith in 2021. I'm bumming around Portugal at the moment and thought I'd interact with some people who have questions or similar experiences." The thread in response to his post has over 1,000 comments. Here are some of the most interesting questions and answers:

1.Q: What made you convert in the first place?

A: I think it was the friend group I was in at the time. I got caught up in their enthusiasm.

2.Q: Why did you leave the faith?

A: I didn't see Christianity making people better, and in many cases, I saw it making people worse. For years, other pastors and I promised that people would feel a greater sense of peace and, over time, become more like Jesus, but I just never saw it happening.

Some would point to examples of people they know who are wonderful Christians, but I'd argue that they're wonderful people who would be sterling examples of whatever faith (or non-faith) they believed in.

For Christianity to be true, it feels to me that the percentage of people becoming more caring, loving, and self-sacrificial needs to be higher than normal. It just doesn't seem to be.

3.Q: When you say you’ve left the faith, does that mean you only stopped preaching? Or does it mean you no longer believe Jesus is who he says he is?

A: Right now, I'm not sure that I believe any of it anymore.

4.Q: What was the process of leaving the church like? Can’t imagine they are happy when priests leave.

A: I was asked to leave when I came out in support of LGBTQ inclusion.

5.Q: Why do you think many in the Christian community are so against the LGBTQ+ community?

A: Mostly, it's become a litmus test to judge someone's faith and sincerity. It's abhorrent that Christianity sees itself as a marginalized community that suffers persecution but can't empathize with legitimate marginalized and persecuted groups.

6.Q: Do American Christians actually read the entire Bible, or is their knowledge cherry-picked by pastors for sermons and Bible study? It seems the contradictions are glaring if you read the Bible, and the hypocrisy of, say, choosing a line from Leviticus to call for the extermination of LGBTQ people while ignoring the rules about eating shellfish is more than just ignorance of the passages.

A: I think the biblical literacy of evangelicals is terrible. A lot of these folks will fight you in the street over whether or not the Bible is the word of God, but that doesn't make them read it.

7.Q: What was your family/friend group reaction to you leaving?

A: Most of them ignore it. My wife is still a believer, so navigating that can be tricky. It makes sense she would feel a sense of loss and a long-term bait and switch. 

8.Q: Are there any major beliefs that you still hang on to? For example, do you still believe there is a God? I’ve also had an experience of going through pastoral training (not nearly as long as you) but never became a pastor as my faith began to evolve. I’ve found myself throwing the baby out with the bathwater at times and have tried to avoid that, curious how you’ve managed that yourself as someone who was in it longer.

A: I believe service and sacrifice triumph over evil. I believe that people shouldn't be practicing their faith publicly for attention. I believe in doing to others what I would have them do to me.

9.Q: Did patriarchy, complementarianism, or any of the sex-based rule hierarchy play any role in your decision to leave the church?

A: Sure. The colonialism inherent in the faith played a big role, too. A faith that turns a blind eye to chattel slavery and disempowers half a population based on gender just stopped making sense. And let's be honest: when a faith devalues one of two genders, it's not prepared to be thoughtful and kind to the idea of gender as a spectrum.

10.Q: How much money did you make as a pastor?

A: Oof, not much. My congregations were smaller. Never more than $40K.

11.Q: What are your thoughts on the megachurch leaders such as Copeland, Osteen, etc? And have your views on them changed over the years?

A: No. I always thought they were opportunist garbage dudes.

12.Q: I'm a former Christian who lost my faith as well. One thing that had an effect on me was seeing that the prosperity gospel had taken over American Christianity and completely perverted it away from the ideals that supposedly came from Jesus. I blame this perversion for a lot of the hateful behavior and rhetoric I see in the US because religious people have all been convinced that they should hoard wealth as a sign of God's favor and owe nothing to the poor. They've become sociopathic in a way, with no sense of community or responsibility. I wondered if this played any part for you or if you could comment on it from a place of better understanding.

A: I honestly don't think the prosperity gospel is that prevalent. I'm more disappointed that clergy are paid by the churches they pastor, so they can never really be honest and critical, or people stop giving. It becomes a tail-wagging-the-dog situation.

13.Q: Do you still feel like what Christianity preaches (if understood by people as you understand it) is a positive and useful message for people? Another question I'd like to add is what, to you, is the most important thing (for yourself) that you've learned from Christianity/Jesus?

A: I value a lot of what I learned from Jesus. I'm still enamored with the idea that evil is overcome by self-sacrificial kindness and service. I wished Christians believed this. Robert Nicholas / Getty Images

14.Q: Did you ever take issue with the representation of Jesus being portrayed as white?

A: In a lot of Japanese art, Jesus is portrayed as Japanese. In African art, he's portrayed as more African than Near Eastern. So, on some level, portraying Jesus in a way that aligns with your culture is natural.

That said, the fact that white Jesus is often the default does point to the problems with colonialism, where we outsource and force our culture on others.

So no, but also yes.

15.Q: Churches today have deviated so far from Christ's simple but powerful message of love, compassion, charity, inclusivity, and to stay out of worldly affairs, i.e., politics. How do these people justify their blatant disregard for Jesus while preaching Jesus? I really need to understand.

A: A lot of American Christians spend more time being discipled by Fox News than Jesus of Nazareth.

16.Q: When you were still a believer, did you believe people needed religion to have a moral compass, or were you already conscious that it was not the case?

A: I felt that was nonsense forever, and I hated any time someone suggested that faith made people moral. If you need a god in order not to kill or steal, you're kind of telling me that you're a terrible person who needs to be coerced to do good. 

17.Q: My mom has gone in the deep end and is throwing prophesies and end times at me. Is there any way to combat this hysterical form of Christianity? Any suggestions?

A: It's rough. She believes it and she's your mom, so she's likely not going to put a lot of stock in the idea you might have a better perspective than her.

Ask her politely if she wants to simply tell you what she thinks or have a dialogue. If it's the former, nod and smile when she talks about it, and then go on with your day.

18.Q: How do you find purpose without god or the Bible? I've left religion and struggle to find meaning in things like I used to.

A: I think I find more meaning, beauty, and wonder in disbelief than I did in belief.

19.Q: What parts of the Bible, if any, do you still value? Do you still have favorite books or chapters because they provide wisdom, inspiration, comfort, etc? Or do you basically reject it altogether?

A: I mean, I like the gospel of John. I like Proverbs. There are parts that I still appreciate.

20.Q: Presuming you felt the Holy Spirit over the years, how do you rationalize what that feeling was?

A: People from all religious backgrounds have moments of devotional euphoria. Hell, people at Taylor Swift concerts experience it.

21.Q: Looking back overall, do you think you’ve made a positive or negative impact on the world in your line of work?

A: Investments in people are always a net positive, but I don't need religion to do that.