Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Why Religions Hate Sex

Sex is liberating. Since religions want to control people, they have made sex a demonic practice whose only object is to make children (i.e. new brainwashed recruits into the religion). Otherwise, Islam, Judaism and Christianity have dumped all kinds of shame, sins, prohibitions and painful retribution for those who engage in sex for any other reason than procreate and breed.

With human societies evolving out of their religious primitive past thanks to the Age of Reason, the Enlightenment (L'Age des Lumières), the revolutions of the late 1800s, the industrial revolution and the bulldozer of science crushing all our superstitions, the chasm is growing fast between those who use reason to view the world and understand it, and those who continue to remain attached to defunct religious barbarity (out of nostalgia) because they confuse faith with traditions. But religion and faith have nothing to do with traditions. In fact, religions have attached themselves like stink on a monkey to traditions, forcing themselves into a realm that has long pre-existed the advent of any one religion. 

In Lebanon, the Church (with its 12 or so ethnic versions, Latin Catholic, Maronite Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Assyrian Catholic, Chaldean Catholic... and their Orthodox cognates like Greek-Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, etc.... and then those "in between" like the Greek Catholics who were Orthodox but had an internal fight some 300 years ago and decided to "return" to Catholicism. Plus the US-inspired barbarians of Evangelical Protestantism who are trying to make headway in all this mess. I am leaving the 8 or so Muslim denominations and the Jewish one out of this discussion.

Before it was known as Lebanon, the country was home to the Phoenicians whose actual territory extended well south of today's Lebanese border into Palestine and well north of today's Lebanese border into Syria. 

When the Roman Empire was forcibly converted to the new Jewish sect known as "Christians", some time around 340 AD, the Roman holders of power, who had spent a couple of centuries hunting down Christian rebels and terrorists hiding in the catacombs and crucifying them and feeding them to the lions in the arenas, suddenly became Christians hunting down the Roman pagans with untold barbarity.

In Lebanon-Phoenicia, the Christian Romans began dismantling the entire edifice of the Phoenician civilization that had been since ~1000 BC one of the most advanced civilization and a trading colonial empire around the mediterranean. The Phoenicians of Arwad, Tripoli, Byblos, Beirut, Sidon, Tyre and Acre constituted armies and powerful navies for defensive use only, and never went about conquering other civilizations and slaughtering the natives. Instead, they founded trading colonies and cities and exported their beliefs and their pantheon (Baal, Adonis, Ashtarout=Ishtar, Asmoun, Melqart, etc.). The city of Carthage (in today's Tunis), which was founded by the Kingdom of Tyre ~800 BC, was an exception in the sense that it built itself into a superpower that invaded Spain, southern France, Italy and nearly vanquished Rome in the famed three Punic wars.

Phoenician temples became churches. Statues of Ishtar became statues of Mary. Adonis became Jesus, Baal become Deus, etc. The Phoenicians who lived along the coast and resisted the forced conversions fled into the highlands of the interior where they managed to preserve their traditions. In time, however, the entire mountain and seacoast became Christian, a conversion that is belied by the fact that virtually all cities, towns and villages bear Phoenician names to this day. The "Phoenicians" only disappeared because they themselves became Lebanese Christians. The Irish too deleted their "Celtic" identity for a while and adopted the "Christian Irish" identity, but unlike the Phoenicians they resurrected their Celtic identity which in many ways today overrides their Christian identity. Not in Lebanon-Phoenicia: The national identity - the Phoenician- was slowly eradicated and replaced with a religious identity - the Christian. Of course, the Moslem Arabs arrived in 638 AD and forcibly converted the seacoast Christians into Islam.

But I digressed. The main impulse for this opinion is the article below in BuzzFeed. In the Catholic Church, and besides some of the commandments (no stealing, no killing etc.) 90% of all proscriptions have to do with sex:

- No sex before marriage

- No sex outside of marriage (adultery)

- No masturbation

- No condoms

- No to homosexual sex

- No sex for priests and nuns (celibacy)

- No "thinking" about sex (or coveting other people's spouses)

etc. though nowadays no one cares any longer and all these prohibitions are largely ignored.

Islam, being a younger religion, still has severe restrictions - read the Hadith to learn about "proper Islamic sex" - as we see with the Taliban in Afghanistan or the Ayatollahs in Iran.

Judaism has somewhat evolved out of its own original barbarity, but the Orthodox sects are worse than the Muslims when it comes to sex. Read the Talmud - the Jewish cognate of the Muslim Hadith - and discover the acrobatics between what is proper and improper sex, the heinous racism toward non-Jews, etc.

Sex is liberating. The moment religions relax their control over people's sexuality they begin losing ground.


These Restrictive Laws About Sex From Religious Medieval Rule Books Are Absolutely Mind-Blowing
Kelley Greene
Mon, January 6, 2025

Back in the Middle Ages (a.k.a. the Medieval era, approximately 476-1450 A.D.), people's daily lives were very centered around the rules laid out by the church. According to the World History Encyclopedia, "The Church focused on regulating and defining an individual's life in the Middle Ages, [and] it was...recognized as the manifestation of God's will and presence on earth."

"The dictates of the Church were not to be questioned, [and] it was understood that the Creator of the universe control." Julian Elliott Photography / Getty Images

During this time, some clergymen wrote penitentials, which were essentially guidebooks for priests.

Basically, during confession, a priest would ask questions of their churchgoer based on potential sins listed in the penitential, then use the prescribed punishment to decide exactly what the sinner needed to do to atone for those sins.

Penance, or repentance for committing a sin, could come in many forms. Thomas Oakley says in "The Origins of Irish Penitential Discipline" that "usually, the penances were assigned in terms of severe fasting." But there were other options, such as "the giving of alms, marital continence [abstentinence], prayer and lamentations, seclusion in a monastery, the amending of one's morals, and restitution."

Feels like claiming you've "amended your morals" might be getting off a little easy compared to the severe fasting option. Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Because these penitentials are extremely old religious texts, they were written primarily in Latin. Fortunately, Medieval Handbooks of Penance by John T. McNeill and Helena M. Gamer contains English translations of a number of these works, allowing us to take a look at these 12 wildly restrictive laws they contained, which Medieval Christians were expected to abide by:

1.Something as small as a certain look might require a 40-day penance. 

The Penitential of Cummean says, "He who is polluted by an evil word or glance, yet did not wish to commit bodily fornication, shall do penance for twenty or forty days according to the degree of his sin." mikroman6 / Getty Images

2.Confessing to even thinking about sex meant someone would have to do penance.

The Penitential of Cummean says, "He who for a long time is lured by imagination to commit fornication and repels the thought too gently shall do penance for one or two or more days, according to the duration of the imagination."

So not only would you need to be wary of someone giving you eyes, but you'd better not think about it afterward — and if you did, you'd better repel your own thoughts as soon as possible.

3.Wanting sex but not being able to have it could earn you a year of penance.

The Penitential of Cummean says, "He who merely desires in his mind to commit fornication, but is not able, shall do penance for one year, especially in the three forty-day periods." Florilegius / Florilegius/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images

4.Simply imagining the act with a crush was problematic, too.

The Penitential of Theodore says, "He who loves a woman in his mind shall seek pardon from God; but if he has spoken [to her], that is, of love and friendship, but is not received by her, he shall do penance for seven days."

Is there anything worse than being rejected by your crush only to have to ask for forgiveness from God about it afterward?

5.Of course, thinking about sex was akin to dreaming about sex, which was, unsurprisingly, also not allowed.

"He who is willingly polluted during sleep shall arise and sing nine psalms in order, kneeling," The Penitential of Cummean says. "On the following day, he shall live on bread and water; or he shall sing thirty psalms, kneeling at the end of each. He who desires to sin during sleep, or is unintentionally polluted, fifteen psalms, he who sins and is not polluted, twenty-four." Culture Club / Art Images via Getty Images

6.People were not supposed to do any sexual acts that weren't intended explicitly for procreation...this includes mouth stuff.

The Penitential of Theodore considers "Qui semen in os miserit" (translation via "He who puts the seed in the mouth") to be "the worst of evils," and McNeill and Gamer note that "it was his judgment that both [participants in this offense] shall do penance to the end of life; or twelve years; or as above seven." Fedelchot / Getty Images

7.This meant no sexual acts were meant to be performed alone, either.

"If she practices solitary vice, she shall do penance for the same period," says The Penitential of Theodore.

8.The church expected only heterosexual sex between married partners.

The Penitential of Theodore says, "If a woman practices vice with a woman, she shall do penance for three years." And "he who after his twentieth year defiles himself with a male shall do penance for fifteen years. A male who commits fornication with a male shall do penance for ten years." Heritage Images / Heritage Images / Getty Images

9.Even if a couple was married and attempting to procreate as the church decreed, there were still a lot of restrictions around their sex life.

The Penitential of Finnian says, "Married people, then, must mutually abstain during three forty-day periods in each single year, by consent for a time, that they may be able to have time for prayer for the salvation of their souls. And on Sunday night or Saturday night, they shall mutually abstain, and after the wife has conceived, he shall not have intercourse with her until she has borne her child, and they shall come together again for this purpose."

The Penitential of Theodore says, "He who has intercourse on the Lord's day shall seek pardon from God and do penance for one or two or three days."

And The Penitential of Cummean says, "He who is in a state of matrimony ought to be continent during the three forty-day periods and on Saturday and on Sunday, night and day, and in the two appointed weekdays, and after conception, and during the entire menstrual period."

Got it. No sex on Saturdays or Sundays, or for some random 40-day period three times throughout the year, or while pregnant. Plus, two other appointed weekdays and any time someone is menstruating. Heritage Images / Getty Images

10.Anyone who didn't follow at least some rules of abstinence within their marriage was considered a sinner.

The Penitential of Finnian mandates that there be "continence in marriage, since marriage without continence is not lawful, but sin, and marriage is permitted by the authority of God not for lust but for the sake of children."

And The Penitential of Cummean adds, "After a birth he shall abstain, if it is a son, for thirty-three [days]; if a daughter, for sixty-six [days]."

What can we say? Our man Cummean loves an abstention period. Dea / De Agostini via Getty Images

11.Though sex was only intended for procreation, if you had trouble getting pregnant, you were also supposed to abstain.

The Penitential of Finnian says, "If anyone has a barren wife, he shall not put away his wife because of her barrenness, but they shall both dwell in continence and be blessed if they persevere in chastity of body until God pronounces a true and just judgment upon them."

So at some point, if you were unable to conceive, you'd be expected to just be abstinent forever — which doesn't really seem like it'd be particularly helpful. But at least that meant a woman wouldn't be "put away," which is giving Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre vibes.

12.And finally, this charmer from The Penitential of Theodore: "A husband ought not to see his wife nude."

I'll be honest: I'm not entirely sure how this would be managed when everyone's bathing in a giant barrel of water, and the mere existence of this image tells me it was probably nearly impossible. Universal History Archive / Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Ultimately, McNeill and Gamer say, "The penitentials...helped to lead our forefathers from a low and primitive to a higher stage of moral culture. But they [also] lent themselves too readily to gross abuses and sowed the seed of an evil harvest." Their use gradually fell out of favor.

Personally, I'm happy to see that society has moved into a more progressive view of sex and sexuality than folks had back in the medieval era, and I hope it stays that way. No need to go back to monitoring each others' proclivities and bathing in a big ol' dirty communal tub.


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Ann Telnaes, Liz Cheney, Soviet America and Kim Jong-Trump

On January 7, 2015, the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, was the object of a terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 17 people, including 11 journalists, catroonists and security personnel at the Paris offices the magazine. The perpetrators were militant Muslims of Algerian descent who claimed to be defenders of the prophet Muhammad who, along with Jesus, Moses, the Pope, and all religions and religious figures, have always been the subject of satirical cartoons by Charlie Hebdo.. The victims were French atheists, christians and muslims.

On January 3, 2024, Washington Post cartoonist Ann Telnaes quits because the owner of the Post, Jeff Bezos, censored a satirical cartoon depicting many billionaires worshipping at the feet of Kim Jong-Trump. Pulitzer Prize winner Telnaes said, “I have had editorial feedback and productive conversations—and some differences—about cartoons I have submitted for publication, but in all that time I’ve never had a cartoon killed because of who or what I chose to aim my pen at. Until now”.

Telnaes had worked at the Washington Post since 2008. She described the political cartoon that did not get published, saying it “criticizes the billionaire tech and media chief executives who have been doing their best to curry favor with incoming President-elect Trump.” The cartoon featured Facebook and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Los Angeles Times publisher Patrick Soon-Shiong, the “Walt Disney Company/ABC News” depicted as Mickey Mouse and Washington Post owner Bezos. A rough draft of the scrapped cartoon can be seen below.

A rough draft of Ann Telnaes’ scrapped cartoon (Credit: Ann Telnaes/Substack)

Telnaes had criticized Bezos for his handling of the Washington Post in the months leading up to Trump’s election. On Bezos's order, the Post did not endorse a presidential candidate in 2024 for the first time in decades, leading to three editorial board member resignations and widespread canceled subscriptions.

“Owners of such press organizations are responsible for safeguarding that free press— and trying to get in the good graces of an autocrat-in-waiting will only result in undermining that free press,” the cartoonist said of her former boss.

“As an editorial cartoonist, my job is to hold powerful people and institutions accountable. For the first time, my editor prevented me from doing that critical job. So I have decided to leave the Post,” she said. “I doubt my decision will cause much of a stir and that it will be dismissed because I’m just a cartoonist. But I will not stop holding truth to power through my cartooning, because as they say, ‘Democracy dies in darkness.’”

How long before totalitarian autocratic rule in America "inspires" madmen to go into offices and homes of opponents and dissidents of MAGA's Dear Leader Kim Jong-Trump? In France, radical militant and terrorist Islam has tried to repress freedom of the press, indeed the French's own "Freedom to Blaspheme" - religion doesn't have more aura than other ideologies and should be treated equally to them, including be open to criticism and satire, and be debunked for the violent genocidal bullshit it has inflicted on humanity for millennia. The French people remain attached to their "laicité" (secularism) that protects anyone's right to worship or not worship but not in the public sphere, and that protects anyone's right to criticize, satirize, or mock any ideology or religion or leader or politician. 

The barbarity of Kim Jong-Trump is that he is turning America into an early version of a western Christian Taliban that will crush freedom of expression - and soon freedom of conscience - and that is unable to truly separate religion from state. Billionnaire Jeff Bezos is "protecting" fellow billionnaire Kim Jong-Trump from "blaspheme" be censoring cartoonist Telnaes, and in that he is killing freedom and sanctifying Trump to the level of a god who is beyond reproach. Just like other dictators and autocrats (Assad, Putin, Kim Jong-Un, Xi Jinping, Maduro, Ortega...) around the world. The USA is now officially a banana republic.

Finally, former Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) were awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal this week by President Joe Biden for having lead the congressional investigation into the January 6, 2021 insurrection to topple the US government.

In response, Trump criticized the move, claiming Biden awarded the duo “fake medals” and labeling Cheney as “corrupt.” “Biden rewarded her only because she hated ‘TRUMP,’” he wrote on his garbage Truth Social media. Like all dictators and autocrats, it's all about him, and not about democracy, institutions, the rule of law and the constitution. 

Cheney responded on X (not yet censored by Elon Musk!), “Donald, this is not the Soviet Union, you can’t change the truth and you cannot silence us.” She went on to tell Kim Jong-Trump, “Remember all your lies about the voting machines, the election workers, your countless allegations of fraud that never happened?.... Many of your lawyers have been sanctioned, disciplined or disbarred, the courts ruled against you, and dozens of your own White House, administration, and campaign aides testified against you.”

“Remember how your former Vice President prevented you from overturning our Republic?” Liz Cheney said. “We remember,” she continued. “And now, as you take office again, the American people need to reject your latest malicious falsehoods and stand as the guardrails of our Constitutional Republic — to protect the America we love from you.”


Maggie's Farm

On American conformism, compulsory love for rugby (American football), saying the f---ing Pledge of Allegiance, brains wired to only one of two political parties, believing the fake american dream, living like a slave pawn to the United Scams of America's great corporations... They invented the social media, trapped you in them, used and abused your personal date to make billions in advertizing to sell you crap you don't really need, then pretended they can't figure out how to protect said data except by making you subscribe and milk you out more money to protect you from their own technology... 

Nuff said. Dylan says it all in Bringing it All Back Home:


Try hard, get barred, get back, ride rail
Get jailed, jump bail, join the Army if you fail

Look out kid, you're gonna get hit
By losers, cheaters, six-time users
Hanging 'round the theaters
Girl by the whirlpool's looking for a new fool
Don't follow leaders, a-watch the parking meters

Oh, get born, keep warm
Short pants, romance
Learn to dance, get dressed
Get blessed, try to be a success
Please her, please him, buy gifts
Don't steal, don't lift
20 years of schoolin' and they put you on the day shift

Look out kid, they keep it all hid


Well, I try my best to be just like I am
But everybody wants you to be just like them
They say "Sing while you slave" and I just get bored
Ah, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more

Friday, January 3, 2025

Patriotism under Trump Turns into Terrorism

Within 24 hrs of one another, two former members of the US military carried out what amounts to terror attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. What they have in common is that they are not immigrants, legal or otherwise, but are Americans through and through and many "graduated" from a much-hyped military patriotism into mass murdering terrorists. 

On MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell pointed out that Americans should look to their fellow citizens, specifically U.S. military personnel, and not illegal immigrants, as instigators of terrorism: "The simple fact is, this country has suffered more deadly terrorism at the hands of American-born citizens who are veterans of the United States military than people who have crossed into this country at the southern border ... It is very clear from the evidence that if you want to worry about terrorism in this country, the United States Army is a much bigger problem than the southern border."

Instead, Donald Trump exploits terrorist attacks such as the one in New Orleans to wrongly blame imaginary riminals crossing the southern border. Why he does that is clear: In his mind, his supporters are illiterate peasant xenophobes who will believe anything as long as it is against immigrants and foreigners.

"No one who has ever crossed the southern border, in the history of the existence of the southern border, has killed more people in this country than Timothy McVeigh, who was born in Lockport, New York, the northwest part of the state, into a White Roman Catholic American family with roots in this country that go back farther than Donald Trump’s roots in this country," O'Donnell said. "The New Orleans terrorist, like Timothy McVeigh, reached the rank of sergeant in the United States Army."

Timothy McVeigh, a Gulf War veteran, car-bombed the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 167 people.

Remember the November 5, 2009, Fort Hood (Texas) mass shooting when US Army major and psychiatrist Nidal Hasan fatally shot 13 and injured more than 30 people among his brothers in arms?

And now the New Year' eve car ramming in New Orleans by Shamsud-Din Jabbar, a Texas-born US citizen and Army veteran who served in Afghanistan, followed by the highly decorated Green Beret soldier, Matthew Livelsberger, blowing up a Tesla Cybertruck outside Donald Trump's Las Vegas dump and shooting himself in the head before the explosion.

Contrary to what the jackass Trump is saying, these incidents have nothing to do with immigration. It's been said many times, US-born criminals - especially those with military backgrounds - by far surpass on a per capita basis criminals with immigrant background. By far, most terror attacks in the US over the decades were carried out by homegrown white boys, often with military background and for a variety of motives. The cancer is in the culture of violence that is embedded in the American DNA.

On MSNBC this morning, the newscast was detailing the two recent terror attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, warning viewers that the footages might be difficult to watch. A Barely a second later, commercials began with an ad for the British Hollywood copycat trash series, the Day of the Jackal, showing the main actor with his rifle pointing at human targets... No warning of violence there. Does anyone see any connection between the movie "heroes" - amateur or professional killers - and the real life killers who lose a bolt in their brain? In America, life is now imitating "art". The cultural references of most Americans are overwhelmingly in a fantasy world of gory, bloody violence spewed like poison in their heads by Hollywood. And some, eventually, lose track of reality and act upon these references to become themselves the "heroes".

Whether you're a disgruntled husband, a government hater, a sore loser, a recently laid off worker, or a former army vet with PTSD.... there is no other way to vent your anger than killing other people (doesn't matter if it's with cars or weapons) BECAUSE YOU'VE SEEN IT DONE EVERY EVENING ON TV. 

For this recent surge in mass shootings and killings, Donald Trump has too in his own "artsy" way fanned the flames of hatred of government institutions and the xenophobic hatred of immigrants and people who do not have "his lovely white skin". Everyone is an enemy right now. And the dumb idiot isn't even in the White House yet. Brace yourselves, my fellow Americans, we are entering a very dark 4-year long tunnel without any light at the end.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Another Fake Trump Campaign Promise Goes Belly Up

Before taking office, Trump is backtracking on almost every one of the fake empty promises he made to his herd: immigration, lowering costs and prices, fixing the economy (that doesn't need fixing), etc... And now ending the Ukraine-Russia war.

The blond orangutan, soon to be enthroned as President of the American wasteland, promised his tribe of midwestern and southern tailless primates that he, alone, will end the Ukraine-Russia war in 24 hours before he even enters the White House.

Now the dumb moron – and his credulous racist primate tribe – are discovering that the deceitful testicular integrity of the Supreme Moron is useless without a romping partner. And Russia’s Putin is no romping girl. Donald Dumb is discovering that negotiating an end to centuries-old wars is not like negotiating the sale of a stupid building.

On Monday, Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, delivered Trump an Unhappy New Year wish from his friend Putin by turning down the orangutan’s proposals to end the war in Ukraine. “We are not happy, of course, with the proposals made by members of the Trump team to postpone Ukraine’s admission to NATO for 20 years and to station British and European peacekeeping forces in Ukraine,” Lavrov said, adding he wanted “reliable and legally binding agreements that would eliminate the root causes of the conflict and seal a mechanism precluding the possibility of their violation.” By “root causes”, the Russian barbarians drill their colonial imperial belief that Ukraine has always belonged to Russia and therefore ought to be kept under Russian control.

As he has so far done with many of his campaign lies and false promises, Trump admitted last week that it would be more difficult to solve the Ukraine-Russia conflict than the Middle East conflict, after months and months of campaign lies that he would end the war “by the time he takes office” and that “he would end it within 24 hours of his taking office”.

Trump’s approach to negotiation is based on the mechanics of negotiating the sale of a rundown building; he thinks he can apply these to negotiating issues that have centuries of history and identity conflicts, none of which his illiterate uneducated mind can comprehend. For example, Trump’s proposal includes forcing Ukraine to the negotiating table by threatening to cut off aid, while forcing Russia to negotiate by threatening a surge of weapons for Ukraine. Trump wants Ukraine to abandon joining the EU and NATO which would alleviate Russia’s concerns, but he wants to put European forces on Ukrainian soil as a security guarantee.

The other macaque in the incoming Trump administration, VP-elect J.D. Vance, proposed last September to allow Russia to keep the Ukrainian territories it has already occupied, and give Russia guarantees that Ukraine would be a neutral country. What geniuses!

For lying imbeciles like Trump and Vance, their approach to such conflicts stems from a position of absolute ignorance that frustrates them to the point where they seek “express” solutions that do not demand too much thinking.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

MAGA Orangutan Donald Throws His MAGA Trash Under the Bus

Read Rex Huppke's magnificent commentary below on the MAGA racists first being told that they're dumb and lazy by two immigrant-birthright Trump sycophants, then get thrown under the bus by  orangutan Donald who sides with said immigrants against his own imbecile "natives".

Trump’s Crown Prince Elon Musk Tells the MAGA Crowd to go F - - - Themselves!



Trump picks Musk's money over 'forgotten' Americans of MAGA. Sorry, xenophobes!

Rex Huppke
Mon, December 30, 2024

My new hobby is watching loyal Donald Trump supporters get thrown under the bus by President-elect Donald Trump. It’s exhilarating.

The most recent example came when the anti-immigrant MAGA base got in an online derp-brawl with big-tech Trump supporters like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy over the issue of H-1B visas. Those visas allow highly skilled foreign workers to stay in the United States for up to six years under H-1B nonimmigrant status.

Big Tech companies rely on those visas, while Big Racism people on the internet claim the visas are another example of foreign workers taking jobs from the “forgotten” men and women of America who Trump promised to protect.

(Spoiler alert: Trump sided with Musk and the tech bros this weekend because they gave him lots of money and money is all he actually cares about. Sorry, xenophobes!)

Trump sells out supporters to back Elon Musk on H-1B visas

Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy face MAGA backlash over possible visa program expansion

Here’s how the whole unbelievably stupid thing unfolded.

About a week ago, Trump named venture capitalist Sriram Krishnan as an advisor on artificial intelligence. Because Krishnan had previously voiced support for expanding the H-1B visa program, hardcore anti-immigration loudmouths like Laura Loomer – one of the most loyal Trump loyalists – and Steve Bannon got mad and outraged. That’s kind of their thing.

Bannon said the H-1B program is a threat to Western civilization, which makes sense if your soul is so filled with hate it has choked off oxygen to your brain.

The madness and outrage swiftly descended into racist attacks against Krishnan’s Indian heritage, prompting Musk and Ramaswamy to get big-mad and offer forceful defenses of the foreign-worker program.

Vivek Ramaswamy tells MAGA that Americans are kinda dumb and lazy

Ramaswamy posted on social media: “Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long (at least since the 90s and likely longer)…Trump’s election hopefully marks the beginning of a new golden era in America, but only if our culture fully wakes up. A culture that once again prioritizes achievement over normalcy; excellence over mediocrity; nerdiness over conformity; hard work over laziness.” 

Happy-go-Lucky Birthright American Vivek

Many MAGA folks read that as Ramaswamy calling them dumb and lazy, probably because that was Ramaswamy calling them dumb and lazy. The MAGA base swiftly turned its ire on Ramaswamy, prompting Musk to call them “contemptible fools.” He later clarified that “contemptible fools” was only referring to “those in the Republican Party who are hateful, unrepentant racists” and will “absolutely be the downfall of the Republican Party if they are not removed.”

I’m not quite sure how that narrows things down, but whatever.

MAGA fans find themselves discovering where they stand in Trump's world

The bottom line is this: Members of a political movement fueled almost entirely by a hatred of immigrants were getting told by Musk, an immigrant, and Ramaswamy, an American via birthright citizenship, that they are racist and dumb and lazy and should support a program that allows foreign workers to get U.S. jobs.

It prompted prominent MAGA figures like former Rep. Matt Gaetz, who like all these other people is a disreputable dipstick, to post this about Musk and Co.: “We welcomed the tech bros when they came running our way to avoid the 3rd-grade teacher picking their kid’s gender - and the obvious Biden/Harris economic decline. We did not ask them to engineer an immigration policy.”

Somebody pass me the popcorn – this is getting GREAT!

Musk tells MAGA to ... well, it's profane and not too nice

On Friday, Musk took to the social media platform he has ruined and wrote of the anti-worker-visa crowd: “Take a big step back and F--K YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.” (I’m not sure how one of the most influential people in president-elect Trump’s orbit saying “F—K YOURSELF in the face” squares with the evangelical part of the MAGA base, but I can only deal with one group of suckers getting burned at a time.) 

 Dark Immigrant Lord Elon







On Saturday, in an interview with New York Post, Trump finally weighed in on the visa issue, saying: “It’s a great program.”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!! [If you needed proof of the hypocritical ignorance and stupidity of Trump, that was it]

That’s magnificent.

Trump hated H-1B visas – until Musk told him to like them

First off, Trump said in 2016 that the H-1B visa program should be ended and is “very bad for workers.” And now, miraculously, it’s great.

Second, Trump constantly peddles xenophobic nonsense about how he’s fighting for the little guy, how he loves his “real American” supporters and how he alone can save them from the scourge of scary immigrants and elitists.

But when a couple of elite billionaires go off on his base and effectively call them a bunch of non-skilled, racist dopes while rallying around a specific immigration program they like because it helps them … well, guess whose side Trump is on?

Musk spent about a quarter of a billion dollars to help Trump get back to the White House. So Trump is going to do whatever Musk and his fellow tech billionaires want him to do.

And the Laura Loomers and Steve Bannons and the MAGA loudmouths online and the voters who let themselves get conned into believing Trump was in it for them? Well, I hope they enjoy looking at the underbelly of the bus. That’s going to be their primary view from no
w on.

Monday, December 30, 2024

America's Innate Brutality Revealed in this video

 ...and who knows how many of these "incidents" go unreported? How many did go unknown before cameras were everywhere?

Violence was already cloned into the DNA of Americans the moment they landed at Plymouth, Mass. For one they were religious barbarians of peasant origins who thought themsleves better than the indigenous Indians because they had a 3,000-year old rag called the bible. Then they proceeded to kill the Indians and deport the rest out of their ancestral lands. 

We all know the stories of the English colonial expansion across the world and all the calamities it has left behind it - South Africa, Palestine, India-Pakistan...- and the United States which, though rebelled against the English, was genetically stocked with English barbarians who carried racism and violence in their blood.

How can the footage below be explained in any other way than cheap, coward, wanton violence? Just like George Floyd and so many others who couldn't even defend themselves. A boob is censored in American movies, but the spectrum of killing, shooting and gory bloody violence is endless. Killers, gansgters, Mafiosi types are made to be heroes. Video games reek with violence.

The footage below is a tiny sliver of the bedrock of violence up which the "city on a hill" bullshit of democracy and freedom sits. And now with Trump, it's gonna come even more out of the closet of hypocrisy and bigotry.

Americans are angry because they are raised to believe in the false fantasy of the American dream. Then they realize it's a big con job in which find themselves held captive like a herd of cattle by big companies that never cease to invent new ways of fleecing them from craddle to grave. The majority don't understand why they are angry, and that is why they love weapons.

War Criminal Netanyahu is now Sexually Impotent: Could be Dangerous

Wihout his prostate, Netanyahu can no longer fool around with wife Sarah. That, on top of their legal troubles for corruption, is likely to make him more dangerous because his skyrocketing frustration will be compensated by more racist, ethnic cleansing, genocidal violence against the Palestinian people. Indeed, after his surgery, he was recovering in an "underground recovery unit fortified against potential missile attacks".

Still, because of the ills that the Zionist War Criminal suffers from, he is unlikely to face justice in The Hague: Hernia, heart condition, prostate, urinary tract infection, dehydration, dementia.... He'd better stay in that underground fortified unit and die already.

Israeli hospital says Netanyahu has undergone successful prostate surgery
Associated Press
Mon, December 30, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a press conference in Ramat Gan, Israel, in June. (Jack Guez/Reuters)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu underwent successful surgery Sunday to have his prostate removed, hospital officials said, a procedure that came as he manages multiple crises including the war in Gaza and his trial for alleged corruption.

Netanyahu, who has had a series of health issues in recent years, has gone to great lengths to bolster a public image of himself as a healthy, energetic leader. During his trial this month, he boasted about working 18-hour days, accompanied by a cigar. But as Israel’s longest-serving leader, such a grueling workload over a total of 17 years in power could take a toll on his well-being.

Netanyahu, 75, is among older world leaders including US President Joe Biden, 82, President-elect Donald Trump, 78, Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 79, and Pope Francis, 88, who have come under scrutiny for their age and health issues.

Netanyahu’s latest condition is common in older men, but the procedure has had some fallout. The judges overseeing his trial accepted a request from his lawyer on Sunday to call off three days of testimony scheduled this week. The lawyer, Amit Hadad, had argued that Netanyahu would be fully sedated for the procedure and hospitalized for “a number of days.”

Dr. Ofer Gofrit, head of the urology department at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center, said in a video statement late Sunday that the procedure had gone well and “there was no fear” of cancer or malignancy. “We only hope for the best,” he said.

In a statement, Netanyahu thanked his doctors. His office said he was “fully alert” and was taken to an underground recovery unit fortified against potential missile attacks. Netanyahu was expected to remain in the hospital for several days of observation.

Justice Minister Yariv Levin, a close ally, served as acting prime minister during the operation.

With so much at stake, Netanyahu’s health in wartime is a concern for both Israelis and the wider world.

As Israel’s leader, Netanyahu is at the center of major global events that are shifting the Middle East. With the dizzying pace of the past 14 months, being incapacitated for even a few hours can be risky.

Netanyahu will be in the hospital at a time when international mediators are pushing Israel and Hamas to reach a ceasefire in Gaza and as fighting between Israel and Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels intensifies.

Prostate issues are common and in many cases easily treatable. Still, the procedure puts a dent in Netanyahu’s image of vigor at a time when he would want to project strength more than ever, both to an Israeli audience navigating constant threats as well as to Israel’s enemies looking to expose its weaknesses.

Netanyahu insists he is in excellent health. His office releases footage of him touring war zones in full protective gear flanked by military officers, or meeting with defense officials on windswept hilltops in youthful dark shades and puffer jackets.

But that image was shattered last year when Netanyahu’s doctors revealed that he had a heart condition, a problem that he had apparently long known about but concealed from the public.

A week after a fainting spell, Netanyahu was fitted with a pacemaker to control his heartbeat. Only then did staff at the Sheba Medical Center reveal that Netanyahu has for years experienced a condition that can cause irregular heartbeats.

The revelation came as Netanyahu was dealing with massive anti-government protests. The news about a chronic heart problem stoked further anger and distrust during extreme political polarization in Israel.

Last year, Netanyahu was rushed to the hospital for what doctors said likely was dehydration. He stayed overnight, prompting his weekly Cabinet meeting to be delayed.

Earlier this year, Netanyahu underwent hernia surgery, during which he was under full anesthesia and unconscious. Levin served as acting prime minister during the operation.

According to Netanyahu’s office, the Israeli leader was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection on Wednesday stemming from a benign enlargement of his prostate. The infection was treated successfully with antibiotics, but doctors said the surgery was needed in any case.

Complications from prostate enlargement are common in men in their 70s and 80s, Dr. Shay Golan, head of the oncology urology service at Israel’s Rabin Medical Center, told Israeli Army Radio. Golan spoke in general terms and was not involved in Netanyahu’s care or treatment.

He said an enlarged prostate can block proper emptying of the bladder, leading to a build-up of urine that can lead to an infection or other complications. After medicinal treatment, doctors can recommend a procedure to remove the prostate to prevent future blockages, Golan said.

In Netanyahu’s case, because the prostate is not cancerous, Golan said doctors were likely performing an endoscopic surgery, carried out by inserting small instruments into a body cavity, rather than making surgical cuts in the abdomen to reach the prostate.

The procedure lasts about an hour, Golan said, and recovery is quick. He said that aside from catheter use for one to three days after the procedure, patients can return to normal activity without significant limitations.

Trump Lied to His Imbeciles to get Elected. Now He's Slowly IV'ing them the Truth

MAGA fools who voted for convicted felon Trump, take notice: He lied to you and made promises he knew he couldn't keep. Now he's preparing you for the hard truth by weaning you off his campaign cool aid.


In shift, Trump downgrades soaring rhetoric on campaign promises
Brett Samuels
Sun, December 29, 2024

President-elect Trump on the campaign trail made grandiose promises to voters to bring down costs quickly, to end the war in Ukraine before he even took office and to use tariffs to bolster the U.S. economy and manufacturing.

Since winning November’s election, Trump has indicated delivering on those promises may not be as simple as advertised.

Trump in a recent “Meet the Press” interview said he could not guarantee tariffs would not lead to higher consumer prices.

He acknowledged in a Time magazine interview for his Person of the Year honor that it’s difficult to bring down the cost of groceries once they’ve gone up. [So why lie during the campaign and promise that he alone can bring them down?]

And in his first post-election press conference from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., Trump suggested ending the war in Ukraine would be more difficult than easing tensions in the Middle East.

While Democrats and critics accused Trump of lowering expectations or signaling he would not deliver on his campaign promises, the Trump transition and other allies argued it was the president-elect shifting from sweeping campaign rhetoric to the nuances and realities of governing.

“The American people re-elected President Trump by a resounding margin giving him a mandate to implement the promises he made on the campaign trail. He will deliver,” said Karoline Leavitt, a spokesperson for the transition and the incoming White House press secretary, in a statement.

One Trump ally argued the president-elect was not contradicting his promises on the trail, but he rather was shifting away from the sales pitch rhetoric that is typical of campaigns.

Trump made improving the economy, and inflation in particular, a core part of his campaign for the White House in 2024. He frequently railed against the Biden White House for the high cost of groceries specifically, and he often told supporters he would bring down costs by increasing the energy supply, which would have a ripple effect on overall prices.

Prices will come down. You just watch. They’ll come down, and they’ll come down fast. Not only with insurance, with everything,” Trump told supporters in North Carolina in August.

At a rally in Pennsylvania on the eve of Election Day, Trump said a vote for him meant “your groceries will be cheaper.

But in comments to Time on Nov. 25, Trump was more circumspect about his ability to bring down the cost of groceries. Asked if his presidency would be a failure if prices did not decline, Trump said he didn’t think so. “Look, they got them up. I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard,” Trump said. “But I think that they will. I think that energy is going to bring them down. I think a better supply chain is going to bring them down. You know, the supply chain is still broken.”

Democrats were quick to jump on Trump’s comments, suggesting it amounted to a broken campaign promise before he even took office.

“Candidate Trump promised to lower grocery prices, but now it seems he isn’t even going to try,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) posted on the social platform X. “While champagne corks pop at Mar-a-Lago, President-elect Trump says that he can’t really lower grocery prices because it’s ‘very hard.’ Sad. It’s the start of a broken promise.

The Democratic National Committee highlighted Trump’s comments about groceries and compared them with comments he made on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange last week about trying to slash the corporate tax rate further.

The president-elect also struck a defiant tone on tariffs throughout the campaign, pushing back on anyone who suggested they would raise consumer prices, upend the economy or alienate allies hit with tariffs.

Since winning the election, Trump has largely maintained that posture, even as he has acknowledged the possibility that some companies might pass on costs [of his tariffs] to consumers.

“I can’t guarantee anything. I can’t guarantee tomorrow,” Trump told “Meet the Press” earlier this month. “But I can say that if you look at my — just pre-COVID, we had the greatest economy in the history of our country. And I had a lot of tariffs on a lot of different countries, but in particular China.”

In other areas of U.S.-foreign affairs, Trump has hearkened back to his more bombastic style — suggesting Canada become a 51st state, the Panama Canal be returned to U.S. control and again went after Greenland by suggesting U.S. ownership was “absolute necessity.” It’s possible Trump is using those warning as leverage for negotiating tactics involving tariffs and lowering the cost for American ships to cross from the Pacific to the Atlantic.

But Trump had also been more nuanced in recent days in speaking about the
conflict between Ukraine and Russia, a war he said on the debate stage in September he would end “before even becoming president.”

The president-elect told reporters at a news conference this week he thought it would be more difficult to resolve the situation in Ukraine than it would be to lower tensions in the Middle East, a region that is rife with conflicts involving Israel, Iran, Syria and various proxy groups.

Trump told reporters Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin need to be prepared to make a deal to end the war, though he would not detail what either side should be willing to concede.

Zelensky, in an interview this week with Fox News correspondent Trey Yingst, said it would not be “simple” for Trump to influence Putin to end the war.

“But I think if to use all the issues what United States has, yes, he can. Because he is much more stronger than Putin,” Zelensky said. “He’s stronger. United States is stronger. Economy stronger. You know, money, big money. United States has big — very big influence.”

Trump in 2016 made a slew of campaign promises he struggled to deliver on. He repeatedly vowed he would build a wall along the southern border and that Mexico would pay for it, and while there was some new construction of barriers, Mexico did not foot the bill.

He also promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, known as ObamaCare. Republicans managed to get rid of the individual mandate portion of the law, but Trump and lawmakers failed to get rid of it or pass a health care plan of their own.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

MAGA Cheerleaders are In-Fighting

The built-in contradiction between, on one hand, the vanishing Christian white-only America that MAGA barbarians believe the US is and should be, and on the other hand, the deep-rooted history of a country of bastards born out of the rapes and fornications by one dominant racist immigrant group with the next immigrant group (that eventually joins the racist dominant group once it is tamed, integrated, and finished memorizing the totalitarian pledge of allegiance). Americans have long put lipstick on the pig by describing it as a melting pot of races, ethnic groups and such. If you don't know any of this, read Herbert Asbury's 1927 book, "The Gangs of New York", and for the phonics-challenged illiterate MAGA imbeciles, watch the Scorcese movie by the same title.

But now that the "white" genetic pool is shrinking by way of inbreeding and lazy drunken moon-shining stupidity on top of the massive waves of 20th century immigration that, truth be told, alone made America great, the whites are facing the contradiction. They are told by one immigrant - Elon Musk - and a dark-skinned immigrant's son - Vivek Ramaswamy - that their genetic whiteness is deteriorating and is unable to shoulder the burden of rescuing white America from its own demons. Musk and Ramaswamy essentially told the white MAGA racists that their culture is mediocre, adulates brawn over brain, wastes itself on stupid Hollywood movies and the more and more "abrutissant" (mind-numbing, or dumbing) social media, and shuns the real hard work of engineering, biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Indeed, all the conspiracy imbeciles that Trump looks to hire reject science. They want to prosecute the real scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci who helped the country and the world by leading two fights against AIDS and Covid, while elevating quacks and TV sitcom fake doctors like Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil to run the country's healthcare system. Ramaswamy is right: In America, illusion has replaced reality and most Americans confuse one for the other. Young Americans think that they can gain more from playing doctor on television and in the media than being real scientists and doctors. Why? It is easier to gain vain fame with the former, while it is more difficult to spend hours in labs doing real research, comprehend complex theories and analyze massive amounts of data.

So now MAGA cheerleader Steve Bannon and MAGA cheerleader Laura Loomer want to rid the country of the H-1B visa that brings smart people into the desolate intellectual and scientific wasteland that white America has become. They also want to "protect" Donald Dumb from the immigrant Musk whose bad influence is apparently de-moronizing Donald Dumb by making him violate their racist creed of hating any and all immigrants. But these immigrants are the ones who create new companies with state-of-the-art technology and ideas couched in advanced science and engineering. Donald Dumb needs protection from himself and from the nitwitted Loomer, Bannon and their likes.

After earning my own degree and obtaining my own H-1B visa I worked in labs across the country. Nice and friendly though they may been, my US-born colleagues were hard-working but had limited breadth of knowledge and depth of understanding. The vast majority of my fellow scientists were from Russia, China, Italy, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Sri Lanka, India, and other much smaller countries. I then taught many years on US campuses and I was always stunned by how unprepared incoming freshmen were. They didn't know basic concepts in science, language and other essential subjects. I had to teach them, for example, what a sentence is, what a verb is, what a cell is, what an atom is.... What the hell were they taught in these insipid schools for the first 12 years of their lives?  

The answer? In America, schools care more for the students' mental wellbeing - because they otherwise might grab a NRA-authorized machine gun and go around exercizing their second amendment rights on their teachers and fellow students - than for teaching them some real useful stuff. American male students are more interested in being on the rugby team (erroneously called "football" by Americans) so they can get a sports scholarship with which they pretend to earn a useless degree while focusing on becoming professional athletes. The female students meanwhile are brainwashed into thinking that jumping on the court in mini-skirts is a goal well worth pursuing for a woman in this 21st century. Academic scholarships, on the other hand, are not as coveted, and science and engineering jobs do not fetch the million-dollar salaries of athletes. Worse, you are a nerd if you excel in academics.

I spend hours around school committee meetings to deal with one student placed on an IEP for one pathetic reason or another. Attending would be the principal, class teachers, special ed teacher, school pyschologist, parents (with an interpreter if English is not the family's mother language), English teacher, ESL teacher, etc. and I used to think to myself 'what the hell is going on here'? A massive input of effort, money, bureaucracy and resources to deal with something that had nothing to do with actual learning! It was all about covering the school's ass and protecting otherwise useless jobs. How do I know? Nothing ever came out of these meetings and IEPs that went on for years, stalking the poor student throughout his school years with the idea that he/she is worthless and needs help.

Steve Bannon, the unshaven, cool-looking, long-haired, racist warrior said that the H-1B visa is a “scam” and refuted the idea that Americans can’t fill top tech roles because they are not “well-educated.” He praised Musk for writing checks and dispending money to get Donald Dumb elected, but disagreed with him on the H-1B visa issue, declaring on his disgusting podcast, “Let me just restate something, as a fact. The H1B visa program is a total and complete scam from its top to the bottom.”

Countering the MAGA racists, the immigrant Musk himself said, “The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H-1B.” No one complains that check-writer Musk himself cheated and lied in his immigration application by pretending to want to go to university, only to fail to report to the school and start working illegally. But we forgive him because he is wealthy man. Money in America trumps (oops! no pun itended) decency and lawfulness. Trump himself is the best proof of that fact.

For her part, the MAGA bimbo Laura Loomer criticized the growing influence of “tech bros” and “oligarchs” and joined the Bannon hurling fiesta by urging the MAGA herd to “protect” Trump from Musk and Ramswamy. The man who "alone can fix it" needs protection? Is he so sensitive or so stupid as to be influenced in the wrong anti-racist direction?

All of this infighting among the Donald Dumb cheerleaders is causing some of them to drop their pom-poms and disgruntle that smarter people are taking over the imbecility bedrock of MAGA.

US Healthcare Through the MAGA Lens: United Scams of America

They still beat up on Obama for his Affordable Care Act, which he managed to snatch despite fierce opposition from the Republican warlords of money and greed, and which is but a speck of the changes that are needed in the pathetically expensive and ineffective healthcare system in the US. Its only success is on the stock market and the pockets of its managers and executives. When it comes to the average American patient, it's an abysmal failure.

Case after case that are publicized on social media, we hear tragic stories of American healthcare companies prioritizing profit over health and denying care to the average American who has been paying skyrocketing premiums. It didn't need a Luigi Mangione to reveal the backwardness and the raw capitalist fiber in American healthcare. Compared to healthcare systems all over the world, including in the developing world, the US is always at the bottom with its exorbitant costs and terrible outcomes. No wonder thousands of Americans choose to go to places like India, Brazil, South Korea and many other countries to have their life-saving surgeries at much lower cost and without having to deal with the disgusting practices of American insurance companies.

One telling feature of the US healthcare system is the bombardement of Americans on television with commercial after commercial for dozens of drugs, instructing them to "ask their doctor" if this or that chemical poison is best for them. Doctors who are themselves bombarded with bribes to prescribe one drug over another, as if healthcare is like a supermarket. The patient should not be asking their doctors; the doctors should conscientiously be prescribing what the science and ethics require them to. 

The MAGA felonious imbeciles now want to privatize Medicare in order for the healthcare industry to increase its chokehold by whimsically denying care to the average American and make profits out of the Medicare taxes that we all pay up during our lifetime with every payckeck.

Despite all these failures of the grotesque corporate money-first healthcare insurance companies, they hide their shameful practices behind the scientific prowess of universities, academic institutions, and research government labs (the National Institutes of Health). The healthcare insurance companies have nothing to do with the basic research that goes on in these fine institutions and labs. In fact, the fundamental scientific discoveries made in these taxpayer-funded research labs are often used and abused by the healthcare companies and drug manufacturers in their abysmal profit-seeking ambitions. And now the MAGA crowd of neanderthals want to defund the NIH and National Science Foundation (NSF) because the Trump ignoramuses do not understand that without the basic research that these two federal institutions carry out themselves or sponsor in academic institutions, there would be no new leads for the greedy drug companies and their affiliated healthcare subsidiaries.

Read the below and shed tears at how American healthcare insurance corporations treat their patients worse than slaughterhouses treat their cows and pigs.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Fools Leading Fools: MAGA America

Musk: MAGA supporters are ‘contemptible fools’

MAGA me with a Mag(a)got

I'm sure this "bright" illegal migrant to the US, who fled South Africa as a white racist Afrikaner deploring Black African indigenous rule after the fall of apartheid, knew long time ago that MAGA imbeciles were fools. He didn't just discover this fact last night.

But as a sycophant of the Supreme Moron-in-Chief, he put aside his knowledge that half of America that voted for Trump were illiterate ignorant fools from the dark middle and south of the United States of America. He himself joined them, all the while knowing that the Moron-in-Chief will castrate America and make it the mightiest banana republic that ever existed.

Having himself fled Black African rule after the defeat of his neo-Nazi white Afrikaner south Africa, Musk figured that white KKK America would make up for "his loss". He entered the US on a student visa, then cheated and did not pursue the education that his visa compelled him to pursue. Instead, he started working illegally and eventually found an employer who, illegally too, sponsored him for the H-1B worker's visa he is now defending.

Meanwhile, the MAGA fools for whom he has contempt did elect the Supreme Moron to be the next president and are fuming at his "treason". To them he is the foreigner who is telling them the truth about the rampant ignorance in an American culture still basking in the nostalgia of the 17th century where cutting wood, hunting squirrels, killing native American Indians and practicing primitive forms of the Christian religion made them believe in their greatness and manifest destiny.

His divorce with Trump looks ominous. It might in fact happen before the inauguration of the Supreme Tailless Orangutan Primate at the White House. During his campaign, Trump has catered to the lowliest half of the American population by demonizing - as rapists and murderers - the immigrants who DID MAKE AMERICA GREAT, unlike the ignorant riff-raff incestuous moonshining peasants of Appalachia who parasitize their fake glory off the backs of hard-working smart immigrants. And now he is facing the real music: His imbecile followers like Laura Loomer are shocked that a successful, albeit illegal, immigrant like Musk is rightfully telling her that she is a fool for rejecting immigrants. In doing so, Musk is in fact telling Trump himself that he - Trump - is an idiot.

But it's too late. Just as Trump did during his first term - morons don't change because moronity is in the DNA - the revolving door is about to start revolving: Bannon, Bolton, and all these half-idiots he had hired did slam the door as they were leaving the White Outhouse. Now he has surrounded himself with full-idiots and the door-slamming by people like Musk and Ramaswamy is about to begin.

Musk has called MAGA luminaries 'contemptible fools' for their attacks against the H-1B visa system that brings smart people into this intellectual wasteland called America. Musk is defending foreign-born engineers and scientists like him and said, using Hitlerian language, that “those contemptible fools must be removed from the Republican Party, root and stem.” He then clarified that the ‘contemptible fools’ he's referring to are those in the Republican Party who are hateful, unrepentant racists (is he a repentant racist?) and will absolutely be the downfall of the Republican Party if they are not removed.

Vivek Ramaswamy, the other immigrants' overachieving "dark-skinned" son selected by Trump to bring efficiency to the US government, also chimed in saying that the lack of U.S.-born engineers in the job market was due to an American culture that venerates mediocrity. The truth. Another dark-skinned immigrant, Sriram Krishnan also chosen by Trump as policy adviser on artificial intelligence added fuel to the fire by proposing a change in immigration policy that removes caps on green cards (permanent residence visas for foreigners who first enter on a H-1B visa) and unlock skilled immigration.

All three close Trump associates are singing a tune that goes counter to all the vitriol Trump spewed against immigrants to get his corn-growing illiterate KKK peasants to vote for him. The ball is now in his court: He can fire Vivek, Elon and Sriram and lose the only smart people he is surrounding himself, but preserve his aura among the ignorant mass out there, or keep them on board so as not to lose Congress in the 2026 mid-terms. For an idiot like Trump - again idiots are idiots for life, their intelligence doesn't improve with time and age like wine or Persian carpets - he is more likely to dump Vivek, Elon and Sriram. After all, they are smarter than him, and the Rex Magnum "great man" despot that he is, he doesn't want people around him who are smarter than him.

The Greek tragedy that is already unfolding in Washington DC will end like all Greek tragedies: death, suicide, and assassination (e.g. Aeshylus's Agamemnon). Perhaps not the bloody gory types of ends, but their political equivalents. I did not buy a ticket (i.e. did not vote for the imbecile) to watch Trump's deadly
burlesque show, but I will watch and enjoy anyway.


US Ally Israel Counterfeits and Sells US Car Inspection Stickers

Customs agents seize 22,000 fake Pennsylvania vehicle inspection stickers shipped from Israel
Associated Press
Fri, December 27, 2024

Fake Vehicle Inspection Stickers. This photo provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency shows counterfeit Pennsylvania vehicle inspection stickers. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency via AP)

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency said it has seized more than 20,000 counterfeit Pennsylvania vehicle inspection stickers that were shipped from Israel to an address in Philadelphia.

Customs officers found the stickers in two different shipments that arrived on two different days, Nov. 26 and Dec. 9, and confirmed with Pennsylvania authorities that the stickers were counterfeit, the agency said.

The agency did not say in a Thursday statement who sent the stickers, who was to receive them or what purpose the stickers were going to serve. The agency said it made no arrests.

Had they been real, the 22,000 stickers would have a value of $1.4 million, the agency said. Selling fake vehicle inspection stickers is illegal and a persistent problem for law enforcement, although at a much smaller scale.

Pennsylvania requires that motor vehicles be inspected annually to ensure they meet minimum mechanical, safety and emissions standards. Punishment for using a counterfeit inspection sticker can mean a penalty of up to $500 and jail time, the agency said.

Unfettered White Racism: This is Trump's America Now

This is what Trump has done to America. And it's not the fault of his white supremacist KKK types who hate everyone who is not white anglo-saxon protestant; it's the fault of all those Hispanics, Latinos, Catholics, Africans, Arabs and other "less desirable" groups who voted for him. Welcome to Trump's America, you fools.


Man accused of attacking TV reporter, saying 'This is Trump's America now'

DENVER (AP) — A Colorado man is facing possible bias-motivated charges for allegedly attacking a television news reporter after demanding to know whether he was a citizen, saying “This is Trump’s America now," according to court documents.

Patrick Thomas Egan, 39, was arrested Dec. 18 in Grand Junction, Colorado, after police say he followed KKCO/KJCT reporter Ja'Ronn Alex's vehicle for around 40 miles (64 kilometers) from the Delta area. Alex told police that he believed he had been followed and attacked because he is Pacific Islander.

After arriving in Grand Junction, Egan, who was driving a taxi, pulled up next to Alex at a stoplight and, according to an arrest affidavit, said something to the effect of: “Are you even a U.S. citizen? This is Trump's America now! I'm a Marine and I took an oath to protect this country from people like you!”

Alex, who had been out reporting, then drove back to his news station in the city. After he got out of his vehicle, Egan chased Alex as he ran toward the station's door and demanded to see his identification, according to the document laying out police’s evidence in the case. Egan then tackled Alex, put him in a headlock and “began to strangle him,” the affidavit said. Coworkers who ran out to help and witnesses told police that Alex appeared to be losing his ability to breathe during the attack, which was partially captured on surveillance video, according to the document.

According to the station's website, Alex is a native of Detroit. KKCO/KJCT reported that he was driving a news vehicle at the time.

Egan was arrested on suspicion of bias-motivated crimes, second degree assault and harassment. He is scheduled to appear in court Thursday to learn whether prosecutors have filed formal charges against him.

Egan's lawyer, Ruth Swift, was out of the office Friday and did not return a telephone message seeking comment.

KKCO/KJCT vice president and general manager Stacey Stewart said the station could not comment beyond what it has reported on the attack.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Trump’s DOGE Guys Admit American Culture is Mediocre and Needs Immigrants

Unexpectedly for a MAGA moron, Trump bootlicker Ramaswamy called U.S. culture “mediocre” in a debate on whether immigration policy should continue approving high-skilled foreign workers H1-B visas because, as he said, Americans simply are dumbed down by a culture that elevates prom queens and jocks over nerds and valedictorians.  He posted, “The reason top tech companies often hire foreign-born & first-generation engineers over “native” Americans isn’t because of an innate American IQ deficit (a lazy & wrong explanation). A key part of it comes down to the c-word: culture.”

He continues, “Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long (at least since the 90s and likely longer). That doesn’t start in college, it starts YOUNG. A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math Olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers.

Ramaswamy himself is not an immigrant but he is the son of Indian-born immigrants who entered the US legally on work visas. He was the valedictorian of the elite Jesuit high school, St. Xavier in Cincinnati, Ohio.

He said, “Trump’s election hopefully marks the beginning of a new golden era in America, but only if our culture fully wakes up. A culture that once again prioritizes achievement over normalcy; excellence over mediocrity; nerdiness over conformity; hard work over laziness.”

Obviously anti-immigrant MAGA imbeciles were stunned by Ramaswamy’s comments. Rogan O’Handley, who runs the pro-Trump X account “DC Draino,” said, “How did DOGE go from ‘let’s cut wasteful government spending’ to ‘here’s why we need to import more immigrants’ almost overnight? What’s next? Gun control? No more oil drilling?”

Nikki Haley, an on-off Trump asslicker and rival, and the daughter of immigrants, said, “There is nothing wrong with American workers or American culture. All you have to do is look at the border and see how many want what we have. We should be investing and prioritizing in Americans, not foreign workers,” ignoring the fact that those immigrants at the border are the poorest of the planet and are not highly skilled workers. They want only the lowliest features of the much-hyped American dream: mediocrity and consumerism.

Another post about Ramaswamy said, “Vivek is tweeting about how we need Asian immigrants because Americans are bad parents who raise dumb kids, and I’m not sure this guy has a big future in Republican politics.”

The other DOGE appointee, Elon Musk, himself an immigrant from apartheid South Africa, also stands against his own MAGA xenophobia by expressing sympathy to immigrants and foreign workers. Musk has angered Trump supporters with posts that called out Americans as lazy. “There is a permanent shortage of excellent engineering talent,” Musk wrote on Wednesday. “It is the fundamental limiting factor in Silicon Valley.”

Musk, a South African who was a H-1B recipient himself at point, came to his Ramaswamy’s defense on Thursday. He wrote on X that the “number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low.” “Think of this like a pro sports team: if you want your TEAM to win the championship, you need to recruit top talent wherever they may be,” Musk said. “That enables the whole TEAM to win.”

H-1B visas for high-skilled workers have often been wrongly criticized for allowing companies to rely on cheap foreign labor, when the fact is that the skills required of H-1B visa holders qualify them for high-paying jobs. However, companies who hire these H-1B visa holders also maintain some control over these workers; it’s difficult for them to switch jobs, and if they lose their jobs they may be forced to leave the country. But this is for a very brief period of time: Typically, within one year of their hiring on a H-1B visa, these workers apply and obtain the green card or permanent residence, which then allows them to do whatever they want, including quitting the field for which they were initially hired.

Musk said that Silicon Valley needs foreign workers because there aren’t enough “super motivated” and “super talented engineers” in America. His statements quickly drew criticism from conservatives who support Trump’s draconian immigration policies. “The number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low … Think of this like a pro sports team: if you want your TEAM to win the championship, you need to recruit top talent wherever they may be. That enables the whole TEAM to win.”

The comments incensed Trump ally Laura Loomer, who accused Musk of opposing “MAGA immigration policy.” Loomer added: “You’re still not our President. The real President knows H-1B visas are bad for America and the real President is from this country.” Loomer, like most MAGA imbeciles, ignores that two of Trump’s three wives were born outside of the U.S., and his firms have hired many people on H1-B visas in the past. The problem for MAGA morons is that they are racist and against ALL immigrants. When pushed, they generally say they are against “illegal” immigration only. So why do they hyperventilate about legal high-skilled immigrants? Because they are racist xenophobes who simply don’t understand that America’s greatness is not because of its dumb athletes and bimbos; it is because of the foreign immigrants who man more than 60% of all technical and scientific jobs in the country. Deny these people to come into the country, and America will turn into a scientific and cultural wasteland.

Interestingly, Musk himself is an immigrant who was born in South Africa, came here on a student visa in 1995 which he violated by working illegally and cheated by not enrolling in classes at Stanford University where he was admitted. When Musk was asked at one of his Super PAC’s town hall events about his own experience in the immigration system, he said, “It is easier to get into this country as a murderer than as a Nobel Laureate,” he added.