Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Vote for Trump in November: Complete Democrat Meltdown over US Aid to Israel

Increasing numbers of Americans are taking stock of their country’s rigid and blind support for a genocidal colonial Israel that continues to kill innocent indigenous Palestinians every day in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

For several activists and leaders of prominent Arab-American and other organizations, Biden's support for the $26 billion in aid for Israel reaffirms their view about November's election: They cannot back Biden for a second term. They might vote Trump in spite.

Biden’s flagrant double-standards and contradictions, the latest of which is the US veto at the security council against the legitimate admission of Palestine as a full-fledged member state in the United Nations, all other countries on the Council having voted yes (12) or abstained (2). Even the English crooks who created the monster Jewish colony in Palestine some 100 years ago have abstained, perhaps out of shame at having allowed the genocidal creation of Israel with the ethnic cleansing, displacement, dispossession and massacre of the native indigenous Palestinian people.

But Joe Biden’s America has no shame: with one side of his mouth, he calls for a two-state solution, which implies the establishment of a Palestinian state, but with the other side of his mouth he vetoes a resolution that could pave the way for the two-state solution. Biden keeps repeating that a Palestinian state should only be established pursuant to a negotiated agreement with Israel, but the precedent of the Oslo and Madrid agreements shows that Israel has not stopped violating these agreements with expanded settlements, killings and arrests of Palestinians, and land theft. The Palestinians cannot trust that the most racist, supremacist Jewish, ultra-orthodox barbarian government Israel has ever known will deliver where Israel's moderate 1990s government failed. 

How can a sound and fair agreement be reached between a hyper-militarized, racist, expansionist occupier on one side, and an occupied, dehumanized, besieged, dispossessed Palestinian population on the other side? Successful negotiations can only be conducted between two sides that are relatively on an equal standing. But Israel is the more powerful side, a state that controls every aspect of Palestinian life, while the Palestinian nation is still not a state but a large mass of refugees who escaped the death marches, sieges, rapes, prisons and massacres of the past 75 years at the hands of the Israeli invader and occupier.

A recognition of Palestine by the international community would force more balanced negotiations between the two sides, leading to a fair and just compromise between them. The Palestinians entered the 1990s negotiations in Oslo and Madrid as an organization (the PLO), and not as a state, and what did they get? A patchwork of Palestinian islands – Bantustans – surrounded by the Israeli occupation army and its criminal settlers that did not give the Palestinians any sense of statehood, autonomy and freedom from the daily humiliations imposed on them by the occupier. Rather, Israel maintained control over every aspect of Palestinian life, even with a figurehead Palestinian Authority at the helm that could not even defend itself against the Israeli encroachments, land theft and settlement construction.

Let Palestine as a formally- and internationally-recognized state negotiate peace with Israel. As a state, Palestine can be held to higher standards of accountability and conformity with any agreement it signs. As a state, Palestine can be sanctioned if it threatens Israel. But as pseudo-organized liberation movements and not as a state, Israel finds in status quo Palestine all the pretexts it needs to keep stealing land, like stealing candy from a baby, something they would no longer be able to do once Palestine is an independent state protected by international law. The Americans know this, but are too afraid of the Zionists who are bent of eliminating any chance for a Palestinian state to eventually emerge. In other words, the US veto against admitting Palestine as a UN member state is evidence of American collusion with the most extremist terrorist Israeli government. Making the establishment of a Palestinian state contingent on negotiations with bad-faith Israel will never work: The Israeli government has repeatedly stated it rejects a Palestinian state. How can the US demand that the Palestinians negotiate with an Israel that does not want a Palestinian state? What would be the point?

Other contradictions and double-standards in the perfidious US posture include a rare US vote for a ceasefire resolution earlier this month while encouraging Israel’s violation of that resolution (like it has violated every one of dozens of UN resolutions passed since 1947) by  supplying it with lethal weapons to drop on a defenseless civilian population in both Gaza and the West Bank. The US has imposed absurdly lame visa-denial sanctions against a handful of individual Jewish settlers for their atrocities against Palestinians in the West Bank, but refuses to declare the settler movement a terrorist organization, since this movement is a US-based racist fundamentalist organization that funnels billions of dollars to the Jewish terrorist land thieves. The US also deliberately ignores the fact that the Israeli army backs the settler movement's violence and pogroms against the Palestinians on the ground.

Other countries should unilaterally recognize Palestine and exchange ambassadors with it to try and force the issue. Spain has already said it will do that, and other European countries are following suit. The US, again, will be the lone dope internationally on account of its blind and irrational support of Israel. By continuing to delay the inevitability of a Palestinian state, the US is colluding with the Zionist terrorists in aborting any chances of an agreement and endorsing the continuing violence against the Palestinians. If the US understands this, then it is deliberately scuttling any chance of a Palestinian state. The US  is acting to reject a Palestinian state, despite its endless claims otherwise. It may be that Biden wants a Palestinian state but is too jaundiced to oppose the extremist Zionist racists who have his neck on a leash.

According to Democrat leaders, a consensus is emerging in their minority communities that a vote for Donald Trump is in fact a better option than voting for Joe Biden. The calculus is that Donald Trump's policies on Palestine are dangerous and unfriendly for Palestine, but so are Biden's policies. At least with Trump, there is no hypocrisy. Biden, on the other hand, is stuck in the 1940s, holds outdated ideas about the world (his uncle, he says, was eaten by cannibals in Papua New Guinea during WWII), has no imagination or new ideas, and is a cowardly fence-sitter, throwing a carrot here and brandishing a stick there. His fuzzy policies are void of any objective criteria, principles or standards and seem to be improvised de novo over his morning coffee. Anthony Blinken too appears to be flailing about under the pressure of the job. Everyone is upset with him, the Egyptians, the Europeans, the Israelis, the Arabs (including the Qatari mediators) because he is incapable of navigating the just and fair middle of the road. 

Just like George W. Bush’s lies about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, Biden’s lies and fumbling about Israel and Palestine will come back to haunt America in the decades to come. The world could not trust America because of Trump’s antics; now the world is discovering that the problem is not Trump himself. He is merely a symptom of a sick, unhinged, unimaginative America that is out of touch with the rest of humanity, and which remains stuck in a 1700s mindset. Within one week of one another, France permanently enacted abortion rights to women in its constitution, while regressive Arizona went back to an 1800s law on abortion. Those good old dumb Americans!

In essence, Biden’s America is really no different from the one Trump keeps flaunting. Both the US and its bastard child Israel think they can win over the rest of the world with their violence-based bully policies. But isn’t this what terrorist organizations do: Using violence to terrorize people into submission? And hasn't that policy failed over and over again for decades?

A Trump victory in November might lead to absolute chaos at every level, but sometimes when there is no visible outcome, it is wise to let a bad situation get worse before things can start to get better. It’s much the same with people afflicted with a self-imposed ailment; you just have to let them hit rock bottom before they can be helped. Let the problem get worse until it is so bad that it becomes urgent to address. Vladimir Lenin may have coined the phrase the worse, the better" to signify this general meaning.

On the domestic front, Arab-Americans, African-Americans, native Amerindians and other minorities and progressive Americans are furious with the Biden administration over its handling of Israel's colonial brutality in Palestine, with more Democrats intending to vote “uncommitted" rather than support Biden this time around.

According to some minority leaders, Biden’s signing the just-voted Israel aid package would be a “heartless decision that could mark the point of no return for what remains of the White House’s relationship with those Americans opposed to the genocide in Gaza”.

The rift between Biden and minority voters is unlikely to be repaired "unless the president can undo what has been done for the past six months" in Gaza, said Osama Abu Irshaid, the executive director for Americans for Justice in Palestine Action.

The aid package, which now heads to the Senate for likely passage next week, would mark a significant boost of U.S. support for Israel, though the U.S. has already sent weapons to the country since the Zionist savagery began past October in Palestine. Democratic lawmakers have been increasingly critical of arms support to Israel as well. Earlier this month, more than three dozen members of Congress — including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. — signed a letter asking the White House to "reconsider your recent decision to authorize the transfer of a new arms package to Israel."

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., is among the lawmakers who voted against the Israel aid Friday. She said that she and her colleagues were working to "make sure that we don't send more weapons" to Israel as part of the aid package. "Just because we authorize it doesn't mean it has to be sent immediately," she said.

In response to domestic pressure, Biden has increasingly sharpened his rhetoric against Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli military's tactics. This shows that pressure can lead to some change. After an Israeli air strike killed aid workers in Gaza, Biden said he was "outraged and heartbroken" and argued that "Israel has also not done enough to protect civilians" and aid workers. 

Similarly, Biden expressed support for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's public rebuke of Netanyahu. The New York Democrat roundly criticized Israel's prime minister and called for new elections in the country. Later, Biden said that Schumer "made a good speech, and I think he expressed a serious concern shared not only by him but by many Americans."

As far as the elections are concerned, voting uncommitted, not voting, or voting for Trump to punish Biden all mean a gain for Trump. One activist, Linda Sarsour, is the executive director of the grassroots organization MPower Change and an organizer for the campaign to vote uncommitted in protest. She says, "trying to explain that Joe Biden is better [than Trump] right now during a genocide is not a talking point that lands within our communities." One community organizer said he has not decided whether to make an endorsement for the presidential election, adding that some feel that "it's not worth endorsing anyone". "My concern is that you have a candidate for president who cannot do any more public events for fear of protest, who will not be able to galvanize his own party because it is fractured and is not listening to his own base in his own party", he said.

Trump may have screwed and upended the Republican party. Biden is doing the same with the Democratic party. So does it really matter who of the two old geezers I vote for? I recommend to my fellow Americans to vote for Trump in November, and let America hit rock bottom with the moronic blond dictator. Another four years of mayhem and chaos will hopefully serve as a catharsis after which only good things should happen.



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