Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Israel, Iran, Afghanistan.. What's the Difference, Lassie?

The rising trend in Israel in gender-based segregation, especially on public transport, is exposing the deeply religious nature of the country, contrary to the decades-old Zionist propaganda. While Israel claims to be a liberal democracy, it is increasingly obvious that it is just another barbarian ultra-religious country that, ironically, resembles its declared enemy Iran.

In recent weeks, there have been several media reports about Israeli bus drivers forcing women to sit in the back of the bus or simply refusing to take them on board. One report said the driver of a public bus told a group of teenage girls to sit in the back and cover up after they boarded dressed in tank tops and jeans, so as not to offend the other barbarian ultra-religious riders. Not very different from what women have to put up with in Iran.

The issue of gender segregation is not new in Israel where, as it is in barbaric Muslim countries, many observe religious practices that restrict mingling of the sexes. Activists say that the discrimination against women has always been latent and hidden, but it has been coming out of the closet in recent years. According to an activist lawyer, some Jewish groups really believe that women are the source of all evil.  

Typical scenes of Israeli women in Jerusalem















Tel Aviv, the country's commercial hub, has been the epicenter of protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial plans to overhaul Israel's judiciary. Since his government is made up of ultra-religious and terrorist right-wing extremists, the mass demonstrations against the government have revealed the dual nature of Israeli society.

On one hand, the so-called secular Israelis, concentrated mostly in Tel Aviv, oppose the domination of the religious groups, but this position contradicts the essence of the foundation of the state of Israel, namely that it is a homeland for Jews. It was the secular, Communist and Socialist, and often atheist Jews of Russia and Eastern Europe - founders of Bolshevism - who entered illegally into Palestine and violently founded the British colony of Israel by exterminating a third of the native Palestinian population, driving another third into refugee camps inside and outside of Palestine, and subjecting the remaining third to a degrading racist occupation. These "secular" Jews were the founders of the Kibbutzim - Socialist-run Israeli settlements along the Soviet "sovkhoz" and "
kolkhoz" models of centralized economy. These “secular” Jews in fact reject the foundational tenets and practices of Judaism, and ironically cast doubt on the rationale of the existence of Israel as a “Jewish” nation. If these "Jews in name only" reject the idea of a purely Jewish state, then what the heck are they doing in Israel? They should go back to Europe whence they came, a Europe that has become very Jewish-friendly.

On the other hand, ultra-religious orthodox Jews literally believe the garbage fiction of the Torah – Old Testament – and are copy-paste clones of ultra-religious radical Islamists like the homo barbaricus talibanus of Afghanistan or the homo putidus fartus rulers of Iran. They want to segregate women from men in public places, they refuse to serve in the military draft, and do not pay taxes, among other dispensations they have imposed. Along with their control of government and their attempts to curb the power of the courts, the ultra-religious appear to be moving Israel on a par with Iran and Afghanistan in their attempts to create and impose a more authoritarian radical form of religious government. 

No wonder that God-El-Yahweh-Allah-Dieu-Whatever-His-Name-Is has chosen them as his favorite pet people. They must provide Him with lots of entertainment because of their self-inflicted troubled history, challenging Him by being very naughty (as they are doing now in Palestine) and incurring His divine wrath. Is the putrid religious stench emanating from Jerusalem these days a warning sign of His impending august punishment?

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