Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, June 30, 2023

No Renewal for UNIFIL, Unless...

The annual mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) stationed in south Lebanon is up for renewal this coming August at the UN Security Council. Since it was first deployed in 1978, when the Palestinian PLO terrorists of Yasser Arafat and Syria were doing what the Hezbollah terrorists of Hassan Nasrallah and Iran are doing today, UNIFIL has been like a bookkeeper who counts the rockets and the dead. UNIFIL, no doubt, has also provided great services to the local villages and towns. But those activities are NOT what the primary objective of a force like UNIFIL should be, which is to usher the parties to a peaceful and permanent resolution of their conflict. In this aspect, UNIFIL has not only utterly failed, but its supposed neutral oversight for 45 years over a simmering and latent war has consecrated the absence of the legitimate armed forces of the country and the unlawful existence of a terrorist militia like Hezbollah.

UNIFIL should first and foremost ensure the return of state sovereignty through the exclusive deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), the withdrawal of terrorist organizations, and a final delineation of the border between Israel and Lebanon. None of these objectives has been achieved. Today in July 2023, the situation in south Lebanon is exactly what it was in 1978, which raises the question of why so many UNIFIL soldiers have died? What have all the billions spent on UNIFIL accomplished? A peacekeeping force is a “force”; it should have some latitude to enforce the stated objectives. But not UNIFIL. At best, its soldiers count the rockets, and at worst its soldiers die like sitting ducks.

In retrospect, it might be better for the international community to let the conflict reach its ultimate conclusion one way or another, as this would resolve the problem faster, there will be less casualties, and the UN would save lots of money that can be spent on hunger around the world.

One wonders why it has been so difficult to resolve the south Lebanon issue, which is over a piece of real estate that is 1,060 square kilometers or 409 square miles.

Lebanon and Israel had kept a quiet border since the March 1949 Armistice Agreement which re-affirmed that the Lebanese-Israeli border, referred to as the Armistice Line or the “Green Line”, is the same as the original 1923 Mandate Line between French- and British-mandated territory.

Following the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, the Christian Lebanese government was pressured by the Muslim countries of the Arab League to sign the 1969 Cairo Accord, which granted the PLO absolute freedom of action along the Lebanese-Israeli border. By the coerced signing of the Cairo Accord, the Lebanese government ceded its sovereignty to Yasser Arafat and withdrew its Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) from the area.

After the 1978 Israeli invasion of the south in reaction to the killing of Israelis by Palestinian guerillas operating in south Lebanon, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 425 in March 1978, which created and deployed UNIFIL.

Finally, following the final Israeli withdrawal in 2000, the 1949 Green Line was slightly modified to become the Blue Line, which differs in about a half dozen spots from the 1949 line, though never by more than 475 meters in any given spot.

The bottom line is that UNIFIL has done nothing to change the precarious and long-simmering situation in the south. UNIFIL apologists argue that the force is simply a tool to prevent escalation and further hostilities, and that its role is not to find a political solution. But the failure of UNIFIL to contribute to a solution over nearly half a century has cemented the unlawful status quo at enormous cost in human life and money, and has accompanied endless events, incidents, and wars which have complicated the initial problem and made a solution harder to achieve today than in 1978.

Lebanon and Israel have in the recent past agreed on a maritime border. Why haven’t they been as eager to draw a final land border? The cynics might answer that the maritime border allows both parties to make money out of extracting oil and gas, while the land border holds no such potential.

But is money and business more important than the normal life that the Lebanese have been denied since 1978?

Is money and business more important than the sovereignty of a country over its territory? Shouldn’t the UN concern itself more with the sovereignty of one of its founder states and one of its Human Rights Charter authors?

How is it possible that the wellbeing of such a small country with a pathetically simple problem be so recalcitrant to a solution? The country’s two neighbors, Israel and Syria, that have stoked the problem and invaded and occupied the country more than once have themselves adhered to understandings, ceasefires, truces, engagement rules, and agreements. In comparison with the Lebanese-Israeli border, the Syrian-Israeli border on the Golan is much bigger and much more complicated. Yet, there has never been a war between the two parties since 1974 when the war criminal Henry Kissinger made them sign a truce in exchange for giving them license to use Lebanon as their boxing ring. Israel has occupied the Golan and has annexed it, yet Syria does not have a Hezbollah fighting Israel from Syrian soil. The occasional sorties by Israel’s air force inside Syria are not aimed at the Assad regime per se, but only against Iran’s smuggling of weapons to Hezbollah. In other words, both Israel and Syria have agreed to keep the Lebanese-Israeli border as their only line of confrontation. Why? Because of the weakness of the Lebanese government. Therefore, any effort by the international community to reassert the Lebanese state’s sovereignty over its entire borders (including both its border with Israel and its lawless and much longer border with Syria) would be a great first step towards a solution.

It took the UN 45 years to add a clause to the UNIFIL mandate, allowing the peacekeepers to undertake patrols without coordinating with the Lebanese army (which is either controlled by Hezbollah or fearful of it). Is this what the international community calls progress? What is the point of patrolling if you have to announce it beforehand to the target of the patrol? This asinine policy may be behind the murder last December of Private Sean Rooney of UNIFIL’s Irish contingent at the hands of Hezbollah terrorists who have been identified but have yet to be arrested and prosecuted.

The mandate of UNIFIL is up for renewal. But it should be done with the following conditions and terms:

- Syria should be compelled to submit official documentation to the UN claiming or denying its ownership of the disputed bald hill of Shebaa Farms. If Syria claims ownership, then the Shebaa Farms are Syrian and Hezbollah's resistance against Israel should switch to resistance against Syria. Unless Lebanon decides to officially challenge Syria on the issue, it would no longer have any stakes in this issue, and Hezbollah should close shop or find another lie with which to justify its existence; if Syria denies ownership, then the Shebaa Farms are Lebanese, and Israel should be compelled to withdraw. As long as Syria refuses to submit any documentation, the fake occupation issue will go on festering, and Lebanon and UNIFIL will continue to suffer.

- The Lebanese Armed Forces should deploy everywhere (not only in the few cosmetic spots that Hezbollah defines for it) south of the Litani, in a permanent and joint deployment with UNIFIL forces.

- Hezbollah and Palestinian organizations should verifiably evacuate the area where UNIFIL operates. Violations of this provision (as happens frequently when a rocket is launched into Israel without anyone assuming responsibility for it) should lead to a penalty imposed on the Lebanese government (a raise in Lebanon's contribution to fund UNIFIL; the withdrawal of a percentage of UNIFIL's troops; etc.) A repeat violation should lead to an immediate termination of the UNIFIL mandate and its evacuation from Lebanon.

- Just as was done with the maritime border, Lebanon and Israel should be compelled to sit down and draw a final and definitive border that complies with the 1949 Armistice “Green” Line.

- Once this is accomplished, the permanent deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces along the border with Syria should be executed, and UNIFIL’s mandate should be extended to monitor and delineate the Lebanese-Syrian border.

Absent a return of the legitimate armed forces of Lebanon to the entire territory of the country, UNIFIL will continue to suffer human losses and squander precious funds that could be used elsewhere, and the Lebanese will remain in the permanent state of war their barbaric neighbors, Syria and Israel, impose on it.

As of 14 January 2022, UNIFIL has had 324 fatalities since 1978. They include the following nationalities (How do Ireland, Fiji and France explain to their people the killing of so many of their soldiers?):


Death Total











 El Salvador








































 Sri Lanka






 United Kingdom



Thursday, June 29, 2023

Why the Maronite Church Refuses to Teach Aramaic in its Schools

"Why don't you teach your Maronite 'flock' its native language, Aramaic?" I once asked a wizard of the Maronite church, and his answer was:

"We teach Maronite children Arabic so they can get jobs among the Muslim Arabs of the Arabian Gulf.

We teach Maronite children French so they emigrate and get jobs in Europe and send money back home, but also out of nostalgia for the defunct "mother" that France once was.

And recently we started teaching English so the children get jobs in the Americas (US, Canada, Australia, etc.) and around the world.

You see, we need our children to leave this backward and unproductive country to make money abroad and send it here so we enrich the church even more, so we can be more backward and primitive by demolishing our historic centuries-old churches and replace them with newer cool-looking soulless churches, and erect more statues of all those saints we produce and keep sending to the Vatican.

Teaching our children Aramaic, a dead and useless language, would be a waste of time, though we still use it in our church rituals like a relic of the past.  In fact, we don't want to teach Aramaic because it might resurrect a Lebanese nationalism tied to our Phoenician pagan past. Aramaic was the language of the Phoenicians, those pagans whose civilization we, the church, destroyed with sheer violence and repression to impose the dictatorship of the new religion, Christianity. We demolished their temples and their statues and we replaced them with churches and other statues, and we persecuted those who rejected Christ."

The Maronite Church's educational strategy does NOT include teaching the children about their national non-sectarian identity. The Church indoctrinates the children about being subservient to the Church and about a self-inflated sense of superiority over other Lebanese. But most fundamentally, the Church fears that fostering a broader national identity, founded in Lebanon's Phoenician history and separate from its narrow sectarian inward-looking identity, will make the Church lose its tight grip over the Christian community and consequently over all its money-making enterprises that are themselves substitutes for the real thing. A strong civilian state that shuns religion is not to the advantage of the Maronite Church Corporation. There is no such thing as accountability with religious institutions: They are protected by their "sacred" aura and have managed in many countries around the world to claim a "non-profit" status with which they reap enormous profits to the disadvantage of the public sector.

Religious schools in Lebanon actively combat public schools; I repeat "actively". In some areas that I am familiar with, public schools have been literally shut down by the local Maronite political boss to force people to send their children to the religious schools. Most of these children come from peasant families with moderate incomes. With the deteriorating economy, these families have become poorer and can no longer afford the tuition and costs of religious schools, and are migrating en masse to the maligned and weakened public schools. The reaction of the Maronite Church Mafia: Demand that the state pay the Church directly to offset its impending losses. The more rational, patriotic and ethical thing to do would be to use the money to fix, habilitate and empower the public schools.

The same dynamic applies to universities in Lebanon. Public universities are destitute, underfunded, with politically-appointed administrations that keep fighting with their own faculty and students, while private religious universities - each beholden to a religious sect - thrive.

The Lebanese have by now invented an educational-economic system that goes like this:

- Train - but do not educate - students just enough for them to get jobs, a system I call Mercantile Education (Education Marchande): ignore such skills as research, culture, general knowledge, real science, skepticism-based and question-raising learning for the sake of learning.

- Maintain the general population intellectually imprisoned inside dogmatic sectarian concentration camps, in order to maintain people in a state of fear of the other sects, thus reinforcing the claim by the Church of "protecting" its people, which in turn makes people send their children to religious schools. 

- With the constant state of sectarian instability and war in Lebanon and the poor economic conditions, these "educated" children are then encouraged by their families and the Church to emigrate to find the jobs for which they were trained. 

- Once expatriated, the children rarely return, thus depleting the country of its active forces. But that is just fine for the religious neanderthals, because these expatriate children start making money and sending it back to their families who, in turn, are so grateful for the Church to have educated their children for making money overseas. Many of these expatriated children later return to give money to the Church, to build yet another church or a statue of one saint or another, and eventually bequeath land to the Church.

Some will argue that Lebanon is small and cannot accommodate all of its people's needs. But think of Hong Kong, Singapore, Luxemburg, etc. - and even Israel - they are all small nations but with flourishing economies that meet all their people's needs. 

Why is Lebanon unable to emulate these other small nations? Because of inborn arrogance: The Lebanese do not want jobs that have no titles associated with them like doctor, engineer, esquire, manager, etc.. There is no social prestige associated with being a plumber or electrician or computer technician.... Unlike, say in Germany, where only a minority of children finishes high school with a secondary education degree. Most young people are deviated from traditional, and today obsolete, educational paths and are trained to be excellent technicians in a variety of fields that the country needs. In Lebanon, everyone wants to graduate with the Baccalaureat and go to university, but the system is constantly lagging behind developments in the West by a couple of decades, such that when these developments finally arrive to the country, they have often become obsolete and replaced by newer developments. That is the problem with countries that "import" their modes of thinking and operating because it is a lot easier and "cool" to monkey the West, instead of developing their own plans and methods based on their needs. To do the latter requires hard work, thinking, and attention to detail, among other things, which the "cool" Lebanese have no time for, preferring to sit in cafes, smoke the arguileh, eat like whales, and as they often repeat like idiots, "love life".

How can Lebanon overcome this vicious cycle? By instituting its own mechanisms to study its own problems and needs, and come up with its own solutions. By creating these internal domestic sources of knoewledge, ideas and plans, not only will Lebanon find its own adapted solutions but it will also cease to be like a dog on a leash to developments in the West. We need to stop believing that everything western is great, that we can lazy up year round until the Americans send us their latest fad so we imitate it, copy it, monkey it... always out of context, which ensures its failure.

The Maronite Church refuses to teach one of the few cultural memes that can bind Lebanese society together into one national identity: the Aramaic language, our pre-Christian, pre-Muslim language, the foundation of our identity as Phoenicians, which both religions have strived to kill and eliminate. In this case, I call on the Lebanese to imitate the Irish: They became Christians and Catholics but maintained their Celtic identity intact. They adopted English, the language of their oppressors, but they teach and use their Celtic language in everyday life, on road signs, business signs, in the names they give to their children, etc. They became a western country but maintain their specific Celtic traditions. They have dignity. They have courage. They have values and principles. The show-off, the economic and the mercantile are second place. 

Aramaic Lebanon, or Phoenicia, laid the ground for all Mediterranean cultures that followed them, yet the idiot Lebanese prefer to use the westernized versions of names they themselves developed because it is not "cool" to use older names. One shining example is the name of a Maronite Saint by the Aramaic name of Rafqa, which evolved into Hebrew Rivka and European Rebecca. The birthplace of that saint is in the village of Himlaya, near Bickfaya in the Metn District. The people of Himlaya are very devout Maronites, but they invariably name their daughters Rebecca, not Rafqa, in the stupid belief that Rafqa is archaic or Arabic-sounding, while Rebecaa is cooler and western-sounding like some Hollywood actress.

Maybe Greater Lebanon can be saved by binding its people to their Phoenician identity that predates the Christian (350 AD) and Muslim (630 AD) invasions.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Jewish Hypocrisy in Occupied Palestine

In the morning, Benjamin Netanyahu warns his Jewish terrorists in the West Bank not to “grab land illegally” in the occupied West Bank, then in the afternoon his terror-laden government endorses the construction of illegal settlements. Only credulous simpletons will accept this blatant hypocrisy.

“Calls to grab land illegally and actions of grabbing land illegally, are unacceptable to me. They undermine law and order in Judea and Samaria [the Bronze Age archaic names the white supremacist racist Jewish colonists give to Palestine west of the Jordan river] and must stop immediately,” he said at a cabinet meeting on Sunday. "I say this as someone who doubled settlement in the West Bank despite unprecedented international pressure to carry out withdrawals that I have not carried out and will not carry out.”

The surge in Jewish terrorist violence peaked last week when Jewish terrorists attacked the Palestinian village of Turmusayya in occupied Palestine. These attacks followed repeated Jewish military  operations in the Jenin refugee camp (itself inhabited by Palestinian refugees forced out from their villages by a long history of barbaric Jewish terrorism and anti-Palestinian pogroms), which left seven Palestinians dead and 91 injured. Jewish colonial forces have recently ramped up armed hostilities against indigenous Palestinian freedom fighters, amid Netanyahu’s campaign to expand illegal Jewish terrorist outposts to implant fanatic foreign Jewish squatters from New York and Florida.

Senior Jewish colonial officials said in a statement that they themselves condemn the “nationalist terrorism” of the American Jewish terrorist squatters against innocent Palestinians. These "moderate" officials double down on the hypocrisy since they themselves send their Jewish colonial forces into illegally-occupied Palestinian land to commit atrocities and kill Palestinians under the pretext of combatting terrorism. Imagine that in Jewish-occupied Palestine, a brown-skinned, dark-haired indigenous native Palestinian who fights the foreign occupier is a "terrorist", whereas the white-skinned, blond-haired foreign (American or European) Jewish invading religious fanatic is simply a "citizen".

Separately, the Jewish Colonial Army said on Saturday that rocks had been thrown in the Palestinian village of Umm Safr while Jewish terrorists reportedly set fire to Palestinian property. Ghassan Douglas, a Palestinian official who monitors Jewish squatter violence, said that 10 houses in Umm Safr were set on fire Saturday and seven vehicles destroyed. He accused the Jewish colonist squatters of firing live rounds at the village and two bullets had hit the camera of a Palestine TV crew. The cameraman, Mohammad Radee, said that he and a reporter had tried to hide behind a house in the village, and were surprised that a handful of Jewish terrorists managed to track them and started firing directly at them from a distance of 20 meters. A family of eight was rescued from one burning house, according to Palestinian civil defense teams.

The Palestinian authorities said on Sunday that the Jewish colonial authorities had been forced to recognize the existence of their own Jewish terrorism committed by thousands of armed squatters who benefit from the protection of the Jewish occupation army and political cover from ministers in the ultra-religious Jewish Netanyahu government.


Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Mississauga Idiot Who Mutilates my Posts

Some news outfit in the Toronto area (Mississauga) is run by a Canadian man who left Lebanon long long time ago (in the 1970s) and hasn't been there since. While his ideas became stuck in the 1970s, Lebanon and the world were evolving. Not only is this Mississauga illuminatus completely out of touch with the reality on the ground in Lebanon, his dementia has grown to the point where he believes himself a saint, a prophet of the Maronite Church with which he has had a few run-ins in the past. The Maronite Church has had so many saints that it is very careful with people like our Mississauga fellow who may one day claim sainthood. Apparently, he believes that only he holds the Truth, the absolute truth. He's written on his site that his followers consider him their "father". Ya haraam. Decades of churning 1970s-vintage religious garbage in isolation may lead to cognitive dissonnance.

The Mississauga outfit that goes by the gandiose title of "Lebanese Canadian Coordinating Council" is run by ... only him, Mr. Mississauga. The reason his "council" consists of one man is because his views are stuck in a primitive conception of religion in general, and of his Maronite Catholic persuasion in particular, leaving no room for evolution of ideas or compromise of any kind. And since he runs his "council" by himself, he probably holds meetings with himself, talks a lot to himself, repeats the same religious garbage he grew up with long long time ago. He and his views have not evolved since he came off the boat and landed in Mississauga near Toronto.

Now, his ultra-religiosity (his site is laden with stories of saints and such other poor souls that the church exploits to make money and rercuit more idiots) is a compensatory mechanism. You see, like other religious bigots, he confuses cultural tradition with religion. He finds solace in saying that he is on the side of the religion, but not of the organized church. This is typical of religious escapists who have no answers to the depreciating state of affairs of religions in general. He probably hears about the thousands of sex abuse cases by peophile Catholic priests, inluding the rare case to have come out of Lebanon (Labaki; quickly swept under the rug, of course), but he chooses to ignore them. His ultra-religious ideological fanaticism overrides his own conscience. That is, unfortunately, the case with radical fanatic Christians. 

The case with the Catholic Church of East Timor is a case in point: Dozens of priests and bishops have sexually and openly abused girls and boys placed in their care for decades, yet the vast majority of the East Timorese people - a primitively devout Catholic community, not unlike Lebanon's Maronites - brainwashed into abject Catholicism by centuries of Portuguese colonialism - continues to adulate these pedophile priests and bishops as heroes. The Maronite Church of Lebanon, like the East Timorese Catholic Church, is just another primitive Third World religious institution that is unable and unwilling to move into the 21st century. And the LCCC is a shining example of how followers of such churches selectively practice, or say they practice, their religion: A la carte, picking and choosing what suits them, but then ignoring what doesn't.

I just discovered that the Mississauga illuminatus has published one of the articles posted on this blog. That is fine, I reject any copyright or rights to intellectual property. I do not consider myself such a big deal to think that I should protect the diatribes I spew on this blog, regardless of their merit. But then, Mr. Mississauga has artfully mutilated my text by deleting, altering, or substituing what he doesn't like and replacing it with his own words, and posting this "amended" article on his site. 

Compare his version of my post "Who are the Christians of Lebanon?" 


with my original version


...and you'll see how he has "fixed" my text to suit his rigid fossilized ideas about religion. He obviously likes the piece, which is why he is willing to publish it. But, like a censor in the Syrian or Iranian dictatorship, he decided to change it to make it fit his own ideological diahrreas. He obviously cannot tolerate any dissent, again like dictators with stiff backward ideas. He could at least add a statement at the top of the article to the effect that he has edited it. But no, he has even added a statement at the bottom that goes like this, "Disclaimer: Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect the LCCC’s point of view". So why change the texts? Why screw up with their content? Out of intellectual jaundice and a propensity to not tolerate difference! He obviously knows he is doing something ethically wrong.

Perhaps, as the saint or holy man he believes himself to be, he is above reproach and his freewheeling approach and his religious mandate - I suspect he speaks so much to God and all his saints that God frequently speaks back to him - give him the right to publish whatever trash he wants.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Putin's Russia is Imploding

The end of the Russian war on Ukraine is finally within sight. Not because Russia is winning this stupid war, but because Russia's implosion has begun. 

As Russian history proves, nothing ever changes there except by instability, wars, coup d'etats, revolutions, etc. In a way, Russians are hot-headed ultra-religious barbarians, not unlike many Arab and African countries that cannot get themselves to accept democracy as a means of running their lives. Instead, demagogues, ultra-religious bigots, thieves and other bullshitters with big testicles are adulated by their people who are worse than their rulers. Many of these leaders never step down from office: They are either primitive monarchies, or if they are so-called republics, the leader seizes power by force, then hangs on to power like stink on a monkey until his deathbed after ruining his country with bloody civil wars: Sudan, Libya, etc. 

Lebanon is a case in point. France created all the institutions and laid down the constitution one hundred years ago. But the Lebanese Christians are such smartass genuises that they annexed Syrian Muslim regions to their small autonomous Mount Lebanon entity, dropping from an 80% majority pre-1920 to a 50% equal share post-1920, then they kicked out their French protectors when France was on its knees under German ocupation. Now that the Muslims have done everything to bring down the Christians to the status of a tolerated Dhimmi minority, with Christian emigration out of the country being replaced by incoming Syrian and Palestinian Muslim refugees, with the Muslims waging war after war against the Christians in collusion with Arab dictatorships, the Christians are now begging France for help against Iran and Saudi Arabia, while their feudal warlord leaders have not ceased killing one another for power. 

That is how Russians are. They had a chance after the collapse of the Soviet Union to bring about a democratic Russia that could integrate or at least live in peace with Europe, but they preferred to follow the criminal KGB officer Vladimir Putin and his coterie of billionnaire thieves and oligarchs. Inebriated by his popularity among a primitive and overwhelmingly poor and rural Russian people, Putin embarked on rampaging across the former Soviet Caucasus countries, then on saving the ass of Bashar Assad, the dictator-butcher of Syria by bombing every Syrian city to smitherenes, killing half a million Syrians, and sending another 12 million as refugees across the globe, simply because the Syrian people dared to ask for a change of governance. Then, when that was not enough, Putin thought he could leave an even bigger mark on history - all these megalomaniacs want is to be remembered by history like Alexander, Ceasar, Napoleon, Hitler, etc. if they have to murder millions and millions of people - by invading Ukraine, claiming that it "always was part of Greater Russia", just as Syria keeps saying that Lebanon was "always part of Greater Syria".

Russia's implosion has now begun with a rebellion by the mercenary Wagner group that has fought much of the war in Ukraine on behalf of a less-than-mediocre Russian army. The Russians are cowardly fighters, just like their friends the Syrians. Instead of fighting like brave soldiers, they hide behind their tanks, their cannons and their planes, and they bomb and shell from a safe distance to kill and maim and displace innocent civilians. Afterwards, they rape, torture and mutilate anyone who shows up in their field of vision.

According to various press reports, an account of the unfolding events is as follows:

On 23 June 2023, Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed that soldiers of the Russian Ministry of Defense were shelling his positions. Prigozhin has now promised to take revenge on the leadership of the Ministry of Defense whom he labels as an "evil" that must be stopped. He also dismissed the standard Putin justification for the invasion of Ukraine, saying that Ukraine and NATO were not planning to attack Donbas and Crimea in 2022.

Prigozhin blamed the minister of defence, Sergei Shoigu, for Russia's battlefield failures and deaths, and said that Russia's war in Ukraine was intended to benefit elites. He accused Russia's military of a rocket attack against his Wagner Group, among other serious accusations and threats against the Russian regime that prompted the Federal Security Service (FSB) to open a criminal case against him. Prigozhin pulled his 25,000-strong militia back from Ukraine and into Russia's Rostov-on-Don, and vowed: "If anyone gets in our way, we will destroy everything!"

Nice! That was Russia's dirty laundry being aired to dry. Let us hope that Putin too is brought out to dry like the filthy dictator criminal that he is. They should hang him upside down, topless and in his underwear, on Red Square. Not impossible, given Russia's long macabre history as well as Putin's own history of killings, poisonings, imprisonment and fake justice against his opponents. 

Yup, I can't wait to see "Greater Russia", or as they themselves admit it to be the "Federation of all the Russias" (there are apparently many Russias), break up into the hundreds or so ethnic, lingustic and religious minorities that have been trampled for centuries by the central "white" Russians of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. 

Finally, what I like about these events in Russia is that they present the other "Great" dictator of China, one Xi Jinping, a taste of what may come his way if he decides to make himself even greater by harassing and invading other countries' territories, or by keeping 1.5 billion people chained like animals in his stinking Chinese barn.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Will America Ever Be Fair to Palestine?

When the colonialist French and British colluded with Apartheid Israel in the 1950s to attack Egypt and deny it its rights to the Suez Canal, the United States stood by Egypt against the colonial aggressors. America back then was still committed to fairness and justice in international relations. Having won two victories against racist regimes in WWI and WWII, America was still a beacon on a hill despite its shortcomings in racism.

Something changed in the course of the following decade. Just as civil rights were gaining grounds in the US and racism was taking a hit, racist Zionist propaganda took advantage of America's innocent beginnings as a superpower to abduct its media (including Hollywood), its political machines, and of course its finances.

Today the United States is a prisoner of Israel. Talk about David Israel holding Goliath America on a leash. It is incarcerated inside an intellectual prison that is guarded by Zionist thought police. Not one politican, not one media personality, not one senator or congressman, not even the man or woman on the street dare challenge the Zionist dogma that Palestine is disposable, that Israel is a victim, and that all Arabs, particularly the native indigenous Palestinians, are terrorists. True that Palestinians and other Arabs have carried out terrorist acts against US and western interests over the past decades, but there is a distinction between, say, Al-Qaeda with its Saudi and American parents who funded the Mujahidden of Afghanistan who evolved into Al-Qaeda after the Russians withdrew from their country, and Palestinians fighting for their survival and the ongoing theft of their land by radical ultra-religious foreign Jewish terrorist colonizers, backed by the official Israeli terror organization known as the IDF. 

The motive for colonizing Palestine was never a security issue, never an economic issue. It is based solely on barbaric anachronistic premises of fulfilling biblical trash prophecies from the Bronze Age. Not unlike the Salafists of Islam who, unable to face the modern world, revert back to a literal out-of-context interpretation of their religious texts. Really? Does anyone with a bit of education and common sense - other than the other barbaric evangelists of the American south - really believe that God, named Yahweh and previously known as El to his pet people, gave Palestine to his favorite people? Really? Is God in his so-called magnanimous beneficience capable of discrimination in favor of one people and against the welfare of all other peoples on the surface of the earth? To the point of commanding his followers to go massacre every child, woman and man in Canaan and take their land? Then in our time to require his fake followers (today's Jews are not genetic heirs of the Hebrews; they are recent Eastern European and Russian converts to Judaism) to invade, conquer, massacre, evict and displace the Palestinian people, take their lands, and herd them into refugee camps? Is this what modern humans in this 21st century are asked to believe as a true rational and humane foundation for a hyper-militarized vulgar tyrannical European and American colony called Israel? 

Yet, America too is a terrorist state when the CIA murders people like Allende in Chili or Mosadeg in Iran, and topple many democratically-elected governments and leaders, simply because they want to chart their own course and live their own lives as they please. America is also a terrorist state when it invades Vietnam to resist Communism, but in the end loses the war and now lives on good terms with the Communist regime in Hanoi, in a perfect evidence that all fear of Communism was overstated to the point of hysteria. Then the double standards: Cuba has been under a US embargo for decades, but not Communist China with whom the US does business by the hundreds of billions each year? 

So when will America become a true arbiter? A fair arbiter? Upholder of universal values? As the terrorist Jewish colonizers continue to rampage through Palestine, killing the native population and burning its homes, fields, and olive orchards and expressing hateful racist ideas against the true owners of the land, will America stop expressing "concerns" and get to doing what is right before it is too late? The Zionist terrorist colonizers want all of what remains of Palestine, they want to expel, yet again, the remaining Palestinians from their country so they join their fellow Palestinians who fled the Jewish violence of the 1930s and 1940s, then 1948, 1967, 1973 and to date. Is this what America wants? Another tragedy to be complied with the endless tragedies that have befallen the native indigenous Palestinians?

To really understand the Israeli colonialist mindset, listen to Ariel Sharon who once declared (in an interview with Amos Oz published in Davar on December 17, 1982:
“Even today I volunteer to do Israel's dirty work, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug from under the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up a few synagogues, I don’t care. And I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal. What your kind does not understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.”

Sharon also once declared (October 3, 2001):
"Every time we do something, you tell me the Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear. Don't worry about American pressure on Israel; WE, THE JEWISH PEOPLE, CONTROL AMERICA. AND THE AMERICANS KNOW IT."

Is this what America wants? To be a dog on a Jewish leash, to be ordered around, to be blackmailed to death, to be pilfered of its taxpayers' money in order to salvage a barbaric colonial settlement in the Near East and be an accomplice in the genocide of the Palestinian people? 

There will never be peace without justice. The Americans and the Israelis know it.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Kinship Between Islam and Judaism

The identity and kinship between Judaism and Islam are apparent:

- Torah = Koran
- Talmud = Hadith
- No pig eating
- Male circumcision mandated
- Head-bobbing Torah memorization = Head-bobbing Koran memorization
- Arabic and Hebrew are virtually identical languages derived from a common ancestral language
- Jews and Arabs genetically belong to the same ethnic group called Semites. According to biblical fiction, both peoples descend from one man, Abraham.

- Jews worshiped the Semitic god El (later renamed Yahweh). The name “EL” is a variant spelling of Muslim ALLAH
- Prohibition of representing deities (God, prophets, etc.): No theater, no paintings, no sculptures, etc.
- Both celebrate the fictional story of Abraham's near slaughtering of his son, with a minor dispute over whether the sacrificial son was Ismael or Isaac.
- Wearing skullcaps

- From a historical perspective, Islam was for Mohammad a return to his own Jewish-dominated environment. He may have been Jewish himself or at least had Jewish ancestry [Read the very interesting research by Ibrahim Omer on the Prophet's Hebraic lineage: []. Quoting from this reference:

While the Qur’an firmly identifies the Israelites as chosen “above the nations of the world,” there is no Qur’anic verse identifying the Arabs as chosen. Furthermore, one of the very few Qur’an verses that refers to Arabs is disparaging:

The Arabs of the desert are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and are least inclined to acknowledge the limits that Allah has revealed to his Rasool [Messenger]. Allah is All-knowledgeable, All-Wise. [9:97]

In this context, Muhammad is distinguishable from the Arabs through a unique Ishmaelite descent sharing a Hebraic heritage with the Israelites.

It is also reported that he was influenced by a Christian monk living near Mecca, which was home to many Jewish tribes, many of whom had converted to Christianity by virtue of the proximity of the Arabian peninsula to the Christian Byzantine world. Mecca had a bishop at the time. Mohammad may have rebelled against the growing encroachments by the Byzantine Christian empire after the center of power had moved from Rome to Constantinople just north of the Arabian peninsula. It must have been shocking for him to see his pure monotheistic Jewish-based beliefs "distorted" by Christianity with its multitudes of deities (Al-shirk, الشرك, Association) and representations thereof in icons, statues etc.

Indeed, Mohammad may have seen in Christianity a deterioration of the Jewish creed, particularly in its polytheistic attributes (Trinity, Father, Son, Ghost, Mother of God, Son of God, saints as smaller gods, etc…), which Muslims refer to as “Association”, and a deviation from the pure monotheism of the Jewish creed. So he set out to return to the roots, and shunned all what Christianity, a mostly Western construct, had elaborated around the message of Jesus. This return to the roots can be seen in the similarities I listed above between Judaism and Islam.

Islam was a return to Judaism, just as Protestantism was
a return to Biblical text-based teachings and a reformation-adaptation of Catholicism.

- In sum, in their ancient history, Jews and Muslims, Hebrews and Arabs are one and the same people. The fallacy of a "return" to the promised land consists in the fact that modern Jews
have little to do with the ancient Hebrews, since they descend mostly from relatively recent (10th-15th centuries) Eastern European converts to Judaism. Haven't you noticed their blond and red hair, their blue-green eyes, their strange furry Russian hats and coats? These are not what anyone in the Arabian desert would wear... Furthermore, there are Asian, Indian and African Jews, etc. Most of these ethnicities are not Semitic peoples. Overall, modern Jewish Israelis are physically no different from white caucasian European westerners. The so-called "return" to Palestine is therefore nothing more than a British "colonial" enterprise that sought to invade, seize someone else's land, evict them into refugee camps and surrounding countries, and establish a pure white European colony (now called Israel) in the heart of the Near East. The greedy English crooks had done the same with South Africa to facilitate their trade routes. In Palestine, they implanted the colony of Israel to be close to the nascent oil fields further afield in Arabia.

(In)famous Zionist Quotes

Reading the foundational texts of any ideology, including Zionism and its underlying violent biblical garbage, as well as statements by its adherents, give insight into the psyche of those who espouse that ideology. Remember that the biblical texts of the old testament were written by different people over centuries, then copied over and over with modifications, alterations, additions, substitutions etc. in the course of history. The texts are incoherent, they are contradictory, and have little serious religious content. The Old Testament is a fictional account written by hallucinating smelly old men who thought themselves better than everyone else, not unlike the written rubbish left to us by the Pharaonic civilization with all its self-serving aggrandizement and exaggerated glory. 

Historically irrelevant to our time, most of the stories and claims in the religious accounts are pure fiction for which modern archaeology has found virtually no evidence to support them. From a religious perspective, they have become dangerous to human civilization. Not to exclude any of the self-righteous monotheistic cults, Islam and Christianity too have proven their barbarity over the centuries. Yet billions of people of this 21st century continue to believe their lies as true and use them as foundations for barbaric ideologies with which to hate, mistreat, and justify the killing of other people. Should we perhaps express our gratitude to the Big Zombie in the Sky for all the injuries His benefaction has caused us? Or perhaps it is not His fault; it is - as the monotheistic cultists say in their own defense - it is how people interpret the texts. But that is exactly the point: anyone can write fiction, but it takes a few criminals to claim their fiction to be the "Word of God" and thus immunize themselves against criticism. It is outrageous in our time that of all the ideologies that humans have invented, only the religious ones claim an untouchable degree of respectability and demand that their beliefs, which have caused so much mayhem, be shielded from criticism.   --------------------------------------------------

- Talmud: Non-adulterated Talmudic texts reveal the foundational racism that is built in the psyche of those who continue to believe its supremacist, racist, exclusivist Bronze Age tenets and refuse to denounce them and remove them from their religious texts. Here are a tiny few of the racist beliefs embedded in the religion:

“The Jews are human beings, but non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.” (Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b)

 “Even though God created the non-Jew[s], they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form.” (Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855)

 “Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human.” (Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b)

Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals.(Talmud Sanhedrin 74b)

- Torah [Deuteronomy 7: 2 - 6 ], God urged the Israelites to commit genocide.
"And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them: Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly. But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. For thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth." 

- Chief Rabbi of Israel Yitzhak Yosef: "Black Africans are monkeys".

- Itamar Ben Gvir and his terrorist Jewish settlers during their murderous rampage in Hawara: "Death to the Arabs. Kill all the Arabs. Expel all the Arabs".

- Ariel Sharon, December 17, 1982.
“Even today I volunteer to do Israel's dirty work, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug from under the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up a few synagogues, I don’t care. And I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal. What your kind does not understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.” – Ariel Sharon, in an interview with Israeli writer Amos Oz published in Davar, December 17, 1982.

- Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001: We, the Jewish people, control America."Every time we do something, you tell me the Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear. Don't worry about American pressure on Israel; WE, THE JEWISH PEOPLE, CONTROL AMERICA. AND THE AMERICANS KNOW IT."

  - 1880s. Letters exchanged between early Zionists on how to create Israel.

Vladimir (Ze’ev) Dubnow wrote to his brother, the historian Simon Dubnow, in October 1882: 

“The ultimate goal … is, in time, to take over the Land of Israel and to restore to the Jews the political independence they have been deprived of for these two thousand years …. The Jews will yet arise and, arms in hand (if need be), declare that they are the masters of their ancient homeland.” (Dubnow himself shortly afterward returned to Russia.)

Ben-Yehuda, who settled in Jerusalem in September 1881, wrote in July 1882 to Peretz Smolenskin in Vienna: “The thing we must do now is to become as strong as we can, to conquer the country, covertly, bit by bit … We will not set up committees so that the Arabs will know what we are after, we shall act like silent spies, we shall buy, buy, buy.”

In October 1882 Ben-Yehuda and Yehiel Michael Pines, who had arrived in Palestine in 1878, wrote to Rashi Pin, in Vilna: “We have made it a rule not to say too much, except to those … we trust … the goal is to revive our nation on its land … if only we succeed in increasing our numbers here until we are the majority …. There are now only five hundred [thousand] Arabs, who are not very strong, and from whom we shall easily take away the country if only we do it through stratagems [and] without drawing upon us their hostility before we become the strong and populous ones.”

- Hanan Ashrawi, 2015:
The Palestinians are the only people on earth required to guarantee the security of their occupier, while Israel is the only country that demands protection from its victims.