Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Commemorating the Nakba

"I think it’s very hard for Israelis to admit that they commit war crimes. Because basically, the project of Zionism has a problem…You cannot create a safe haven by creating a catastrophe for other people." Ilan Pappe, professor emeritus of Haifa University.   


The UN has for the first time expressed its regrets for the criminal creation of the State of Israel over the ashes of historic Palestine.

Israel is just a clone of South Africa under apartheid. Time to rectify the fake history propagated by the Zionist movement: Either a full-fledged independent Palestinian State over the remaining 22% of historic Palestine, or one bi-national country that is both Israeli and Arab, non-sectarian for all religions, including the three Jewish-Muslim-Christian religions. Otherwise, especially if the dumb Americans and their British poodles continue to blindly support Israel and its barabaric occupation, Israel is bound to proceed unabated with its violent apartheid policies of massacre and displacement, with the inevitable eviction of the remaining 5 million Palestinians in a gigantic ethnic cleansing campaign in order to achieve the purely Jewish State it says it wants. 

Is this what the world wants? A third ethnic cleansing of Palestine for so-called religious reasons?

1- Back in Bronze Age Palestine, the biblical garbage tells us that God gave the land to the Hebrews and commanded them to massacre the Canaanites (ancestors of the Palestinians), which Joshua did, killing men, women and children and taking their towns and villages.

2- Late 19th century - present time: The Zionist colonialist movement, based in part on the same biblical garbage of a "return" in addition to a mercantile colonial project, invaded Palestine and created the artificial state of Israel over the ashes of Palestine, massacring and evicting the native Palestinian population.

3- If the US and Great Britain and their poodles continue their blind support of apartheid Israel, the 21st century may itself be a witness of a third and final ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinians out of their ancestral lands.

Just like former colonial countries have in recent years expressed their regrets for all the barbarity they inflicted on the native populations of African, Asian, and Latin American nations and peoples, the UN - but unfortunately not the barbaric Americans and English - continue to defend the Eastern European barbarians who invaded, massacred, displaced the native indigenous Palestinian people, herding them into refugee camps all across the region. Israel continues today, under a bigoted hypocritical facade of a tailored rule of law, prohibit Palestinians from returning to their towns, villages and lands, including both those who fled to neighboring countries and those who were evicted from one town to another inside Palestine itself. Do you ever wonder why there are refugee camps inside Israel itself? Do you ever wonder why Palestinian places are called "villages" while Israeli places are called "settlements"?

The Zionist movement is just another colonialist movement among many that sprung up in the mid-to-late 19th century in Europe, bearing the so-called "white man's burden" to civilize the rest of the world. The Zionist movement is one of many European nationalist movements that wrecked havoc around the world with barbaric wars, genocides, colonial seizure of entire nations and peoples, stealing their cultural heritages, forced religious conversions, etc.

In twenty years between 1920 and 1940, the Zionist terrorist movements of Haganah, Stern, Lehi and others attacked Palestinian villages, massacred their populations or forced them to flee, seizing their homes to install Jewish colonists who were entering Palestine illegally. In urban centers, the entire infrastructure of Palestine was built over centuries by an energetic, active Palestinian population, yet living under Ottoman occupation: local governments, courts of law, banks, museums, schools, cultural centers, hotels, etc. in addition to a productive agricultural sector. In the villages, Palestinian generations had for thousands of years, as evidenced by the millennial olive orchards that the barbarian Israelis keep uprooting, lived in traditional harmony with their environment. They, unfortunately, did not muster the wealth and sophistication of the invading hordes of European Jews, nor did they understand the violence that was being inflicted on them by these foreign barbarians who had learned everything, especially the violent repression of people, from their racist and violent Nazi European environment. Just like the native Amerindians when the white Europeans arrived. That is why the invaders won, and the natives lost. The Palestinians tried to mobilize against the invading hordes of European Jewish barbarians, but they were no match. Especially since the British racists had hypocritically sold Palestine to Jewish European bankers in exchange for loans with which the British fought the World Wars, and then allowed hundreds of thousands of Jews to enter mandatory Palestine illegally and massacre and evict the indigenous Palestinians.

For the decades since 1948, the State of Israel and its tentacles in Hollywood, Wall Street, the American and British media, the Jewish Agency, and others, have propagated the lies that everyone at first believed. Calling Palestine a land without people, referring to the Palestinians as squatters from the surrounding Arab countries, saying that the Palestinians left of their own will, continuously labeling the Palestinian National Movement as terrorist, Islamic, or in cahoots with other terrorist nations, saying that the Jewish European invaders were poor refugees from the death camps of Nazi Europe, etc.. All lies that most people believed because there were only very few sources of information, all held by the Zionist lobbies. 

But now the Internet has democratized information. Over the past few decades, the truth about the monumental crime of the 20th century, namely the creation of colonial Israel, has been exposed. Paid Zionists continue to haunt discussion forums on the Internet and other places where they continue to disseminate hateful lies about the Palestinian people; but no one believes them anymore. The truth is out of the box and it is unstoppable. And that is why it took the cowards of the international community and the UN 70 years to finally call Israel for the crime it constituted against the Palestinian people. After righfully voting in the 1970s the "Zionism is Racism" resolution, the General Assembly was forced, again by the powerful Zionist lobbies, to repeal that vote. But the Zionist endeavor of murdering an entire nation continues. The fight, however, is not over. The world is finally coming to terms with the crime of the 20th century: The creation of the western colony of Israel in the heart of the Near East over the ashes of historic Palestine.

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