Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

German Neo-Nazis March for Peace!


They apparently no longer want wars, because their Nazi history is so stressful to their sensitive minds.

They march all across Germany calling on their country to stop sending weapons to Ukraine, and by extension allow the megalomaniacal Russian dictator Putin to succeed. 

These German neo-Nazi pacifists are the children and grandchildren of those Germans who willy-nilly became Nazis and didn't mind what Hitler was doing. Just as they don't seem to mind what Putin is doing.

Under the guise of pacifism, they allow dictators to slowly engulf Europe in another war.

That is what their grandparents did in the 1930s, and this is exactly what they themselves are doing today. In fact, it wasn't only Germans who followed Hitler: The English, the Americans, the French, and many others worked for "peace" with Hitler's Germany even as the latter was taking the Sudeten from Czechoslovakia, annexing Austria and threatening more land grabs. That is exactly the path Putin has embraked on. If he succeeds in Ukraine, then the Poles and the Germans better prepare for war. Is this what these hypocritical peacenik Germans want?

To not want war to the point of allowing brutal megalomaniacs to dominate is both stupid and criminal. You see, Germans are a very difficult people with complex neuropathological problems. They have an innate proclivity for guilt. They feel guilty just for being alive. They invented Protestantism which made them directly personally responsible (without church intercession) to God. That is not an easy burden. Muslims too have this direct relationship with God, and you can see the results. To compensate, people like that jump to extremes: harsh discispline, stubbornness, obsession with order, recalcitrance to change, radicalism, mental stiffness, no sense of humor, condescension to others, lack of compassion, etc. which are all tenets of both the Nazi and the Islamist ideologies.

By passively submitting to Hitler a century ago, their grandparents sent millions to their death and pushed a few million others into the British-American colony in my part of the world, the apartheid state of Israel which uprooted, displaced, and ethnically-cleansed the indigenous native Palestinian people out of their ancestral lands and into refugee camps, with all the disastrous consequences this have had on the world. Where do you think the majority of Israelis came from? Who do you think the majority of Israelis is today? Former Germans, Ukrainians, Russians, Belarussians, Moldavians, etc. who were reared under the Nazis and Fascists: they just happen to be Jewish. They all have German last names, with blond hair and blue eyes, and have nothing to do with the Near East. Their behavior is a copy-paste of the Nazis' behavior. Just as the Boers - a hodge-podge of Dutch, French and English extermist Protestant settlers - who had nothing to do in Africa except build a hateful, racist apartheid white supremacist colony called South Africa. Israelis are to the Near East what White South Africans are to Africa.

By pretending to be pacifists, these neo-Nazi Germans are essentially giving Putin a free hand in Ukraine, to be followed - as history showed us - by further heartache and torment across Europe.

Enough western hypocrisy. All the ills of our current world are the legacy of European colonialism: subjecting other peoples to slavery, terror and occupying their lands, greedy capitalism, pilfering their natural resources, disrupting their environmentally-balanced lifestyles with fake modernity.... and they still have the gall to pretend to be peace-loving democrats who love nature. Just look at these privileged Westerners, these "lovers of nature" with all their plastic gear with which they climb mountains, dive in oceans, walk through forests, drive their SUVs into the heart of the most distant places on earth.... all of it because they want to "protect" nature. Protect it to death, that is.

By the way, Deutsche Welle (whose article is in the link above) is a prototype of that bigoted German Christian cabal, a den of residual Nazism that is intrinsic to the German mind: Not long ago, Deutsche Welle sacked all its Palestinian and Arab reporters because they reported on the barbaric atrocities that the German Nazi grandchild called Israel is causing to the Palestinian people. Just as their predecessors sacked all their Jewish employees back under the Nazi regime.

Remember what I say: Germany will one day become the biggest threat to Europen stability again. Nazism is still alive and kicking deep in the German mind, and can at any time wreck all that was built after World War II. The pseudo-pacifist Germans marching to stop aiding Ukraine are not marching for peace, they are marching in support of the Russian dictator Putin, just as their grandparents and parents marched for Hitler. Chassez la nature, elle revient au galop.

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