Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Hezbollah's Christian FPM Slaves Want Dialogue, not Elections

Alain Aoun, Pierre Raffoul, Simon Abi-Ramia, and all the composting old farts of Michel Aoun and Gibran Bassil's slaves assigned to Hezbollah, are calling for "dialogue" after deliberately breaking quorum in Parliament for the 6th time (as of Thursday Nov. 17) in a row last Thursday.

Like they did in 2014, 2015 and 2016, they boycott or walk out of the general assembly - which ought to be in continued session to elect a president - for the specific objective of preventing a vote. They are afraid of what a vote could do to their vanished power, now that the old man is gone, and are clinging by their nails to the robes of Hassan Nasrallah, stroking his turban, and kissing his feet.

Why are they afraid of a vote? 

Because they have no viable candidate. 

Because the only candidate they might have is under international sanctions for corruption, and even if elected, he will be an identical repeat of the disastrous experience they've had with Michel Aoun. 

Because the other side's candidate has proven he can muster the majority required, assuming a vote is allowed to go through.

When the dinosaurs of the ill-named Free Patriotic Movement - slaves are not free, Iranian agents are not patriotic - call for dialogue while blocking Parliament from electing a president, it is in the hope of getting the other side, which is playing by the constitutional rules (it has a candidate and is not blocking Parliament), to sit down and agree on a "consensus" president, i.e. a weak president who can be manipulated and coerced by the Iranian mullahs and the Syrian tyrant into tolerating the outlaw Hezbollah organization and keeping Lebanon as a hostage to a satisfactory conclusion, if any, to the Iranian nuclear program stalemate and other regional problems.

The Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) is afraid of elections. Since elections are the pillar of democracy, the FPM is turning its back on democracy and is adopting the type of pre-packaged elections typical of dictatorships and autocratic regimes. Remember when the FPM used to fight against the same practice of appointing a neutral, neutered, feeble, "consensus" president by the Syrian occupation? Now the FPM has adopted the same approach and essentially wants Hezbollah to appoint a new president. On the ground, the practices of the FPM have also taken a Baathist, Fascist slant by terrorizing their opponents with an armed black-shirt militia they call "the Old Guard" which burst onto a TV program last week and beat participants and audience members, something they cloned from the Syrian and Iranian regimes. Either they stay in power by coercive "dialogue" or they stay in power by the force of weapons and terror. 

In a democratic system, people vote. If the vote is in your favor, you get to rule for a limited period of time. If the vote is against you, you just stand aside and let your opponent rule for a limited period of time. But thanks to the Iranian-inspired, Syrian-trained FPM, Lebanon has become like many Arab or African countries where transfers of power are never civilized: riots, coup d'etats, civil wars... Dictators don't like to step down when their term ends, they cling to power even as they are on their death beds and their people are tired sick of them. 

And this is precisely what the FPM is doing: Since they couldn't keep Michel Aoun in Baabda because he's too old and can barely walk and talk, they are trying to replacing him with his abrasive son-in-law, Gibran Bassil, a younger clone of Aoun. But they know Bassil as President is out of question for both domestic and international reasons: He is the most disliked politician in Lebanon, and he is under US sanctions on corruption charges. Since they cannot mount a coup d'etat or impose their will by bloodshed, they have decided to go back to a practice they themselves have decried for decades and which was imposed by the Syrian occupation: A weak and insignificant president, and the only way to get to a weak and ineffectual president is through what they call a dialogue. Instead of voting and living like civilized people with the consequences of their vote, they want to hide their filth behind a "consensus" president.

The FPM has become a backward, Fascist, tyrannical party similar to the Syrian Baath Party, a party afraid of real elections, afraid of being in the opposition. And we all know why: As long as it clung to power by the force of weapons and terror - via Hezbollah - the FPM could make do without what it believes to be useless democratic elections. Elections may bring someone who can do well for the country, and that would be a disaster for the protectors of Hezbollah and slaves of Iran and Syria. They don't want a stable normal country, because a stable normal country by definition must renounce the unlawful world-labeled terror organization of Hezbollah, and since the FPM cannot survive without Hezbollah, it abides by its diktats regardless of consequence. It is as if Gibran Bassil and his imbeciles have sold the FPM's soul to the devil in exchange for eternal political life. They are cornered into their political rat hole, like Hassan Nasrallah is physically cornered into his hideout.

The call for dialogue - instead of elections - by Alain Aoun, Pierre Raffoul, Simon Abi-Ramia, and their ilk is in fact their fear of the democracy that would automatically reject them. At its founding, the FPM was rich in decent, intellectual, professional members with integrity. Now, with the advent of Gibran Bassil who turned the party's founding principles upside down and hijacked the party from his once-decent father-in-law Michel Aoun, only the vulgar arriviste scum politicians have remained whose obedience to Bassil conjures up the meek compliance of the subordinates of the likes of Stalin, Putin, Assad, and Kim Jong-un. Many decades of struggle for freedom have been wasted; Those who used to be freedom fighters serve now as maids to the wannabe autocrat dictator Bassil. It's happened before: Once they smell power, dictators become addicted to it. Nicaragua's president Daniel Ortega once was the leader of the Sandinista National Liberation Front and fought for decades to remove the dictator Somoza. After his own accession to power, Ortega has become a dictator with his wife as his vice-president and represses any dissent with the same violence that Somoza directed at him. Likewise, the dinosaurs of the FPM were once freedom fighters against Syria and Hezbollah's hijacking of the country, but now they have picked up the scent of corrupting power and are today the castrated eunuch slaves of Syria and Hezbollah.

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