Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

In Pictures and Jest: Lebanon's Ruling Tsar and Consorts





Michel Aoun, the puppet Christian president of Lebanon has undergone a political conversion from a wannabe, but failed, liberator of his country to Lebanon's Grand Dhimmi in servitude to the Syrian dictatorship and the Iranian theocracy. Since he now follows only God's will, he doesn't mind poverty, garbage, corruption, foreign occupation, etc. because it is all in God's hands. Therefore, a do-nothing execution of his presidential powers is backed by a "no comment" or "just say no" policy. The much promised accomplishments of a "strong" president were based on a primitive tribal definition of "strong", which in Aoun's mind consists of being a vengeful obstructionist to any solution to the devastation he has himself brought to his country. His declining mind, unfortunately, has become a dump for Gebran Bassil's nefariously stupid and pedestrian ideas which are behind Aoun's conversion from a Jewish Israeli lover (see Aoun's 2002 interview posted on this site) to a born-again Baathist rejectionist of the purest stinking Syrian vintage. I think I would like to see a "weak" president after Aoun. Just curious to compare and contrast.






Meanwhile, Hassan Nasrallah has developed elbow joint inflammation from shaking his arm, brandishing his fist, and pointing his finger. He just can't stop. Either his orders from Tehran are really cruel, or he's developed an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Thank God he's got a vast reservoir of hatred to drive him and propel his upper limbs' repetitive movements. Thank God also for the sub-standard unregulated Iranian anti-inflammation drugs that have swamped the Lebanese pharmacies in the absence of regulated high-quality drugs whose scarcity is due to a Lebanese state that has been bankrupted by Nasrallah's Quixotic quest to destroy everyone and everything that disagree with him. He's obsessed with Israel. He can't live while Israel is still around, in fact so close to Lebanon that Hassan has also developed a cankerous rash in his mouth. I wouldn't come close to his microphone, what with the diseased times we live in where spit drizzle, no matter how emotional and well-intentioned, can cause severe disease. 


And now, the Crown Prince of the Free Patriotic Movement, one Gebran Bassil whose claim to political position rests on his marriage to the President's daughter, and also on the President's heavy-handed repeated appointments of Bassil to FPM party leadership and ministerial posts where he proved himself a terrible and corrupt loser. Bassil is believed to be the Rasputin of the Aoun family, just as his counterpart of Russian lore served the Romanov imperial family. His advice to Tsar Aoun caused Aoun to undergo the conversion mentioned above, from one of liberating Lebanon from Syria and Iran to one of dhimmitude to Syria and Iran. Where are you modern-time Bolsheviks to rid us of both Gebran Rasputin Bassil and Michel Romanov Aoun? Notice that the rocket he holds in his hand in the picture was a gift from Hezbollah in gratitude for playing the Christian fig leaf to hide the monstrosity of Hezbollah. No one knows what he did with this thing, but one thing is certain: he has an alternative (up his Laqlook palace) to the presidential seat after he loses his bid to it in October. Given the shortages of fuel, he will need a warm contraption to embrace and that rocket will do the trick.

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