Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, May 27, 2022

The America I've Seen

I've had enough of America, its brutality, its primitiveness, its hypocrisy and bigotry, its racism, its superficiality, its mercantilism, its ignorance, its biases, its arrogance, its insidious totalitarianism, and its subjugation to ultra-religious evangelist thinking and extremist right-wing friends (e.g. Zionists) around the world.

I've had it with the so-called liberals and socialists of New England, including former colleagues and friends, whose depth of thinking is the shallowest I've seen. I've met people in the area who think that the only suffering to have ever existed is Anne Frank's ordeal, and that is because Americans are brainwashed into thinking that only they, and perhaps those who hold them hostage, know suffering. You see, Americans are by and large self-centered, solipsistic, ignorant descendants of European peasantry and riff-raff. They see new immigrants coming in who, like their own grandparents, hail from poor working class people and peasants from the boonies of their country, and the "neo-natives" believe that all the people in those countries of origin are like the immigrants, destitute, ignorant, backward-thinking, conservative, and racist to boot. The abysmal American education doesn't teach them history and the universal human condition, and in every aspect of their lives, Americans cannot relate to people from other countries.

It is easy to fool ignorant people. Between Zionist propaganda, the US media and Hollywood, the American public is infantilized, treated like idiots who don't need to be educated or explained anything, and instead of lifting their audiences intellectually with worthy, truthful, factual information, they inject in their spongy brains all kinds of untruths, myths, lies and propaganda. They appeal to people's base feelings, rather than to their thinking minds. 80% of Americans believe in the literality of biblical accounts and other sordid religious texts.

The Uvelda, Texas, mass murderer has seen too many video games whose industry, just like the NRA, says that "people kill people; violent games and guns do not kill people." And stupid as they are, the Americans swallow this shit since it is argued as "constitutional rights". Just as they literally believe in the biblical accounts written some 3,000 years ago, Americans believe that their constitution, written 250 years ago by colonial pedophile slaveholders, promiscuous plantation owners, and greedy industrialists, is akin to "the word of God". Imagine the cesspool of ignorance that, even in 2020, makes half of the American people vote for a dangerous neanderthal mafioso moron named Donald Trump. 

The success of America and Americans was achieved over the backs of indigenous peoples and African slaves, in an open environment where there was no competition. That is why Americans are successful but dumb. They think they succeeded because of their smarts, when the fact is they succeeded because there was little opposition to their raping and pilfering of the country. In fact, Americans love Israelis because of their similar colonialist geneses. But Israelis faced a native Palestinian population that has been fighting them ever since they invaded Palestine. South Africans have succeeded in dislodging the dumb white colonials from power. Palestinians too will succeed in the near future. But America is only at the beginning of a tormented colonial journey that can only end in disaster: By 2050, the white colons will no longer be a majority. They will be the largest minority. And immigrants continue pouring in. Mostly from Latin America, and this proximity of the US to a vast reservoir of poor, disenfranchised, Spanish-speaking refugees will slow down, if not prevent, their integration.

I hope to be alive to watch it happen, unless Steven Spielberg makes another one of his stupid movies about it.

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