Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Fellow Lebanese: Vote for Total Strangers

1988-1990: Lebanese Christian strongmen, Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea, destroy Christian Beirut in an internecine fratricidal war for dominance over Christian leadership. Aoun is against the Taef Agreement, while Geagea supports it. Aoun is against the Syrian occupation, while Geagea tolerates Syria's occupation of Lebanon.

34 years later....

2021-2022: Lebanese Christian strongmen, Michel Aoun's son-in-law Gebran Bassil and Samir Geagea, are still fighting for dominance over Christian leadership. Aoun now supports the Taef Agreement, while Geagea is now against it. Aoun is a puppet of the Syrian regime, while Geagea is against Syria's interference in Lebanese affairs.

Same people, same politicians (or their sons, daughters, wives, brothers, sons-in-law...), same problems, except the politicians have reversed positions on these problems.

Yet, the Lebanese people, educated though they may be, are essentially uncultured, uncivilized, and hold beliefs from the Bronze Age. At least within the Christian population, people are still divided over Aoun and Geagea - imagine, 34 years later - and over who is pro-Syrian and who is anti-Syrian.

Naturally, the huge waves of emigration and the attachment of expatriate Lebanese to their country of origin, provide some relief from the barbarity and backwardness of the resident Lebanese. The resident Lebanese believe more in miracles, saints, fortune tellers and such other charlatans than in modern ideas from science and societies. They are rude, have no idea what waiting in line is, or what a lane on a road is, they drive like aggressive maniacs, and have little respect for their environment, their roads and streets are littered with garbage, their soil and air are heavily polluted...And they continue to vote for the same politicians who were the warlords that killed and destroyed their country 34 years ago.

On the other hand, expatriates and emigrants learn from their new countries how societies are managed and how governments work. They become cultured and civilized (e.g. they wait in line, are courteous with strangers, drive with respect, obey the law, etc.). They become scientifically literate and bring in new ideas from technology, science, governance, and cultural advances in general. They become more sensitive to issues of racism and sexism. They understand the relationship between a clean environment and their physical and economic health....And they represent the only hope left for the country to emerge from the cesspool of religions and sects and tribes and feudal parties. Which is why their vote, if they are allowed to cast their votes in the upcoming legislative elections, is so important.

So the message to the resident Lebanese imbeciles: For once, only once in your lifetime, try to be creative and unpredictable:

VOTE FOR A COMPLETE STRANGER. On the ballot, ignore all names you have heard for decades like Jumblatt, Gemayel, Chamoun, Frangiyeh, Aoun, Bassil, Miqati, Karame, Geagea, Arslane, Mouawad, Hariri, etc... and choose a name you've never heard before, the name of those who might - just might - change how this tormented country is run. 

With the old corrupt political farm families, you know for sure that your miserable lives won't change, your children will continue to emigrate, you'll still have to beg and bribe to get anything done, your businesses will continue to falter....

With a new crop of strangers in parliament, there is a chance that things might begin to change. These strangers hail from a whole range of backgrounds, and many are professionals (teachers, engineers, managers, doctors, researchers, lawyers, etc.). 

DON'T FALL FOR THE LIES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT POLITICIANS. They are incapable and unwilling to change. VOTE FOR COMPLETE STRANGERS, and try them for just 4 years. If these strangers can't turn the country around, you can go back and vote for your favorite dinosaur and neanderthal from the political family farms.

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